diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7cc512e0e2..9ef3ebe285 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ The vibe.d project is structured into multiple repositories:
- `vibe-d` (this repository): The high level web and REST framework, HTTP, STMP and Redis/MongoDB functionality
- [`vibe-stream`](https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe-stream): Advanced stream types and TLS stream support
+- [`vibe-inet`](https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe-inet): Internet standard functionality (URL, form encoding, HTML encoding, ...)
- [`vibe-core`](https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe-core): Fiber based I/O and concurrency implementation
- [`vibe-serialization`](https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe-serialization): Serialization and structured data format support
- [`vibe-container`](https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe-container): Container implementations used throughout the project
diff --git a/crypto/dub.sdl b/crypto/dub.sdl
index 332ad57614..ea7c1c001e 100644
--- a/crypto/dub.sdl
+++ b/crypto/dub.sdl
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
name "crypto"
description "Cryptographic helper routines"
-targetType "library"
-dependency "vibe-core" version=">=2.8.1 <3.0.0-0"
-dependency "mir-linux-kernel" version="~>1.0.0" platform="linux"
-sourcePaths "."
-importPaths "."
-libs "advapi32" platform="windows"
+dependency "vibe-inet:crypto" version=">=1.0.0-rc.1 <2.0.0-0"
+targetType "none"
diff --git a/crypto/vibe/crypto/cryptorand.d b/crypto/vibe/crypto/cryptorand.d
deleted file mode 100755
index 1adde11617..0000000000
--- a/crypto/vibe/crypto/cryptorand.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,615 +0,0 @@
- Implements cryptographically secure random number generators.
- Copyright: © 2013 Sönke Ludwig
- License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
- Authors: Ilya Shipunov
-module vibe.crypto.cryptorand;
-import std.conv : text;
-import std.digest.sha;
-import vibe.core.stream;
-/** Creates a cryptographically secure random number generator.
- Note that the returned RNG will operate in a non-blocking mode, which means
- that if no sufficient entropy has been generated, new random numbers will be
- generated from previous state.
-RandomNumberStream secureRNG()
-@safe {
- static SystemRNG m_rng;
- if (!m_rng) m_rng = new SystemRNG;
- return m_rng;
- Base interface for all cryptographically secure RNGs.
-interface RandomNumberStream : InputStream {
- /**
- Fills the buffer new random numbers.
- Params:
- dst = The buffer that will be filled with random numbers.
- It will contain buffer.length random ubytes.
- Supportes both heap-based and stack-based arrays.
- mode = The desired waiting mode for IO operations.
- Throws:
- CryptoException on error.
- */
- override size_t read(scope ubyte[] dst, IOMode mode) @safe;
- alias read = InputStream.read;
- enum bool LinuxMaybeHasGetrandom = __traits(compiles, {import mir.linux._asm.unistd : NR_getrandom;});
- enum bool LinuxMaybeHasGetrandom = false;
-static if (LinuxMaybeHasGetrandom)
- // getrandom was introduced in Linux 3.17
- private enum GET_RANDOM {
- }
- private __gshared GET_RANDOM hasGetRandom = GET_RANDOM.UNINITIALIZED;
- private import core.sys.posix.sys.utsname : utsname;
- // druntime might not be properly annotated
- private extern(C) int uname(scope utsname* __name) @nogc nothrow;
- // checks whether the Linux kernel supports getRandom by looking at the
- // reported version
- private bool initHasGetRandom() @nogc @trusted nothrow
- {
- import core.stdc.string : strtok;
- import core.stdc.stdlib : atoi;
- utsname uts;
- uname(&uts);
- char* p = uts.release.ptr;
- // poor man's version check
- auto token = strtok(p, ".");
- int major = atoi(token);
- if (major > 3) return true;
- if (major == 3)
- {
- token = strtok(p, ".");
- if (atoi(token) >= 17) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- private extern(C) int syscall(size_t ident, size_t n, size_t arg1, size_t arg2) @nogc nothrow;
-version (CRuntime_Bionic)
- version = secure_arc4random;//ChaCha20
-version (OSX)
- version = secure_arc4random;//AES
-version (OpenBSD)
- version = secure_arc4random;//ChaCha20
-version (NetBSD)
- version = secure_arc4random;//ChaCha20
-version (secure_arc4random)
-extern(C) @nogc nothrow private @system
- void arc4random_buf(scope void* buf, size_t nbytes);
- Operating system specific cryptography secure random number generator.
- It uses the "CryptGenRandom" function for Windows; the "arc4random_buf"
- function (not based on RC4 but on a modern and cryptographically secure
- cipher) for macOS/OpenBSD/NetBSD; the "getrandom" syscall for Linux 3.17
- and later; and "/dev/urandom" for other Posix platforms.
- It's recommended to combine the output use additional processing generated random numbers
- via provided functions for systems where security matters.
- Remarks:
- Windows "CryptGenRandom" RNG has known security vulnerabilities on
- Windows 2000 and Windows XP (assuming the attacker has control of the
- machine). Fixed for Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Windows Vista.
- See_Also: $(LINK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CryptGenRandom)
-final class SystemRNG : RandomNumberStream {
- import std.exception;
- version(Windows)
- {
- //cryptographic service provider
- private HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv;
- }
- else version(secure_arc4random)
- {
- //Using arc4random does not involve any extra fields.
- }
- else version(Posix)
- {
- import core.stdc.errno : errno, EINTR;
- //cryptographic file descriptor
- private int m_fd = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- static assert(0, "OS is not supported");
- }
- /**
- Creates new system random generator
- */
- this()
- @trusted {
- version(Windows)
- {
- //init cryptographic service provider
- enforce!CryptoException(CryptAcquireContext(&this.hCryptProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT) != 0,
- text("Cannot init SystemRNG: Error id is ", GetLastError()));
- }
- else version(secure_arc4random)
- {
- //arc4random requires no setup or cleanup.
- }
- else version(Posix)
- {
- import core.sys.posix.fcntl : open, O_RDONLY;
- version (linux) static if (LinuxMaybeHasGetrandom)
- {
- import core.atomic : atomicLoad, atomicStore;
- GET_RANDOM p = atomicLoad(*cast(const shared GET_RANDOM*) &hasGetRandom);
- {
- p = initHasGetRandom() ? GET_RANDOM.AVAILABLE
- // Benign race condition.
- atomicStore(*cast(shared GET_RANDOM*) &hasGetRandom, p);
- }
- return;
- }
- //open file
- m_fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
- enforce!CryptoException(m_fd != -1, "Failed to open /dev/urandom");
- }
- }
- ~this()
- @trusted {
- version(Windows)
- {
- CryptReleaseContext(this.hCryptProv, 0);
- }
- else version (secure_arc4random)
- {
- //arc4random requires no setup or cleanup.
- }
- else version (Posix)
- {
- import core.sys.posix.unistd : close;
- version (linux) static if (LinuxMaybeHasGetrandom)
- {
- if (m_fd == -1) return;
- }
- close(m_fd);
- }
- }
- @property bool empty() { return false; }
- @property ulong leastSize() { return ulong.max; }
- @property bool dataAvailableForRead() { return true; }
- const(ubyte)[] peek() { return null; }
- size_t read(scope ubyte[] buffer, IOMode mode) @trusted
- in
- {
- assert(buffer.length, "buffer length must be larger than 0");
- assert(buffer.length <= uint.max, "buffer length must be smaller or equal uint.max");
- }
- do
- {
- version (Windows)
- {
- if(0 == CryptGenRandom(this.hCryptProv, cast(DWORD)buffer.length, buffer.ptr))
- {
- throw new CryptoException(text("Cannot get next random number: Error id is ", GetLastError()));
- }
- }
- else version (secure_arc4random)
- {
- arc4random_buf(buffer.ptr, buffer.length);//Cannot fail.
- }
- else version (Posix)
- {
- version (linux) static if (LinuxMaybeHasGetrandom)
- {
- if (hasGetRandom == GET_RANDOM.AVAILABLE)
- {
- /*
- http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/getrandom.2.html
- If the urandom source has been initialized, reads of up to 256 bytes
- will always return as many bytes as requested and will not be
- interrupted by signals. No such guarantees apply for larger buffer
- sizes.
- */
- import mir.linux._asm.unistd : NR_getrandom;
- size_t len = buffer.length;
- size_t ptr = cast(size_t) buffer.ptr;
- while (len > 0)
- {
- auto res = syscall(NR_getrandom, ptr, len, 0);
- if (res >= 0)
- {
- len -= res;
- ptr += res;
- }
- else if (errno != EINTR)
- {
- throw new CryptoException(
- text("Failed to read next random number: ", errno));
- }
- }
- return buffer.length;
- }
- }
- import core.sys.posix.unistd : _read = read;
- enforce!CryptoException(_read(m_fd, buffer.ptr, buffer.length) == buffer.length,
- text("Failed to read next random number: ", errno));
- }
- return buffer.length;
- }
- alias read = RandomNumberStream.read;
-//test heap-based arrays
- import std.algorithm;
- import std.range;
- //number random bytes in the buffer
- enum uint bufferSize = 20;
- //number of iteration counts
- enum iterationCount = 10;
- auto rng = new SystemRNG();
- //holds the random number
- ubyte[] rand = new ubyte[bufferSize];
- //holds the previous random number after the creation of the next one
- ubyte[] prevRadn = new ubyte[bufferSize];
- //create the next random number
- rng.read(prevRadn);
- assert(!equal(prevRadn, take(repeat(0), bufferSize)), "it's almost unbelievable - all random bytes is zero");
- //take "iterationCount" arrays with random bytes
- foreach(i; 0..iterationCount)
- {
- //create the next random number
- rng.read(rand);
- assert(!equal(rand, take(repeat(0), bufferSize)), "it's almost unbelievable - all random bytes is zero");
- assert(!equal(rand, prevRadn), "it's almost unbelievable - current and previous random bytes are equal");
- //copy current random bytes for next iteration
- prevRadn[] = rand[];
- }
-//test stack-based arrays
- import std.algorithm;
- import std.range;
- import std.array;
- //number random bytes in the buffer
- enum uint bufferSize = 20;
- //number of iteration counts
- enum iterationCount = 10;
- //array that contains only zeros
- ubyte[bufferSize] zeroArray;
- zeroArray[] = take(repeat(cast(ubyte)0), bufferSize).array()[];
- auto rng = new SystemRNG();
- //holds the random number
- ubyte[bufferSize] rand;
- //holds the previous random number after the creation of the next one
- ubyte[bufferSize] prevRadn;
- //create the next random number
- rng.read(prevRadn);
- assert(prevRadn != zeroArray, "it's almost unbelievable - all random bytes is zero");
- //take "iterationCount" arrays with random bytes
- foreach(i; 0..iterationCount)
- {
- //create the next random number
- rng.read(rand);
- assert(prevRadn != zeroArray, "it's almost unbelievable - all random bytes is zero");
- assert(rand != prevRadn, "it's almost unbelievable - current and previous random bytes are equal");
- //copy current random bytes for next iteration
- prevRadn[] = rand[];
- }
- Hash-based cryptographically secure random number mixer.
- This RNG uses a hash function to mix a specific amount of random bytes from the input RNG.
- Use only cryptographically secure hash functions like SHA-512, Whirlpool or SHA-256, but not MD5.
- Params:
- Hash: The hash function used, for example SHA1
- factor: Determines how many times the hash digest length of input data
- is used as input to the hash function. Increase factor value if you
- need more security because it increases entropy level or decrease
- the factor value if you need more speed.
-final class HashMixerRNG(Hash, uint factor) : RandomNumberStream
- if(isDigest!Hash)
- static assert(factor, "factor must be larger than 0");
- //random number generator
- SystemRNG rng;
- /**
- Creates new hash-based mixer random generator.
- */
- this()
- {
- //create random number generator
- this.rng = new SystemRNG();
- }
- @property bool empty() { return false; }
- @property ulong leastSize() { return ulong.max; }
- @property bool dataAvailableForRead() { return true; }
- const(ubyte)[] peek() { return null; }
- size_t read(scope ubyte[] buffer, IOMode mode)
- in
- {
- assert(buffer.length, "buffer length must be larger than 0");
- assert(buffer.length <= uint.max, "buffer length must be smaller or equal uint.max");
- }
- do
- {
- auto len = buffer.length;
- //use stack to allocate internal buffer
- ubyte[factor * digestLength!Hash] internalBuffer = void;
- //init internal buffer
- this.rng.read(internalBuffer);
- //create new random number on stack
- ubyte[digestLength!Hash] randomNumber = digest!Hash(internalBuffer);
- //allows to fill buffers longer than hash digest length
- while(buffer.length > digestLength!Hash)
- {
- //fill the buffer's beginning
- buffer[0..digestLength!Hash] = randomNumber[0..$];
- //receive the buffer's end
- buffer = buffer[digestLength!Hash..$];
- //re-init internal buffer
- this.rng.read(internalBuffer);
- //create next random number
- randomNumber = digest!Hash(internalBuffer);
- }
- //fill the buffer's end
- buffer[0..$] = randomNumber[0..buffer.length];
- return len;
- }
- alias read = RandomNumberStream.read;
-/// A SHA-1 based mixing RNG. Alias for HashMixerRNG!(SHA1, 5).
-alias SHA1HashMixerRNG = HashMixerRNG!(SHA1, 5);
-//test heap-based arrays
- import std.algorithm;
- import std.range;
- import std.typetuple;
- import std.digest.md;
- //number of iteration counts
- enum iterationCount = 10;
- enum uint factor = 5;
- //tested hash functions
- foreach(Hash; TypeTuple!(SHA1, MD5))
- {
- //test for different number random bytes in the buffer from 10 to 80 inclusive
- foreach(bufferSize; iota(10, 81))
- {
- auto rng = new HashMixerRNG!(Hash, factor)();
- //holds the random number
- ubyte[] rand = new ubyte[bufferSize];
- //holds the previous random number after the creation of the next one
- ubyte[] prevRadn = new ubyte[bufferSize];
- //create the next random number
- rng.read(prevRadn);
- assert(!equal(prevRadn, take(repeat(0), bufferSize)), "it's almost unbelievable - all random bytes is zero");
- //take "iterationCount" arrays with random bytes
- foreach(i; 0..iterationCount)
- {
- //create the next random number
- rng.read(rand);
- assert(!equal(rand, take(repeat(0), bufferSize)), "it's almost unbelievable - all random bytes is zero");
- assert(!equal(rand, prevRadn), "it's almost unbelievable - current and previous random bytes are equal");
- //make sure that we have different random bytes in different hash digests
- if(bufferSize > digestLength!Hash)
- {
- //begin and end of random number array
- ubyte[] begin = rand[0..digestLength!Hash];
- ubyte[] end = rand[digestLength!Hash..$];
- //compare all nearby hash digests
- while(end.length >= digestLength!Hash)
- {
- assert(!equal(begin, end[0..digestLength!Hash]), "it's almost unbelievable - random bytes in different hash digests are equal");
- //go to the next hash digests
- begin = end[0..digestLength!Hash];
- end = end[digestLength!Hash..$];
- }
- }
- //copy current random bytes for next iteration
- prevRadn[] = rand[];
- }
- }
- }
-//test stack-based arrays
- import std.algorithm;
- import std.range;
- import std.array;
- import std.typetuple;
- import std.digest.md;
- //number of iteration counts
- enum iterationCount = 10;
- enum uint factor = 5;
- //tested hash functions
- foreach(Hash; TypeTuple!(SHA1, MD5))
- {
- //test for different number random bytes in the buffer
- foreach(bufferSize; TypeTuple!(10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80))
- {
- //array that contains only zeros
- ubyte[bufferSize] zeroArray;
- zeroArray[] = take(repeat(cast(ubyte)0), bufferSize).array()[];
- auto rng = new HashMixerRNG!(Hash, factor)();
- //holds the random number
- ubyte[bufferSize] rand;
- //holds the previous random number after the creation of the next one
- ubyte[bufferSize] prevRadn;
- //create the next random number
- rng.read(prevRadn);
- assert(prevRadn != zeroArray, "it's almost unbelievable - all random bytes is zero");
- //take "iterationCount" arrays with random bytes
- foreach(i; 0..iterationCount)
- {
- //create the next random number
- rng.read(rand);
- assert(prevRadn != zeroArray, "it's almost unbelievable - all random bytes is zero");
- assert(rand != prevRadn, "it's almost unbelievable - current and previous random bytes are equal");
- //make sure that we have different random bytes in different hash digests
- static if(bufferSize > digestLength!Hash)
- {
- //begin and end of random number array
- ubyte[] begin = rand[0..digestLength!Hash];
- ubyte[] end = rand[digestLength!Hash..$];
- //compare all nearby hash digests
- while(end.length >= digestLength!Hash)
- {
- assert(!equal(begin, end[0..digestLength!Hash]), "it's almost unbelievable - random bytes in different hash digests are equal");
- //go to the next hash digests
- begin = end[0..digestLength!Hash];
- end = end[digestLength!Hash..$];
- }
- }
- //copy current random bytes for next iteration
- prevRadn[] = rand[];
- }
- }
- }
- Thrown when an error occurs during random number generation.
-class CryptoException : Exception
- this(string msg, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null) @safe pure nothrow
- {
- super(msg, file, line, next);
- }
- import core.sys.windows.windows;
- private extern(Windows) nothrow
- {
- alias HCRYPTPROV = size_t;
- enum LPCTSTR NULL = cast(LPCTSTR)0;
- BOOL CryptAcquireContextA(HCRYPTPROV *phProv, LPCTSTR pszContainer, LPCTSTR pszProvider, DWORD dwProvType, DWORD dwFlags);
- alias CryptAcquireContext = CryptAcquireContextA;
- BOOL CryptReleaseContext(HCRYPTPROV hProv, DWORD dwFlags);
- BOOL CryptGenRandom(HCRYPTPROV hProv, DWORD dwLen, BYTE *pbBuffer);
- }
diff --git a/inet/dub.sdl b/inet/dub.sdl
index 5e4064c8b5..e8b7b0120f 100644
--- a/inet/dub.sdl
+++ b/inet/dub.sdl
@@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
name "inet"
description "Internet standard functionality"
-targetType "library"
-dependency "vibe-core" version=">=2.8.1 <3.0.0-0"
-dependency "vibe-d:data" version="*"
-dependency "vibe-d:stream" version="*"
-dependency "vibe-d:textfilter" version="*"
-sourcePaths "."
-importPaths "."
+dependency "vibe-inet" version=">=1.0.0-rc.1 <2.0.0-0"
+targetType "none"
diff --git a/inet/vibe/inet/message.d b/inet/vibe/inet/message.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca912770d..0000000000
--- a/inet/vibe/inet/message.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
- Internet message handling according to RFC822/RFC5322
- Copyright: © 2012-2014 Sönke Ludwig
- License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
- Authors: Sönke Ludwig
-module vibe.inet.message;
-import vibe.core.log;
-import vibe.core.stream;
-import vibe.stream.operations;
-import vibe.container.internal.appender;
-import vibe.container.internal.utilallocator;
-import vibe.container.dictionarylist;
-import vibe.internal.string;
-import std.conv;
-import std.datetime;
-import std.exception;
-import std.range;
-import std.string;
- Parses an internet header according to RFC5322 (with RFC822 compatibility).
- Params:
- input = Input stream from which the header is parsed
- dst = Destination map to write into
- max_line_length = The maximum allowed length of a single line
- alloc = Custom allocator to use for allocating strings
- rfc822_compatible = Flag indicating that duplicate fields should be merged using a comma
-void parseRFC5322Header(InputStream)(InputStream input, ref InetHeaderMap dst, size_t max_line_length = 1000)
- if (isInputStream!InputStream)
- parseRFC5322Header(input, dst, max_line_length, vibeThreadAllocator());
-/// ditto
-void parseRFC5322Header(InputStream, Allocator)(InputStream input, ref InetHeaderMap dst, size_t max_line_length, Allocator alloc, bool rfc822_compatible = true)
- if (isInputStream!InputStream)
- string hdr, hdrvalue;
- void addPreviousHeader() {
- if (!hdr.length) return;
- if (rfc822_compatible) {
- if (auto pv = hdr in dst) {
- *pv ~= "," ~ hdrvalue; // RFC822 legacy support
- } else {
- dst[hdr] = hdrvalue;
- }
- } else dst.addField(hdr, hdrvalue);
- }
- string readStringLine() @safe {
- auto ret = input.readLine(max_line_length, "\n", alloc);
- if (ret.length && ret[$-1] == '\r') ret = ret[0..$-1];
- return () @trusted { return cast(string)ret; } ();
- }
- string ln;
- while ((ln = readStringLine()).length > 0) {
- if (ln[0] != ' ' && ln[0] != '\t') {
- addPreviousHeader();
- auto colonpos = ln.indexOf(':');
- enforce(colonpos >= 0, "Header is missing ':'.");
- enforce(colonpos > 0, "Header name is empty.");
- hdr = ln[0..colonpos].stripA();
- hdrvalue = ln[colonpos+1..$].stripA();
- } else {
- hdrvalue ~= " " ~ ln.stripA();
- }
- }
- addPreviousHeader();
-unittest { // test usual, empty and multiline header
- import vibe.stream.memory;
- ubyte[] hdr = cast(ubyte[])"A: a \r\nB: \r\nC:\r\n\tc\r\n\r\n".dup;
- InetHeaderMap map;
- parseRFC5322Header(createMemoryStream(hdr), map);
- assert(map.length == 3);
- assert(map["A"] == "a");
- assert(map["B"] == "");
- assert(map["C"] == " c");
-unittest { // fail for empty header names
- import std.exception;
- import vibe.stream.memory;
- auto hdr = cast(ubyte[])": test\r\n\r\n".dup;
- InetHeaderMap map;
- assertThrown(parseRFC5322Header(createMemoryStream(hdr), map));
-unittest { // tolerant line separator header parser - see: https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec19.html#sec19.3
- import std.exception;
- import vibe.stream.memory;
- auto hdr = cast(ubyte[])"a: test\r\nb: foo\nc: bar\n\nbody".dup;
- InetHeaderMap map;
- parseRFC5322Header(createMemoryStream(hdr), map);
- assert(map.length == 3);
- assert(map["a"] == "test");
- assert(map["b"] == "foo");
- assert(map["c"] == "bar");
-private immutable monthStrings = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
- Writes an RFC-822/5322 date string to the given output range.
