To define a route you just need to define a path and a component
$router.route("/", Welcome);
We can also setup named views
$router.route("/", {
default: Welcome,
sideNav: SideNav,
Sometimes its needed to add additional functionality to our routes, we can add metadata
$router.route("/admin/dashboard", AdminDashboard).setMeta({
requiresAuth: true,
$router.route("/", Welcome).setAlias("home");
$router.redirect("/", "/welcome");
$router.route("*", ErrorPages.Error404);
Routes are given a default name based on their path.
$route.prefix("admin").group(() => {
$router.route("/", Dashboard);
$router.route("/users", Users);
The Dashboard route would have its route be admin
and the Users route would be admin.users
You can override them :
$route.prefix("admin").group(() => {
$router.route("/", Dashboard).setName("admin.dashboard");
$router.route("/users", Users);
Router groups allow you to nest your routes with prefixes, middleware, layouts, and areas.
You can prefix a group by using the prefix
$router.prefix("/docs").group(() => {
$router.route(":version?/:page?", Docs).setName("docs");
Layouts are useful to use the same layout for a specific area of the application. For instance each of Varie's documentation pages have the same layout, but the rest of the site has a different layout.
.group(() => {
$router.route(":version?/:page?", Docs).setName("docs");
// Or you can set it per route!
$router.prefix("/docs").group(() => {
$router.route(":version?/:page?", Docs);
$router.route("admin", AdminDocs).setLayout("admin");
Areas make it so components can be grouped under a parent.
.group(() => {
$router.route(":version?/:page?", Docs).setName("docs");
Sometimes you need to add some data to a group so it has access to that data.
$router .data({ subNavText : "Welcome Back!" }) .group(() => { $router.route(":version?/:page?", Docs).setName("docs"); });
You then can access that data in the component inside the meta.
let subNavText = this.$;
You can attach middleware to specific routes by attaching them on the group
.group(() => {
$router.route(":version?/:page?", Docs).setName("docs");
Run $ varie make route-middleware
, which will create a new file for you to use
You should register your middleware inside the router/middleware/index
file so you can use
them inside your routes file.