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File metadata and controls

122 lines (89 loc) · 3.33 KB



The cloud init file can be used to instantiate a VM running all the services needed to run vip. It must be tailored to your environment at the start of the file.

Manual configuration

Once the VM has been instanciated using the cloud-init file, several certifacates must be manually copied to the VM:

Robot certificate used for vip / moteur / dirac

Upload the file:


This file must be regularly updated so that the proxy never expires. It is used throu cron files to creates the proxies used by vip, moteur and dirac.

Myproxy certificates (deprecated)

myproxy is no more used, as all proxy files are updated with the script This part is deprecated.

Upload the files:


Run the commands:

cd /etc/grid-security/myproxy
chown myproxy:root * && chmod 600 hostkey.pem
systemctl restart myproxy-server

Machine certificate

An auto-signed certificate has been created, used by apache https. It must be replaced by a correct certificate. The files must be replaced in the directories:


Final commands

The following commands need that the file /tmp/dirac-robot exists and is the valid proxy that will be used.

Create a proxy with the voms extension. This is done regularly via cron, but must be done once, so that the proxies can be used immediately. This is the first run of the script, with the option --no-dirac, as dirac has not yet been initialised.

/root/sbin/ --no-dirac >> /root/cron-update-proxy.log 2>&1

Configure dirac vomsdir. Replace <VO_NAME> with the name of the VO that you have configured in the cloud_init_vip.yaml file, eg biomed. This can only be done with a correct proxy.

cd /var/www/cgi-bin/m2Server-gasw3/dirac
export X509_USER_PROXY=/var/www/html/workflows/dirac-robot-<VO_NAME>
scripts/dirac-configure defaults-gridfr.cfg

Now that dirac has been configured, run again the creation of the proxies, but this time without the --no-dirac option, to update also the dirac proxy.

/root/sbin/ >> /root/cron-update-proxy.log 2>&1

And finally restart tomcat.

systemctl restart tomcat

Description of some files and folders

(Most of) all these files are downloaded by the cloud-init script during installation.


Configuration files for moteur.


Python scripts to add to default dirac installation, to add some services needed by moteur.


Contains shell-scripts for some lcg executables, and runs the equivalent gfal command, effectively transforming a lcg command into a gfal command. The lcg executables delivered with dirac don't work, so this is a workaround.


Many jars to install moteur, and some associated configuration files.


This file can be used to instantiate a VM running all the services needed to run a VIP server. It must be configured at the start of the file to adapt to your environment (administrator, VO tu use, …).


This is the SELinux security configuration of the server installed by the cloud-init file.