List of players id
0, ...
- id : Multiplayer id
URL example : ".../connectedPlayers
Position of one player
"name": "String",
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"team": "String"
- name : Player name
- x: x position
- y: y position
- team: player team
URL example : ".../playerPosition/:playerId
If it's posible some informations about a player
"truck": {
"speed": 0,
"fuel": 0,
"fuelCapacity": 0,
"wearEngine": 0,
"wearTransmission": 0,
"wearChassis": 0,
"wearWheels": 0
"trailer": {
"wear": 0,
"mass": 0,
"attached": 1
"cargo": {
"wear": 0
"job": {
"income": 0,
"destCity": "String",
"destCompany": "String"
- truck : Truck data
- speed : Truck speed
- fuel : Truck fuel
- fuelCapacity : Truck fuel capacity
- wearEngine : Truck engine damage
- wearTransmission : Truck transmission damage
- wearCabin : Truck cabin damage
- wearChassis : Truck chassis damage
- wearWheels : Truck wheels damage
- trailer : Trailer data
- wear : Trailer damage
- mass : Mass of trailler in kg
- attached : Trailler attached to the Truck
- cargo : Cargo data
- wear : Cargo damage
- job : Mission data
- income : Income of the mission
- destCity : City of destination
- destCompany : Company of destination
URL example : ".../playerData/:playerId
List of all players of FET with id
"id": 0,
"name": "String"
- id : Player id
- name: Player name
URL example : ".../players
List of all traject for a player id
"id": 0,
"source": "String",
"destination": "String",
"date": "Datetime"
- id: Traject id
- source: Traject city source
- destination: Traject city destination
- date: Traject date
URL example : ".../playerTrajects/:playerId
List of all position of a player for a traject id
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"speed": 0
- x: x position
- y: y position
- speed: truck speed
URL example : ".../traject/:trajectId