- Author(s): ZhouyihaiDing
- Approver: mehrdada
- Status: Approved
- Implemented in: PHP
- Last updated: October 24, 2018
- Discussion at: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/grpc-io/L31|sort:date/grpc-io/DsjvtmeJJPU/QF2-99-oCAAJ
This proposal introduces an interceptor API change in the gRPC PHP.
gRPC PHP interceptor has ability to intercept each RPC by modifying method
, argument
and options
. It is better if we can modify the deserialize
The first reason is that since the interceptor can manipulate the method
the RPC starts, deserialize
function should also be updated to be able to couple
with the method
when the response receives.
The second reason we do not need to hide the deserialize
because hiding channel
already satisfies the purpose of the interceptor.
Add $deserialize
as the argument for the interceptor API.
The only change is that four methods inside the Interceptor
take $deserialize
the argument. The new API looks like below:
class Interceptor{
* @param string $method The name of the method to call
* @param mixed $argument The argument to the method
* @param string $deserialize A function that deserializes the response
* @param array $metadata A metadata map to send to the server(optional)
* @param array $options An array of call_options (optional)
* @param function $continuation Used to invoke the next interceptor.
* @return \Closure A function which can create a UnaryCall
public function interceptUnaryUnary($method, $argument, $deserialize, array $metadata = [], array $options = [], $continuation){}
public function interceptStreamUnary($method, $deserialize, array $metadata = [], array $options = [], $continuation){}
public function interceptUnaryStream($method, $argument, $deserialize, array $metadata = [], array $options = [], $continuation){}
public function interceptStreamStream($method, $deserialize, array $metadata = [], array $options = [], $continuation){}
Implemented in PHP: add deserialze as the argument for the interceptor