Hi there 👋 My name is Vinicius Carmo!
I am a MSc student at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, under the computer engineering department. My topic of research is Question Answering Systems, and it involves a lot of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, specially Deep Leaning.
Check also my notebooks on kaggle.
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Visualization is a powerful tool to explore large amounts of data. This project created a visualization that allows you to interact with statistics about the quality of the education in brazil obtained from the ENEM 2018 data.
ENEM is a test almost every Brazilian student takes after high school to enter the university. It is like the SAT exam on the United States. They release microdata with grades and social-economic information about all students that sign up for the exam.
You can check the visualization created on GitHub Pages. There you can interact with the map and observe the distribution of student performance by subject, type of school, region and income.
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Brazil is facing a growing number of devastation by wildfires. By the time of writing, only in Pantanal (Brazilian wetlands), more than 23,000 km2 were burned just on 2020. This number doesn't provide a clear picture of how much it represents, though, especially for people that are not a number person.
In order to offer people a clear dimension of the ongoing tragedy this devastation represents, I built a website where users can select a point on Brazil's map and it will mark a region around that point with area equivalent to the one destroyed on Pantanal.
I plan to include more options on this website soon, like the area devastated on other ecosystems.
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This is a spin-off from Brazil em Chamas. It is a joint effort with the collaborators from JEST, a Junior Enterprise from the University of Coimbra.
- App Scraping: a step-by-step guide on how to do scraping on smartphone apps.