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User Guide

csiejoey edited this page Oct 26, 2017 · 10 revisions

Beact provides you creative ways to make music and visuals interactively.
You could combine keyboard-pressing with mouse-operation randomly to make it happen.

Basic Usage


  • [space]: play/pause the sequencer.
  • [a-z]: each keystroke triggers an audio sample with an animation popping out window screen.
  • [1-8]: each keystroke contains a sequencer preset.
  • [up/down]: speed up/slow down the seqencer.
  • [right/left]: switch to next/previous audio sample set.
  • [shift + right/left]: switch to next/previous animation set.


  • Each row contains an audio sample with its matching animation.
  • Click on blocks to form up unique sequence.
  • Samples and animations are triggered as the sequencer plays through clicked block.
  • When the sequencer reaches the end, it loops from start again and again.



play/pause button: play/pause the sequencer.


clear button: clean up the sequencer.


shuffle button: randomly generate a sequencer pattern.


menu button: open sidebar for advanced usage.

Advanced Usage:

Pattern (save a list of your favourite sequences):

play pattern
  1. Make up a sequence.
  2. Enter a name for the sequence. ex. chorus, bridge, pattern6...
    pattern name input
  3. Save the pattern.
    save pattern btn
  4. Click the items on list to play your saved sequence.
    pattern list
  5. You could remove item on list.
    remove list item
  6. Clean up and pause the sequencer.
    exit pattern
update pattern
  1. Click the item you wish to update.
  2. Modify the sequence.
  3. Enter its new name. (optional, leave input field empty to remain the old name)
  4. Update the pattern.
    update pattern
exit pattern mode

Chain (combining sequences to a larger sequence):

Play Chain
  1. Make up a sequence.
  2. Press update to save.
    update chain
  3. Repeat step 1 & 2.
  4. Press play. The sequencer will play list items one by one, and loop through the list.
    play chain
  5. Clean up and pause the sequencer.
    exit chain
update chain
  1. Click the item you wish to update. (a 'V' will show up next to selected item)
    selected chain item
  2. Modify the sequence.
  3. Press update.
    update chain
  4. Click + to unselect item.
remove chain item
  1. Click the item you wish to remove. (a 'V' will show up next to selected item)
  2. Press remove.
    remove chain item
  3. List items after it will fill the vacant position. (every index -1)


play recorder
  1. Enter a name for new record. (required)
    input record name
  2. Press record.
    start record
  3. Press play (or hit spacebar).
  4. Record button turns red to indicate recording. Now you could play keyboard, modify sequencer, use your pattern...
    red record button
  5. Click the red record button to stop recording. Wait a moment and the record would show on the list.
  6. Click list item to play your record.
  7. You could stop record while playing.
    stop playing record
  8. You could remove item on list.

During Pattern, Chain, and Recorder mode, you could use all the keyboard features as well.

Enjoy Beact!

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