Tail service ingests data to Big Query with Load/Copy or Query API.
Tail service is a google storage triggered cloud function that:
- Matches incoming data files with specified ingestion rules
- Batches matched incoming data files
- Submit BigQuery Load Job for matched async batch tasks triggered by the dispatch service
- Run post actions (on success or failure) for matched post BigQuery Job actions triggered by the dispatch service
- Post actions
- BigQuery (copy/query/export)
- Storage (move/delete)
- Slack (notify)
- Pubsub (publish)
- HTTP API (call)
Configuration is defined as config.go
Configuration options:
- JournalURL: active/past job journal URL
- ErrorURL: - errors location
- AsyncTaskURL: transient storage location for managing async batches and BigQuery job post actions
- SyncTaskURL: transient storage location for managing batch load job in sync mode.
- RulesURL: base URL where each rule is JSON or YAML file with one or more rule
- CorruptedFileURL: url for corrupted files
- InvalidSchemaURLL: url for incompatible schema files
- TriggerBucket - trigger bucket
- ActiveLoadJobURL: currently running data ingestion jobs URL
- DoneLoadJobURL: past data ingestion jobs URL
- SlackCredentials
Note: To reduce Storage Class A operations cost: cache file is used for config files: delete cache file alongside adding a new rule.
Individual rules are defined in JSON or YAML format. The following is example of asynchronous batched data ingestion:
Prefix: "/data/folder"
Suffix: ".json"
Async: true
DurationInSec: 90
Table: mydataset.mytable
- Action: delete
- Action: move
DestURL: gs://e2e-data/errors
"When": {
"Prefix": "/data/folder",
"Suffix": ".json"
"Async": true,
"Batch": {
"Window": {
"DurationInSec": 90
"Dest": {
"Table": "mydataset.mytable"
"OnSuccess": [
"Action": "delete"
"OnFailure": [
"Action": "move",
"Request": {
"DestURL": "gs://e2e-data/errors"
Individual rule can has the following attributes:
- Async: asynchronous mode flag, always set to true to use async mode which is cost effect and robust.
- Dest: data destination with transformation rules
- When defines matching filter
- Prefix: path prefix or
- Suffix: path suffix or
- Filter: path regexp
- Exclusion: path regexp
You can use the following RegExpr snippet to test Filter/Exclusion expr
package main
import (
func main() {
//URL := "gs://xxx_bqtail/XXXX/bqtail/partner/dv_hashes_20201224.csv"
URLPath := `/XXXX/bqtail/partner/dv_hashes_20201224.csv`
// a regular expression
regex := regexp.MustCompile(`\/XXXX\/bqtail\/partner\/([^\.|^\s]+)`)
fmt.Printf("regex: '%v'\n", regex)
matches := regex.FindStringSubmatch(URLPath)
for i, v := range matches {
fmt.Printf("match %2d: '%s'\n", i, v)
URLPath = `/XXXX/bqtail/partner/dv_hashes_20201224 (4).csv`
matches = regex.FindStringSubmatch(URLPath)
for i, v := range matches {
fmt.Printf("match %2d: '%s'\n", i, v)
- MaxReload: maximum load attemps, where each attempt excludes reported corrupted locations (15 default)
- Batch: specified batch window, when specifying window make sure that number of batches never exceed 1K per day.
- OnSuccess: actions to run when job completed without errors
- OnFailure: actions to run when job completed with errors
Post actions can use predefined Cloud Service operation.
- Batch.Group.OnDone - list of action to execute after the batch group get completed.
- Batch.Group.DurationMs - maximum duration of the group (optional)
Dest supports the following attributes:
Besides you can also specify any attribute from bigquery.JobConfigurationLoad load job configuration contract. For example:
Table: myproject:mydataset.myTable
AllowJaggedRows: true
AllowQuotedNewlines: true
Destination table uses the following syntax: [projectID]:datasetId.tableId
The following dynamic expression is supported:
- $Mod(x), where x is a number, modulo is based datafile created unix time, i,e: mydataset.mytable_$Mod(4)
- $Date, where data is based on datafile created time, i.e.: mydataset.mytable_$Mod(40)_$Date
To derive table name from source path you can use pattern to define regular expression groups referenced by $X expression, X is the pattern occurrence sequence.
You can use the following RegExpr syntax.
For example the following pattern: "data/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})/.+", extracts 3 groups with $1, $2, and $3 respectively.
With table defined as "proj:dataset:table_$1$2$3" and source URL "gs://bucket/data/2019/02/04/logs_xxx.avro" the specified table expands to: "proj:dataset:table_20190204"
Note In case of using batching, grouping is performed on the dest table (including dynamic parameter) and folder structure. Extracting parameter from file name is implemented only for the first file from the batch, unless this extracted parameter is part of the dest table name.
For example the following rule will enrich dest table with pid and xid value extracted from path. Since ingestion batch group files by folder and destination table. Each batch is guarantee to have shared $PID, but xid would be evaluated from the first file in the batch.