-void writeRFC822DateString(R)(ref R dst, SysTime time)
- writeRFC822DateString(dst, cast(Date)time);
-/// ditto
-void writeRFC822DateString(R)(ref R dst, Date date)
- static immutable dayStrings = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"];
- dst.put(dayStrings[date.dayOfWeek]);
- dst.put(", ");
- writeDecimal2(dst, date.day);
- dst.put(' ');
- dst.put(monthStrings[date.month-1]);
- dst.put(' ');
- writeDecimal(dst, date.year);
- Writes an RFC-822 time string to the given output range.
-void writeRFC822TimeString(R)(ref R dst, SysTime time)
- writeRFC822TimeString(dst, cast(TimeOfDay)time, getRFC822TimeZoneOffset(time));
-/// ditto
-void writeRFC822TimeString(R)(ref R dst, TimeOfDay time, int tz_offset)
- writeDecimal2(dst, time.hour);
- dst.put(':');
- writeDecimal2(dst, time.minute);
- dst.put(':');
- writeDecimal2(dst, time.second);
- if (tz_offset == 0) dst.put(" GMT");
- else {
- dst.put(' ');
- dst.put(tz_offset >= 0 ? '+' : '-');
- if (tz_offset < 0) tz_offset = -tz_offset;
- writeDecimal2(dst, tz_offset / 60);
- writeDecimal2(dst, tz_offset % 60);
- }
- Writes an RFC-822 date+time string to the given output range.
-void writeRFC822DateTimeString(R)(ref R dst, SysTime time)
- writeRFC822DateTimeString(dst, cast(DateTime)time, getRFC822TimeZoneOffset(time));
-/// ditto
-void writeRFC822DateTimeString(R)(ref R dst, DateTime time, int tz_offset)
- writeRFC822DateString(dst, time.date);
- dst.put(' ');
- writeRFC822TimeString(dst, time.timeOfDay, tz_offset);
- Returns the RFC-822 time string representation of the given time.
-string toRFC822TimeString(SysTime time)
-@trusted {
- auto ret = new FixedAppender!(string, 14);
- writeRFC822TimeString(ret, time);
- return ret.data;
- Returns the RFC-822/5322 date string representation of the given time.
-string toRFC822DateString(SysTime time)
-@trusted {
- auto ret = new FixedAppender!(string, 16);
- writeRFC822DateString(ret, time);
- return ret.data;
- Returns the RFC-822 date+time string representation of the given time.
-string toRFC822DateTimeString(SysTime time)
-@trusted {
- auto ret = new FixedAppender!(string, 31);
- writeRFC822DateTimeString(ret, time);
- return ret.data;
- Returns the offset of the given time from UTC in minutes.
-int getRFC822TimeZoneOffset(SysTime time)
-@safe {
- return cast(int)time.utcOffset.total!"minutes";
-/// Parses a date+time string according to RFC-822/5322.
-alias parseRFC822DateTimeString = parseRFC822DateTime;
-unittest {
- import std.typecons;
- auto times = [
- tuple("Wed, 02 Oct 2002 08:00:00 GMT", SysTime(DateTime(2002, 10, 02, 8, 0, 0), UTC())),
- tuple("Wed, 02 Oct 2002 08:00:00 +0200", SysTime(DateTime(2002, 10, 02, 8, 0, 0), new immutable SimpleTimeZone(120.minutes))),
- tuple("Wed, 02 Oct 2002 08:00:00 -0130", SysTime(DateTime(2002, 10, 02, 8, 0, 0), new immutable SimpleTimeZone(-90.minutes)))
- ];
- foreach (t; times) {
- auto st = parseRFC822DateTimeString(t[0]);
- auto ts = toRFC822DateTimeString(t[1]);
- assert(st == t[1], "Parse error: "~t[0]);
- assert(parseRFC822DateTimeString(ts) == t[1], "Stringify error: "~ts);
- }
- Decodes a string in encoded-word form.
- See_Also: $(LINK http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2047#section-2)
-string decodeEncodedWords()(string encoded)
- import std.array;
- Appender!string dst;
- () @trusted {
- dst = appender!string();
- decodeEncodedWords(dst, encoded);
- } ();
- return dst.data;
-/// ditto
-void decodeEncodedWords(R)(ref R dst, string encoded)
- import std.base64;
- import std.encoding;
- while(!encoded.empty){
- auto idx = encoded.indexOf("=?");
- if( idx >= 0 ){
- auto end = encoded.indexOf("?=");
- enforce(end > idx);
- dst.put(encoded[0 .. idx]);
- auto code = encoded[idx+2 .. end];
- encoded = encoded[end+2 .. $];
- idx = code.indexOf('?');
- auto cs = code[0 .. idx];
- auto enc = code[idx+1];
- auto data = code[idx+3 .. $];
- const(ubyte)[] textenc;
- switch(enc){
- default: textenc = cast(ubyte[])data; break;
- case 'B': textenc = Base64.decode(data); break;
- case 'Q': textenc = QuotedPrintable.decode(data, true); break;
- }
- switch(cs){
- default: dst.put(sanitize(cast(string)textenc)); break;
- case "UTF-8": dst.put(cast(string)textenc); break;
- case "ISO-8859-15": // hack...
- case "ISO-8859-1":
- string tmp;
- transcode(cast(Latin1String)textenc, tmp);
- dst.put(tmp);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- dst.put(encoded);
- break;
- }
- }
- Decodes a From/To header value as it appears in emails.
-void decodeEmailAddressHeader(string header, out string name, out string address)
-@safe {
- import std.utf;
- scope(failure) logDebug("emailbase %s", header);
- header = decodeEncodedWords(header);
- scope(failure) logDebug("emaildec %s", header);
- if( header[$-1] == '>' ){
- auto sidx = header.lastIndexOf('<');
- enforce(sidx >= 0);
- address = header[sidx+1 .. $-1];
- header = header[0 .. sidx].strip();
- if( header[0] == '"' ){
- name = header[1 .. $-1];
- } else {
- name = header.strip();
- }
- } else {
- name = header;
- address = header;
- }
- validate(name);
- Decodes a message body according to the specified content transfer
- encoding ("Content-Transfer-Encoding" header).
- The result is returned as a UTF-8 string.
-string decodeMessage(in ubyte[] message_body, string content_transfer_encoding)
-@safe {
- import std.algorithm;
- import std.base64;
- import std.encoding : sanitize;
- const(ubyte)[] msg = message_body;
- immutable(ubyte)[] msgdec;
- switch (content_transfer_encoding) {
- default:
- msgdec = msg.idup;
- break;
- case "quoted-printable":
- msgdec = QuotedPrintable.decode(cast(const(char)[])msg);
- break;
- case "base64":
- try msgdec = Base64.decode(msg);
- catch(Exception e){
- auto dst = appender!(immutable(ubyte)[])();
- try {
- auto dec = Base64.decoder(filter!(ch => ch != '\r' && ch != '\n')(msg));
- while( !dec.empty ){
- dst.put(dec.front);
- dec.popFront();
- }
- } catch(Exception e){
- dst.put(cast(const(ubyte)[])"\r\n-------\r\nDECODING ERROR: ");
- dst.put(cast(const(ubyte)[])() @trusted { return e.toString(); } ());
- }
- msgdec = dst.data();
- }
- break;
- }
- // TODO: do character encoding etc.
- return () @trusted { return sanitize(cast(string)msgdec); } ();
- Behaves similar to string[string] but case does not matter for the key, the insertion order is not
- changed and multiple values per key are supported.
- This kind of map is used for MIME headers (e.g. for HTTP), where the case of the key strings
- does not matter. Note that the map can contain fields with the same key multiple times if
- addField is used for insertion. Insertion order is preserved.
- Note that despite case not being relevant for matching keyse, iterating over the map will yield
- the original case of the key that was put in.
-alias InetHeaderMap = DictionaryList!(string, false, 12);
- Performs quoted-printable decoding.
-struct QuotedPrintable {
- static immutable(ubyte)[] decode(in char[] input, bool in_header = false)
- @safe {
- auto ret = appender!(immutable(ubyte)[])();
- for( size_t i = 0; i < input.length; i++ ){
- if( input[i] == '=' ){
- import std.utf : UTFException;
- if (input.length - i <= 2) throw new UTFException("");
- auto code = input[i+1 .. i+3];
- i += 2;
- if( code != cast(const(ubyte)[])"\r\n" )
- ret.put(code.parse!ubyte(16));
- } else if( in_header && input[i] == '_') ret.put(' ');
- else ret.put(input[i]);
- }
- return ret.data();
- }
- assert(QuotedPrintable.decode("abc") == "abc");
- assert(QuotedPrintable.decode("a=3Cc") == "a 0 ){
- digits[i++] = n % 10;
- n /= 10;
- }
- // write out the digits in reverse order
- while( i > 0 ) dst.put(cast(char)(digits[--i] + '0'));
diff --git a/inet/vibe/inet/mimetypes.d b/inet/vibe/inet/mimetypes.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c6084818f..0000000000
--- a/inet/vibe/inet/mimetypes.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,754 +0,0 @@
- Maps file name extensions to standard mime types.
- Copyright: © 2012 Sönke Ludwig
- License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
- Authors: Sönke Ludwig
-module vibe.inet.mimetypes;
-import std.path;
-import std.string;
- Returns the standard mime type for the extension of the specified file name.
- Any unknown file extension will map to "application/octet-stream".
-string getMimeTypeForFile(string filename)
- @safe pure
- string ext = extension(filename);
- if( ext.length == 0 ) return "application/octet-stream";
- assert(ext[0] == '.');
- switch (toLower(ext[1 .. $])) {
- default: return "application/octet-stream";
- case "ez": return "application/andrew-inset";
- case "aw": return "application/applixware";
- case "atom": return "application/atom+xml";
- case "atomcat": return "application/atomcat+xml";
- case "atomsvc": return "application/atomsvc+xml";
- case "ccxml": return "application/ccxml+xml";
- case "cdmia": return "application/cdmi-capability";
- case "cdmic": return "application/cdmi-container";
- case "cdmid": return "application/cdmi-domain";
- case "cdmio": return "application/cdmi-object";
- case "cdmiq": return "application/cdmi-queue";
- case "cu": return "application/cu-seeme";
- case "davmount": return "application/davmount+xml";
- case "dssc": return "application/dssc+der";
- case "xdssc": return "application/dssc+xml";
- case "ecma": return "application/ecmascript";
- case "emma": return "application/emma+xml";
- case "epub": return "application/epub+zip";
- case "exi": return "application/exi";
- case "pfr": return "application/font-tdpfr";
- case "stk": return "application/hyperstudio";
- case "ink","inkml": return "application/inkml+xml";
- case "ipfix": return "application/ipfix";
- case "jar": return "application/java-archive";
- case "ser": return "application/java-serialized-object";
- case "class": return "application/java-vm";
- case "js": return "application/javascript";
- case "json": return "application/json";
- case "lostxml": return "application/lost+xml";
- case "hqx": return "application/mac-binhex40";
- case "cpt": return "application/mac-compactpro";
- case "mads": return "application/mads+xml";
- case "mrc": return "application/marc";
- case "mrcx": return "application/marcxml+xml";
- case "ma","nb","mb": return "application/mathematica";
- case "mathml": return "application/mathml+xml";
- case "mbox": return "application/mbox";
- case "mscml": return "application/mediaservercontrol+xml";
- case "meta4": return "application/metalink4+xml";
- case "mets": return "application/mets+xml";
- case "mods": return "application/mods+xml";
- case "m21","mp21": return "application/mp21";
- case "mp4s": return "application/mp4";
- case "doc","dot": return "application/msword";
- case "mxf": return "application/mxf";
- case "bin","dms","lha","lrf","lzh","so","iso","dmg","dist","distz","pkg","bpk","dump","elc","deploy": return "application/octet-stream";
- case "oda": return "application/oda";
- case "opf": return "application/oebps-package+xml";
- case "ogx": return "application/ogg";
- case "onetoc","onetoc2","onetmp","onepkg": return "application/onenote";
- case "oxps": return "application/oxps";
- case "xer": return "application/patch-ops-error+xml";
- case "pdf": return "application/pdf";
- case "pgp": return "application/pgp-encrypted";
- case "asc","sig": return "application/pgp-signature";
- case "prf": return "application/pics-rules";
- case "p10": return "application/pkcs10";
- case "p7m","p7c": return "application/pkcs7-mime";
- case "p7s": return "application/pkcs7-signature";
- case "p8": return "application/pkcs8";
- case "ac": return "application/pkix-attr-cert";
- case "cer": return "application/pkix-cert";
- case "crl": return "application/pkix-crl";
- case "pkipath": return "application/pkix-pkipath";
- case "pki": return "application/pkixcmp";
- case "pls": return "application/pls+xml";
- case "ai","eps","ps": return "application/postscript";
- case "cww": return "application/prs.cww";
- case "pskcxml": return "application/pskc+xml";
- case "rdf": return "application/rdf+xml";
- case "rif": return "application/reginfo+xml";
- case "rnc": return "application/relax-ng-compact-syntax";
- case "rl": return "application/resource-lists+xml";
- case "rld": return "application/resource-lists-diff+xml";
- case "rs": return "application/rls-services+xml";
- case "gbr": return "application/rpki-ghostbusters";
- case "mft": return "application/rpki-manifest";
- case "roa": return "application/rpki-roa";
- case "rsd": return "application/rsd+xml";
- case "rss": return "application/rss+xml";
- case "rtf": return "application/rtf";
- case "sbml": return "application/sbml+xml";
- case "scq": return "application/scvp-cv-request";
- case "scs": return "application/scvp-cv-response";
- case "spq": return "application/scvp-vp-request";
- case "spp": return "application/scvp-vp-response";
- case "sdp": return "application/sdp";
- case "setpay": return "application/set-payment-initiation";
- case "setreg": return "application/set-registration-initiation";
- case "shf": return "application/shf+xml";
- case "smi","smil": return "application/smil+xml";
- case "rq": return "application/sparql-query";
- case "srx": return "application/sparql-results+xml";
- case "gram": return "application/srgs";
- case "grxml": return "application/srgs+xml";
- case "sru": return "application/sru+xml";
- case "ssml": return "application/ssml+xml";
- case "sqlite","s3db","db3": return "application/x-sqlite3";
- case "tei","teicorpus": return "application/tei+xml";
- case "tfi": return "application/thraud+xml";
- case "tsd": return "application/timestamped-data";
- case "plb": return "application/vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-large";
- case "psb": return "application/vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-small";
- case "pvb": return "application/vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-var";
- case "tcap": return "application/vnd.3gpp2.tcap";
- case "pwn": return "application/vnd.3m.post-it-notes";
- case "aso": return "application/vnd.accpac.simply.aso";
- case "imp": return "application/vnd.accpac.simply.imp";
- case "acu": return "application/vnd.acucobol";
- case "atc","acutc": return "application/vnd.acucorp";
- case "air": return "application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip";
- case "fxp","fxpl": return "application/vnd.adobe.fxp";
- case "xdp": return "application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml";
- case "xfdf": return "application/vnd.adobe.xfdf";
- case "ahead": return "application/vnd.ahead.space";
- case "azf": return "application/vnd.airzip.filesecure.azf";
- case "azs": return "application/vnd.airzip.filesecure.azs";
- case "azw": return "application/vnd.amazon.ebook";
- case "acc": return "application/vnd.americandynamics.acc";
- case "ami": return "application/vnd.amiga.ami";
- case "apk": return "application/vnd.android.package-archive";
- case "cii": return "application/vnd.anser-web-certificate-issue-initiation";
- case "fti": return "application/vnd.anser-web-funds-transfer-initiation";
- case "atx": return "application/vnd.antix.game-component";
- case "mpkg": return "application/vnd.apple.installer+xml";
- case "m3u8": return "application/vnd.apple.mpegurl";
- case "swi": return "application/vnd.aristanetworks.swi";
- case "iota": return "application/vnd.astraea-software.iota";
- case "aep": return "application/vnd.audiograph";
- case "mpm": return "application/vnd.blueice.multipass";
- case "bmi": return "application/vnd.bmi";
- case "rep": return "application/vnd.businessobjects";
- case "cdxml": return "application/vnd.chemdraw+xml";
- case "mmd": return "application/vnd.chipnuts.karaoke-mmd";
- case "cdy": return "application/vnd.cinderella";
- case "cla": return "application/vnd.claymore";
- case "rp9": return "application/vnd.cloanto.rp9";
- case "c4g","c4d","c4f","c4p","c4u": return "application/vnd.clonk.c4group";
- case "c11amc": return "application/vnd.cluetrust.cartomobile-config";
- case "c11amz": return "application/vnd.cluetrust.cartomobile-config-pkg";
- case "csp": return "application/vnd.commonspace";
- case "cdbcmsg": return "application/vnd.contact.cmsg";
- case "cmc": return "application/vnd.cosmocaller";
- case "clkx": return "application/vnd.crick.clicker";
- case "clkk": return "application/vnd.crick.clicker.keyboard";
- case "clkp": return "application/vnd.crick.clicker.palette";
- case "clkt": return "application/vnd.crick.clicker.template";
- case "clkw": return "application/vnd.crick.clicker.wordbank";
- case "wbs": return "application/vnd.criticaltools.wbs+xml";
- case "pml": return "application/vnd.ctc-posml";
- case "ppd": return "application/vnd.cups-ppd";
- case "car": return "application/vnd.curl.car";
- case "pcurl": return "application/vnd.curl.pcurl";
- case "rdz": return "application/vnd.data-vision.rdz";
- case "uvf","uvvf","uvd","uvvd": return "application/vnd.dece.data";
- case "uvt","uvvt": return "application/vnd.dece.ttml+xml";
- case "uvx","uvvx": return "application/vnd.dece.unspecified";
- case "uvz","uvvz": return "application/vnd.dece.zip";
- case "fe_launch": return "application/vnd.denovo.fcselayout-link";
- case "dna": return "application/vnd.dna";
- case "mlp": return "application/vnd.dolby.mlp";
- case "dpg": return "application/vnd.dpgraph";
- case "dfac": return "application/vnd.dreamfactory";
- case "ait": return "application/vnd.dvb.ait";
- case "svc": return "application/vnd.dvb.service";
- case "geo": return "application/vnd.dynageo";
- case "mag": return "application/vnd.ecowin.chart";
- case "nml": return "application/vnd.enliven";
- case "esf": return "application/vnd.epson.esf";
- case "msf": return "application/vnd.epson.msf";
- case "qam": return "application/vnd.epson.quickanime";
- case "slt": return "application/vnd.epson.salt";
- case "ssf": return "application/vnd.epson.ssf";
- case "es3","et3": return "application/vnd.eszigno3+xml";
- case "ez2": return "application/vnd.ezpix-album";
- case "ez3": return "application/vnd.ezpix-package";
- case "fdf": return "application/vnd.fdf";
- case "mseed": return "application/vnd.fdsn.mseed";
- case "seed","dataless": return "application/vnd.fdsn.seed";
- case "gph": return "application/vnd.flographit";
- case "ftc": return "application/vnd.fluxtime.clip";
- case "fm","frame","maker","book": return "application/vnd.framemaker";
- case "fnc": return "application/vnd.frogans.fnc";
- case "ltf": return "application/vnd.frogans.ltf";
- case "fsc": return "application/vnd.fsc.weblaunch";
- case "oas": return "application/vnd.fujitsu.oasys";
- case "oa2": return "application/vnd.fujitsu.oasys2";
- case "oa3": return "application/vnd.fujitsu.oasys3";
- case "fg5": return "application/vnd.fujitsu.oasysgp";
- case "bh2": return "application/vnd.fujitsu.oasysprs";
- case "ddd": return "application/vnd.fujixerox.ddd";
- case "xdw": return "application/vnd.fujixerox.docuworks";
- case "xbd": return "application/vnd.fujixerox.docuworks.binder";
- case "fzs": return "application/vnd.fuzzysheet";
- case "txd": return "application/vnd.genomatix.tuxedo";
- case "ggb": return "application/vnd.geogebra.file";
- case "ggt": return "application/vnd.geogebra.tool";
- case "gex","gre": return "application/vnd.geometry-explorer";
- case "gxt": return "application/vnd.geonext";
- case "g2w": return "application/vnd.geoplan";
- case "g3w": return "application/vnd.geospace";
- case "gmx": return "application/vnd.gmx";
- case "kml": return "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml";
- case "kmz": return "application/vnd.google-earth.kmz";
- case "gqf","gqs": return "application/vnd.grafeq";
- case "gac": return "application/vnd.groove-account";
- case "ghf": return "application/vnd.groove-help";
- case "gim": return "application/vnd.groove-identity-message";
- case "grv": return "application/vnd.groove-injector";
- case "gtm": return "application/vnd.groove-tool-message";
- case "tpl": return "application/vnd.groove-tool-template";
- case "vcg": return "application/vnd.groove-vcard";
- case "hal": return "application/vnd.hal+xml";
- case "zmm": return "application/vnd.handheld-entertainment+xml";
- case "hbci": return "application/vnd.hbci";
- case "les": return "application/vnd.hhe.lesson-player";
- case "hpgl": return "application/vnd.hp-hpgl";
- case "hpid": return "application/vnd.hp-hpid";
- case "hps": return "application/vnd.hp-hps";
- case "jlt": return "application/vnd.hp-jlyt";
- case "pcl": return "application/vnd.hp-pcl";
- case "pclxl": return "application/vnd.hp-pclxl";
- case "sfd-hdstx": return "application/vnd.hydrostatix.sof-data";
- case "x3d": return "application/vnd.hzn-3d-crossword";
- case "mpy": return "application/vnd.ibm.minipay";
- case "afp","listafp","list3820": return "application/vnd.ibm.modcap";
- case "irm": return "application/vnd.ibm.rights-management";
- case "sc": return "application/vnd.ibm.secure-container";
- case "icc","icm": return "application/vnd.iccprofile";
- case "igl": return "application/vnd.igloader";
- case "ivp": return "application/vnd.immervision-ivp";
- case "ivu": return "application/vnd.immervision-ivu";
- case "igm": return "application/vnd.insors.igm";
- case "xpw","xpx": return "application/vnd.intercon.formnet";
- case "i2g": return "application/vnd.intergeo";
- case "qbo": return "application/vnd.intu.qbo";
- case "qfx": return "application/vnd.intu.qfx";
- case "rcprofile": return "application/vnd.ipunplugged.rcprofile";
- case "irp": return "application/vnd.irepository.package+xml";
- case "xpr": return "application/vnd.is-xpr";
- case "fcs": return "application/vnd.isac.fcs";
- case "jam": return "application/vnd.jam";
- case "rms": return "application/vnd.jcp.javame.midlet-rms";
- case "jisp": return "application/vnd.jisp";
- case "joda": return "application/vnd.joost.joda-archive";
- case "ktz","ktr": return "application/vnd.kahootz";
- case "karbon": return "application/vnd.kde.karbon";
- case "chrt": return "application/vnd.kde.kchart";
- case "kfo": return "application/vnd.kde.kformula";
- case "flw": return "application/vnd.kde.kivio";
- case "kon": return "application/vnd.kde.kontour";
- case "kpr","kpt": return "application/vnd.kde.kpresenter";
- case "ksp": return "application/vnd.kde.kspread";
- case "kwd","kwt": return "application/vnd.kde.kword";
- case "htke": return "application/vnd.kenameaapp";
- case "kia": return "application/vnd.kidspiration";
- case "kne","knp": return "application/vnd.kinar";
- case "skp","skd","skt","skm": return "application/vnd.koan";
- case "sse": return "application/vnd.kodak-descriptor";
- case "lasxml": return "application/vnd.las.las+xml";
- case "lbd": return "application/vnd.llamagraphics.life-balance.desktop";
- case "lbe": return "application/vnd.llamagraphics.life-balance.exchange+xml";
- case "123": return "application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3";
- case "apr": return "application/vnd.lotus-approach";
- case "pre": return "application/vnd.lotus-freelance";
- case "nsf": return "application/vnd.lotus-notes";
- case "org": return "application/vnd.lotus-organizer";
- case "scm": return "application/vnd.lotus-screencam";
- case "lwp": return "application/vnd.lotus-wordpro";
- case "portpkg": return "application/vnd.macports.portpkg";
- case "mcd": return "application/vnd.mcd";
- case "mc1": return "application/vnd.medcalcdata";
- case "cdkey": return "application/vnd.mediastation.cdkey";
- case "mwf": return "application/vnd.mfer";
- case "mfm": return "application/vnd.mfmp";
- case "flo": return "application/vnd.micrografx.flo";
- case "igx": return "application/vnd.micrografx.igx";
- case "mif": return "application/vnd.mif";
- case "daf": return "application/vnd.mobius.daf";
- case "dis": return "application/vnd.mobius.dis";
- case "mbk": return "application/vnd.mobius.mbk";
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- case "pyv": return "video/vnd.ms-playready.media.pyv";
- case "uvu","uvvu": return "video/vnd.uvvu.mp4";
- case "viv": return "video/vnd.vivo";
- case "webm": return "video/webm";
- case "f4v": return "video/x-f4v";
- case "fli": return "video/x-fli";
- case "flv": return "video/x-flv";
- case "m4v": return "video/x-m4v";
- case "asf","asx": return "video/x-ms-asf";
- case "wm": return "video/x-ms-wm";
- case "wmv": return "video/x-ms-wmv";
- case "wmx": return "video/x-ms-wmx";
- case "wvx": return "video/x-ms-wvx";
- case "avi": return "video/x-msvideo";
- case "movie": return "video/x-sgi-movie";
- case "ice": return "x-conference/x-cooltalk";
- case "gz": return "application/gzip";
- case "tgz": return "application/gzip";
- }
- Returns true for a selected but incomplete list of mime-types that are describing a compressed
- format.
