do(pool, aIn, vIn, aOut, vOut)
stake: do(pool, 10, 10, 0, 0) asymmStake: do(pool, 0, 10, 0, 0) stake&Swap: do(pool, 10, 10, 0, 5) swap: do(pool, 10, 0, 0, 10) withdraw: do(pool, 0, 0, 10, 10) asymmWithdraw: do(pool, 0, 0, 0, 20) partialAsymmWithdraw: do(pool, 0, 0, 5, 15) partialWithdraw: do(pool, 0, 0, 5, 5)
function do(address pool, uint assetIn, uint vetherIn, uint assetOut, uint vetherOut) public { // Firstly add liquidity _addLiquidity(pool, assetIn, vetherIn);
// Then get staking units
uint _stakerUnits = mapAsset_ExchangeData[asset].stakerUnits[msg.sender];
uint _total = mapAsset_ExchangeData[_asset].poolUnits;
// Check that total claim doesn't exceed ownership
require(assetOut.add(vetherOut) <= _stakerUnits.mul(2), "Must be less than double");
// Remove assets from each side
uint outputAsset = _removeLiquidityForSide(getUnits(assetOut, _stakerUnits));
uint outputVether = _removeLiquidityForSide(getUnits(vetherOut, _stakerUnits));
// Get latest balances
uint _balanceVETH = mapAsset_ExchangeData[_asset].balanceVETH;
uint _balanceAsset = mapAsset_ExchangeData[_asset].balanceAsset;
if(vetherOut > _stakerUnits) { // Process asymm withdrawal
// Get amount of asset to swap
uint assetToSwap = getShare(_stakerUnits.sub(assetOut), _total, _balanceAsset)
// Swap to vether
_swapAssetToVETH(pool, assetToSwap)
} else if (assetOut > _stakerUnits) {
// get amount of vether
uint vetherToSwap = getShare(_stakerUnits.sub(vetherOut), _total, _balanceVETH)
// swap to asset
_swapVetherToAsset(pool, vetherToSwap)
function getUnits(uint inputUnits, uint stakerUnits) public returns (uint units){
if(inputUnits = stakerUnits){
return inputUnits
} else {
return inputUnits.mod(stakerUnits)
function removeLiquidityAsymmetric(address asset, uint unitsVether, uint unitsAsset) public returns (bool success){
uint _stakerUnits = mapAsset_ExchangeData[asset].stakerUnits[msg.sender]
uint _total = mapAsset_ExchangeData[_asset].poolUnits;
uint _balanceVETH = mapAsset_ExchangeData[_asset].balanceVETH;
uint _balanceAsset = mapAsset_ExchangeData[_asset].balanceAsset;
uint _outputVETH; uint _outputAsset;
_outputVETH = getAsymmetricShare(_stakerUnits, _total, _balanceVETH);
_outputAsset = 0;
} else {
_outputVETH = 0;
_outputAsset = getAsymmetricShare(_stakerUnits, _total, _balanceAsset);
_handleTransferOut(asset, _outputVETH, _outputAsset, msg.sender)
return true;