DurationInSec: 120
Table: myproj:data.feed_$Date
Dataset: temp
Template: myproj:data.feed_tmpl
Pattern: /xxxx/v1/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})/f_(\d+)_([a-zA-Z0-9-.]+)
- Name: Date
Expression: $1-$2-$3
- Name: PID
Expression: $4
- Name: XID
Expression: $5
pid: $PID
xid: $XID
- Parameters name pattern substitution parameters
The following rule shows example of 3 parameters scraped from URL
Prefix: "/data/case${parentIndex}/"
Suffix: ".json"
Table: bqtail.dummy_v${parentIndex}_$MyTableSufix
Pattern: /data/case(\d+)/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})/
- Name: MyTableSufix
Expression: $2$3$4
- Name: MyDate
Expression: $2-$3-$4
- Name: CaseNo
Expression: '$1'
Dataset: temp
date: DATE('$MyDate')
use_case: "'$CaseNo'"
- Action: delete
AllowFieldAddition: flag to enable automatic failed addition,
- For JSON source format, bqtail detect and patched template and dest table
- For AVRO/PARQUET format: bqtail set the following Load job options:
- Dest.SchemaUpdateOptions: ["ALLOW_FIELD_ADDITION", "ALLOW_FIELD_RELAXATION"] Override dest table override flag (append by default)
Partition dest table partition.
Schema defines dest table schema
- Template: destination table template, when specified destination table will be created if it does not exists
- Autodetect: flag to autodetect schema during load
- Split: dynamic destination split rules based on data content
Expiry: optional destination table expiry expression like: 1min, 2hours, 3months, 1 year etc ... Note that this option would expire/remove a table once expiry is passed, expiry is calculated based on ingestion process start. For example if your batch window is 2 min, and expiry is less, load job may fail, since dest table would expiry before batch start.
For example:
Table: myproject:mydataset.myTable
Expiry: 1hour
When transient option is used data is load to transient table in transient dataset and project. The transient table name is formed from destination table suffixed by event ID, which makes is always unique. Note that load jobs NEVER count against destination table quota. In addition with project Balancer option bqtail is never not a subject to 100K jobs per day quota.
Once if data is successfully loaded, it is copied to destination table (in append mode by default). At this point it is possible to apply various data transformation with UniqueColumns, Transform expressions or Split options. If rule does not specify any transformation option bqtail use BigQuery CopyJob to transfer data from temp table to destination, otherwise QueryJob with destination table is used. You can control this behavior with CopyMethod option.
Transient transient settings (for dedicated ingesting project settings)
Dataset transient dataset. (It is recommended to always used transient dataset)
ProjectID transient project
Balancer multi projects balancer settings
Template transient table template
Criteria optional criteria added where coping data from temp to dest without Split option
CopyMethod control transient to dest table data copy with one of the following
- COPY (BigQueryCopyJob),
- QUERY (BigQueryQueryJob with SELECT FROM and destination table)
- DML(BigQueryQueryJob with INSERT AS SELECT DML)
When transformation options is used or transient template has extra column that not exists in destination you can only used Query or DML CopyMethod (Query is default).
UniqueColumns deduplication unique columns
Transform map of dest table column with transformation expression
SideInputs transformation left join tables.
For daily data ingestion you can use the following rule to override individual partition at a time.
"When": {
"Prefix": "/data/",
"Suffix": ".csv"
"Async": true,
"Dest": {
"Override": true,
"Table": "myproject:mydataset.mytable",
"Partition": "$Date",
"Transient": {"Dataset": "temp"},
"SkipLeadingRows": 1,
"MaxBadRecords": 3,
"FieldDelimiter": ",",
"IgnoreUnknownValues": true
"OnSuccess": [
"Action": "delete"
"OnFailure": [
"Action": "notify",
"Request": {
"Channels": [
"Title": "Failed to load $Source to ${gcp.ProjectID}:test.dummy",
"Message": "$Error"
In case destination table does not exists you can specify schema source table with schema.template attribute.
"When": {
"Prefix": "/data/folder",
"Suffix": ".json"
"Dest": {
"Table": "mydataset.mytable",
"Schema": {
"Template": "mydataset.template_table"
When ingesting data, from one or many datafiles, some entries may be corrupted impacting data quality. To add extra data quality check you can use transient dataset. In this case data is moved to destination table only if temp table data ingestion was successful.
Additional benefits of transient transfer is using dedicated transient project for ingestion only, where BqDispatch only get ingestion notification. Finally separating transinet and final destination project allows you to better control various BigQuery limits lik 1K load jobs per table or 100K load jobs per project.
Temp table is constructed from destination table suffixed by event ID.
The following configuration specify transient dataset. @config/transient.json
"When": {
"Prefix": "/data/folder",
"Suffix": ".json"
"Dest": {
"Table": "mydataset.mytable",
"Transient": {"Dataset": "temp"}
"OnSuccess": [
"Action": "delete"
When using transient table you can specify unique columns to deduplicate data while moving to destination table.
"Async": true,
"When": {
"Prefix": "/data/folder",
"Suffix": ".json"
"Dest": {
"Table": "mydataset.mytable",
"Transient": {"Dataset": "temp"},
"UniqueColumns": [
"Batch": {
"Window": {
"DurationInSec": 80
"OnSuccess": [
"Action": "delete"
To dynamically rule data based on source data values you can use the following rule.
"When": {
"Prefix": "/data/case013",
"Suffix": ".json"
"Async": true,
"Dest": {
"Table": "bqtail.dummy",
"Transient": {"Dataset": "temp"},
"Schema": {
"Template": "bqtail.dummy",
"Split": {
"ClusterColumns": [
"Mapping": [
"When": "MOD(id, 2) = 0",
"Then": "bqtail.dummy_0"
"When": "MOD(id, 2) = 1",
"Then": "bqtail.dummy_1"
"When": {
"Prefix": "/data/case009",
"Suffix": ".json"
"Async": true,
"Dest": {
"Table": "bqtail.dummy",
"Transient": {"Dataset": "temp"},
"Transform": {
"event_type": "et.name"
"SideInputs": [
"Table": "bqtail.event_types",
"Alias": "et",
"On": "t.type_id = et.id"
"OnSuccess": [
"Action": "delete"
See Generic Deployment automation and post deployment testing