- This function is useful for avoiding redundant compression.
-bool isCompressedFormat(string mimetype)
- @safe nothrow pure @nogc
- switch(mimetype){
- default: return false;
- case "application/gzip", "application/x-compress", "application/png", "application/zip",
- "audio/x-mpeg", "image/png", "image/jpeg",
- "video/mpeg", "video/quicktime", "video/x-msvideo",
- "application/font-woff", "application/x-font-woff", "font/woff":
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/inet/vibe/inet/url.d b/inet/vibe/inet/url.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 0423a821a0..0000000000
--- a/inet/vibe/inet/url.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1167 +0,0 @@
- URL parsing routines.
- Copyright: © 2012-2017 Sönke Ludwig
- License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
- Authors: Sönke Ludwig
-module vibe.inet.url;
-public import vibe.core.path;
-import vibe.textfilter.urlencode;
-import std.array;
-import std.algorithm;
-import std.conv;
-import std.exception;
-import std.string;
-import std.traits : isInstanceOf;
-import std.ascii : isAlpha, isASCII, toLower;
-import std.uri: decode, encode;
-import core.checkedint : addu;
-/** Parses a user-provided URL with relaxed rules.
- Unlike `URL.parse`, this allows the URL to use special characters as part of
- the host name and path, automatically employing puny code or percent-encoding
- to convert this to a valid URL.
- Params:
- url = String representation of the URL
- default_schema = If `url` does not contain a schema name, the URL parser
- may choose to use this schema instead. A browser might use "http" or
- "https", for example.
-URL parseUserURL(string url, string default_schema)
- if (default_schema.length && !url.startsWith("/") && !url.canFind("://"))
- url = default_schema ~ "://" ~ url;
- return URL(url, false).normalized;
-unittest {
- // special characters in path
- auto url = parseUserURL("http://example.com/hello-🌍", "foo");
- assert(url.pathString == "/hello-%F0%9F%8C%8D");
- url = parseUserURL("http://example.com/안녕하세요-세계", "foo");
- assert(url.pathString == "/%EC%95%88%EB%85%95%ED%95%98%EC%84%B8%EC%9A%94-%EC%84%B8%EA%B3%84");
- // special characters in host name
- url = parseUserURL("http://hello-🌍.com/", "foo");
- assert(url.host == "xn--hello--8k34e.com");
- url = parseUserURL("http://hello-🌍.com:8080/", "foo");
- assert(url.host == "xn--hello--8k34e.com");
- url = parseUserURL("http://i-❤-이모티콘.io", "foo");
- assert(url.host == "xn--i---5r6aq903fubqabumj4g.io");
- url = parseUserURL("https://hello🌍.i-❤-이모티콘.com", "foo");
- assert(url.host == "xn--hello-oe93d.xn--i---5r6aq903fubqabumj4g.com");
- // default schema addition
- assert(parseUserURL("example.com/foo/bar", "sftp") == URL("sftp://example.com/foo/bar"));
- assert(parseUserURL("example.com:1234", "https") == URL("https://example.com:1234/"));
- Represents a URL decomposed into its components.
-struct URL {
- private {
- string m_schema;
- InetPath m_path;
- string m_host;
- ushort m_port;
- string m_username;
- string m_password;
- string m_queryString;
- string m_anchor;
- }
- /// Constructs a new URL object from its components.
- this(string schema, string host, ushort port, InetPath path) pure nothrow
- in {
- assert(isValidSchema(schema), "Invalid URL schema name: " ~ schema);
- assert(host.length == 0 || isValidHostName(host), "Invalid URL host name: " ~ host);
- }
- do {
- m_schema = schema;
- m_host = host;
- m_port = port;
- m_path = path;
- }
- /// ditto
- this(string schema, InetPath path) pure nothrow
- in { assert(isValidSchema(schema)); }
- do {
- this(schema, null, 0, path);
- }
- /// ditto
- this(string schema, string host, ushort port, PosixPath path) pure nothrow
- in {
- assert(isValidSchema(schema));
- assert(host.length == 0 || isValidHostName(host));
- }
- do {
- InetPath ip;
- try ip = cast(InetPath)path;
- catch (Exception e) assert(false, e.msg); // InetPath should be able to capture all paths
- this(schema, host, port, ip);
- }
- /// ditto
- this(string schema, PosixPath path) pure nothrow
- in { assert(isValidSchema(schema)); }
- do {
- this(schema, null, 0, path);
- }
- /// ditto
- this(string schema, string host, ushort port, WindowsPath path) pure nothrow
- in {
- assert(isValidSchema(schema));
- assert(host.length == 0 || isValidHostName(host));
- }
- do {
- InetPath ip;
- try ip = cast(InetPath)path;
- catch (Exception e) assert(false, e.msg); // InetPath should be able to capture all paths
- this(schema, host, port, ip);
- }
- /// ditto
- this(string schema, WindowsPath path) pure nothrow
- in { assert(isValidSchema(schema)); }
- do {
- this(schema, null, 0, path);
- }
- /** Constructs a "file:" URL from a native file system path.
- Note that the path must be absolute. On Windows, both, paths starting
- with a drive letter and UNC paths are supported.
- */
- this(WindowsPath path) pure
- {
- import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
- import std.range : chain, only, repeat;
- enforce(path.absolute, "Only absolute paths can be converted to a URL.");
- // treat UNC paths properly
- if (path.startsWith(WindowsPath(`\\`))) {
- static if (is(InetPath.Segment2)) {
- auto segs = path.bySegment2;
- } else {
- auto segs = path.bySegment;
- }
- segs.popFront();
- segs.popFront();
- auto host = segs.front.name;
- segs.popFront();
- InetPath ip;
- static if (is(InetPath.Segment2)) {
- ip = InetPath(only(InetPath.Segment2.fromTrustedString("", '/'))
- .chain(segs.map!(s => cast(InetPath.Segment2)s)));
- } else {
- ip = InetPath(only(InetPath.Segment("", '/'))
- .chain(segs.map!(s => cast(InetPath.Segment)s)));
- }
- this("file", host, 0, ip);
- } else this("file", host, 0, cast(InetPath)path);
- }
- /// ditto
- this(PosixPath path) pure
- {
- enforce(path.absolute, "Only absolute paths can be converted to a URL.");
- this("file", null, 0, cast(InetPath)path);
- }
- /** Constructs a URL from its string representation.
- TODO: additional validation required (e.g. valid host and user names and port)
- */
- this(string url_string)
- {
- this(url_string, true);
- }
- private this(string url_string, bool encoded)
- {
- auto str = url_string;
- enforce(str.length > 0, "Empty URL.");
- if( str[0] != '/' ){
- auto idx = str.indexOf(':');
- enforce(idx > 0, "No schema in URL:"~str);
- m_schema = str[0 .. idx];
- enforce(m_schema[0].isAlpha,
- "Schema must start with an alphabetical char, found: " ~
- m_schema[0]);
- str = str[idx+1 .. $];
- bool requires_host = false;
- if (str.startsWith("//")) {
- // proto://server/path style
- requires_host = true;
- str = str[2 .. $];
- }
- auto si = str.indexOf('/');
- if( si < 0 ) si = str.length;
- auto ai = str[0 .. si].indexOf('@');
- sizediff_t hs = 0;
- if( ai >= 0 ){
- hs = ai+1;
- auto ci = str[0 .. ai].indexOf(':');
- if( ci >= 0 ){
- m_username = str[0 .. ci];
- m_password = str[ci+1 .. ai];
- } else m_username = str[0 .. ai];
- enforce(m_username.length > 0, "Empty user name in URL.");
- }
- m_host = str[hs .. si];
- auto findPort ( string src )
- {
- auto pi = src.indexOf(':');
- if(pi > 0) {
- enforce(pi < src.length-1, "Empty port in URL.");
- m_port = to!ushort(src[pi+1..$]);
- }
- return pi;
- }
- auto ip6 = m_host.indexOf('[');
- if (ip6 == 0) { // [ must be first char
- auto pe = m_host.indexOf(']');
- if (pe > 0) {
- findPort(m_host[pe..$]);
- m_host = m_host[1 .. pe];
- }
- }
- else {
- auto pi = findPort(m_host);
- if(pi > 0) {
- m_host = m_host[0 .. pi];
- }
- if (!encoded)
- m_host = m_host.splitter('.').map!(punyEncode).join('.');
- }
- enforce(!requires_host || m_schema == "file" || m_host.length > 0,
- "Empty server name in URL.");
- str = str[si .. $];
- }
- this.localURI = (encoded) ? str : str.encode;
- }
- /// ditto
- static URL parse(string url_string)
- {
- return URL(url_string);
- }
- /// ditto
- static URL fromString(string url_string)
- {
- return URL(url_string);
- }
- /// The schema/protocol part of the URL
- @property string schema() const nothrow { return m_schema; }
- /// ditto
- @property void schema(string v) { m_schema = v; }
- /// The url encoded path part of the URL
- @property string pathString() const nothrow { return m_path.toString; }
- /// Set the path part of the URL. It should be properly encoded.
- @property void pathString(string s)
- {
- enforce(isURLEncoded(s), "Wrong URL encoding of the path string '"~s~"'");
- m_path = InetPath(s);
- }
- /// The path part of the URL
- @property InetPath path() const nothrow { return m_path; }
- /// ditto
- @property void path(InetPath p)
- nothrow {
- m_path = p;
- }
- /// ditto
- @property void path(Path)(Path p)
- if (isInstanceOf!(GenericPath, Path) && !is(Path == InetPath))
- {
- m_path = cast(InetPath)p;
- }
- /// The host part of the URL (depends on the schema)
- @property string host() const pure nothrow { return m_host; }
- /// ditto
- @property void host(string v) { m_host = v; }
- /// The port part of the URL (optional)
- @property ushort port() const nothrow { return m_port ? m_port : defaultPort(m_schema); }
- /// ditto
- @property port(ushort v) nothrow { m_port = v; }
- /// Get the default port for the given schema or 0
- static ushort defaultPort(string schema)
- nothrow {
- import core.atomic : atomicLoad;
- import std.uni : toLower;
- string lowerschema;
- try
- lowerschema = schema.toLower();
- catch (Exception e)
- assert(false, e.msg);
- if (auto set = atomicLoad(map_commonInternetSchemas))
- if (set.contains(lowerschema))
- return set.get(lowerschema);
- return 0;
- }
- /// ditto
- ushort defaultPort()
- const nothrow {
- return defaultPort(m_schema);
- }
- /// The user name part of the URL (optional)
- @property string username() const nothrow { return m_username; }
- /// ditto
- @property void username(string v) { m_username = v; }
- /// The password part of the URL (optional)
- @property string password() const nothrow { return m_password; }
- /// ditto
- @property void password(string v) { m_password = v; }
- /// The query string part of the URL (optional)
- @property string queryString() const nothrow { return m_queryString; }
- /// ditto
- @property void queryString(string v) { m_queryString = v; }
- /// The anchor part of the URL (optional)
- @property string anchor() const nothrow { return m_anchor; }
- /// The path part plus query string and anchor
- @property string localURI()
- const nothrow {
- auto str = appender!string();
- str.put(m_path.toString);
- if( queryString.length ) {
- str.put("?");
- str.put(queryString);
- }
- if( anchor.length ) {
- str.put("#");
- str.put(anchor);
- }
- return str.data;
- }
- /// ditto
- @property void localURI(string str)
- {
- auto ai = str.indexOf('#');
- if( ai >= 0 ){
- m_anchor = str[ai+1 .. $];
- str = str[0 .. ai];
- } else m_anchor = null;
- auto qi = str.indexOf('?');
- if( qi >= 0 ){
- m_queryString = str[qi+1 .. $];
- str = str[0 .. qi];
- } else m_queryString = null;
- this.pathString = str;
- }
- /// The URL to the parent path with query string and anchor stripped.
- @property URL parentURL()
- const {
- URL ret;
- ret.schema = schema;
- ret.host = host;
- ret.port = port;
- ret.username = username;
- ret.password = password;
- ret.path = path.parentPath;
- return ret;
- }
- /// Converts this URL object to its string representation.
- string toString()
- const nothrow {
- auto dst = appender!string();
- try this.toString(dst);
- catch (Exception e) assert(false, e.msg);
- return dst.data;
- }
- /// Ditto
- void toString(OutputRange) (ref OutputRange dst) const {
- import std.format;
- dst.put(schema);
- dst.put(":");
- if (isCommonInternetSchema(schema))
- dst.put("//");
- if (m_username.length || m_password.length) {
- dst.put(username);
- if (m_password.length)
- {
- dst.put(':');
- dst.put(password);
- }
- dst.put('@');
- }
- import std.algorithm : canFind;
- auto ipv6 = host.canFind(":");
- if ( ipv6 ) dst.put('[');
- dst.put(host);
- if ( ipv6 ) dst.put(']');
- if (m_port > 0)
- formattedWrite(dst, ":%d", m_port);
- dst.put(localURI);
- }
- /** Converts a "file" URL back to a native file system path.
- */
- NativePath toNativePath()
- const {
- import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
- import std.range : dropOne;
- enforce(this.schema == "file", "Only file:// URLs can be converted to a native path.");
- version (Windows) {
- if (this.host.length) {
- static if (is(NativePath.Segment2)) {
- auto p = NativePath(this.path
- .bySegment2
- .dropOne
- .map!(s => cast(WindowsPath.Segment2)s)
- );
- } else {
- auto p = NativePath(this.path
- .bySegment
- .dropOne
- .map!(s => cast(WindowsPath.Segment)s)
- );
- }
- return NativePath.fromTrustedString(`\\`~this.host) ~ p;
- }
- }
- return cast(NativePath)this.path;
- }
- /// Decode percent encoded triplets for unreserved or convert to uppercase
- private string normalize_percent_encoding(scope const(char)[] input)
- {
- auto normalized = appender!string;
- normalized.reserve(input.length);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < input.length; i++)
- {
- const char c = input[i];
- if (c == '%')
- {
- if (input.length < i + 3)
- assert(false, "Invalid percent encoding");
- char conv = cast(char) input[i + 1 .. i + 3].to!ubyte(16);
- switch (conv)
- {
- case 'A': .. case 'Z':
- case 'a': .. case 'z':
- case '0': .. case '9':
- case '-': case '.': case '_': case '~':
- normalized ~= conv; // Decode unreserved
- break;
- default:
- normalized ~= input[i .. i + 3].toUpper(); // Uppercase HEX
- break;
- }
- i += 2;
- }
- else
- normalized ~= c;
- }
- return normalized.data;
- }
- /**
- * Normalize the content of this `URL` in place
- *
- * Normalization can be used to create a more consistent and human-friendly
- * string representation of the `URL`.
- * The list of transformations applied in the process of normalization is as follows:
- - Converting schema and host to lowercase
- - Removing port if it is the default port for schema
- - Removing dot segments in path
- - Converting percent-encoded triplets to uppercase
- - Adding slash when path is empty
- - Adding slash to path when path represents a directory
- - Decoding percent encoded triplets for unreserved characters
- A-Z a-z 0-9 - . _ ~
- Params:
- isDirectory = Path of the URL represents a directory, if one is
- not already present, a trailing slash will be appended when `true`
- */
- void normalize(bool isDirectory = false)
- {
- import std.uni : toLower;
- // Lowercase host and schema
- this.m_schema = this.m_schema.toLower();
- this.m_host = this.m_host.toLower();
- // Remove default port
- if (this.m_port == URL.defaultPort(this.m_schema))
- this.m_port = 0;
- // Normalize percent encoding, decode unreserved or uppercase hex
- this.m_queryString = normalize_percent_encoding(this.m_queryString);
- this.m_anchor = normalize_percent_encoding(this.m_anchor);
- // Normalize path (first remove dot segments then normalize path segments)
- this.m_path = InetPath(this.m_path.normalized.bySegment2.map!(
- n => InetPath.Segment2.fromTrustedEncodedString(normalize_percent_encoding(n.encodedName))
- ).array);
- // Add trailing slash to empty path
- if (this.m_path.empty || isDirectory)
- this.m_path.endsWithSlash = true;
- }
- /** Returns the normalized form of the URL.
- See `normalize` for a full description.
- */
- URL normalized()
- const {
- URL ret = this;
- ret.normalize();
- return ret;
- }
- bool startsWith(const URL rhs)
- const nothrow {
- if( m_schema != rhs.m_schema ) return false;
- if( m_host != rhs.m_host ) return false;
- // FIXME: also consider user, port, querystring, anchor etc
- static if (is(InetPath.Segment2))
- return this.path.bySegment2.startsWith(rhs.path.bySegment2);
- else return this.path.bySegment.startsWith(rhs.path.bySegment);
- }
- URL opBinary(string OP, Path)(Path rhs) const if (OP == "~" && isAnyPath!Path) { return URL(m_schema, m_host, m_port, this.path ~ rhs); }
- URL opBinary(string OP, Path)(Path.Segment rhs) const if (OP == "~" && isAnyPath!Path) { return URL(m_schema, m_host, m_port, this.path ~ rhs); }
- void opOpAssign(string OP, Path)(Path rhs) if (OP == "~" && isAnyPath!Path) { this.path = this.path ~ rhs; }
- void opOpAssign(string OP, Path)(Path.Segment rhs) if (OP == "~" && isAnyPath!Path) { this.path = this.path ~ rhs; }
- static if (is(InetPath.Segment2) && !is(InetPath.Segment2 == InetPath.Segment)) {
- URL opBinary(string OP, Path)(Path.Segment2 rhs) const if (OP == "~" && isAnyPath!Path) { return URL(m_schema, m_host, m_port, this.path ~ rhs); }
- void opOpAssign(string OP, Path)(Path.Segment2 rhs) if (OP == "~" && isAnyPath!Path) { this.path = this.path ~ rhs; }
- }
- /// Tests two URLs for equality using '=='.
- bool opEquals(ref const URL rhs)
- const nothrow {
- if (m_schema != rhs.m_schema) return false;
- if (m_host != rhs.m_host) return false;
- if (m_path != rhs.m_path) return false;
- if (m_port != rhs.m_port) return false;
- return true;
- }
- /// ditto
- bool opEquals(const URL other) const nothrow { return opEquals(other); }
- int opCmp(ref const URL rhs) const nothrow {
- if (m_schema != rhs.m_schema) return m_schema.cmp(rhs.m_schema);
- if (m_host != rhs.m_host) return m_host.cmp(rhs.m_host);
- if (m_path != rhs.m_path) return cmp(m_path.toString, rhs.m_path.toString);
- return true;
- }
-bool isValidSchema(string schema)
-@safe pure nothrow {
- if (schema.length < 1) return false;
- foreach (char ch; schema) {
- switch (ch) {
- default: return false;
- case 'a': .. case 'z': break;
- case 'A': .. case 'Z': break;
- case '0': .. case '9': break;
- case '+', '.', '-': break;
- }
- }
- return true;
-unittest {
- assert(isValidSchema("http+ssh"));
- assert(isValidSchema("http"));
- assert(!isValidSchema("http/ssh"));
- assert(isValidSchema("HTtp"));
-bool isValidHostName(string name)
-@safe pure nothrow {
- import std.algorithm.iteration : splitter;
- import std.string : representation;
- // According to RFC 1034
- if (name.length < 1) return false;
- if (name.length > 255) return false;
- foreach (seg; name.representation.splitter('.')) {
- if (seg.length < 1) return false;
- if (seg.length > 63) return false;
- if (seg[0] == '-') return false;
- foreach (char ch; seg) {
- switch (ch) {
- default: return false;
- case 'a': .. case 'z': break;
- case 'A': .. case 'Z': break;
- case '0': .. case '9': break;
- case '-': break;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-unittest {
- assert(isValidHostName("foo"));
- assert(isValidHostName("foo-"));
- assert(isValidHostName("foo.bar"));
- assert(isValidHostName("foo.bar-baz"));
- assert(isValidHostName("foo1"));
- assert(!isValidHostName("-foo"));
-private enum isAnyPath(P) = is(P == InetPath) || is(P == PosixPath) || is(P == WindowsPath);
-private shared immutable(SchemaDefaultPortMap)* map_commonInternetSchemas;
-shared static this() {
- auto initial_schemas = new SchemaDefaultPortMap;
- initial_schemas.add("file", 0);
- initial_schemas.add("tcp", 0);
- initial_schemas.add("ftp", 21);
- initial_schemas.add("sftp", 22);
- initial_schemas.add("http", 80);
- initial_schemas.add("https", 443);
- initial_schemas.add("http+unix", 80);
- initial_schemas.add("https+unix", 443);
- initial_schemas.add("spdy", 443);
- initial_schemas.add("ws", 80);
- initial_schemas.add("wss", 443);
- initial_schemas.add("redis", 6379);
- initial_schemas.add("rtsp", 554);
- initial_schemas.add("rtsps", 322);
- map_commonInternetSchemas = cast(immutable)initial_schemas;
-deprecated("Use the overload that accepts a `ushort port` as second argument")
-void registerCommonInternetSchema(string schema)
- registerCommonInternetSchema(schema, 0);
-/** Adds the name of a schema to be treated as double-slash style.
