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56 lines (43 loc) · 2.18 KB

File metadata and controls

56 lines (43 loc) · 2.18 KB



Feature: Quickly apply previously selected status

  • auto memoize/cache/store/persist the previously used status
  • command to quickly re-apply last status
  • ability to toggle between no marker and last used marker
    • for now, you can use a combination of Cycle bullet/checkbox; Toggle bullet list; and the checkbox quick-menu
  • test dynamically changing the set of custom statuses and having commands for each one.
    • this would allow direct access to set a keyboard shortcut to a single item, also using the command pallette
    • -- this is unsafe and not part of the public API it seems.

Commands and Hotkeys

  • implement individual command for each type of custom checkbox accent
    • this would allow users to directly apply a custom accent through either a hotkey or command palette.

Multiple Line Selection Features

Feature: Ignore certain content blocks

Scenario: Selection includes a Code Block
  GIVEN a user has selected multiple lines of text
  WHEN a code block is part of that selection
  THEN don't add check box markers to any lines of the code block

Scenario: Selection includes a Single Line Obsidian Comment
  GIVEN a user has selected multiple lines of text
  AND some of those lines are single-line comments
  WHEN a custom task status is applied
  THEN don't modify any of the single-line comments

Scenario: Selection includes a Multi-Line Obsidian Comment
  GIVEN a user has selected multiple lines of text
  AND some of those lines are multi-line comments
  WHEN a custom task status is applied
  THEN don't modify any lines of the comments

Scenario: start of selection intersects with a multi-line comment block
Scenario: end of selection intersects with a multi-line comment block
Scenario: start of selection intersects with a code block
Scenario: end of selection intersects with a code block
Scenario: start of selection intersects with a callout block
Scenario: end of selection intersects with a callout block

Release Workflow

git tag -a 1.1.0 -m "1.1.0"
git push origin 1.1.0
gh release create "1.1.0" --title="1.1.0" --draft main.js manifest.json styles.css