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push_swap - 42 Bangkok

This project will make you sort data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, using the lowest possible number of actions.

Table of contents


  • The push_swap project is a very simple and highly effective algorithm project: data will need to be sorted.
    You have at your disposal a set of int values, 2 stacks and a set of instructions to manipulate both stacks.

  • The goal ?
    Write a program in C called push_swap which calculates and displays on the standard output the instructions, that sort the integers received as arguments.

  • The learning objectives of this project are rigor, use of C and use of basic algorithms. Especially looking at the complexity of these basic algorithms.

  • Within your mandatory part you are allowed to use the following functions:
    malloc, free, exit, write, read


  • The goal is to sort in ascending order numbers into stack a.
  • To do this you have the following operations at your disposal:
Operations Explanation
sa swap a - swap the first 2 elements at the top of stack a
sb swap b - swap the first 2 elements at the top of stack b
ss sa and sb at the same time
pa push a - take the first element at the top of b and put it at the top of a
pb push b - take the first element at the top of a and put it at the top of b
ra rotate a - shift up all elements of stack a by 1. The first element becomes the last one
rb rotate b - shift up all elements of stack b by 1. The first element becomes the last one
rr ra and rb at the same time
rra reverse rotate a - shift down all elements of stack a by 1. The last element becomes the first one
rrb reverse rotate b - shift down all elements of stack b by 1. The last element becomes the first one
rrr rra and rrb at the same time


  • Sorting 100 numbers:
  • I achieve an average of 600 Operations
Operations Points
less than 700 5
less than 900 4
less than 1100 3
less than 1300 2
less than 1500 1
  • Sorting 500 numbers:
  • I achieve an average of 5400 Operations
Operations Points
less than 5500 5
less than 7000 4
less than 8500 3
less than 10000 2
less than 11500 1


  • The Bonus exercise was to write a Program called 'checker' that can read the Operations from stdin and perform them on a stack of numbers.
  • checker will return 'KO' when the given Operations will sort the numbers in ascending order. Otherwise it returns 'KO'.
  • In case of an error (f.ex. Operations doesn't exist) it returns 'Error'.


Basic test with official checker from intra

# Declare number arguments
ARG="10 7 8 2 3 6 1 4 9 5";
# Check sorting opertation
./push_swap $ARG | ./checker_OS $ARG

# Count sorting opertation
./push_swap $ARG | wc -l

Use ruby command to generate sequence number in size range

# Declare number arguments
ARG=$(ruby -e "puts (1..500).to_a.shuffle.join(' ')")

# Inpect generated numbers
echo $ARG

# Check sorting opertation
./push_swap $ARG | ./checker_OS $ARG

# Count sorting opertation
./push_swap $ARG | wc -l

Test with script

Test your program easier with my script. It show sorting times and status beside evalute your grade in the same time. there are 3 test script.

  • A single test with random numbers in size range.
  • Full test push_swap program with every relevance case.
  • Check your checker file in bonus part.

Install script

Option 1: clone entire project

git clone

Option 2: Download from gist

You can use curl to download a file that you need in terminal

curl -o

curl -o

curl -o

How to use


A single test suite for minimal test and fast. It support 2 argument with 3 solutions

  • No argument random number size between range 1 - 500
$ ./
Size: 159
Sorted: OK
Times: 1370
Point: 5/5
Status: PASS
  • Single argument Single argument is end of number. Test will supply number 1 to end of number.
# Test number 1 - 100
$ ./ 100
Size: 100
Sorted: OK
Times: 697
Point: 5/5
Status: PASS
  • Two argument Two argument is meant to start and end of number
# Test number -50 to 49
$ ./ -50 49
Size: 100
Sorted: OK
Times: 692
Point: 5/5
Status: PASS


This is a fully test push_swap program. It run all relevance case.



This is fully test checker file. It run all relevance case.


Script Editing

Customize a script for your desire test.

  • Chage file location if file is not in same root project directory
## Setup
  • Change argument at bottom of file
### Bottom of test_push
test_size $START $END $ROUND

Status Description

Status Description
PASS The result is matched with expectation OK or KO or Error
FAIL The result is not matched with expectation
STDERR The expect Error need output standard error.

Solution Spoiler Alert!!

Approach for Algorithm

You can design your own fastest algorithm. I use 3 Algorithm for diference numbers size

0. Hidden Sort

Create a sorted array with any algorythm. Sorted array that number is sorted smaller to bigger. The index of number is times of greater than other number. for example [1, 2, 3] 1 is great than other numbers in array 0 times so 1 is index 0. This is a utility for your sorting operation.

  • To get a sorted index of number
  • Find sorted median

1. Last 3 numbers Sort

  • There are only 5 solution for 3 numbers.
  • Try yourself with sampling numbers and write sorting operation.
  • Hard code to sort this size

2. Partition Sort

This solution is best for size of numbers less than 200

3. Quick Sort

This solution is best for size of numbers greater than 200