- Params:
- schema = Name of the schema
- port = Default port for the schema
- See_also: `isCommonInternetSchema`, RFC 1738 Section 3.1
-void registerCommonInternetSchema(string schema, ushort port)
-@trusted nothrow {
- import core.atomic : atomicLoad, cas;
- import std.uni : toLower;
- string lowerschema;
- try {
- lowerschema = schema.toLower();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- assert(false, e.msg);
- }
- assert(lowerschema.length < 128, "Only schemas with less than 128 characters are supported");
- while (true) {
- auto olds = atomicLoad(map_commonInternetSchemas);
- auto news = olds ? olds.dup : new SchemaDefaultPortMap;
- news.add(lowerschema, port);
- static if (__VERSION__ < 2094) {
- // work around bogus shared violation error on earlier versions of Druntime
- if (cas(cast(shared(SchemaDefaultPortMap*)*)&map_commonInternetSchemas, cast(shared(SchemaDefaultPortMap)*)olds, cast(shared(SchemaDefaultPortMap)*)news))
- break;
- } else {
- if (cas(&map_commonInternetSchemas, olds, cast(immutable)news))
- break;
- }
- }
-/** Determines whether an URL schema is double-slash based.
- Double slash based schemas are of the form `schema://[host]/`
- and are parsed differently compared to generic schemas, which are simply
- parsed as `schema:`.
- Built-in recognized double-slash schemas: ftp, http, https,
- http+unix, https+unix, spdy, sftp, ws, wss, file, redis, tcp,
- rtsp, rtsps
- See_also: `registerCommonInternetSchema`, RFC 1738 Section 3.1
-bool isCommonInternetSchema(string schema)
-@safe nothrow @nogc {
- import core.atomic : atomicLoad;
- char[128] buffer;
- if (schema.length >= 128) return false;
- foreach (ix, char c; schema)
- {
- if (!isASCII(c)) return false;
- buffer[ix] = toLower(c);
- }
- scope lowerschema = buffer[0 .. schema.length];
- return () @trusted {
- auto set = atomicLoad(map_commonInternetSchemas);
- return set ? set.contains(cast(string) lowerschema) : false;
- } ();
-unittest {
- assert(isCommonInternetSchema("http"));
- assert(isCommonInternetSchema("HTtP"));
- assert(URL.defaultPort("http") == 80);
- assert(!isCommonInternetSchema("foobar"));
- registerCommonInternetSchema("fooBar", 2522);
- assert(isCommonInternetSchema("foobar"));
- assert(isCommonInternetSchema("fOObAR"));
- assert(URL.defaultPort("foobar") == 2522);
- assert(URL.defaultPort("fOObar") == 2522);
- assert(URL.defaultPort("unregistered") == 0);
-private struct SchemaDefaultPortMap {
- ushort[string] m_data;
- void add(string str, ushort port) @safe nothrow { m_data[str] = port; }
- bool contains(string str) const @safe nothrow @nogc { return !!(str in m_data); }
- ushort get(string str) const @safe nothrow { return m_data[str]; }
- SchemaDefaultPortMap* dup() const @safe nothrow {
- auto ret = new SchemaDefaultPortMap;
- foreach (s; m_data.byKeyValue) ret.add(s.key, s.value);
- return ret;
- }
-// Puny encoding
-private {
- /** Bootstring parameters for Punycode
- These parameters are designed for Unicode
- See also: RFC 3492 Section 5
- */
- enum uint base = 36;
- enum uint tmin = 1;
- enum uint tmax = 26;
- enum uint skew = 38;
- enum uint damp = 700;
- enum uint initial_bias = 72;
- enum uint initial_n = 128;
- /* Bias adaptation
- See also: RFC 3492 Section 6.1
- */
- uint punyAdapt (uint pdelta, int numpoints, bool firsttime)
- @safe @nogc nothrow pure {
- uint delta = firsttime ? pdelta / damp : pdelta / 2;
- delta += delta / numpoints;
- uint k = 0;
- while (delta > ((base - tmin) * tmax) / 2)
- {
- delta /= (base - tmin);
- k += base;
- }
- return k + (((base - tmin + 1) * delta) / (delta + skew));
- }
- /* Converts puny digit-codes to code point
- See also: RFC 3492 Section 5
- */
- dchar punyDigitToCP (uint digit)
- @safe @nogc nothrow pure {
- return cast(dchar) (digit + 22 + 75 * (digit < 26));
- }
- /* Encodes `input` with puny encoding
- If input is all characters below `initial_n`
- input is returned as is.
- See also: RFC 3492 Section 6.3
- */
- string punyEncode (in string input)
- @safe {
- uint n = initial_n;
- uint delta = 0;
- uint bias = initial_bias;
- uint h;
- uint b;
- dchar m = dchar.max; // minchar
- bool delta_overflow;
- uint input_len = 0;
- auto output = appender!string();
- output.put("xn--");
- foreach (dchar cp; input)
- {
- if (cp <= initial_n)
- {
- output.put(cast(char) cp);
- h += 1;
- }
- // Count length of input as code points, `input.length` counts bytes
- input_len += 1;
- }
- b = h;
- if (b == input_len)
- return input; // No need to puny encode
- if (b > 0)
- output.put('-');
- while (h < input_len)
- {
- m = dchar.max;
- foreach (dchar cp; input)
- {
- if (n <= cp && cp < m)
- m = cp;
- }
- assert(m != dchar.max, "Punyencoding failed, cannot find code point");
- delta = addu(delta, ((m - n) * (h + 1)), delta_overflow);
- assert(!delta_overflow, "Punyencoding failed, delta overflow");
- n = m;
- foreach (dchar cp; input)
- {
- if (cp < n)
- delta += 1;
- if (cp == n)
- {
- uint q = delta;
- uint k = base;
- while (true)
- {
- uint t;
- if (k <= bias /* + tmin */)
- t = tmin;
- else if (k >= bias + tmax)
- t = tmax;
- else
- t = k - bias;
- if (q < t) break;
- output.put(punyDigitToCP(t + ((q - t) % (base - t))));
- q = (q - t) / (base - t);
- k += base;
- }
- output.put(punyDigitToCP(q));
- bias = punyAdapt(delta, h + 1, h == b);
- delta = 0;
- h += 1;
- }
- }
- delta += 1;
- n += 1;
- }
- return output.data;
- }
-unittest { // IPv6
- auto urlstr = "http://[2003:46:1a7b:6c01:64b:80ff:fe80:8003]:8091/abc";
- auto url = URL.parse(urlstr);
- assert(url.schema == "http", url.schema);
- assert(url.host == "2003:46:1a7b:6c01:64b:80ff:fe80:8003", url.host);
- assert(url.port == 8091);
- assert(url.path == InetPath("/abc"), url.path.toString());
- assert(url.toString == urlstr);
- url.host = "abcd:46:1a7b:6c01:64b:80ff:fe80:8abc";
- urlstr = "http://[abcd:46:1a7b:6c01:64b:80ff:fe80:8abc]:8091/abc";
- assert(url.toString == urlstr);
-unittest {
- auto urlstr = "https://www.example.net/index.html";
- auto url = URL.parse(urlstr);
- assert(url.schema == "https", url.schema);
- assert(url.host == "www.example.net", url.host);
- assert(url.path == InetPath("/index.html"), url.path.toString());
- assert(url.port == 443);
- assert(url.toString == urlstr);
- urlstr = "http://jo.doe:password@sub.www.example.net:4711/sub2/index.html?query#anchor";
- url = URL.parse(urlstr);
- assert(url.schema == "http", url.schema);
- assert(url.username == "jo.doe", url.username);
- assert(url.password == "password", url.password);
- assert(url.port == 4711, to!string(url.port));
- assert(url.host == "sub.www.example.net", url.host);
- assert(url.path.toString() == "/sub2/index.html", url.path.toString());
- assert(url.queryString == "query", url.queryString);
- assert(url.anchor == "anchor", url.anchor);
- assert(url.toString == urlstr);
-unittest { // issue #1044
- URL url = URL.parse("http://example.com/p?query#anchor");
- assert(url.schema == "http");
- assert(url.host == "example.com");
- assert(url.port == 80);
- assert(url.queryString == "query");
- assert(url.anchor == "anchor");
- assert(url.pathString == "/p");
- url.localURI = "/q";
- assert(url.schema == "http");
- assert(url.host == "example.com");
- assert(url.queryString == "");
- assert(url.anchor == "");
- assert(url.pathString == "/q");
- url.localURI = "/q?query";
- assert(url.schema == "http");
- assert(url.host == "example.com");
- assert(url.queryString == "query");
- assert(url.anchor == "");
- assert(url.pathString == "/q");
- url.localURI = "/q#anchor";
- assert(url.schema == "http");
- assert(url.host == "example.com");
- assert(url.queryString == "");
- assert(url.anchor == "anchor");
- assert(url.pathString == "/q");
-//websocket unittest
-unittest {
- URL url = URL("ws://");
- assert(url.host == "");
- assert(url.port == 8080);
- assert(url.localURI == "/echo");
-//rtsp unittest
-unittest {
- URL url = URL("rtsp://");
- assert(url.host == "");
- assert(url.port == 554);
- assert(url.localURI == "/echo");
-unittest {
- auto p = PosixPath("/foo bar/boo oom/");
- URL url = URL("http", "example.com", 0, p); // constructor test
- assert(url.path == cast(InetPath)p);
- url.path = p;
- assert(url.path == cast(InetPath)p); // path assignement test
- assert(url.pathString == "/foo%20bar/boo%20oom/");
- assert(url.toString() == "http://example.com/foo%20bar/boo%20oom/");
- url.pathString = "/foo%20bar/boo%2foom/";
- assert(url.pathString == "/foo%20bar/boo%2foom/");
- assert(url.toString() == "http://example.com/foo%20bar/boo%2foom/");
-unittest {
- URL url = URL("http://user:password@example.com");
- assert(url.toString() == "http://user:password@example.com");
- url = URL("http://user@example.com");
- assert(url.toString() == "http://user@example.com");
-unittest {
- auto url = URL("http://example.com/some%2bpath");
- assert((cast(PosixPath)url.path).toString() == "/some+path", url.path.toString());
-unittest {
- assert(URL("file:///test").pathString == "/test");
- assert(URL("file:///test").port == 0);
- assert(URL("file:///test").path.toString() == "/test");
- assert(URL("file://test").host == "test");
- assert(URL("file://test").pathString() == "");
- assert(URL("file://./test").host == ".");
- assert(URL("file://./test").pathString == "/test");
- assert(URL("file://./test").path.toString() == "/test");
-unittest { // issue #1318
- try {
- URL("http://something/inval%id");
- assert(false, "Expected to throw an exception.");
- } catch (Exception e) {}
-unittest {
- assert(URL("http+unix://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock").schema == "http+unix");
- assert(URL("https+unix://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock").schema == "https+unix");
- assert(URL("http+unix://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock").host == "%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock");
- assert(URL("http+unix://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock").pathString == "");
- assert(URL("http+unix://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/container/json").pathString == "/container/json");
- auto url = URL("http+unix://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/container/json");
- assert(URL(url.toString()) == url);
-unittest {
- import vibe.data.serialization;
- static assert(isStringSerializable!URL);
-unittest { // issue #1732
- auto url = URL("tcp://");
- url.port = 4321;
- assert(url.toString == "tcp://", url.toString);
-unittest { // host name role in file:// URLs
- auto url = URL.parse("file:///foo/bar");
- assert(url.host == "");
- assert(url.path == InetPath("/foo/bar"));
- assert(url.toString() == "file:///foo/bar");
- url = URL.parse("file://foo/bar/baz");
- assert(url.host == "foo");
- assert(url.path == InetPath("/bar/baz"));
- assert(url.toString() == "file://foo/bar/baz");
-unittest { // native path <-> URL conversion
- import std.exception : assertThrown;
- auto url = URL(NativePath("/foo/bar"));
- assert(url.schema == "file");
- assert(url.host == "");
- assert(url.path == InetPath("/foo/bar"));
- assert(url.toNativePath == NativePath("/foo/bar"));
- assertThrown(URL("http://example.org/").toNativePath);
- assertThrown(URL(NativePath("foo/bar")));
-unittest { // URL Normalization
- auto url = URL.parse("http://example.com/foo%2a");
- assert(url.normalized.toString() == "http://example.com/foo%2A");
- url = URL.parse("HTTP://User@Example.COM/Foo");
- assert(url.normalized.toString() == "http://User@example.com/Foo");
- url = URL.parse("http://example.com/%7Efoo");
- assert(url.normalized.toString() == "http://example.com/~foo");
- url = URL.parse("http://example.com/foo/./bar/baz/../qux");
- assert(url.normalized.toString() == "http://example.com/foo/bar/qux");
- url = URL.parse("http://example.com");
- assert(url.normalized.toString() == "http://example.com/");
- url = URL.parse("http://example.com:80/");
- assert(url.normalized.toString() == "http://example.com/");
- url = URL.parse("hTTPs://examPLe.COM:443/my/path");
- assert(url.normalized.toString() == "https://example.com/my/path");
- url = URL.parse("http://example.com/foo");
- url.normalize(true);
- assert(url.toString() == "http://example.com/foo/");
-version (Windows) unittest { // Windows drive letter paths
- auto url = URL(WindowsPath(`C:\foo`));
- assert(url.schema == "file");
- assert(url.host == "");
- assert(url.path == InetPath("/C:/foo"));
- auto p = url.toNativePath;
- p.normalize();
- assert(p == WindowsPath(`C:\foo`));
-version (Windows) unittest { // UNC paths
- auto url = URL(WindowsPath(`\\server\share\path`));
- assert(url.schema == "file");
- assert(url.host == "server");
- assert(url.path == InetPath("/share/path"));
- auto p = url.toNativePath;
- p.normalize(); // convert slash to backslash if necessary
- assert(p == WindowsPath(`\\server\share\path`));
-unittest {
- assert((URL.parse("http://example.com/foo") ~ InetPath("bar")).toString()
- == "http://example.com/foo/bar");
- assert((URL.parse("http://example.com/foo") ~ InetPath.Segment("bar")).toString()
- == "http://example.com/foo/bar");
- URL url = URL.parse("http://example.com/");
- url ~= InetPath("foo");
- url ~= InetPath.Segment("bar");
- assert(url.toString() == "http://example.com/foo/bar");
-unittest {
- assert(URL.parse("foo:/foo/bar").toString() == "foo:/foo/bar");
- assert(URL.parse("foo:/foo/bar").path.toString() == "/foo/bar");
- assert(URL.parse("foo:foo/bar").toString() == "foo:foo/bar");
diff --git a/inet/vibe/inet/urltransfer.d b/inet/vibe/inet/urltransfer.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a7cc0e584..0000000000
--- a/inet/vibe/inet/urltransfer.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
- Downloading and uploading of data from/to URLs.
- Note that this module is scheduled for deprecation and will be replaced by
- another module in the future. All functions are defined as templates to
- avoid this dependency issue when building the library.
- Copyright: © 2012-2015 Sönke Ludwig
- License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
- Authors: Sönke Ludwig
-module vibe.inet.urltransfer;
-import vibe.core.log;
-import vibe.core.file;
-import vibe.inet.url;
-import vibe.core.stream;
-import vibe.internal.interfaceproxy : asInterface;
-import std.exception;
-import std.string;
- Downloads a file from the specified URL.
- Any redirects will be followed until the actual file resource is reached or if the redirection
- limit of 10 is reached. Note that only HTTP(S) is currently supported.
-void download(HTTPClient_ = void*)(URL url, scope void delegate(scope InputStream) callback, HTTPClient_ client_ = null)
- import vibe.http.client;
- assert(url.username.length == 0 && url.password.length == 0, "Auth not supported yet.");
- assert(url.schema == "http" || url.schema == "https", "Only http(s):// supported for now.");
- HTTPClient client;
- static if (is(HTTPClient_ == HTTPClient)) client = client_;
- if (!client) client = new HTTPClient();
- scope (exit) {
- if (client_ is null) // disconnect default client
- client.disconnect();
- }
- if (!url.port)
- url.port = url.defaultPort;
- foreach( i; 0 .. 10 ){
- client.connect(url.host, url.port, url.schema == "https");
- logTrace("connect to %s", url.host);
- bool done = false;
- client.request(
- (scope HTTPClientRequest req) {
- req.requestURL = url.localURI;
- logTrace("REQUESTING %s!", req.requestURL);
- },
- (scope HTTPClientResponse res) {
- logTrace("GOT ANSWER!");
- switch( res.statusCode ){
- default:
- throw new HTTPStatusException(res.statusCode, "Server responded with "~httpStatusText(res.statusCode)~" for "~url.toString());
- case HTTPStatus.ok:
- done = true;
- callback(res.bodyReader.asInterface!InputStream);
- break;
- case HTTPStatus.movedPermanently:
- case HTTPStatus.found:
- case HTTPStatus.seeOther:
- case HTTPStatus.temporaryRedirect:
- logTrace("Status code: %s", res.statusCode);
- auto pv = "Location" in res.headers;
- enforce(pv !is null, "Server responded with redirect but did not specify the redirect location for "~url.toString());
- logDebug("Redirect to '%s'", *pv);
- if( startsWith((*pv), "http:") || startsWith((*pv), "https:") ){
- logTrace("parsing %s", *pv);
- auto nurl = URL(*pv);
- if (!nurl.port)
- nurl.port = nurl.defaultPort;
- if (url.host != nurl.host || url.schema != nurl.schema ||
- url.port != nurl.port)
- client.disconnect();
- url = nurl;
- } else
- url.localURI = *pv;
- break;
- }
- }
- );
- if (done) return;
- }
- enforce(false, "Too many redirects!");
- assert(false);
-/// ditto
-void download(HTTPClient_ = void*)(string url, scope void delegate(scope InputStream) callback, HTTPClient_ client_ = null)
- download(URL(url), callback, client_);
-/// ditto
-void download()(string url, string filename)
- download(url, (scope input){
- auto fil = openFile(filename, FileMode.createTrunc);
- scope(exit) fil.close();
- fil.write(input);
- });
-/// ditto
-void download()(URL url, NativePath filename)
- download(url.toString(), filename.toNativeString());
diff --git a/inet/vibe/inet/webform.d b/inet/vibe/inet/webform.d
deleted file mode 100644
index d9c4628bac..0000000000
--- a/inet/vibe/inet/webform.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
- Contains HTML/urlencoded form parsing and construction routines.
- Copyright: © 2012-2014 Sönke Ludwig
- License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
- Authors: Sönke Ludwig, Jan Krüger
-module vibe.inet.webform;
-import vibe.container.dictionarylist;
-import vibe.core.file;
-import vibe.core.log;
-import vibe.core.path;
-import vibe.inet.message;
-import vibe.internal.string;
-import vibe.stream.operations;
-import vibe.textfilter.urlencode;
-import std.range : isOutputRange;
-import std.traits : ValueType, KeyType;
-import std.array;
-import std.exception;
-import std.string;
- Parses form data according to an HTTP Content-Type header.
- Writes the form fields into a key-value of type $(D FormFields), parsed from the
- specified $(D InputStream) and using the corresponding Content-Type header. Parsing
- is gracefully aborted if the Content-Type header is unrelated.
- Params:
- fields = The key-value map to which form fields must be written
- files = The $(D FilePart)s mapped to the corresponding key in which details on
- transmitted files will be written to.
- content_type = The value of the Content-Type HTTP header.
- body_reader = A valid $(D InputSteram) data stream consumed by the parser.
- max_line_length = The byte-sized maximum length of lines used as boundary delimitors in Multi-Part forms.
-bool parseFormData(ref FormFields fields, ref FilePartFormFields files, string content_type, InputStream body_reader, size_t max_line_length)
-@safe {
- auto ct_entries = content_type.split(";");
- if (!ct_entries.length) return false;
- switch (ct_entries[0].strip()) {
- default:
- return false;
- case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded":
- assert(!!body_reader);
- parseURLEncodedForm(body_reader.readAllUTF8(), fields);
- break;
- case "multipart/form-data":
- assert(!!body_reader);
- parseMultiPartForm(fields, files, content_type, body_reader, max_line_length);
- break;
- }
- return false;
- Parses a URL encoded form and stores the key/value pairs.
- Writes to the $(D FormFields) the key-value map associated to an
- "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" MIME formatted string, ie. all '+'
- characters are considered as ' ' spaces.
