This project is to develop an Instagram-like app with three services: frontend, restapi-feed & restapi-user. These services are decoupled in term of developement and deployment by adopting docker & kubenertes technologies.
: built with Ionic framework with simple UI as below.restapi-feed
: handle feed data (caption and image) input by user.restapi-user
: handle user authentication and
: AWS RDS Postgres & AWS S3.
Udagram Overview
As experienced with version conflict issues, it's worth noting the softwares' version that work with setup files within this repo.
- OS:
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- docker:
- docker-compose:
- kubeone:
- kubectl:
- terraform:
- npm:
- node:
- aws-cli:
- Create an AWS RDS instance with Postgres & S3 to store user and feed data. S3 permission requires additional CORS configuration setup as below.
RDS & S3 setup
Prepare below evironment variables and save at
export POSTGRESS_USERNAME=''; export POSTGRESS_PASSWORD=''; export POSTGRESS_DB=''; export POSTGRESS_HOST=''; export AWS_REGION=''; export AWS_PROFILE=''; export AWS_BUCKET=''; export JWT_SECRET='';
From project directory, run below commands step by step. To enhance devops capability, the script
will handle all steps. Simply runsh deloyment/docker/
.cd deployment/docker # Build images sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yaml build --parallel # Push images to docker hub sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yaml push # Run docker containers (reverseproxy, restapi-user, restapi-feed & frontend) # Argument -E helps to grab evironment variables described above into containers source ~/.profile sudo -E docker-compose up
Validate the result via web browser at localhost:8100 and Postman at port 8080 to test API functionalities (see the GIF images below).
Docker run on local machine
Functionalities test
Setup kubernetes cluster with KubeOne by following quickstart and ssh documents.
# Enable ssh agent, ensure the pair key are generated in advance if not available eval `ssh-agent` ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa # Establish AWS infrastructure with terraform # Prepare terraform.tfvars with respective cluster info including cluster_name, region, ssh_public_key path & instance size cd deployment/k8s/infrastructure terraform init terraform plan terraform apply --auto-approve terraform output -json > tf.json # Install the kubenertes cluster # Prepare create config.yaml describe kubernetes version & cloud provider # udagram-kubeconfig file will be generated as kubernetes config file for kubectl command usage later kubeone install config.yaml --tfjson kubectl --kubeconfig=udagram-kubeconfig #Alternative way is to save the config content to ~/.kube/config
In case cluster removal required, follow below steps
cd deployment/k8s/infrastructure kubeone reset config.yaml --tfjson terraform.tfstate terraform destroy
Setup the proper container images, environment configmap and secret (AWS & Postgres credential).
All variables are packed within evironment configmap and secret. With secret configuration, variables are passed under base64 encoded format to less expose sensitive data. Below commands describes how it can simply achieved.
# Get AWS credential path in base64 format for aws-secret.yml echo -n "`cat ~/.aws/credentials`"|base64 # Get env-secret variable in base64 format for env-secret.yml echo -n POSTGRESS_USERNAME|base64 echo -n POSTGRESS_PASSWORD|base64 # Decode echo -n text_to_decode|base64 --decode
Run below commands to deploy application to kubernetes cluster step by step. To enhance devops capability, the script
will handle all steps. Simply runsh deloyment/k8s/
.# Appy evironment secrets and variables kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/aws-secret.yaml kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/env-configmap.yaml kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/env-secret.yaml # Apply config for all services kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/backend-feed-service.yaml kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/backend-user-service.yaml kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/reverseproxy-service.yaml kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/frontend-service.yaml # Apply config for deployments kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/backend-feed-deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/backend-user-deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/reverseproxy-deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/frontend-deployment.yaml # Run port-forward to test the web UI and API functionalies locally via web browser/postman kubectl port-forward service/frontend 8100:8100 kubectl port-forward service/reverseproxy 8080:8080
Below screenshot shows our application has been successfully deployed to the kubernetes cluster.
Kubernetes on live
- Assume that we have new restapi-feed version, with kubernetes the deployment has never been easier with no downtime. Look below GIF image, the new container created, then terminate the old one and finally replace all with all containers in new version.
Kubernetes rolling update
- Assume that we have a new features
on frontend service, and it is considered to run in parallel with current one for A/B testing. It can be archived easily within Kubernetes by running the following.git checkout -b frontend_trial sudo docker-compose -f deployment/docker/ build --parallel sudo docker-compose -f deployment/docker/ push kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/frontend-deployment-trial.yaml
- Below screenshot showing the 2 versions are running simultaneously within our Kubernetes cluster.
Kubernetes multi-version deployed
- Follow the a details instruction by AWS here to enable centralize logging capability.
- Run below commands to deploy fluentd to the Kubernetes cluster
# Deploy fluentd for cloudwatch monitor kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/cloudwatch-namespace.yaml kubectl create configmap cluster-info --from-literal=logs.region=us-east-1 -n amazon-cloudwatch --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f - # Check if the pod under amazon-cloudwatch deployed properly kubectl get pods -n amazon-cloudwatch
- As this service will write log to LogGroup within Cloudwatch, the IAM configuration of permission for the the role may required. Run
kubectl logs pod_name -n amazon-cloudwatch|grep error
to deep diving the issue if logs are not available. Below screenshot shows successful log record to Cloudwatch ussing fluentd.Cloudwatch
Install Travis from market place and link to project
Prepare the CI/CD plan within
file in the root of project -
Configure environment variables
Travis environment variables
Once committed, travis will push the new docker images to docker hub, and apply the changes to defined kubernetes cluster.
Travis build result