Cocos2d-html5-v3.0 alpha2 @ April.14, 2014
Minimize the size of core from 254k to 113k.
Make engine classes can be constructed via
with the same parameters as create functions. -
Make engine classes extendable directly via ctor.
cc.DrawNode supports some DrawingPrimitive's drawing function on WebGL mode.
Use undefined check in cc.loader for better performance.
cc.Sprite supports creating a sprite through external URL.
Add the warning information to notice developers that their project.json cannot be loaded or parsed.
Add retina display support to cc.Editbox.
cc.Node's pauseSchedulerAndActions and resumeSchedulerAndActions are deprecated, please use pause and resume instead.
Add render mode checking to 3D action classes.
Add SocketIO.
Sync cc.eventManager to the latest version of Cocos2d-x v3.0 Stable.
ccui.Layout's doLayout function has been set to private function "_doLayout".
Rename all Uppercase functions to lowercase in CCMacro.
Add more necessary GL constants in engine.
Rename ccs.comAttribute's
function togetString
. -
[JSB]Make engine classes extendable via ctor in JSB.
[JSB]Fix cc.DrawNode API inconsistence between Cocos2d-html5 and JSB.
[JSB]Rebind cc.fileUtils for JSB only APIs.
[JSB]Make JS level subclass of cc.Component support override of onEnter/onExit/update functions.
[JSB]Update precompiled SpiderMonkey to support iOS 64 bit devices.
[JSB]Fix constants inconsistence between Cocos2d-html5 and JSB.
[JSB]Add macro functions in CCMacro.js into JSB.
property to cc.Action. -
function to ccs.Armature. -
function to cc.Sprite. -
function to cc.TMXTiledMap. -
, and addgetLocation
function. -
. -
Bugs fix:
- Fixed ccs.comAttribute API incompatible issue
- Fixed a bug of CocoStudio's data reader that getting isTween value is incorrect when the attribute value is false.
- Fixed a bug of Sprite that it stops to work when its texture doesn't preload and its parent is a SpriteBatchNode
- Fixed a bug in CCBoot.js that console.error is invalid on firefox.
- Fixed a bug of cc.LabelBMFont that it's multiline works incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug that Touches event doesn't work in release mode on IE browser.
- Fixed a bug that cc.winSize has not been reset after cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize.
- Fixed typo error in ccui.Widget.TOUCH_BEGAN
- Fixed a bug of cc.MenuItemSprite.create that
- Fixed a bug of cc.loader that it need to set value before calling the callback.
- Fixed a bug of cc.log that it doesn't work in IE9
- Fixed IE incompatible issue with lookupGetter
- Fixed a bug of cc.Node that it returns a reference of _position in getPosition
- Fixed a bug of cc.ClippingNode that its _super is undefined
- Fixed a bug of inputManager's touch event in IE browser
- Add callback null check to avoid bugs in cc.textureCache.addImage.
- [JSB]Fix ccui.Widget's addNode function no longer exists bug in JSB.
- [JSB]Fix a bug that main loop get stated twice.
- [JSB]API inconsistence of fixed.
- [JSB]Fix JSB compiling issues by removing
preprocessor macro. - Fixed some comment errors of framework.
Known Issues:
- [JSB]Property's getter/setter functions can not be overrided automatically in custom subclasses.
- [JSB]CocoStudio's scene reloading may cause memory release issues and crash.
- [JSB]OpenGL test is not functionnable in JSB.
- EventListener is not extendable.
- [JSB]PhysicsSprite is not updating with physics node.
- [JSB]ccui.TextField's is not responding to keyboard backspace button.