-void parseURLEncodedForm(string str, ref FormFields params)
-@safe {
- while (str.length > 0) {
- // name part
- auto idx = str.indexOf("=");
- if (idx == -1) {
- idx = vibe.internal.string.indexOfAny(str, "&;");
- if (idx == -1) {
- params.addField(formDecode(str[0 .. $]), "");
- return;
- } else {
- params.addField(formDecode(str[0 .. idx]), "");
- str = str[idx+1 .. $];
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- auto idx_amp = vibe.internal.string.indexOfAny(str, "&;");
- if (idx_amp > -1 && idx_amp < idx) {
- params.addField(formDecode(str[0 .. idx_amp]), "");
- str = str[idx_amp+1 .. $];
- continue;
- } else {
- string name = formDecode(str[0 .. idx]);
- str = str[idx+1 .. $];
- // value part
- for( idx = 0; idx < str.length && str[idx] != '&' && str[idx] != ';'; idx++) {}
- string value = formDecode(str[0 .. idx]);
- params.addField(name, value);
- str = idx < str.length ? str[idx+1 .. $] : null;
- }
- }
- }
- This example demonstrates parsing using all known form separators, it builds
- a key-value map into the destination $(D FormFields)
- FormFields dst;
- parseURLEncodedForm("a=b;c;dee=asd&e=fgh&f=j%20l", dst);
- assert("a" in dst && dst["a"] == "b");
- assert("c" in dst && dst["c"] == "");
- assert("dee" in dst && dst["dee"] == "asd");
- assert("e" in dst && dst["e"] == "fgh");
- assert("f" in dst && dst["f"] == "j l");
- Parses a form in "multipart/form-data" format.
- If any files are contained in the form, they are written to temporary files using
- $(D vibe.core.file.createTempFile) and their details returned in the files field.
- Params:
- fields = The key-value map to which form fields must be written
- files = The $(D FilePart)s mapped to the corresponding key in which details on
- transmitted files will be written to.
- content_type = The value of the Content-Type HTTP header.
- body_reader = A valid $(D InputSteram) data stream consumed by the parser.
- max_line_length = The byte-sized maximum length of lines used as boundary delimitors in Multi-Part forms.
-void parseMultiPartForm(InputStream)(ref FormFields fields, ref FilePartFormFields files,
- string content_type, InputStream body_reader, size_t max_line_length)
- if (isInputStream!InputStream)
- import std.algorithm : strip;
- auto pos = content_type.indexOf("boundary=");
- enforce(pos >= 0 , "no boundary for multipart form found");
- auto boundary = content_type[pos+9 .. $].strip('"');
- auto firstBoundary = () @trusted { return cast(string)body_reader.readLine(max_line_length); } ();
- enforce(firstBoundary == "--" ~ boundary, "Invalid multipart form data!");
- while (parseMultipartFormPart(body_reader, fields, files, cast(const(ubyte)[])("\r\n--" ~ boundary), max_line_length)) {}
-alias FormFields = DictionaryList!(string, true, 16);
-alias FilePartFormFields = DictionaryList!(FilePart, true, 0);
-@safe unittest
- import vibe.stream.memory;
- auto content_type = "multipart/form-data; boundary=\"AaB03x\"";
- auto input = createMemoryStream(cast(ubyte[])(
- "--AaB03x\r\n" ~
- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"submit-name\"\r\n" ~
- "\r\n" ~
- "Larry\r\n" ~
- "--AaB03x\r\n" ~
- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"files\"; filename=\"file1.txt\"\r\n" ~
- "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" ~
- "\r\n" ~
- "... contents of file1.txt ...\r\n" ~
- "--AaB03x--\r\n").dup, false);
- FormFields fields;
- FilePartFormFields files;
- parseMultiPartForm(fields, files, content_type, input, 4096);
- assert(fields["submit-name"] == "Larry");
- assert(files["files"].filename == "file1.txt");
-unittest { // issue #1220 - wrong handling of Content-Length
- import vibe.stream.memory;
- auto content_type = "multipart/form-data; boundary=\"AaB03x\"";
- auto input = createMemoryStream(cast(ubyte[])(
- "--AaB03x\r\n" ~
- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"submit-name\"\r\n" ~
- "\r\n" ~
- "Larry\r\n" ~
- "--AaB03x\r\n" ~
- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"files\"; filename=\"file1.txt\"\r\n" ~
- "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" ~
- "Content-Length: 29\r\n" ~
- "\r\n" ~
- "... contents of file1.txt ...\r\n" ~
- "--AaB03x--\r\n" ~
- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"files\"; filename=\"file2.txt\"\r\n" ~
- "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" ~
- "\r\n" ~
- "... contents of file1.txt ...\r\n" ~
- "--AaB03x--\r\n").dup, false);
- FormFields fields;
- FilePartFormFields files;
- parseMultiPartForm(fields, files, content_type, input, 4096);
- assert(fields["submit-name"] == "Larry");
- assert(files["files"].filename == "file1.txt");
-unittest { // use of unquoted strings in Content-Disposition
- import vibe.stream.memory;
- auto content_type = "multipart/form-data; boundary=\"AaB03x\"";
- auto input = createMemoryStream(cast(ubyte[])(
- "--AaB03x\r\n" ~
- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=submitname\r\n" ~
- "\r\n" ~
- "Larry\r\n" ~
- "--AaB03x\r\n" ~
- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=files; filename=file1.txt\r\n" ~
- "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" ~
- "Content-Length: 29\r\n" ~
- "\r\n" ~
- "... contents of file1.txt ...\r\n" ~
- "--AaB03x--\r\n").dup, false);
- FormFields fields;
- FilePartFormFields files;
- parseMultiPartForm(fields, files, content_type, input, 4096);
- assert(fields["submitname"] == "Larry");
- assert(files["files"].filename == "file1.txt");
- Single part of a multipart form.
- A FilePart is the data structure for individual "multipart/form-data" parts
- according to RFC 1867 section 7.
-struct FilePart {
- InetHeaderMap headers;
- NativePath.Segment filename;
- NativePath tempPath;
- // avoids NativePath.Segment.toString() being called
- string toString() const { return filename.name; }
-private bool parseMultipartFormPart(InputStream)(InputStream stream, ref FormFields form, ref FilePartFormFields files, const(ubyte)[] boundary, size_t max_line_length)
- if (isInputStream!InputStream)
- //find end of quoted string
- auto indexOfQuote(string str) {
- foreach (i, ch; str) {
- if (ch == '"' && (i == 0 || str[i-1] != '\\')) return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- auto parseValue(ref string str) {
- string res;
- if (str[0]=='"') {
- str = str[1..$];
- auto pos = indexOfQuote(str);
- res = str[0..pos].replace(`\"`, `"`);
- str = str[pos..$];
- }
- else {
- auto pos = str.indexOf(';');
- if (pos < 0) {
- res = str;
- str = "";
- } else {
- res = str[0 .. pos];
- str = str[pos..$];
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- InetHeaderMap headers;
- stream.parseRFC5322Header(headers);
- auto pv = "Content-Disposition" in headers;
- enforce(pv, "invalid multipart");
- auto cd = *pv;
- string name;
- auto pos = cd.indexOf("name=");
- if (pos >= 0) {
- cd = cd[pos+5 .. $];
- name = parseValue(cd);
- }
- string filename;
- pos = cd.indexOf("filename=");
- if (pos >= 0) {
- cd = cd[pos+9 .. $];
- filename = parseValue(cd);
- }
- if (filename.length > 0) {
- FilePart fp;
- fp.headers = headers;
- version (Have_vibe_core)
- fp.filename = NativePath.Segment(filename);
- else
- fp.filename = PathEntry.validateFilename(filename);
- auto file = createTempFile();
- fp.tempPath = file.path;
- if (auto plen = "Content-Length" in headers) {
- import std.conv : to;
- stream.pipe(file, (*plen).to!long);
- enforce(stream.skipBytes(boundary), "Missing multi-part end boundary marker.");
- } else stream.readUntil(file, boundary);
- logDebug("file: %s", fp.tempPath.toString());
- file.close();
- files.addField(name, fp);
- // TODO: temp files must be deleted after the request has been processed!
- } else {
- auto data = () @trusted { return cast(string)stream.readUntil(boundary); } ();
- form.addField(name, data);
- }
- ubyte[2] ub;
- stream.read(ub, IOMode.all);
- if (ub == "--")
- {
- stream.pipe(nullSink());
- return false;
- }
- enforce(ub == cast(const(ubyte)[])"\r\n");
- return true;
- Encodes a Key-Value map into a form URL encoded string.
- Writes to the $(D OutputRange) an application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME formatted string,
- ie. all spaces ' ' are replaced by the '+' character
- Params:
- dst = The destination $(D OutputRange) where the resulting string must be written to.
- map = An iterable key-value map iterable with $(D foreach(string key, string value; map)).
- sep = A valid form separator, common values are '&' or ';'
-void formEncode(R, T)(auto ref R dst, T map, char sep = '&')
- if (isFormMap!T && isOutputRange!(R, char))
- formEncodeImpl(dst, map, sep, true);
- The following example demonstrates the use of $(D formEncode) with a json map,
- the ordering of keys will be preserved in $(D Bson) and $(D DictionaryList) objects only.
- */
-unittest {
- import std.array : Appender;
- string[string] map;
- map["numbers"] = "123456789";
- map["spaces"] = "1 2 3 4 a b c d";
- Appender!string app;
- app.formEncode(map);
- assert(app.data == "spaces=1+2+3+4+a+b+c+d&numbers=123456789" ||
- app.data == "numbers=123456789&spaces=1+2+3+4+a+b+c+d");
- Encodes a Key-Value map into a form URL encoded string.
- Returns an application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME formatted string,
- ie. all spaces ' ' are replaced by the '+' character
- Params:
- map = An iterable key-value map iterable with $(D foreach(string key, string value; map)).
- sep = A valid form separator, common values are '&' or ';'
-string formEncode(T)(T map, char sep = '&')
- if (isFormMap!T)
- return formEncodeImpl(map, sep, true);
-/// Ditto
-string formEncode(T : DictionaryList!Args, Args...)(T map, char sep = '&')
- return formEncodeImpl(map.byKeyValue(), sep, true);
- Writes to the $(D OutputRange) an URL encoded string as specified in RFC 3986 section 2
- Params:
- dst = The destination $(D OutputRange) where the resulting string must be written to.
- map = An iterable key-value map iterable with $(D foreach(string key, string value; map)).
-void urlEncode(R, T)(auto ref R dst, T map)
- if (isFormMap!T && isOutputRange!(R, char))
- formEncodeImpl(dst, map, "&", false);
- Returns an URL encoded string as specified in RFC 3986 section 2
- Params:
- map = An iterable key-value map iterable with $(D foreach(string key, string value; map)).
-string urlEncode(T)(T map)
- if (isFormMap!T)
- return formEncodeImpl(map, '&', false);
-/// Ditto
-string urlEncode(T : DictionaryList!Args, Args...)(T map)
- return formEncodeImpl(map.byKeyValue, '&', false);
- Tests if a given type is suitable for storing a web form.
- Types that define iteration support with the key typed as $(D string) and
- the value either also typed as $(D string), or as a $(D vibe.data.json.Json)
- like value. The latter case specifically requires a $(D .type) property that
- is tested for equality with $(D T.Type.string), as well as a
- $(D .get!string) method.
-template isFormMap(T)
- import std.conv;
- enum isFormMap = isStringMap!T || isJsonLike!T;
-private template isStringMap(T)
- enum isStringMap = __traits(compiles, () {
- foreach (string key, string value; T.init) {}
- } ());
-unittest {
- static assert(isStringMap!(string[string]));
- static struct M {
- int opApply(int delegate(string key, string value)) { return 0; }
- }
- static assert(isStringMap!M);
-private template isJsonLike(T)
- enum isJsonLike = __traits(compiles, () {
- import std.conv;
- string r;
- foreach (string key, value; T.init)
- r = value.type == T.Type.string ? value.get!string : value.to!string;
- } ());
-unittest {
- import vibe.data.json;
- import vibe.data.bson;
- static assert(isJsonLike!Json);
- static assert(isJsonLike!Bson);
-private string formEncodeImpl(T)(T map, char sep, bool form_encode)
- if (isStringMap!T)
- import std.array : Appender;
- Appender!string dst;
- size_t len;
- foreach (key, ref value; map) {
- len += key.length;
- len += value.length;
- }
- // characters will be expanded, better use more space the first time and avoid additional allocations
- dst.reserve(len*2);
- dst.formEncodeImpl(map, sep, form_encode);
- return dst.data;
-private string formEncodeImpl(T)(T map, char sep, bool form_encode)
- if (isJsonLike!T)
- import std.array : Appender;
- Appender!string dst;
- size_t len;
- foreach (string key, T value; map) {
- len += key.length;
- len += value.length;
- }
- // characters will be expanded, better use more space the first time and avoid additional allocations
- dst.reserve(len*2);
- dst.formEncodeImpl(map, sep, form_encode);
- return dst.data;
-private void formEncodeImpl(R, T)(auto ref R dst, T map, char sep, bool form_encode)
- if (isOutputRange!(R, string) && isStringMap!T)
- bool flag;
- foreach (key, value; map) {
- if (flag)
- dst.put(sep);
- else
- flag = true;
- filterURLEncode(dst, key, null, form_encode);
- dst.put("=");
- filterURLEncode(dst, value, null, form_encode);
- }
-private void formEncodeImpl(R, T)(auto ref R dst, T map, char sep, bool form_encode)
- if (isOutputRange!(R, string) && isJsonLike!T)
- bool flag;
- foreach (string key, T value; map) {
- if (flag)
- dst.put(sep);
- else
- flag = true;
- filterURLEncode(dst, key, null, form_encode);
- dst.put("=");
- if (value.type == T.Type.string)
- filterURLEncode(dst, value.get!string, null, form_encode);
- else {
- static if (T.stringof == "Json")
- filterURLEncode(dst, value.to!string, null, form_encode);
- else
- filterURLEncode(dst, value.toString(), null, form_encode);
- }
- }
- import vibe.data.json : Json;
- import vibe.data.bson : Bson;
- import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
- string[string] aaMap;
- DictionaryList!string dlMap;
- Json jsonMap = Json.emptyObject;
- Bson bsonMap = Bson.emptyObject;
- aaMap["unicode"] = "╤╳";
- aaMap["numbers"] = "123456789";
- aaMap["spaces"] = "1 2 3 4 a b c d";
- aaMap["slashes"] = "1/2/3/4/5";
- aaMap["equals"] = "1=2=3=4=5=6=7";
- aaMap["complex"] = "╤╳/=$$\"'1!2()'\"";
- aaMap["╤╳"] = "1";
- dlMap["unicode"] = "╤╳";
- dlMap["numbers"] = "123456789";
- dlMap["spaces"] = "1 2 3 4 a b c d";
- dlMap["slashes"] = "1/2/3/4/5";
- dlMap["equals"] = "1=2=3=4=5=6=7";
- dlMap["complex"] = "╤╳/=$$\"'1!2()'\"";
- dlMap["╤╳"] = "1";
- jsonMap["unicode"] = "╤╳";
- jsonMap["numbers"] = "123456789";
- jsonMap["spaces"] = "1 2 3 4 a b c d";
- jsonMap["slashes"] = "1/2/3/4/5";
- jsonMap["equals"] = "1=2=3=4=5=6=7";
- jsonMap["complex"] = "╤╳/=$$\"'1!2()'\"";
- jsonMap["╤╳"] = "1";
- bsonMap["unicode"] = "╤╳";
- bsonMap["numbers"] = "123456789";
- bsonMap["spaces"] = "1 2 3 4 a b c d";
- bsonMap["slashes"] = "1/2/3/4/5";
- bsonMap["equals"] = "1=2=3=4=5=6=7";
- bsonMap["complex"] = "╤╳/=$$\"'1!2()'\"";
- bsonMap["╤╳"] = "1";
- assert(urlEncode(aaMap).split('&').sort().join("&") == "%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3=1&complex=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3%2F%3D%24%24%22%271%212%28%29%27%22&equals=1%3D2%3D3%3D4%3D5%3D6%3D7&numbers=123456789&slashes=1%2F2%2F3%2F4%2F5&spaces=1%202%203%204%20a%20b%20c%20d&unicode=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3");
- assert(urlEncode(dlMap) == "unicode=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3&numbers=123456789&spaces=1%202%203%204%20a%20b%20c%20d&slashes=1%2F2%2F3%2F4%2F5&equals=1%3D2%3D3%3D4%3D5%3D6%3D7&complex=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3%2F%3D%24%24%22%271%212%28%29%27%22&%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3=1");
- assert(urlEncode(jsonMap).split('&').sort().join("&") == "%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3=1&complex=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3%2F%3D%24%24%22%271%212%28%29%27%22&equals=1%3D2%3D3%3D4%3D5%3D6%3D7&numbers=123456789&slashes=1%2F2%2F3%2F4%2F5&spaces=1%202%203%204%20a%20b%20c%20d&unicode=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3");
- assert(urlEncode(bsonMap) == "unicode=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3&numbers=123456789&spaces=1%202%203%204%20a%20b%20c%20d&slashes=1%2F2%2F3%2F4%2F5&equals=1%3D2%3D3%3D4%3D5%3D6%3D7&complex=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3%2F%3D%24%24%22%271%212%28%29%27%22&%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3=1");
- {
- FormFields aaFields;
- parseURLEncodedForm(urlEncode(aaMap), aaFields);
- assert(urlEncode(aaMap) == urlEncode(aaFields));
- FormFields dlFields;
- parseURLEncodedForm(urlEncode(dlMap), dlFields);
- assert(urlEncode(dlMap) == urlEncode(dlFields));
- FormFields jsonFields;
- parseURLEncodedForm(urlEncode(jsonMap), jsonFields);
- assert(urlEncode(jsonMap) == urlEncode(jsonFields));
- FormFields bsonFields;
- parseURLEncodedForm(urlEncode(bsonMap), bsonFields);
- assert(urlEncode(bsonMap) == urlEncode(bsonFields));
- }
- assert(formEncode(aaMap).split('&').sort().join("&") == "%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3=1&complex=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3%2F%3D%24%24%22%271%212%28%29%27%22&equals=1%3D2%3D3%3D4%3D5%3D6%3D7&numbers=123456789&slashes=1%2F2%2F3%2F4%2F5&spaces=1+2+3+4+a+b+c+d&unicode=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3");
- assert(formEncode(dlMap) == "unicode=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3&numbers=123456789&spaces=1+2+3+4+a+b+c+d&slashes=1%2F2%2F3%2F4%2F5&equals=1%3D2%3D3%3D4%3D5%3D6%3D7&complex=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3%2F%3D%24%24%22%271%212%28%29%27%22&%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3=1");
- assert(formEncode(jsonMap).split('&').sort().join("&") == "%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3=1&complex=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3%2F%3D%24%24%22%271%212%28%29%27%22&equals=1%3D2%3D3%3D4%3D5%3D6%3D7&numbers=123456789&slashes=1%2F2%2F3%2F4%2F5&spaces=1+2+3+4+a+b+c+d&unicode=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3");
- assert(formEncode(bsonMap) == "unicode=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3&numbers=123456789&spaces=1+2+3+4+a+b+c+d&slashes=1%2F2%2F3%2F4%2F5&equals=1%3D2%3D3%3D4%3D5%3D6%3D7&complex=%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3%2F%3D%24%24%22%271%212%28%29%27%22&%E2%95%A4%E2%95%B3=1");
- {
- FormFields aaFields;
- parseURLEncodedForm(formEncode(aaMap), aaFields);
- assert(formEncode(aaMap) == formEncode(aaFields));
- FormFields dlFields;
- parseURLEncodedForm(formEncode(dlMap), dlFields);
- assert(formEncode(dlMap) == formEncode(dlFields));
- FormFields jsonFields;
- parseURLEncodedForm(formEncode(jsonMap), jsonFields);
- assert(formEncode(jsonMap) == formEncode(jsonFields));
- FormFields bsonFields;
- parseURLEncodedForm(formEncode(bsonMap), bsonFields);
- assert(formEncode(bsonMap) == formEncode(bsonFields));
- }
diff --git a/run-ci.sh b/run-ci.sh
index e18a4085a2..8eefa10e97 100755
--- a/run-ci.sh
+++ b/run-ci.sh
@@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ if [[ $PARTS =~ (^|,)unittests(,|$) ]]; then
dub test :utils --compiler=$DC $DUB_ARGS
dub test :http --compiler=$DC $DUB_ARGS
dub test :mail --compiler=$DC $DUB_ARGS
- dub test :crypto --compiler=$DC $DUB_ARGS
- dub test :textfilter --compiler=$DC $DUB_ARGS
- dub test :inet --compiler=$DC $DUB_ARGS
dub clean --all-packages
diff --git a/textfilter/dub.sdl b/textfilter/dub.sdl
index ec58f446d0..7a252f1460 100644
--- a/textfilter/dub.sdl
+++ b/textfilter/dub.sdl
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
name "textfilter"
description "Text filtering routines"
-targetType "library"
-dependency "vibe-core" version=">=2.0.0 <3.0.0-0"
-sourcePaths "."
-importPaths "."
+dependency "vibe-inet:textfilter" version=">=1.0.0-rc.1 <2.0.0-0"
+targetType "none"
diff --git a/textfilter/vibe/textfilter/html.d b/textfilter/vibe/textfilter/html.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 8992dc8cd3..0000000000
--- a/textfilter/vibe/textfilter/html.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- HTML character entity escaping.
- TODO: Make things @safe once Appender is.
- Copyright: © 2012-2014 Sönke Ludwig
- License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
- Authors: Sönke Ludwig
-module vibe.textfilter.html;
-import std.array;
-import std.conv;
-import std.range;
-/** Returns the HTML escaped version of a given string.
-string htmlEscape(R)(R str) @trusted
- if (isInputRange!R)
- if (__ctfe) { // appender is a performance/memory hog in ctfe
- StringAppender dst;
- filterHTMLEscape(dst, str);
- return dst.data;
- } else {
- auto dst = appender!string();
- filterHTMLEscape(dst, str);
- return dst.data;
- }
-unittest {
- assert(htmlEscape(`"Hello", !`) == `"Hello", <World>!`);
-/** Writes the HTML escaped version of a given string to an output range.
-void filterHTMLEscape(R, S)(ref R dst, S str, HTMLEscapeFlags flags = HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeNewline)
- if (isOutputRange!(R, dchar) && isInputRange!S)
- for (;!str.empty;str.popFront())
- filterHTMLEscape(dst, str.front, flags);
-/** Returns the HTML escaped version of a given string (also escapes double quotes).
-string htmlAttribEscape(R)(R str) @trusted
- if (isInputRange!R)
- if (__ctfe) { // appender is a performance/memory hog in ctfe
- StringAppender dst;
- filterHTMLAttribEscape(dst, str);
- return dst.data;
- } else {
- auto dst = appender!string();
- filterHTMLAttribEscape(dst, str);
- return dst.data;
- }
-unittest {
- assert(htmlAttribEscape(`"Hello", !`) == `"Hello", <World>!`);
-/** Writes the HTML escaped version of a given string to an output range (also escapes double quotes).
