A rewrite of event management system.
The app fetches a list of events from a DB and displays them in a tabbed list by categories and status. User can manage events list with following stories:
- view events by category
- add event
- remove event
- edit event properties
- change event status
- add category to an event (copy to another category)
- see that an event has expired
- see that an event is expiring soon
- EVENTS LIST - main view where we can see all elements and trigger events
- EVENT EDITING MODAL - form where user edits the details of new and existing events
- CategoriesList
- SuperHighlightEventCard
- HighlightEventCard
- CandidateEventCard
- EventControlPanel (Promote, Edit, Copy, Delete)
- EditEventModal (TextInput, DateInput, SelectIput, RadioButton)
- Notifications (inform user about DB operations)
- NextJS app
- PrimeReact component library
- Zeit Now deployment
- MongoDB
App communicates with DB to handle the following actions: [x] Get events list [x] Add new event [x] Delete existing event [x] Edit existing event
The events
lambda in pages/api
handles all the requests from UI. It then validates the requests and makes calls to the methods exposed by databaseService that handle communication with the database.
The app uses FaunaDB service. The credentials are passed as environment variables (see example file). Those variables are stored in Zeit Now project and can be downloaded into local file with now env pull
Each environment uses it's own collection.