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How to add a Hilla view to a Vaadin application
Learn how to create, name, and organize views in Hilla. This guide covers routing conventions, directory structures, route aliases, and best practices for defining explicit routes.

Hilla Views

In this guide, you’ll learn how to create and name views in Hilla, assign multiple routes to a single view, and organize views into view directories. To reinforce your learning, a hands-on mini-tutorial at the end helps you apply these concepts in a real Vaadin application.

Creating Views

Hilla views are React components that are returned by the default exported function defined in a TSX file:

export default function HelloView() {
    return <h1>Hello, World!</h1>;

The default way for creating routes for views in Hilla is based on the file system structure. The route for a view is determined based on:

  1. where the respective file for a view is located, relative to the src/main/frontend/views directory, and

  2. how the respective file for a view is named.

For example, if the hello.tsx file is located directly under src/main/frontend/views, then the route for HelloView component (default export from this file) is /hello, which means the file name hello.tsx excluding the .tsx. If the application is running from the root context, users would be able to access this view by navigating to Moreover, moving this file under src/main/frontend/views/greeting directory changes the route to /greeting/hello, so the users can access this view by navigating to

Likewise, naming the view file as hello-world.tsx or HelloWorld.tsx results in the route /hello-world or /HelloWorld.

To avoid repeating the src/main/frontend/views throughout this guide, views is used as an alias to refer to this directory.

If a view is supposed to target the root route, the file should be named as @index.tsx and located directly under the views directory:

export default function HomeView() {
    return <h1>Home</h1>;

Then, the route for the above component is /, and if the application is running from the root context, users can access this view by navigating to

View Naming

React only recognizes an exported function as a component if the function name starts with an uppercase letter. For example, the following component is recognized as a valid React component:

export default function CustomersView() {
    return <h1>Customers</h1>;

Defining the function name as customersView or customerList does not result in a compile or runtime error, but is not recognized as a React component either.

The routing uses the React component’s name for creating the default automatic title for the view. For example, the title for the CustomersView component is Customers, and the title for the HelloWorldView component is Hello World. This automatically-determined title is used when creating the navigation menu based on utilities from the routing API.

Another important convention to consider while naming the views and directories is to use the _ (underscore) character at the beginning of the file or directory name to instruct the routing system to ignore it. For example, a file named as _AddressFormComponent.tsx is ignored when creating routes for views. This is useful for creating utility files and reusable components that are not intended to be available as navigation targets.

The details about the automatic title and the navigation menu are covered in more detail in the Navigate to a View guide.

Route Aliases

In Hilla, there is no shortcut for creating multiple routes that target the same view. However, you can create a new view file that exports a component returning the target component. You can place this alias component in any directory to create desired route alias. For example, the following view targets the root route (/):

export default function RootView() {
    return <h1>Home</h1>;

Now to have the same view accessible via /home and /main, you can create two additional view files:

export default function HomeView() {
    return RootView();


export default function MainView() {
    return RootView();

Directory Structure

As mentioned earlier, the file system structure determines the route for a view. Therefore, organizing views into directories helps maintain a clear structure for views and routes.

Simple views that consist of only one file can be placed directly under the views directory. For example, "About", "Contact Us", and the "Home" view do not need a complex composition of components, nor should have a long route, so it is a good practice to place them directly under the views directory:

└── main
    └── frontend
        └── views
            ├── @index.tsx
            ├── about.tsx
            └── contact-us.tsx

This way, the routes for these views are /, /about, and /contact-us, respectively.

However, for more complex views that consist of other components, or if they should accept route parameters, it is recommended to place all the files related to that view under a directory, named by the functionality they provide. For example, views related to customers can be grouped under a customers directory, and views related to products under a products directory. The following is an example of a directory structure for view files that handle the customer related functionalities:

└── main
    └── frontend
        └── views
            └── customers
                ├── {id} (1)
                │   ├── edit.tsx (2)
                │   └── index.tsx (3)
                ├── @index.tsx (4)
                └── new.tsx (5)
  1. The {id} directory is a placeholder for the route parameter. You will learn more about route parameters in the Navigate to a View guide.

  2. The edit.tsx file is responsible for editing a specified customer details. The route for this view is /customers/:id/edit.

  3. The @index.tsx file is responsible for displaying the details of a specified customer. The route for this view is /customers/:id.

  4. The index.tsx file is responsible for displaying the list of customers. The route for this view is /customers.

  5. The new.tsx file is responsible for adding a new customer. The route for this view is /customers/new.

As this guide focuses on basics of creating views in Hilla, further details about routing conventions are covered in the Routing guide.

Defining Explicit Routes

So far, you have learned how to create views and how routes are automatically resolved based on the file system structure and file name. However, if you want to have a custom route for a view, you can export a ViewConfig object named config from the view file. The path specified for the route overrides the automatically-resolved path according to the routing conventions. For example, the following view has a custom route /custom-route:

import { ViewConfig } from "@vaadin/hilla-file-router/types.js";

export const config: ViewConfig = {
  route: "/custom-route",

export default function HelloView() {
    return <h1>Hello, World!</h1>;

Now, users can access this view by navigating to

Avoid using explicit routes unless absolutely necessary. The routing system is designed to automatically resolve the routes based on the file system structure and the file name, which helps to keep the routes consistent and predictable.

Try It

In this mini-tutorial, you’ll explore both automatically resolved routes and explicit routes. You’ll also create a new, simple view and specify multiple routes for it.

Create a New View

First, generate a walking skeleton with a Hilla UI, open it in your IDE, and run it.

Modify the Todo View

You’ll start by changing the path of the TodoView to todo. The TodoView is stored in the file @index.tsx that is located directly under the views directory. To change its route to /todo, you can pick either of the following approaches:

  • Option 1: Create a new directory named todo and move the file into it. In this case the directory structure would look like this:

├── todo
│   └── @index.tsx
├── @layout.tsx
└── _ErrorHandler.ts
  • Option 2: Rename the file to todo.tsx. In this case the directory structure would look like this:

├── @layout.tsx
├── _ErrorHandler.ts
└── todo.tsx

Create a Main View

Next, you’ll create a new main view. In the views directory, create a new file called @index.tsx:

export default function MainView() {
    return <h1>Main View</h1>;

The path for this view is automatically resolved to /, and users can access it by navigating to

Add a Route Alias

Now, add another view file that exports a component that returns the MainView component. In the views directory, create a new file named home.tsx:

export default function HomeView() {
    return MainView();

The path for this view is automatically resolved to /home, and users can access it by navigating to This way, the same view is accessible via / and /home.

Final Thoughts

Now you’ve explored how to define and organize Hilla views in a Vaadin application. You’ve learned how to:

  • Use both automatically resolved and explicit routes to structure your application’s navigation.

  • Create a main view and apply best practices for naming and organizing views.

  • Define multiple routes for a single view, making navigation more flexible.

Next, refer to the Navigate to a View guide to learn how to navigate from one view to another.