-void filterHTMLAttribEscape(R, S)(ref R dst, S str)
- if (isOutputRange!(R, dchar) && isInputRange!S)
- for (; !str.empty; str.popFront())
- filterHTMLEscape(dst, str.front, HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeNewline|HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeQuotes);
-/** Returns the HTML escaped version of a given string (escapes every character).
-string htmlAllEscape(R)(R str) @trusted
- if (isInputRange!R)
- if (__ctfe) { // appender is a performance/memory hog in ctfe
- StringAppender dst;
- filterHTMLAllEscape(dst, str);
- return dst.data;
- } else {
- auto dst = appender!string();
- filterHTMLAllEscape(dst, str);
- return dst.data;
- }
-unittest {
- assert(htmlAllEscape("Hello!") == "Hello!");
-/** Writes the HTML escaped version of a given string to an output range (escapes every character).
-void filterHTMLAllEscape(R, S)(ref R dst, S str)
- if (isOutputRange!(R, dchar) && isInputRange!S)
- for (; !str.empty; str.popFront()) {
- put(dst, "");
- put(dst, to!string(cast(uint)str.front));
- put(dst, ';');
- }
- Minimally escapes a text so that no HTML tags appear in it.
-string htmlEscapeMin(R)(R str) @trusted
- if (isInputRange!R)
- auto dst = appender!string();
- for (; !str.empty; str.popFront())
- filterHTMLEscape(dst, str.front, HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeMinimal);
- return dst.data();
- Writes the HTML escaped version of a character to an output range.
-void filterHTMLEscape(R)(ref R dst, dchar ch, HTMLEscapeFlags flags = HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeNewline )
- switch (ch) {
- default:
- if (flags & HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeUnknown) {
- put(dst, "");
- put(dst, to!string(cast(uint)ch));
- put(dst, ';');
- } else put(dst, ch);
- break;
- case '"':
- if (flags & HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeQuotes) put(dst, """);
- else put(dst, '"');
- break;
- case '\'':
- if (flags & HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeQuotes) put(dst, "'");
- else put(dst, '\'');
- break;
- case '\r', '\n':
- if (flags & HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeNewline) {
- put(dst, "");
- put(dst, to!string(cast(uint)ch));
- put(dst, ';');
- } else put(dst, ch);
- break;
- case 'a': .. case 'z': goto case;
- case 'A': .. case 'Z': goto case;
- case '0': .. case '9': goto case;
- case ' ', '\t', '-', '_', '.', ':', ',', ';',
- '#', '+', '*', '?', '=', '(', ')', '/', '!',
- '%' , '{', '}', '[', ']', '`', '´', '$', '^', '~':
- put(dst, cast(char)ch);
- break;
- case '<': put(dst, "<"); break;
- case '>': put(dst, ">"); break;
- case '&': put(dst, "&"); break;
- }
-enum HTMLEscapeFlags {
- escapeMinimal = 0,
- escapeQuotes = 1<<0,
- escapeNewline = 1<<1,
- escapeUnknown = 1<<2
-private struct StringAppender {
- string data;
- void put(string s) { data ~= s; }
- void put(char ch) { data ~= ch; }
- void put(dchar ch) {
- import std.utf;
- char[4] dst;
- data ~= dst[0 .. encode(dst, ch)];
- }
diff --git a/textfilter/vibe/textfilter/markdown.d b/textfilter/vibe/textfilter/markdown.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 3972279ca3..0000000000
--- a/textfilter/vibe/textfilter/markdown.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1752 +0,0 @@
- Markdown parser implementation
- Copyright: © 2012-2019 Sönke Ludwig
- License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
- Authors: Sönke Ludwig
-module vibe.textfilter.markdown;
-import vibe.textfilter.html;
-import std.algorithm : any, all, canFind, countUntil, min;
-import std.array;
-import std.format;
-import std.range;
-import std.utf : byCodeUnit;
-import std.string;
- detect inline HTML tags
-/** Returns a Markdown filtered HTML string.
-string filterMarkdown()(string str, MarkdownFlags flags)
-@trusted { // scope class is not @safe for DMD 2.072
- scope settings = new MarkdownSettings;
- settings.flags = flags;
- return filterMarkdown(str, settings);
-/// ditto
-string filterMarkdown()(string str, scope MarkdownSettings settings = null)
-@trusted { // Appender not @safe as of 2.065
- auto dst = appender!string();
- filterMarkdown(dst, str, settings);
- return dst.data;
-/** Markdown filters the given string and writes the corresponding HTML to an output range.
-void filterMarkdown(R)(ref R dst, string src, MarkdownFlags flags)
- scope settings = new MarkdownSettings;
- settings.flags = flags;
- filterMarkdown(dst, src, settings);
-/// ditto
-void filterMarkdown(R)(ref R dst, string src, scope MarkdownSettings settings = null)
- if (!settings) settings = new MarkdownSettings;
- auto all_lines = splitLines(src);
- auto links = scanForReferences(all_lines);
- auto lines = parseLines(all_lines, settings);
- Block root_block;
- parseBlocks(root_block, lines, null, settings);
- writeBlock(dst, root_block, links, settings);
- Returns the hierarchy of sections
-Section[] getMarkdownOutline(string markdown_source, scope MarkdownSettings settings = null)
- import std.conv : to;
- if (!settings) settings = new MarkdownSettings;
- auto all_lines = splitLines(markdown_source);
- auto lines = parseLines(all_lines, settings);
- Block root_block;
- parseBlocks(root_block, lines, null, settings);
- Section root;
- foreach (ref sb; root_block.blocks) {
- if (sb.type == BlockType.header) {
- auto s = &root;
- while (true) {
- if (s.subSections.length == 0) break;
- if (s.subSections[$-1].headingLevel >= sb.headerLevel) break;
- s = &s.subSections[$-1];
- }
- s.subSections ~= Section(sb.headerLevel, sb.text[0], sb.text[0].asSlug.to!string);
- }
- }
- return root.subSections;
-unittest {
- import std.conv : to;
- assert (getMarkdownOutline("## first\n## second\n### third\n# fourth\n### fifth") ==
- [
- Section(2, " first", "first"),
- Section(2, " second", "second", [
- Section(3, " third", "third")
- ]),
- Section(1, " fourth", "fourth", [
- Section(3, " fifth", "fifth")
- ])
- ]
- );
-final class MarkdownSettings {
- /// Controls the capabilities of the parser.
- MarkdownFlags flags = MarkdownFlags.vanillaMarkdown;
- /// Heading tags will start at this level.
- size_t headingBaseLevel = 1;
- /// Called for every link/image URL to perform arbitrary transformations.
- string delegate(string url_or_path, bool is_image) urlFilter;
- /// White list of URI schemas that can occur in link/image targets
- string[] allowedURISchemas = ["http", "https", "ftp", "mailto"];
-enum MarkdownFlags {
- /** Same as `vanillaMarkdown`
- */
- none = 0,
- /** Convert line breaks into hard line breaks in the output
- This option is useful when operating on text that may be formatted as
- plain text, without having Markdown in mind, while still improving
- the appearance of the text in many cases. A common example would be
- to format e-mails or newsgroup posts.
- */
- keepLineBreaks = 1<<0,
- /** Support fenced code blocks.
- */
- backtickCodeBlocks = 1<<1,
- /** Disable support for embedded HTML
- */
- noInlineHtml = 1<<2,
- //noLinks = 1<<3,
- //allowUnsafeHtml = 1<<4,
- /** Support table definitions
- The syntax is based on Markdown Extra and GitHub flavored Markdown.
- */
- tables = 1<<5,
- /** Support HTML attributes after links
- Links or images directly followed by `{ … }` allow regular HTML
- attributes to added to the generated HTML element.
- */
- attributes = 1<<6,
- /** Recognize figure definitions
- Figures can be defined using a modified list syntax:
- ```
- - %%%
- This is the figure content
- - ###
- This is optional caption content
- ```
- Just like for lists, arbitrary blocks can be nested within figure and
- figure caption blocks. If only a single paragraph is present within a
- figure caption block, the paragraph text will be emitted without the
- surrounding `` tags. The same is true for figure blocks that contain
- only a single paragraph and any number of additional figure caption
- blocks.
- */
- figures = 1<<7,
- /** Support only standard Markdown features
- Note that the parser is not fully CommonMark compliant at the moment,
- but this is the general idea behind this option.
- */
- vanillaMarkdown = none,
- /** Default set of flags suitable for use within an online forum
- */
- forumDefault = keepLineBreaks|backtickCodeBlocks|noInlineHtml|tables
-struct Section {
- size_t headingLevel;
- string caption;
- string anchor;
- Section[] subSections;
-private {
- immutable s_blockTags = ["div", "ol", "p", "pre", "section", "table", "ul"];
-private enum IndentType {
- white,
- quote
-private enum LineType {
- undefined,
- blank,
- plain,
- hline,
- atxHeader,
- setextHeader,
- tableSeparator,
- uList,
- oList,
- figure,
- figureCaption,
- htmlBlock,
- codeBlockDelimiter
-private struct Line {
- LineType type;
- IndentType[] indent;
- string text;
- string unindented;
- string unindent(size_t n)
- pure @safe {
- assert (n <= indent.length);
- string ln = text;
- foreach (i; 0 .. n) {
- final switch(indent[i]){
- case IndentType.white:
- if (ln[0] == ' ') ln = ln[4 .. $];
- else ln = ln[1 .. $];
- break;
- case IndentType.quote:
- ln = ln.stripLeft()[1 .. $];
- if (ln.startsWith(' '))
- ln.popFront();
- break;
- }
- }
- return ln;
- }
-private Line[] parseLines(string[] lines, scope MarkdownSettings settings)
-pure @safe {
- Line[] ret;
- while( !lines.empty ){
- auto ln = lines.front;
- lines.popFront();
- Line lninfo;
- lninfo.text = ln;
- while (ln.length > 0) {
- if (ln[0] == '\t') {
- lninfo.indent ~= IndentType.white;
- ln.popFront();
- } else if (ln.startsWith(" ")) {
- lninfo.indent ~= IndentType.white;
- ln.popFrontN(4);
- } else {
- if (ln.stripLeft().startsWith(">")) {
- lninfo.indent ~= IndentType.quote;
- ln = ln.stripLeft();
- ln.popFront();
- if (ln.startsWith(' '))
- ln.popFront();
- } else break;
- }
- }
- lninfo.unindented = ln;
- if ((settings.flags & MarkdownFlags.backtickCodeBlocks) && isCodeBlockDelimiter(ln))
- lninfo.type = LineType.codeBlockDelimiter;
- else if(isAtxHeaderLine(ln)) lninfo.type = LineType.atxHeader;
- else if(isSetextHeaderLine(ln)) lninfo.type = LineType.setextHeader;
- else if((settings.flags & MarkdownFlags.tables) && isTableSeparatorLine(ln))
- lninfo.type = LineType.tableSeparator;
- else if(isHlineLine(ln)) lninfo.type = LineType.hline;
- else if(isOListLine(ln)) lninfo.type = LineType.oList;
- else if(isUListLine(ln)) {
- if (settings.flags & MarkdownFlags.figures) {
- auto suff = removeListPrefix(ln, LineType.uList);
- if (suff == "%%%") lninfo.type = LineType.figure;
- else if (suff == "###") lninfo.type = LineType.figureCaption;
- else lninfo.type = LineType.uList;
- } else lninfo.type = LineType.uList;
- } else if(isLineBlank(ln)) lninfo.type = LineType.blank;
- else if(!(settings.flags & MarkdownFlags.noInlineHtml) && isHtmlBlockLine(ln))
- lninfo.type = LineType.htmlBlock;
- else lninfo.type = LineType.plain;
- ret ~= lninfo;
- }
- return ret;
-unittest {
- import std.conv : to;
- auto s = new MarkdownSettings;
- s.flags = MarkdownFlags.forumDefault;
- auto lns = [">```D"];
- assert (parseLines(lns, s) == [Line(LineType.codeBlockDelimiter, [IndentType.quote], lns[0], "```D")]);
- lns = ["> ```D"];
- assert (parseLines(lns, s) == [Line(LineType.codeBlockDelimiter, [IndentType.quote], lns[0], "```D")]);
- lns = ["> ```D"];
- assert (parseLines(lns, s) == [Line(LineType.codeBlockDelimiter, [IndentType.quote], lns[0], " ```D")]);
- lns = ["> ```D"];
- assert (parseLines(lns, s) == [Line(LineType.codeBlockDelimiter, [IndentType.quote, IndentType.white], lns[0], "```D")]);
- lns = [">test"];
- assert (parseLines(lns, s) == [Line(LineType.plain, [IndentType.quote], lns[0], "test")]);
- lns = ["> test"];
- assert (parseLines(lns, s) == [Line(LineType.plain, [IndentType.quote], lns[0], "test")]);
- lns = ["> test"];
- assert (parseLines(lns, s) == [Line(LineType.plain, [IndentType.quote], lns[0], " test")]);
- lns = ["> test"];
- assert (parseLines(lns, s) == [Line(LineType.plain, [IndentType.quote, IndentType.white], lns[0], "test")]);
-private enum BlockType {
- plain,
- text,
- paragraph,
- header,
- table,
- oList,
- uList,
- listItem,
- code,
- quote,
- figure,
- figureCaption
-private struct Block {
- BlockType type;
- Attribute[] attributes;
- string[] text;
- Block[] blocks;
- size_t headerLevel;
- Alignment[] columns;
-private struct Attribute {
- string attribute;
- string value;
-private enum Alignment {
- none = 0,
- left = 1<<0,
- right = 1<<1,
- center = left | right
-private void parseBlocks(ref Block root, ref Line[] lines, IndentType[] base_indent, scope MarkdownSettings settings)
-pure @safe {
- import std.conv : to;
- import std.algorithm.comparison : among;
- if (base_indent.length == 0) root.type = BlockType.text;
- else if (base_indent[$-1] == IndentType.quote) root.type = BlockType.quote;
- while (!lines.empty) {
- auto ln = lines.front;
- if (ln.type == LineType.blank) {
- lines.popFront();
- continue;
- }
- if (ln.indent != base_indent) {
- if (ln.indent.length < base_indent.length
- || ln.indent[0 .. base_indent.length] != base_indent)
- {
- return;
- }
- auto cindent = base_indent ~ IndentType.white;
- if (ln.indent == cindent) {
- Block cblock;
- cblock.type = BlockType.code;
- while (!lines.empty && (lines.front.unindented.strip.empty
- || lines.front.indent.length >= cindent.length
- && lines.front.indent[0 .. cindent.length] == cindent))
- {
- cblock.text ~= lines.front.indent.length >= cindent.length
- ? lines.front.unindent(cindent.length) : "";
- lines.popFront();
- }
- root.blocks ~= cblock;
- } else {
- Block subblock;
- parseBlocks(subblock, lines, ln.indent[0 .. base_indent.length+1], settings);
- root.blocks ~= subblock;
- }
- } else {
- Block b;
- final switch (ln.type) {
- case LineType.undefined: assert (false);
- case LineType.blank: assert (false);
- case LineType.plain:
- if (lines.length >= 2 && lines[1].type == LineType.setextHeader) {
- auto setln = lines[1].unindented;
- b.type = BlockType.header;
- b.text = [ln.unindented];
- if (settings.flags & MarkdownFlags.attributes)
- parseAttributeString(skipAttributes(b.text[0]), b.attributes);
- if (!b.attributes.canFind!(a => a.attribute == "id"))
- b.attributes ~= Attribute("id", asSlug(b.text[0]).to!string);
- b.headerLevel = setln.strip()[0] == '=' ? 1 : 2;
- lines.popFrontN(2);
- } else if (lines.length >= 2 && lines[1].type == LineType.tableSeparator
- && ln.unindented.indexOf('|') >= 0)
- {
- auto setln = lines[1].unindented;
- b.type = BlockType.table;
- b.text = [ln.unindented];
- foreach (c; getTableColumns(setln)) {
- Alignment a = Alignment.none;
- if (c.startsWith(':')) a |= Alignment.left;
- if (c.endsWith(':')) a |= Alignment.right;
- b.columns ~= a;
- }
- lines.popFrontN(2);
- while (!lines.empty && lines[0].unindented.indexOf('|') >= 0) {
- b.text ~= lines.front.unindented;
- lines.popFront();
- }
- } else {
- b.type = BlockType.paragraph;
- b.text = skipText(lines, base_indent);
- }
- break;
- case LineType.hline:
- b.type = BlockType.plain;
- b.text = ["
- lines.popFront();
- break;
- case LineType.atxHeader:
- b.type = BlockType.header;
- string hl = ln.unindented;
- b.headerLevel = 0;
- while (hl.length > 0 && hl[0] == '#') {
- b.headerLevel++;
- hl = hl[1 .. $];
- }
- if (settings.flags & MarkdownFlags.attributes)
- parseAttributeString(skipAttributes(hl), b.attributes);
- if (!b.attributes.canFind!(a => a.attribute == "id"))
- b.attributes ~= Attribute("id", asSlug(hl).to!string);
- while (hl.length > 0 && (hl[$-1] == '#' || hl[$-1] == ' '))
- hl = hl[0 .. $-1];
- b.text = [hl];
- lines.popFront();
- break;
- case LineType.setextHeader:
- lines.popFront();
- break;
- case LineType.tableSeparator:
- lines.popFront();
- break;
- case LineType.figure:
- case LineType.figureCaption:
- b.type = ln.type == LineType.figure
- ? BlockType.figure : BlockType.figureCaption;
- auto itemindent = base_indent ~ IndentType.white;
- lines.popFront();
- parseBlocks(b, lines, itemindent, settings);
- break;
- case LineType.uList:
- case LineType.oList:
- b.type = ln.type == LineType.uList ? BlockType.uList : BlockType.oList;
- auto itemindent = base_indent ~ IndentType.white;
- bool paraMode = false;
- // look ahead to determine whether the list is in paragraph
- // mode (one or multiple
nested within each item
- bool couldBeParaMode = false;
- foreach (pln; lines[1 .. $]) {
- if (pln.type == LineType.blank) {
- couldBeParaMode = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!pln.indent.startsWith(base_indent)) break;
- if (pln.indent == base_indent) {
- if (pln.type == ln.type)
- paraMode = couldBeParaMode;
- break;
- }
- }
- while (!lines.empty && lines.front.type == ln.type
- && lines.front.indent == base_indent)
- {
- Block itm;
- itm.text = skipText(lines, itemindent);
- itm.text[0] = removeListPrefix(itm.text[0], ln.type);
- if (paraMode) {
- Block para;
- para.type = BlockType.paragraph;
- para.text = itm.text;
- itm.blocks ~= para;
- itm.text = null;
- }
- parseBlocks(itm, lines, itemindent, settings);
- itm.type = BlockType.listItem;
- b.blocks ~= itm;
- }
- break;
- case LineType.htmlBlock:
- int nestlevel = 0;
- auto starttag = parseHtmlBlockLine(ln.unindented);
- if (!starttag.isHtmlBlock || !starttag.open)
- break;
- b.type = BlockType.plain;
- while (!lines.empty) {
- if (lines.front.indent.length < base_indent.length)
- break;
- if (lines.front.indent[0 .. base_indent.length] != base_indent)
- break;
- auto str = lines.front.unindent(base_indent.length);
- auto taginfo = parseHtmlBlockLine(str);
- b.text ~= lines.front.unindent(base_indent.length);
- lines.popFront();
- if (taginfo.isHtmlBlock && taginfo.tagName == starttag.tagName)
- nestlevel += taginfo.open ? 1 : -1;
- if (nestlevel <= 0) break;
- }
- break;
- case LineType.codeBlockDelimiter:
- lines.popFront(); // TODO: get language from line
- b.type = BlockType.code;
- while (!lines.empty) {
- if (lines.front.indent.length < base_indent.length)
- break;
- if (lines.front.indent[0 .. base_indent.length] != base_indent)
- break;
- if (lines.front.type == LineType.codeBlockDelimiter) {
- lines.popFront();
- break;
- }
- b.text ~= lines.front.unindent(base_indent.length);
- lines.popFront();
- }
- break;
- }
- root.blocks ~= b;
- }
- }
-private string[] skipText(ref Line[] lines, IndentType[] indent)
-pure @safe {
- static bool matchesIndent(IndentType[] indent, IndentType[] base_indent)
- {
- if (indent.length > base_indent.length) return false;
- if (indent != base_indent[0 .. indent.length]) return false;
- sizediff_t qidx = -1;
- foreach_reverse (i, tp; base_indent)
- if (tp == IndentType.quote) {
- qidx = i;
- break;
- }
- if (qidx >= 0) {
- qidx = base_indent.length-1 - qidx;
- if( indent.length <= qidx ) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // return value is used in variables that don't get bounds checks on the
- // first element, so we should return at least one
- if (lines.empty)
- return [""];
- string[] ret;
- while (true) {
- ret ~= lines.front.unindent(min(indent.length, lines.front.indent.length));
- lines.popFront();
- if (lines.empty || !matchesIndent(lines.front.indent, indent)
- || lines.front.type != LineType.plain)
- {
- return ret;
- }
- }
-/// private
-private void writeBlock(R)(ref R dst, ref const Block block, LinkRef[string] links, scope MarkdownSettings settings)
- final switch (block.type) {
- case BlockType.plain:
- foreach (ln; block.text) {
- put(dst, ln);
- put(dst, "\n");
- }
- foreach (b; block.blocks)
- writeBlock(dst, b, links, settings);
- break;
- case BlockType.text:
- writeMarkdownEscaped(dst, block, links, settings);
- foreach (b; block.blocks)
- writeBlock(dst, b, links, settings);
- break;
- case BlockType.paragraph:
- assert (block.blocks.length == 0);
- put(dst, "");
- writeMarkdownEscaped(dst, block, links, settings);
- put(dst, "
- break;
- case BlockType.header:
- assert (block.blocks.length == 0);
- assert (block.text.length == 1);
- auto hlvl = block.headerLevel + (settings ? settings.headingBaseLevel-1 : 0);
- dst.writeTag(block.attributes, "h", hlvl);
- writeMarkdownEscaped(dst, block.text[0], links, settings);
- dst.formattedWrite("\n", hlvl);
- break;
- case BlockType.table:
- import std.algorithm.iteration : splitter;
- static string[Alignment.max+1] alstr = ["", " align=\"left\"", " align=\"right\"", " align=\"center\""];
- put(dst, "\n");
- put(dst, "");
- size_t i = 0;
- foreach (col; block.text[0].getTableColumns()) {
- put(dst, "');
- dst.writeMarkdownEscaped(col, links, settings);
- put(dst, " ");
- if (i + 1 < block.columns.length)
- i++;
- }
- put(dst, " \n");
- foreach (ln; block.text[1 .. $]) {
- put(dst, "");
- i = 0;
- foreach (col; ln.getTableColumns()) {
- put(dst, "');
- dst.writeMarkdownEscaped(col, links, settings);
- put(dst, " ");
- if (i + 1 < block.columns.length)
- i++;
- }
- put(dst, " \n");
- }
- put(dst, "
- break;
- case BlockType.oList:
- put(dst, "\n");
- foreach (b; block.blocks)
- writeBlock(dst, b, links, settings);
- put(dst, " \n");
- break;
- case BlockType.uList:
- put(dst, "\n");
- foreach (b; block.blocks)
- writeBlock(dst, b, links, settings);
- put(dst, " \n");
- break;
- case BlockType.listItem:
- put(dst, "");
- writeMarkdownEscaped(dst, block, links, settings);
- foreach (b; block.blocks)
- writeBlock(dst, b, links, settings);
- put(dst, " \n");
- break;
- case BlockType.code:
- assert (block.blocks.length == 0);
- put(dst, "");
- foreach (ln; block.text) {
- filterHTMLEscape(dst, ln);
- put(dst, "\n");
- }
- put(dst, "
- break;
- case BlockType.quote:
- put(dst, "");
- writeMarkdownEscaped(dst, block, links, settings);
- foreach (b; block.blocks)
- writeBlock(dst, b, links, settings);
- put(dst, " \n");
- break;
- case BlockType.figure:
- put(dst, "");
- bool omit_para = block.blocks.count!(b => b.type != BlockType.figureCaption) == 1;
- foreach (b; block.blocks) {
- if (b.type == BlockType.paragraph && omit_para) {
- writeMarkdownEscaped(dst, b, links, settings);
- } else writeBlock(dst, b, links, settings);
- }
- put(dst, " \n");
- break;
- case BlockType.figureCaption:
- put(dst, "");
- if (block.blocks.length == 1 && block.blocks[0].type == BlockType.paragraph) {
- writeMarkdownEscaped(dst, block.blocks[0], links, settings);
- } else {
- foreach (b; block.blocks)
- writeBlock(dst, b, links, settings);
- }
- put(dst, " \n");
- break;
- }
-private void writeMarkdownEscaped(R)(ref R dst, ref const Block block, in LinkRef[string] links, scope MarkdownSettings settings)
- auto lines = () @trusted { return cast(string[])block.text; } ();
- auto text = settings.flags & MarkdownFlags.keepLineBreaks ? lines.join(" ") : lines.join("\n");
- writeMarkdownEscaped(dst, text, links, settings);
- if (lines.length) put(dst, "\n");
-/// private
-private void writeMarkdownEscaped(R)(ref R dst, string ln, in LinkRef[string] linkrefs, scope MarkdownSettings settings)
- bool isAllowedURI(string lnk) {
- auto idx = lnk.indexOf('/');
- auto cidx = lnk.indexOf(':');
- // always allow local URIs
- if (cidx < 0 || idx >= 0 && cidx > idx) return true;
- return settings.allowedURISchemas.canFind(lnk[0 .. cidx]);
- }
- string filterLink(string lnk, bool is_image) {
- if (isAllowedURI(lnk))
- return settings.urlFilter ? settings.urlFilter(lnk, is_image) : lnk;
- return "#"; // replace link with unknown schema with dummy URI
- }
- bool br = ln.endsWith(" ");
- while (ln.length > 0) {
- switch (ln[0]) {
- default:
- put(dst, ln[0]);
- ln = ln[1 .. $];
- break;
- case '\\':
- if (ln.length >= 2) {
- switch (ln[1]) {
- default:
- put(dst, ln[0 .. 2]);
- ln = ln[2 .. $];
- break;
- case '\'', '`', '*', '_', '{', '}', '[', ']',
- '(', ')', '#', '+', '-', '.', '!':
- put(dst, ln[1]);
- ln = ln[2 .. $];
- break;
- }
- } else {
- put(dst, ln[0]);
- ln = ln[1 .. $];
- }
- break;
- case '_':
- case '*':
- string text;
- if (auto em = parseEmphasis(ln, text)) {
- put(dst, em == 1 ? "" : em == 2 ? "" : "");
- put(dst, text);
- put(dst, em == 1 ? " " : em == 2 ? " ": " ");
- } else {
- put(dst, ln[0]);
- ln = ln[1 .. $];
- }
- break;
- case '`':
- string code;
- if (parseInlineCode(ln, code)) {
- put(dst, "");
- filterHTMLEscape(dst, code, HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeMinimal);
- put(dst, "
- } else {
- put(dst, ln[0]);
- ln = ln[1 .. $];
- }
- break;
- case '[':
- Link link;
- Attribute[] attributes;
- if (parseLink(ln, link, linkrefs,
- settings.flags & MarkdownFlags.attributes ? &attributes : null))
- {
- attributes ~= Attribute("href", filterLink(link.url, false));
- if (link.title.length)
- attributes ~= Attribute("title", link.title);
- dst.writeTag(attributes, "a");
- writeMarkdownEscaped(dst, link.text, linkrefs, settings);
- put(dst, "");
- } else {
- put(dst, ln[0]);
- ln = ln[1 .. $];
- }
- break;
- case '!':
- Link link;
- Attribute[] attributes;
- if (parseLink(ln, link, linkrefs,
- settings.flags & MarkdownFlags.attributes ? &attributes : null))
- {
- attributes ~= Attribute("src", filterLink(link.url, true));
- attributes ~= Attribute("alt", link.text);
- if (link.title.length)
- attributes ~= Attribute("title", link.title);
- dst.writeTag(attributes, "img");
- } else if( ln.length >= 2 ){
- put(dst, ln[0 .. 2]);
- ln = ln[2 .. $];
- } else {
- put(dst, ln[0]);
- ln = ln[1 .. $];
- }
- break;
- case '>':
- if (settings.flags & MarkdownFlags.noInlineHtml) put(dst, ">");
- else put(dst, ln[0]);
- ln = ln[1 .. $];
- break;
- case '<':
- string url;
- if (parseAutoLink(ln, url)) {
- bool is_email = url.startsWith("mailto:");
- put(dst, "");
- if (is_email) filterHTMLAllEscape(dst, url[7 .. $]);
- else filterHTMLEscape(dst, url, HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeMinimal);
- put(dst, " ");
- } else {
- if (ln.startsWith(" ")) {
- // always support line breaks, since we embed them here ourselves!
