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Run, report, and translate with pc_align for multi-processed altimetry
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bpurinton committed Nov 26, 2024
1 parent eedc645 commit 45e3041
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224 changes: 224 additions & 0 deletions asp_plot/
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import logging
import os

import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal, osr

from asp_plot.utils import Raster, glob_file, run_subprocess_command

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Alignment:
def __init__(
# aligned_dem_fn=None,
): = directory

if not os.path.exists(dem_fn):
raise ValueError(f"DEM file not found: {dem_fn}")
self.dem_fn = dem_fn

# if aligned_dem_fn is not None and not os.path.exists(aligned_dem_fn):
# raise ValueError(f"Aligned DEM file not found: {aligned_dem_fn}")
# self.aligned_dem_fn = aligned_dem_fn

# TODO: move all pc_align steps and dem translations to separate class
# call this alignment for different processing levels, with some minimum number
# of required points (a ~500 point parameter).
# Report all translation results to user via a dictionary and printing.
# If translation agrees within some tolerance (a 5% or 10% parameter) in XYZ components,
# apply the translation of the points found closest in time to the DEM.
def pc_align_dem_to_atl06sr(
if atl06sr_csv is None or not os.path.exists(atl06sr_csv):
raise ValueError(
f"\nATL06 filtered CSV file not found: {atl06sr_csv}\nWe need this to run pc_align. It can be created with the to_csv_for_pc_align() function in the Altimetry module.\n"

pc_align_folder = os.path.join(, output_prefix)

f"Running pc_align on {self.dem_fn} and {atl06sr_csv}\nWriting to {pc_align_folder}*"

command = [
"1:lon 2:lat 3:height_above_datum",


def pc_align_report(self, output_prefix="pc_align/pc_align"):
pc_align_log = glob_file(, f"{output_prefix}-log-pc_align*.txt")

with open(pc_align_log, "r") as file:
content = file.readlines()

report = ""
for line in content:
if "Input: error percentile of smallest errors (meters):" in line:
report_line = line.split("[ console ] : ")[1]
report += report_line
if "Input: mean of smallest errors (meters):" in line:
report_line = line.split("[ console ] : ")[1]
report += report_line
if "Output: error percentile of smallest errors (meters):" in line:
report_line = line.split("[ console ] : ")[1]
report += report_line
if "Output: mean of smallest errors (meters):" in line:
report_line = line.split("[ console ] : ")[1]
report += report_line
if "Translation vector (Cartesian, meters):" in line:
report_line = line.split("[ console ] : ")[1]
report += report_line
ecef_shift = np.genfromtxt(
[line.split("Vector3")[1][1:-2]], delimiter=","
report += f"\nECEF shift: {ecef_shift}\n"
if "Translation vector magnitude (meters):" in line:
report_line = line.split("[ console ] : ")[1]
report += report_line

return report

def apply_dem_translation(self, output_prefix="pc_align/pc_align", inv_trans=True):
def get_proj_shift(src_c, src_shift, s_srs, t_srs, inv_trans=True):
if s_srs.IsSame(t_srs):
proj_shift = src_shift
src_c_shift = src_c + src_shift
src2proj = osr.CoordinateTransformation(s_srs, t_srs)
proj_c = np.array(src2proj.TransformPoint(*src_c))
proj_c_shift = np.array(src2proj.TransformPoint(*src_c_shift))
if inv_trans:
proj_shift = proj_c - proj_c_shift
proj_shift = proj_c_shift - proj_c
# Reduce unnecessary precision
proj_shift = np.around(proj_shift, 3)
return proj_shift

pc_align_log = glob_file(, f"{output_prefix}-log-pc_align*.txt")

src = Raster(self.dem_fn)
src_a = src.read_array()
src_ndv = src.get_ndv()

# Need to extract from log to know how to compute translation
# if ref is csv and src is dem, want to transform source_center + shift
# if ref is dem and src is csv, want to inverse transform ref by shift applied at (source_center - shift)

llz_c = None
with open(pc_align_log, "r") as file:
content = file.readlines()

for line in content:
if "Centroid of source points (Cartesian, meters):" in line:
ecef_c = np.genfromtxt([line.split("Vector3")[1][1:-2]], delimiter=",")
if "Centroid of source points (lat,lon,z):" in line:
llz_c = np.genfromtxt([line.split("Vector3")[1][1:-2]], delimiter=",")
if "Translation vector (Cartesian, meters):" in line:
ecef_shift = np.genfromtxt(
[line.split("Vector3")[1][1:-2]], delimiter=","
if "Translation vector (lat,lon,z):" in line:
llz_shift = np.genfromtxt(
[line.split("Vector3")[1][1:-2]], delimiter=","

if llz_c is None:
raise ValueError(
f"\nLog file does not contain necessary translation information: {pc_align_log}\n"

# Reorder lat,lon,z to lon,lat,z (x,y,z)
i = [1, 0, 2]
llz_c = llz_c[i]
llz_shift = llz_shift[i]

ecef_srs = osr.SpatialReference()

s_srs = ecef_srs
src_c = ecef_c
src_shift = ecef_shift

# Determine shift in original dataset coords
t_srs = osr.SpatialReference()
proj_shift = get_proj_shift(src_c, src_shift, s_srs, t_srs, inv_trans)

aligned_dem_fn = self.dem_fn.replace(".tif", "_pc_align_translated.tif")
print(f"\nWriting out: {aligned_dem_fn}\n")

dst_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff").CreateCopy(
aligned_dem_fn, gdal.Open(self.dem_fn), strict=0, options=gdal_opt
# Apply vertical shift
dst_b = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
dst_b.WriteArray(np.around((src_a + proj_shift[2]).filled(src_ndv), decimals=3))

dst_gt = list(dst_ds.GetGeoTransform())
# Apply horizontal shift directly to geotransform
dst_gt[0] += proj_shift[0]
dst_gt[3] += proj_shift[1]
dst_ds = None

return aligned_dem_fn

# DEPRECATED: Very slow, better to use apply_dem_translation().
# def generate_translated_dem(self, pc_align_output, dem_out_fn):
# """
# Very slow, better to use apply_dem_translation().
# """
# if not os.path.exists(pc_align_output):
# raise ValueError(
# f"\npc_align output not found: {pc_align_output}\n\nWe need this to generate the translated DEM.\n"
# )

# rast = Raster(self.dem_fn)
# gsd = rast.get_gsd()
# epsg = rast.get_epsg_code()

# command = [
# "point2dem",
# "--tr",
# str(gsd),
# "--t_srs",
# f"EPSG:{epsg}",
# "--nodata-value",
# str(-9999),
# "-o",
# dem_out_fn,
# pc_align_output,
# ]

# run_subprocess_command(command)

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