- Update dependency, revamp implementation by removing non relevant features & adding new features
- Implement Gopay tokenization
- Implement API subscription
- Add function Idempotency Key, override notification, append Notification
- Make new unit test using minitest
- Create example core api and snap using Sinatra framework
- API client methods will now raise
when getting unexpected API response. You may need to update your error handling.
- Change URI.escape to ERB::Util.url_encode (support ruby 3.0)
- Add refund, deny, and test_token methods (Thank to @christianmkuss)
- Remove logging of server key
- Update assertion message value
- Add alias method create_snap_redirect_url
- add redirect_url accessor in SnapResult
- Improve some wordings and examples in README.md
- Change default endpoint to *.midtrans.com
- Fix broken links to documentation
- Add support for Rails 5.1
- Add Rails examples (Thanks to Adam Pahlevi)
- More complete rdoc commects
- Add items to vtweb example
- Update year in example app
- Log error message for failed requests
- Add Veritrans::Testing for testing API
- Update create snap token endpoint
- Create alias Midtrans = Veritrans
- Allow use ENV variables in config
- Add support for rails 5
- Add Snap API and example
- Add support to create multiple instance of client
- Increase timeout to 120 seconds
- Fix network exception handling
- Add missing require 'logger'
- Add validation for payment_id argument
- Improve VT-Web example
- Add example for recurring (1 clck / 2 click)
- Add example for Indonesian validation messages
- Add Credit Card Points example
- Deploy example in heroku
- Show warning when can not find section in veritrans.yml
- Test with different versions of rails
- Implement expire api call
- Fix broken links
- Add feature to add default http options, via Veritrans.config.http_options
- Start writing documentation in RDoc format
- Fix confusing json format, we don't have it anymore.
- Add testing for rails generator
- Disable logging in sample form generated by plugin
- Complete rewrite from version 1.* to support new API version