- put(dst, " ");
- ln = ln[4 .. $];
- } else if(ln.startsWith(" ")) {
- put(dst, " ");
- ln = ln[5 .. $];
- } else {
- if (settings.flags & MarkdownFlags.noInlineHtml)
- put(dst, "<");
- else put(dst, ln[0]);
- ln = ln[1 .. $];
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (br) put(dst, " ");
-private void writeTag(R, ARGS...)(ref R dst, string name, ARGS name_additions)
- writeTag(dst, cast(Attribute[])null, name, name_additions);
-private void writeTag(R, ARGS...)(ref R dst, scope const(Attribute)[] attributes, string name, ARGS name_additions)
- dst.formattedWrite("<%s", name);
- foreach (add; name_additions)
- dst.formattedWrite("%s", add);
- foreach (a; attributes) {
- dst.formattedWrite(" %s=\"", a.attribute);
- dst.filterHTMLAttribEscape(a.value);
- put(dst, '\"');
- }
- put(dst, '>');
-private bool isLineBlank(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- return allOf(ln, " \t");
-private bool isSetextHeaderLine(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- ln = stripLeft(ln);
- if (ln.length < 1) return false;
- if (ln[0] == '=') {
- while (!ln.empty && ln.front == '=') ln.popFront();
- return isLineBlank(ln);
- }
- if (ln[0] == '-') {
- while (!ln.empty && ln.front == '-') ln.popFront();
- return isLineBlank(ln);
- }
- return false;
-private bool isAtxHeaderLine(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- ln = stripLeft(ln);
- size_t i = 0;
- while (i < ln.length && ln[i] == '#') i++;
- if (i < 1 || i > 6 || i >= ln.length) return false;
- return ln[i] == ' ';
-private bool isTableSeparatorLine(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- import std.algorithm.iteration : splitter;
- ln = strip(ln);
- if (ln.startsWith("|")) ln = ln[1 .. $];
- if (ln.endsWith("|")) ln = ln[0 .. $-1];
- auto cols = ln.splitter('|');
- size_t cnt = 0;
- foreach (c; cols) {
- c = c.strip();
- if (c.startsWith(':')) c = c[1 .. $];
- if (c.endsWith(':')) c = c[0 .. $-1];
- if (c.length < 3 || !c.allOf("-"))
- return false;
- cnt++;
- }
- return cnt >= 2;
-unittest {
- assert(isTableSeparatorLine("|----|---|"));
- assert(isTableSeparatorLine("|:----:|---|"));
- assert(isTableSeparatorLine("---|----"));
- assert(isTableSeparatorLine("| --- | :---- |"));
- assert(!isTableSeparatorLine("| ---- |"));
- assert(!isTableSeparatorLine("| -- | -- |"));
- assert(!isTableSeparatorLine("| --- - | ---- |"));
-private auto getTableColumns(string line)
-pure @safe nothrow {
- import std.algorithm.iteration : map, splitter;
- if (line.startsWith("|")) line = line[1 .. $];
- if (line.endsWith("|")) line = line[0 .. $-1];
- return line.splitter('|').map!(s => s.strip());
-private size_t countTableColumns(string line)
-pure @safe {
- return getTableColumns(line).count();
-private bool isHlineLine(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- if (allOf(ln, " -") && count(ln, '-') >= 3) return true;
- if (allOf(ln, " *") && count(ln, '*') >= 3) return true;
- if (allOf(ln, " _") && count(ln, '_') >= 3) return true;
- return false;
-private bool allOf(string str, const(char)[] ascii_chars)
-pure @safe nothrow {
- return str.byCodeUnit.all!(ch => ascii_chars.byCodeUnit.canFind(ch));
-private bool isQuoteLine(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- return ln.stripLeft().startsWith(">");
-private size_t getQuoteLevel(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- size_t level = 0;
- ln = stripLeft(ln);
- while (ln.length > 0 && ln[0] == '>') {
- level++;
- ln = stripLeft(ln[1 .. $]);
- }
- return level;
-private bool isUListLine(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- ln = stripLeft(ln);
- if (ln.length < 2) return false;
- if (!canFind("*+-", ln[0])) return false;
- if (ln[1] != ' ' && ln[1] != '\t') return false;
- return true;
-private bool isOListLine(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- ln = stripLeft(ln);
- if (ln.length < 1) return false;
- if (ln[0] < '0' || ln[0] > '9') return false;
- ln = ln[1 .. $];
- while (ln.length > 0 && ln[0] >= '0' && ln[0] <= '9')
- ln = ln[1 .. $];
- if (ln.length < 2) return false;
- if (ln[0] != '.') return false;
- if (ln[1] != ' ' && ln[1] != '\t')
- return false;
- return true;
-private string removeListPrefix(string str, LineType tp)
-pure @safe {
- switch (tp) {
- default: assert (false);
- case LineType.oList: // skip bullets and output using normal escaping
- auto idx = str.indexOf('.');
- assert (idx > 0);
- return str[idx+1 .. $].stripLeft();
- case LineType.uList:
- return stripLeft(str.stripLeft()[1 .. $]);
- }
-private auto parseHtmlBlockLine(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- struct HtmlBlockInfo {
- bool isHtmlBlock;
- string tagName;
- bool open;
- }
- HtmlBlockInfo ret;
- ret.isHtmlBlock = false;
- ret.open = true;
- ln = strip(ln);
- if (ln.length < 3) return ret;
- if (ln[0] != '<') return ret;
- if (ln[1] == '/') {
- ret.open = false;
- ln = ln[1 .. $];
- }
- import std.ascii : isAlpha;
- if (!isAlpha(ln[1])) return ret;
- ln = ln[1 .. $];
- size_t idx = 0;
- while (idx < ln.length && ln[idx] != ' ' && ln[idx] != '>')
- idx++;
- ret.tagName = ln[0 .. idx];
- ln = ln[idx .. $];
- auto eidx = ln.indexOf('>');
- if (eidx < 0) return ret;
- if (eidx != ln.length-1) return ret;
- if (!s_blockTags.canFind(ret.tagName)) return ret;
- ret.isHtmlBlock = true;
- return ret;
-private bool isHtmlBlockLine(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- auto bi = parseHtmlBlockLine(ln);
- return bi.isHtmlBlock && bi.open;
-private bool isHtmlBlockCloseLine(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- auto bi = parseHtmlBlockLine(ln);
- return bi.isHtmlBlock && !bi.open;
-private bool isCodeBlockDelimiter(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- return ln.stripLeft.startsWith("```");
-private string getHtmlTagName(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- return parseHtmlBlockLine(ln).tagName;
-private bool isLineIndented(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- return ln.startsWith("\t") || ln.startsWith(" ");
-private string unindentLine(string ln)
-pure @safe {
- if (ln.startsWith("\t")) return ln[1 .. $];
- if (ln.startsWith(" ")) return ln[4 .. $];
- assert (false);
-private int parseEmphasis(ref string str, ref string text)
-pure @safe {
- string pstr = str;
- if (pstr.length < 3) return false;
- string ctag;
- if (pstr.startsWith("***")) ctag = "***";
- else if (pstr.startsWith("**")) ctag = "**";
- else if (pstr.startsWith("*")) ctag = "*";
- else if (pstr.startsWith("___")) ctag = "___";
- else if (pstr.startsWith("__")) ctag = "__";
- else if (pstr.startsWith("_")) ctag = "_";
- else return false;
- pstr = pstr[ctag.length .. $];
- auto cidx = () @trusted { return pstr.indexOf(ctag); }();
- if (cidx < 1) return false;
- text = pstr[0 .. cidx];
- str = pstr[cidx+ctag.length .. $];
- return cast(int)ctag.length;
-private bool parseInlineCode(ref string str, ref string code)
-pure @safe {
- string pstr = str;
- if (pstr.length < 3) return false;
- string ctag;
- if (pstr.startsWith("``")) ctag = "``";
- else if (pstr.startsWith("`")) ctag = "`";
- else return false;
- pstr = pstr[ctag.length .. $];
- auto cidx = () @trusted { return pstr.indexOf(ctag); }();
- if (cidx < 1) return false;
- code = pstr[0 .. cidx];
- str = pstr[cidx+ctag.length .. $];
- return true;
-private bool parseLink(ref string str, ref Link dst, scope const(LinkRef[string]) linkrefs, scope Attribute[]* attributes)
-pure @safe {
- string pstr = str;
- if (pstr.length < 3) return false;
- // ignore img-link prefix
- if (pstr[0] == '!') pstr = pstr[1 .. $];
- // parse the text part [text]
- if (pstr[0] != '[') return false;
- auto cidx = pstr.matchBracket();
- if (cidx < 1) return false;
- string refid;
- dst.text = pstr[1 .. cidx];
- pstr = pstr[cidx+1 .. $];
- // parse either (link '['"title"']') or '[' ']'[refid]
- if (pstr.length < 2) return false;
- if (pstr[0] == '(') {
- cidx = pstr.matchBracket();
- if (cidx < 1) return false;
- auto inner = pstr[1 .. cidx];
- immutable qidx = inner.indexOf('"');
- import std.ascii : isWhite;
- if (qidx > 1 && inner[qidx - 1].isWhite()) {
- dst.url = inner[0 .. qidx].stripRight();
- immutable len = inner[qidx .. $].lastIndexOf('"');
- if (len == 0) return false;
- assert (len > 0);
- dst.title = inner[qidx + 1 .. qidx + len];
- } else {
- dst.url = inner.stripRight();
- dst.title = null;
- }
- if (dst.url.startsWith("<") && dst.url.endsWith(">"))
- dst.url = dst.url[1 .. $-1];
- pstr = pstr[cidx+1 .. $];
- if (attributes) {
- if (pstr.startsWith('{')) {
- auto idx = pstr.indexOf('}');
- if (idx > 0) {
- parseAttributeString(pstr[1 .. idx], *attributes);
- pstr = pstr[idx+1 .. $];
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (pstr[0] == ' ') pstr = pstr[1 .. $];
- if (pstr[0] != '[') return false;
- pstr = pstr[1 .. $];
- cidx = pstr.indexOf(']');
- if (cidx < 0) return false;
- if (cidx == 0) refid = dst.text;
- else refid = pstr[0 .. cidx];
- pstr = pstr[cidx+1 .. $];
- }
- if (refid.length > 0) {
- auto pr = toLower(refid) in linkrefs;
- if (!pr) {
- return false;
- }
- dst.url = pr.url;
- dst.title = pr.title;
- if (attributes) *attributes ~= pr.attributes;
- }
- str = pstr;
- return true;
-@safe unittest
- static void testLink(string s, Link exp, in LinkRef[string] refs)
- {
- Link link;
- assert (parseLink(s, link, refs, null), s);
- assert (link == exp);
- }
- LinkRef[string] refs;
- refs["ref"] = LinkRef("ref", "target", "title");
- testLink(`[link](target)`, Link("link", "target"), null);
- testLink(`[link](target "title")`, Link("link", "target", "title"), null);
- testLink(`[link](target "title")`, Link("link", "target", "title"), null);
- testLink(`[link](target "title" )`, Link("link", "target", "title"), null);
- testLink(`[link](target)`, Link("link", "target"), null);
- testLink(`[link](target "title")`, Link("link", "target", "title"), null);
- testLink(`[link][ref]`, Link("link", "target", "title"), refs);
- testLink(`[ref][]`, Link("ref", "target", "title"), refs);
- testLink(`[link[with brackets]](target)`, Link("link[with brackets]", "target"), null);
- testLink(`[link[with brackets]][ref]`, Link("link[with brackets]", "target", "title"), refs);
- testLink(`[link](/target with spaces )`, Link("link", "/target with spaces"), null);
- testLink(`[link](/target with spaces "title")`, Link("link", "/target with spaces", "title"), null);
- testLink(`[link](white-space "around title" )`, Link("link", "white-space", "around title"), null);
- testLink(`[link](tabs "around title" )`, Link("link", "tabs", "around title"), null);
- testLink(`[link](target "")`, Link("link", "target", ""), null);
- testLink(`[link](target-no-title"foo" )`, Link("link", "target-no-title\"foo\"", ""), null);
- testLink(`[link]()`, Link("link", "target"), null);
- auto failing = [
- `text`, `[link](target`, `[link]target)`, `[link]`,
- `[link(target)`, `link](target)`, `[link] (target)`,
- `[link][noref]`, `[noref][]`
- ];
- Link link;
- foreach (s; failing)
- assert (!parseLink(s, link, refs, null), s);
-@safe unittest { // attributes
- void test(string s, LinkRef[string] refs, bool parse_atts, string exprem, Link explnk, Attribute[] expatts...)
- @safe {
- Link lnk;
- Attribute[] atts;
- parseLink(s, lnk, refs, parse_atts ? () @trusted { return &atts; } () : null);
- assert (lnk == explnk);
- assert (s == exprem);
- assert (atts == expatts);
- }
- test("[foo](bar){.baz}", null, false, "{.baz}", Link("foo", "bar", ""));
- test("[foo](bar){.baz}", null, true, "", Link("foo", "bar", ""), Attribute("class", "baz"));
- auto refs = ["bar": LinkRef("bar", "url", "title", [Attribute("id", "hid")])];
- test("[foo][bar]", refs, false, "", Link("foo", "url", "title"));
- test("[foo][bar]", refs, true, "", Link("foo", "url", "title"), Attribute("id", "hid"));
-private bool parseAutoLink(ref string str, ref string url)
-pure @safe {
- import std.algorithm.searching : all;
- import std.ascii : isAlphaNum;
- string pstr = str;
- if (pstr.length < 3) return false;
- if (pstr[0] != '<') return false;
- pstr = pstr[1 .. $];
- auto cidx = pstr.indexOf('>');
- if (cidx < 0) return false;
- url = pstr[0 .. cidx];
- if (url.any!(ch => ch == ' ' || ch == '\t')) return false;
- auto atidx = url.indexOf('@');
- auto colonidx = url.indexOf(':');
- if (atidx < 0 && colonidx < 0) return false;
- str = pstr[cidx+1 .. $];
- if (atidx < 0) return true;
- if (colonidx < 0 || colonidx > atidx ||
- !url[0 .. colonidx].all!(ch => ch.isAlphaNum))
- url = "mailto:" ~ url;
- return true;
-unittest {
- void test(bool expected, string str, string url)
- {
- string strcpy = str;
- string outurl;
- if (!expected) {
- assert (!parseAutoLink(strcpy, outurl));
- assert (outurl.length == 0);
- assert (strcpy == str);
- } else {
- assert (parseAutoLink(strcpy, outurl));
- assert (outurl == url);
- assert (strcpy.length == 0);
- }
- }
- test(true, " ", "http://foo/");
- test(false, "", "mailto:foo@bar");
- test(true, "", "mailto:foo@bar");
- test(true, "", "proto:foo@bar");
- test(true, "", "proto:foo@bar:123");
- test(true, "<\"foo:bar\"@baz>", "mailto:\"foo:bar\"@baz");
-private string skipAttributes(ref string line)
-@safe pure {
- auto strs = line.stripRight;
- if (!strs.endsWith("}")) return null;
- auto idx = strs.lastIndexOf('{');
- if (idx < 0) return null;
- auto ret = strs[idx+1 .. $-1];
- line = strs[0 .. idx];
- return ret;
-unittest {
- void test(string inp, string outp, string att)
- {
- auto ratt = skipAttributes(inp);
- assert (ratt == att, ratt);
- assert (inp == outp, inp);
- }
- test(" foo ", " foo ", null);
- test("foo {bar}", "foo ", "bar");
- test("foo {bar} ", "foo ", "bar");
- test("foo bar} ", "foo bar} ", null);
- test(" {bar} foo ", " {bar} foo ", null);
- test(" fo {o {bar} ", " fo {o ", "bar");
- test(" fo {o} {bar} ", " fo {o} ", "bar");
-private void parseAttributeString(string attributes, ref Attribute[] dst)
-@safe pure {
- import std.algorithm.iteration : splitter;
- // TODO: handle custom attributes (requires a different approach than splitter)
- foreach (el; attributes.splitter(' ')) {
- el = el.strip;
- if (!el.length) continue;
- if (el[0] == '#') {
- auto idx = dst.countUntil!(a => a.attribute == "id");
- if (idx >= 0) dst[idx].value = el[1 .. $];
- else dst ~= Attribute("id", el[1 .. $]);
- } else if (el[0] == '.') {
- auto idx = dst.countUntil!(a => a.attribute == "class");
- if (idx >= 0) dst[idx].value ~= " " ~ el[1 .. $];
- else dst ~= Attribute("class", el[1 .. $]);
- }
- }
-unittest {
- void test(string str, Attribute[] atts...)
