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In this project we try the ChangeDetectionStrategy and then switch to Zoneless using the provideExperimentalZonelessChangeDetection()

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 18.2.4.

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This project it is a simple todo app made with signals, it has a todoService and stogareService to save it to LocalStorage

  1. We switch the todos in app.component.ts to signal
todos = [
    id: 1,
    title: "Learn Angular",
    completed: false,
    id: 2,
    title: "Learn TS",
    completed: false,


todos = signal([
    id: 1,
    title: "Learn Angular",
    completed: false,
    id: 2,
    title: "Learn TS",
    completed: false,

In the signal declaration, we used signal<Todo[]>([...]) for better typing.

  1. Using computed signal to calculate the done todos.
done = computed(() => this.todos().filter(t => t.completed).length)
  1. In the search component, use model input.
<app-search [(search)]="search"></app-search>


export class SearchComponent {
  search = model('');
  1. In todo component using input signal and output
export class TodoComponent {
  todo = input.required<Todo>();

  updateTodo = output<Todo>();

For a required input use input.required and it does not need a default value.

  1. Share functionality, you can move the signal to the service and share the variable thorout components

  2. Use the effect to detect the change of signals, using effect we keep sync localStorage

effect(() => {
    console.log('some log')
    // sync the storage'todos', todos)

Futher improvements

  • You can use the input of todos-component (List of Todos) as a model input and edit directly the todo within the components.

  • You can move the search functionality to the TodoService and use the search signal from the service as input of search component, is this a good solution? I don't know but you can test it.

  • Try something


  • Add delete task or completed tasks