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Note All the commands in this file are run in a command shell. We've therefore excluded the traditional $ prompt on all lines to make copy-paste a bit easier.

The basics - Setup ROS Melodic and clone frc_control

1. Install ROS Melodic. See the wiki for more details

a) Add ROS to the apt sources list:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key 421C365BD9FF1F717815A3895523BAEEB01FA116

b) Install ROS

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-full

c) Initialize rosdep

sudo rosdep init
rosdep update

d) Source the ROS environment

echo "source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

2. Install catkin_tools

We recommend using catkin_tools rather than catkin_make, as it makes switching between native and cross compilation easier. The instructions and scripts discussed below are all for catkin_tools.

sudo apt install python-catkin-tools

3. Create a workspace, for example ~/robot_workspace/

mkdir -p ~/robot_workspace/src
cd ~/robot_workspace
catkin init

4. Clone the repository from GitHub into <workspace>/src/

cd ~/robot_workspace/src
git clone

Setup cross-compilation

This is a tricky procedure, and these instructions aren't guaranteed to work forever. However, the general procedure will largely remain the same. See the ROS wiki for more information.

1. Download and extract the latest WPILib release

Download the latest Linux release from the WPILib GitHub (At the time of writing, the latest is 2019.2.1). Extract the archive to ~/frc2019.


mkdir ~/frc2019
tar xzf WPILib_Linux-2019.2.1.tar.gz -C ~/frc2019
rm WPILib_Linux-2019.2.1.tar.gz

2. Create a workspace for ROS source

mkdir ~/ros_arm_cross_ws
cd ~/ros_arm_cross_ws

3. Select the packages to install

This list of packages may change as time goes on. Right now, the standard robot set of packages contains many unneeded packages and adds a lot of unnecessary dependencies. Once development of this project proceeds further, we can further customize this as required. In fact, we might consider only installing the dependencies of frc_control with no additional packages. This does mean that teams who wish to run their whole ROS stack on the RIO (Instead of the recommended config; frc_control on the RIO, everything else on other machines) will be required to either manually install their extra dependencies, or clone them into their workspace. Needs some consideration.

sudo apt install python-rosinstall-generator python-wstool
rosinstall_generator robot ros_control ros_controllers --exclude rqt_joint_trajectory_controller gazebo_ros --rosdistro melodic --deps --wet-only --tar > melodic-roborio-wet.rosinstall
wstool init -j8 src melodic-roborio-wet.rosinstall

4. Manually resolve dependencies

When possible, we install ipks that NI has distributed for the RoboRIO. If these aren't available, we instead compile libraries from source. Note: The order of installation is important, as some of these packages are dependent on eachother

cd ~/robot_workspace/src/frc_control

5. Un-Source ROS

In order to successfully cross-compile ROS, we must use a fresh shell that doesn't have a ROS environment sourced. You can do this manually by commenting out source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash from your ~/.bashrc, opening a new terminal, performing the installation steps required, and restoring that line once you are complete. Or, you can use the following script:

cd ~/robot_workspace/src/frc_control
source scripts/installation/unsource_ros.bash

6. Build ROS with the FRC toolchain

cd ~/ros_arm_cross_ws
rm -rf ~/frc2019/roborio/arm-frc2019-linux-gnueabi/opt/ros/melodic devel_isolated build_isolated
./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install --install-space ~/frc2019/roborio/arm-frc2019-linux-gnueabi/opt/ros/melodic -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=~/robot_workspace/src/frc_control/rostoolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$HOME/frc2019/roborio/arm-frc2019-linux-gnueabi/usr/share/cmake/Modules -DCATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING=0

Configuring and compiling frc_control

1. Run the installer script to set up catkin profiles for native and cross compilation

cd ~/robot_workspace
./src/frc_control/scripts/installation/setup_catkin.bash .

2. To perform a native compilation:

catkin build --profile native

3. To perform a cross compilation:

catkin build --profile cross

4. Enable 3rd party libraries

frc_control has built-in support for the most common 3rd party libraries; CTRE Toolsuite, Kauai Labs, and Mindsensors. However, since we know not all teams will be using all of these libraries, they are all disabled by default. To download and enable these libraries, use the script.

cd ~/robot_workspace/src/frc_control/scripts/installation
./ --all

Setting up the roboRIO

1. Image the roboRIO

Follow the standard instructions to flash the roboRIO with the roboRIO Imaging Tool Instructions here. Note that this requires a Windows PC and access to the NI FRC Update Suite.

2. Install ROS

Use the script to upload and install ROS on the RIO. You must specify the team number.

cd ~/robot_workspace/src/frc_control/scripts
./ 1234

3. Deploy user code

Use the script to upload and install your user code to the RIO. You must specify the team number. You should also specify the launch file to be run on bootup - By default, this is frc_robot_hw bringup.launch, but you may customize it to whatever launch file is appropriate for your system.

cd ~/robot_workspace/src/frc_control/scripts
./ 1234 frc_robot_hw bringup.launch