Loop studio is one agency I really admire because of the incredible range of awesome projects in their portfolio. So I decided to make a minimal rebuild of the about page of the wesbite you can find here👉 Loop studio about page. My focus was on the interaction you see when you hover on any employee name.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- TailwindCSS
- Vanilla JavaScript
I spent a lot of time getting each image to be centered on the mouse position on mouseenter and mousemove. I was focused on solving this entirely with JavaScript, ignoring the possibility that CSS might be the fix. I finally decided to go through my process from scratch and found the issue to be CSS related. Using transform: translate(-50%, -50%) was the solution I'd been searching for. You can never be fully confident in your abilites in CSS right?😆 Below is a markup(tailwind incl.) of the typical image card👇
<div class="opacity-0 duration-150 js-imgContainer fixed top-1/2 left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 scale-150 w-[16rem] h-[20rem] overflow-hidden">
<img src="./images/male-employees/8.jpg" alt="Portrait of Adalbert Agler" class="absolute top-0 left-0 object-cover">
- LinkedIn - Uzochukwu Victor Okafor
- Twitter - @uzoway_
Credits to unsplash for all the employees images I used. And also to Loop studio for the logo.