This file contains (hopefully) useful information for developing vaultr
Set three environment variables before loading the package:
VAULTR_TEST_SERVER_BIN_PATH=/usr/bin (or "C:/Program Files/Vault/")
With these set, and the package loaded with pkgload::load_all()
you should now be able to run
srv <- vault_test_server()
to bring up a test server.
This is quite fiddly and worth checking that it works with the vault dev server before getting too involved with the R client.
Start the server with
vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=MlF2MrMpmwfCZOkCHoZSDCJT
then try the instructions that follow.
There are two easy-to-use development servers:
An online test server using a couple of groups of mathematicians and scientists.
export VAULT_ADDR=
vault login -method=token token=MlF2MrMpmwfCZOkCHoZSDCJT
vault secrets disable /secret
vault secrets enable -version=1 -path=/secret kv
vault write /secret/password value=mypass
vault read /secret/password
echo 'path "secret/*" { capabilities = ["read"] }' | vault policy write read-secret -
vault auth disable ldap
vault auth enable ldap
vault write auth/ldap/config \
url="ldap://" \
binddn='cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com' \
bindpass='password' \
userdn='dc=example,dc=com' \
userattr='uid' \
groupfilter='(uniqueMember={{.UserDN}})' \
groupdn='dc=example,dc=com' \
vault write auth/ldap/groups/scientists policies=read-secret
vault login -method=ldap username=einstein password=password
vault read /secret/password
(The instructions were worked out using this forum post)
A docker image rroemhild/test-openldap
In another terminal, start the LDAP server with:
docker run --rm -p rroemhild/test-openldap
Then a similar set of commands to before
export VAULT_ADDR=
vault login -method=token token=MlF2MrMpmwfCZOkCHoZSDCJT
vault secrets disable /secret
vault secrets enable -version=1 -path=/secret kv
vault write /secret/password value=mypass
vault read /secret/password
echo 'path "secret/*" { capabilities = ["read"] }' | vault policy write read-secret -
vault auth disable ldap
vault auth enable ldap
vault write auth/ldap/config \
url="ldap://localhost:10389" \
userdn="ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com" \
groupdn="ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com" \
groupattr="cn" \
userattr=uid \
binddn="cn=admin,dc=planetexpress,dc=com" \
vault write auth/ldap/groups/admin_staff policies=read-secret
vault login -method=ldap username=hermes password=hermes
vault read /secret/password
(The instructions were worked out using this github issue)
The test suite will use the public forumsys version by default, but set the environment variable VAULTR_TEST_LDAP_USE_DOCKER
to true
to use that instead.