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Setting up your IDE

José Fernández edited this page Jan 7, 2021 · 22 revisions

A brief description of the preferred IDE and the configuration and extra packages that need to be download to make working with Gingerspec/Selenium/Cucumber much easier.

Recommended IDE

There are many different IDE's to work specifically with Java projects. We recommend the use of "Intellij IDEA". You can download the IDE for your operating system using this link. If this is your first time using this IDE, you strongly suggest you take a look at the official documentation here.

Assuming you have already created a GingerSpec based project by following the instruction in the getting started section, you can proceed to import your project to Intellij as described here


For working with Cucumber, we recommend the installation of the following plugins in Intellij

These plugins will make it much easier to work with Feature files in Intellij, as well as providing code suggestions, step completion, and some other useful tools. Check the documentation on managing plugins for more information on how to install them