- {
- Attribute[] res;
- parseAttributeString(str, res);
- assert (res == atts, format("%s: %s", str, res));
- }
- test("");
- test(".foo", Attribute("class", "foo"));
- test("#foo", Attribute("id", "foo"));
- test("#foo #bar", Attribute("id", "bar"));
- test(".foo .bar", Attribute("class", "foo bar"));
- test("#foo #bar", Attribute("id", "bar"));
- test(".foo #bar .baz", Attribute("class", "foo baz"), Attribute("id", "bar"));
-private LinkRef[string] scanForReferences(ref string[] lines)
-pure @safe {
- LinkRef[string] ret;
- bool[size_t] reflines;
- // search for reference definitions:
- // [refid] link "opt text"
- // [refid] "opt text"
- // "opt text", 'opt text', (opt text)
- // line must not be indented
- foreach (lnidx, ln; lines) {
- if (isLineIndented(ln)) continue;
- ln = strip(ln);
- if (!ln.startsWith("[")) continue;
- ln = ln[1 .. $];
- auto idx = () @trusted { return ln.indexOf("]:"); }();
- if (idx < 0) continue;
- string refid = ln[0 .. idx];
- ln = stripLeft(ln[idx+2 .. $]);
- string attstr = ln.skipAttributes();
- string url;
- if (ln.startsWith("<")) {
- idx = ln.indexOf('>');
- if (idx < 0) continue;
- url = ln[1 .. idx];
- ln = ln[idx+1 .. $];
- } else {
- idx = ln.indexOf(' ');
- if (idx > 0) {
- url = ln[0 .. idx];
- ln = ln[idx+1 .. $];
- } else {
- idx = ln.indexOf('\t');
- if (idx < 0) {
- url = ln;
- ln = ln[$ .. $];
- } else {
- url = ln[0 .. idx];
- ln = ln[idx+1 .. $];
- }
- }
- }
- ln = stripLeft(ln);
- string title;
- if (ln.length >= 3) {
- if (ln[0] == '(' && ln[$-1] == ')'
- || ln[0] == '\"' && ln[$-1] == '\"'
- || ln[0] == '\'' && ln[$-1] == '\'' )
- {
- title = ln[1 .. $-1];
- }
- }
- LinkRef lref;
- lref.id = refid;
- lref.url = url;
- lref.title = title;
- parseAttributeString(attstr, lref.attributes);
- ret[toLower(refid)] = lref;
- reflines[lnidx] = true;
- }
- // remove all lines containing references
- auto nonreflines = appender!(string[])();
- nonreflines.reserve(lines.length);
- foreach (i, ln; lines)
- if (i !in reflines)
- nonreflines.put(ln);
- lines = nonreflines.data();
- return ret;
- Generates an identifier suitable to use as within a URL.
- The resulting string will contain only ASCII lower case alphabetic or
- numeric characters, as well as dashes (-). Every sequence of
- non-alphanumeric characters will be replaced by a single dash. No dashes
- will be at either the front or the back of the result string.
-auto asSlug(R)(R text)
- if (isInputRange!R && is(typeof(R.init.front) == dchar))
- static struct SlugRange {
- private {
- R _input;
- bool _dash;
- }
- this(R input)
- {
- _input = input;
- skipNonAlphaNum();
- }
- @property bool empty() const { return _dash ? false : _input.empty; }
- @property char front() const {
- if (_dash) return '-';
- char r = cast(char)_input.front;
- if (r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z') return cast(char)(r + ('a' - 'A'));
- return r;
- }
- void popFront()
- {
- if (_dash) {
- _dash = false;
- return;
- }
- _input.popFront();
- auto na = skipNonAlphaNum();
- if (na && !_input.empty)
- _dash = true;
- }
- private bool skipNonAlphaNum()
- {
- bool have_skipped = false;
- while (!_input.empty) {
- switch (_input.front) {
- default:
- _input.popFront();
- have_skipped = true;
- break;
- case 'a': .. case 'z':
- case 'A': .. case 'Z':
- case '0': .. case '9':
- return have_skipped;
- }
- }
- return have_skipped;
- }
- }
- return SlugRange(text);
-unittest {
- import std.algorithm : equal;
- assert ("".asSlug.equal(""));
- assert (".,-".asSlug.equal(""));
- assert ("abc".asSlug.equal("abc"));
- assert ("aBc123".asSlug.equal("abc123"));
- assert ("....aBc...123...".asSlug.equal("abc-123"));
- Finds the closing bracket (works with any of '[', '$(LPAREN)', '<', '{').
- Params:
- str = input string
- nested = whether to skip nested brackets
- Returns:
- The index of the closing bracket or -1 for unbalanced strings
- and strings that don't start with a bracket.
-private sizediff_t matchBracket(const(char)[] str, bool nested = true)
-@safe pure nothrow {
- if (str.length < 2) return -1;
- char open = str[0], close = void;
- switch (str[0]) {
- case '[': close = ']'; break;
- case '(': close = ')'; break;
- case '<': close = '>'; break;
- case '{': close = '}'; break;
- default: return -1;
- }
- size_t level = 1;
- foreach (i, char c; str[1 .. $]) {
- if (nested && c == open) ++level;
- else if (c == close) --level;
- if (level == 0) return i + 1;
- }
- return -1;
-@safe unittest
- static struct Test { string str; sizediff_t res; }
- enum tests = [
- Test("[foo]", 4), Test("", 4), Test("{baz}", 4),
- Test("[", -1), Test("[foo", -1), Test("ab[f]", -1),
- Test("[foo[bar]]", 9), Test("[foo{bar]]", 8),
- ];
- foreach (test; tests)
- assert(matchBracket(test.str) == test.res);
- assert(matchBracket("[foo[bar]]", false) == 8);
- static assert(matchBracket("[foo]") == 4);
-private struct LinkRef {
- string id;
- string url;
- string title;
- Attribute[] attributes;
-private struct Link {
- string text;
- string url;
- string title;
-@safe unittest { // alt and title attributes
- assert (filterMarkdown("![alt](http://example.org/image)")
- == " \n
- assert (filterMarkdown("![alt](http://example.org/image \"Title\")")
- == " \n
-@safe unittest { // complex links
- assert (filterMarkdown("their [install\ninstructions]() and")
- == "their install\ninstructions and\n
- assert (filterMarkdown("[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/rejectedsoftware/vibe.d.png)](https://travis-ci.org/rejectedsoftware/vibe.d)")
- == " \n
-@safe unittest { // check CTFE-ability
- enum res = filterMarkdown("### some markdown\n[foo][]\n[foo]: /bar");
- assert (res == " some markdown \nfoo \n
\n", res);
-@safe unittest { // correct line breaks in restrictive mode
- auto res = filterMarkdown("hello\nworld", MarkdownFlags.forumDefault);
- assert (res == "hello world\n
\n", res);
-/*@safe unittest { // code blocks and blockquotes
- assert (filterMarkdown("\tthis\n\tis\n\tcode") ==
- "this\nis\ncode
- assert (filterMarkdown(" this\n is\n code") ==
- "this\nis\ncode
- assert (filterMarkdown(" this\n is\n\tcode") ==
- "this\nis
- assert (filterMarkdown("\tthis\n\n\tcode") ==
- "this\n\ncode
- assert (filterMarkdown("\t> this") ==
- "> this
- assert (filterMarkdown("> this") ==
- "this
- assert (filterMarkdown("> this\n is code") ==
- "this\nis code
-@safe unittest {
- assert (filterMarkdown("## Hello, World!") == " Hello, World! \n", filterMarkdown("## Hello, World!"));
-@safe unittest { // tables
- assert (filterMarkdown("foo|bar\n---|---", MarkdownFlags.tables)
- == "\n");
- assert (filterMarkdown(" *foo* | bar \n---|---\n baz|bam", MarkdownFlags.tables)
- == "\n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("|foo|bar|\n---|---\n baz|bam", MarkdownFlags.tables)
- == "\n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("foo|bar\n|---|---|\nbaz|bam", MarkdownFlags.tables)
- == "\n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("foo|bar\n---|---\n|baz|bam|", MarkdownFlags.tables)
- == "\n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("foo|bar|baz\n:---|---:|:---:\n|baz|bam|bap|", MarkdownFlags.tables)
- == "\nfoo bar baz \n"
- ~ "baz bam bap \n
- assert (filterMarkdown(" |bar\n---|---", MarkdownFlags.tables)
- == "\n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("foo|bar\n---|---\nbaz|", MarkdownFlags.tables)
- == "\n");
-@safe unittest { // issue #1527 - blank lines in code blocks
- assert (filterMarkdown(" foo\n\n bar\n") ==
- "foo\n\nbar\n
-@safe unittest {
- assert (filterMarkdown("> ```\r\n> test\r\n> ```", MarkdownFlags.forumDefault) ==
- "test\n
\n \n");
-@safe unittest { // issue #1845 - malicious URI targets
- assert (filterMarkdown("[foo](javascript:foo) ![bar](javascript:bar) ", MarkdownFlags.forumDefault) ==
- "foo javascript:baz \n
- assert (filterMarkdown("[foo][foo] ![foo][foo]\n[foo]: javascript:foo", MarkdownFlags.forumDefault) ==
- "foo \n
- assert (filterMarkdown("[foo](javascript%3Abar)", MarkdownFlags.forumDefault) ==
- "foo \n
- // extra XSS regression tests
- assert (filterMarkdown("[](bar)", MarkdownFlags.forumDefault) ==
- "<script></script> \n
- assert (filterMarkdown("[foo](\">foo \n
- assert (filterMarkdown("[foo](javascript:bar)", MarkdownFlags.forumDefault) ==
- "foo \n
-@safe unittest { // issue #2132 - table with more columns in body goes out of array bounds
- assert (filterMarkdown("| a | b |\n|--------|--------|\n| c | d | e |", MarkdownFlags.tables) ==
- "\n");
-@safe unittest { // lists
- assert (filterMarkdown("- foo\n- bar") ==
- "\n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("- foo\n\n- bar") ==
- "\n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("1. foo\n2. bar") ==
- "\nfoo\n \nbar\n \n \n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("1. foo\n\n2. bar") ==
- "\nfoo\n
\n \nbar\n
\n \n \n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("1. foo\n\n\tbar\n\n2. bar\n\n\tbaz\n\n") ==
- "\nfoo\n
\n \nbar\n
\n \n \n");
-@safe unittest { // figures
- assert (filterMarkdown("- %%%") == "\n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("- ###") == "\n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("- %%%", MarkdownFlags.figures) == " \n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("- ###", MarkdownFlags.figures) == " \n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("- %%%\n\tfoo\n\n\t- ###\n\t\tbar", MarkdownFlags.figures) ==
- "foo\nbar\n \n \n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("- %%%\n\tfoo\n\n\tbar\n\n\t- ###\n\t\tbaz", MarkdownFlags.figures) ==
- "foo\n
\nbaz\n \n \n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("- %%%\n\tfoo\n\n\t- ###\n\t\tbar\n\n\t\tbaz", MarkdownFlags.figures) ==
- "foo\nbar\n
\n \n \n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("- %%%\n\t1. foo\n\t2. bar\n\n\t- ###\n\t\tbaz", MarkdownFlags.figures) ==
- "\nfoo\n \nbar\n \n \nbaz\n \n \n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("- foo\n- %%%", MarkdownFlags.figures) == "\n \n");
- assert (filterMarkdown("- foo\n\n- %%%", MarkdownFlags.figures) == "\n \n");
-@safe unittest { // HTML entities
- assert(filterMarkdown(" ") == " \n
- assert(filterMarkdown("* *") == " \n
- assert(filterMarkdown("` `") == "
diff --git a/textfilter/vibe/textfilter/urlencode.d b/textfilter/vibe/textfilter/urlencode.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 81275b9686..0000000000
--- a/textfilter/vibe/textfilter/urlencode.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
- URL-encoding implementation
- Copyright: © 2012-2015 Sönke Ludwig
- License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
- Authors: Jan Krüger, Sönke Ludwig
-module vibe.textfilter.urlencode;
-import std.algorithm;
-import std.array;
-import std.conv;
-import std.exception;
-import std.format;
-import std.range;
-import std.utf : byCodeUnit;
- * Returns:
- * the URL encoded version of a given string, in a newly-allocated string.
- */
-T[] urlEncode(T)(T[] str, const(char)[] allowed_chars = null) if (is(T[] : const(char)[]))
- auto dst = StringSliceAppender!(T[])(str);
- filterURLEncode(dst, str, allowed_chars);
- return dst.data;
-@safe unittest {
- string s = "hello-world";
- assert(s.urlEncode().ptr == s.ptr);
-private auto isCorrectHexNum(const(char)[] str)
-@safe {
- foreach (char c; str) {
- switch(c) {
- case '0': .. case '9':
- case 'A': .. case 'F':
- case 'a': .. case 'f':
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-/** Checks whether a given string has valid URL encoding.
-bool isURLEncoded(const(char)[] str, const(char)[] reserved_chars = null)
-@safe nothrow {
- import std.string : representation;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
- if (isAsciiAlphaNum(str[i]))
- continue;
- switch (str[i]) {
- case '-':
- case '.':
- case '_':
- case '~':
- break;
- case '%':
- if (i + 2 >= str.length)
- return false;
- if (!isCorrectHexNum(str[i+1 .. i+3]))
- return false;
- i += 2;
- break;
- default:
- if (reserved_chars.representation.canFind(str[i]))
- return false;
- break;
- }
- }
- return true;
-@safe nothrow unittest {
- assert(isURLEncoded("hello-world"));
- assert(isURLEncoded("he%2F%af"));
- assert(!isURLEncoded("hello world", " "));
- assert(!isURLEncoded("he%f"));
- assert(!isURLEncoded("he%fx"));
-/** Returns the decoded version of a given URL encoded string.
-T[] urlDecode(T)(T[] str) if (is(T[] : const(char)[]))
- if (!str.byCodeUnit.canFind('%')) return str;
- auto dst = StringSliceAppender!(T[])(str);
- filterURLDecode(dst, str);
- return dst.data;
-/** Returns the form encoded version of a given string.
- Form encoding is the same as normal URL encoding, except that
- spaces are replaced by plus characters.
- Note that newlines should always be represented as \r\n sequences
- according to the HTTP standard.
-T[] formEncode(T)(T[] str, const(char)[] allowed_chars = null) if (is(T[] : const(char)[]))
- auto dst = StringSliceAppender!(T[])(str);
- filterURLEncode(dst, str, allowed_chars, true);
- return dst.data;
-/** Returns the decoded version of a form encoded string.
- Form encoding is the same as normal URL encoding, except that
- spaces are replaced by plus characters.
-T[] formDecode(T)(T[] str) if (is(T[] : const(char)[]))
- if (!str.byCodeUnit.any!(ch => ch == '%' || ch == '+')) return str;
- auto dst = StringSliceAppender!(T[])(str);
- filterURLDecode(dst, str, true);
- return dst.data;
-/** Writes the URL encoded version of the given string to an output range.
-void filterURLEncode(R)(ref R dst, const(char)[] str,
- const(char)[] allowed_chars = null,
- bool form_encoding = false)
- while (str.length > 0) {
- if (isAsciiAlphaNum(str[0])) {
- put(dst, str[0]);
- } else switch (str[0]) {
- default:
- if (allowed_chars.canFind(str[0])) put(dst, str[0]);
- else {
- static if (is(typeof({ R a, b; b = a; })))
- formattedWrite(dst, "%%%02X", str[0]);
- else
- formattedWrite(() @trusted { return &dst; } (), "%%%02X", str[0]);
- }
- break;
- case ' ':
- if (form_encoding) {
- put(dst, '+');
- break;
- }
- goto default;
- case '-': case '_': case '.': case '~':
- put(dst, str[0]);
- break;
- }
- str = str[1 .. $];
- }
-/** Writes the decoded version of the given URL encoded string to an output range.
-void filterURLDecode(R)(ref R dst, const(char)[] str, bool form_encoding = false)
- while( str.length > 0 ) {
- switch(str[0]) {
- case '%':
- enforce(str.length >= 3, "invalid percent encoding");
- auto hex = str[1..3];
- auto c = cast(char)parse!int(hex, 16);
- enforce(hex.length == 0, "invalid percent encoding");
- put(dst, c);
- str = str[3 .. $];
- break;
- case '+':
- if (form_encoding) {
- put(dst, ' ');
- str = str[1 .. $];
- break;
- }
- goto default;
- default:
- put(dst, str[0]);
- str = str[1 .. $];
- break;
- }
- }
-@safe unittest
- assert(urlEncode("\r\n") == "%0D%0A"); // github #65
- assert(urlEncode("This-is~a_test") == "This-is~a_test");
- assert(urlEncode("This is a test") == "This%20is%20a%20test");
- assert(urlEncode("This{is}test") == "This%7Bis%7Dtest");
- assert(formEncode("This is a test") == "This+is+a+test");
- assert(formEncode("this/test", "/") == "this/test");
- assert(formEncode("this/test") == "this%2Ftest");
- assert(urlEncode("%") == "%25");
- assert(urlEncode("!") == "%21");
- assert(urlDecode("%0D%0a") == "\r\n");
- assert(urlDecode("%c2%aE") == "®");
- assert(urlDecode("This+is%20a+test") == "This+is a+test");
- assert(formDecode("This+is%20a+test") == "This is a test");
- string a = "This~is a-test!\r\nHello, Wörld.. ";
- string aenc = urlEncode(a);
- assert(aenc == "This~is%20a-test%21%0D%0AHello%2C%20W%C3%B6rld..%20");
- assert(urlDecode(urlEncode(a)) == a);
-// for issue https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe.d/issues/2541
-@safe unittest
- static struct LimitedRange
- {
- char[] buf;
- void put(const(char)[] data) {
- .put(buf, data);
- }
- }
- char[100] buf1;
- char[100] buf2;
- auto r = LimitedRange(buf1[]);
- r.filterURLEncode("This-is~a_test");
- auto result = buf1[0 .. buf1.length - r.buf.length];
- assert(result == "This-is~a_test");
- r = LimitedRange(buf1[]);
- r.filterURLEncode("This is a test");
- result = buf1[0 .. buf1.length - r.buf.length];
- assert(result == "This%20is%20a%20test");
- r = LimitedRange(buf2[]);
- r.filterURLDecode(result);
- result = buf2[0 .. buf2.length - r.buf.length];
- assert(result == "This is a test");
-private struct StringSliceAppender(S) {
- private {
- Appender!S m_appender;
- S m_source;
- size_t m_prefixLength;
- }
- this(S source)
- {
- m_source = source;
- if (m_source.length == 0)
- m_appender = appender!S();
- }
- @disable this(this);
- void put(char ch)
- {
- if (m_source.length) {
- if (m_prefixLength < m_source.length && m_source[m_prefixLength] == ch) {
- m_prefixLength++;
- return;
- }
- m_appender = appender!S();
- m_appender.put(m_source[0 .. m_prefixLength]);
- m_appender.put(ch);
- m_source = S.init;
- } else m_appender.put(ch);
- }
- void put(S s)
- {
- if (m_source.length) {
- foreach (char ch; s)
- put(ch);
- } else m_appender.put(s);
- }
- void put(dchar ch)
- {
- import std.encoding : encode;
- char[6] chars;
- auto n = encode(ch, chars[]);
- foreach (char c; chars[0 .. n]) put(c);
- }
- @property S data()
- {
- return m_source.length ? m_source[0 .. m_prefixLength] : m_appender.data;
- }
-@safe unittest {
- string s = "foo";
- auto a = StringSliceAppender!string(s);
- a.put("f"); assert(a.data == "f"); assert(a.data.ptr is s.ptr);
- a.put('o'); assert(a.data == "fo"); assert(a.data.ptr is s.ptr);
- a.put('o'); assert(a.data == "foo"); assert(a.data.ptr is s.ptr);
- a.put('ä'); assert(a.data == "fooä");
- a = StringSliceAppender!string(s);
- a.put('f'); assert(a.data == "f"); assert(a.data.ptr is s.ptr);
- a.put("oobar"); assert(a.data == "foobar");
- a = StringSliceAppender!string(s);
- a.put(cast(dchar)'f'); assert(a.data == "f"); assert(a.data.ptr is s.ptr);
- a.put('b'); assert(a.data == "fb");
- a = StringSliceAppender!string(s);
- a.put('f'); assert(a.data == "f"); assert(a.data.ptr is s.ptr);
- a.put("b"); assert(a.data == "fb");
- a = StringSliceAppender!string(s);
- a.put('f'); assert(a.data == "f"); assert(a.data.ptr is s.ptr);
- a.put("ä"); assert(a.data == "fä");
- a = StringSliceAppender!string(s);
- a.put("bar"); assert(a.data == "bar");
- a = StringSliceAppender!string(s);
- a.put('b'); assert(a.data == "b");
- a = StringSliceAppender!string(s);
- a.put('ä'); assert(a.data == "ä");
- a = StringSliceAppender!string(s);
- a.put("foo"); assert(a.data == "foo"); assert(a.data.ptr is s.ptr);
- a.put("bar"); assert(a.data == "foobar");
- a = StringSliceAppender!string(s);
- a.put("foo"); assert(a.data == "foo"); assert(a.data.ptr is s.ptr);
- a.put('b'); assert(a.data == "foob");
-private static bool isAsciiAlphaNum(char ch)
-@safe nothrow pure @nogc {
- return (uint(ch) & 0xDF) - 0x41 < 26 || uint(ch) - '0' <= 9;
-unittest {
- assert(!isAsciiAlphaNum('@'));
- assert(isAsciiAlphaNum('A'));
- assert(isAsciiAlphaNum('Z'));
- assert(!isAsciiAlphaNum('['));
- assert(!isAsciiAlphaNum('`'));
- assert(isAsciiAlphaNum('a'));
- assert(isAsciiAlphaNum('z'));
- assert(!isAsciiAlphaNum('{'));
- assert(!isAsciiAlphaNum('/'));
- assert(isAsciiAlphaNum('0'));
- assert(isAsciiAlphaNum('9'));
- assert(!isAsciiAlphaNum(':'));