diff --git a/web/vtadmin/src/components/routes/workflow/WorkflowDetails.tsx b/web/vtadmin/src/components/routes/workflow/WorkflowDetails.tsx
index dc12281d3db..a0c05e89cc9 100644
--- a/web/vtadmin/src/components/routes/workflow/WorkflowDetails.tsx
+++ b/web/vtadmin/src/components/routes/workflow/WorkflowDetails.tsx
@@ -14,138 +14,178 @@
* limitations under the License.
-import { orderBy } from "lodash-es";
-import React, { useMemo } from "react";
-import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
+import { orderBy } from 'lodash-es';
+import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
+import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { useWorkflow, useWorkflows } from "../../../hooks/api";
-import { formatDateTime } from "../../../util/time";
+import { useWorkflow, useWorkflowStatus, useWorkflows } from '../../../hooks/api';
+import { formatDateTime } from '../../../util/time';
import {
- formatStreamKey,
- getReverseWorkflow,
- getStreams,
-} from "../../../util/workflows";
-import { DataTable } from "../../dataTable/DataTable";
-import { vtctldata } from "../../../proto/vtadmin";
-import { DataCell } from "../../dataTable/DataCell";
-import { StreamStatePip } from "../../pips/StreamStatePip";
-import { ThrottleThresholdSeconds } from "../Workflows";
+ TableCopyState,
+ formatStreamKey,
+ getReverseWorkflow,
+ getStreams,
+ getTableCopyStates,
+} from '../../../util/workflows';
+import { DataTable } from '../../dataTable/DataTable';
+import { vtctldata } from '../../../proto/vtadmin';
+import { DataCell } from '../../dataTable/DataCell';
+import { StreamStatePip } from '../../pips/StreamStatePip';
+import { ThrottleThresholdSeconds } from '../Workflows';
interface Props {
- clusterID: string;
- keyspace: string;
- name: string;
+ clusterID: string;
+ keyspace: string;
+ name: string;
+const LOG_COLUMNS = ['Type', 'State', 'Updated At', 'Message', 'Count'];
+const TABLE_COPY_STATE_COLUMNS = ['Table Name', 'Total Bytes', 'Bytes Copied', 'Total Rows', 'Rows Copied'];
export const WorkflowDetails = ({ clusterID, keyspace, name }: Props) => {
- const { data } = useWorkflow({ clusterID, keyspace, name });
- const { data: workflowsData = [] } = useWorkflows();
- const streams = useMemo(() => {
- const rows = getStreams(data).map((stream) => ({
- key: formatStreamKey(stream),
- ...stream,
- }));
- return orderBy(rows, "streamKey");
- }, [data]);
- const renderRows = (rows: vtctldata.Workflow.Stream.ILog[]) => {
- return rows.map((row) => {
- let message = row.message ? `${row.message}` : "-";
- // TODO(@beingnoble03): Investigate how message can be parsed and displayed to JSON in case of "Stream Created"
- if (row.type == "Stream Created") {
- message = "-";
- }
- return (
- {`${row.type}`}
- {`${row.state}`}
- {`${formatDateTime(
- parseInt(`${row.updated_at?.seconds}`, 10)
- )}`}
- {message}
- {`${row.count}`}
- );
+ const { data } = useWorkflow({ clusterID, keyspace, name });
+ const { data: workflowsData = [] } = useWorkflows();
+ const { data: workflowStatus } = useWorkflowStatus({
+ clusterID,
+ keyspace,
+ name,
- };
- const reverseWorkflow = getReverseWorkflow(workflowsData, data);
- return (
- {reverseWorkflow && (
Reverse Workflow
- {reverseWorkflow.workflow?.name}
- Keyspace
- {`${reverseWorkflow.keyspace}`}
- {reverseWorkflow.workflow?.max_v_replication_lag && (
- Max VReplication Lag
- {`${reverseWorkflow.workflow?.max_v_replication_lag}`}
- )}
- )}
- {streams.map((stream) => {
- const href =
- stream.tablet && stream.id
- ? `/workflow/${clusterID}/${keyspace}/${name}/stream/${stream.tablet.cell}/${stream.tablet.uid}/${stream.id}`
- : null;
- var isThrottled =
- Number(stream.throttler_status?.time_throttled?.seconds) >
- Date.now() / 1000 - ThrottleThresholdSeconds;
- const streamState = isThrottled ? "Throttled" : stream.state;
- return (
- {" "}
- {`${stream.key}`}
- State
- {streamState}
- {isThrottled && (
- Component Throttled
- {stream.throttler_status?.component_throttled}
+ const streams = useMemo(() => {
+ const rows = getStreams(data).map((stream) => ({
+ key: formatStreamKey(stream),
+ ...stream,
+ }));
+ return orderBy(rows, 'streamKey');
+ }, [data]);
+ const renderRows = (rows: vtctldata.Workflow.Stream.ILog[]) => {
+ return rows.map((row) => {
+ let message = row.message ? `${row.message}` : '-';
+ // TODO(@beingnoble03): Investigate how message can be parsed and displayed to JSON in case of "Stream Created"
+ if (row.type == 'Stream Created') {
+ message = '-';
+ }
+ return (
+ {`${row.type}`}
+ {`${row.state}`}
+ {`${formatDateTime(parseInt(`${row.updated_at?.seconds}`, 10))}`}
+ {message}
+ {`${row.count}`}
+ );
+ });
+ };
+ const reverseWorkflow = getReverseWorkflow(workflowsData, data);
+ const tableCopyStates = getTableCopyStates(workflowStatus);
+ const renderTableCopyStateRows = (tableCopyStates: TableCopyState[]) => {
+ return tableCopyStates.map((copyState, index) => {
+ const tableKey = `${copyState.tableName}/${index}`;
+ return (
+ {`${copyState.tableName}`}
+ {copyState.bytes_total ? `${copyState.bytes_total}` : `N/A`}
+ {copyState.bytes_copied ? `${copyState.bytes_copied}` : `N/A`}{' '}
+ {copyState.bytes_percentage ? `(${copyState.bytes_percentage}%)` : ``}
+ {copyState.rows_total ? `${copyState.rows_total}` : `N/A`}
+ {copyState.rows_copied ? `${copyState.rows_copied}` : `N/A`}{' '}
+ {copyState.rows_percentage ? `(${copyState.rows_percentage}%)` : ``}
+ );
+ });
+ };
+ return (
+ {tableCopyStates && (
Table Copy State
- {streamState == "Running" &&
- data?.workflow?.max_v_replication_lag && (
- Max VReplication Lag
- {`${data?.workflow?.max_v_replication_lag}`}
- )}
- );
- })}
- );
+ {streams.map((stream) => {
+ const href =
+ stream.tablet && stream.id
+ ? `/workflow/${clusterID}/${keyspace}/${name}/stream/${stream.tablet.cell}/${stream.tablet.uid}/${stream.id}`
+ : null;
+ var isThrottled =
+ Number(stream.throttler_status?.time_throttled?.seconds) >
+ Date.now() / 1000 - ThrottleThresholdSeconds;
+ const streamState = isThrottled ? 'Throttled' : stream.state;
+ return (
+ {`${stream.key}`}
+ State
+ {streamState}
+ {isThrottled && (
+ Component Throttled
+ {stream.throttler_status?.component_throttled}
+ )}
+ {streamState == 'Running' && data?.workflow?.max_v_replication_lag && (
+ Max VReplication Lag
+ {`${data?.workflow?.max_v_replication_lag}`}
+ )}
+ );
+ })}
+ {reverseWorkflow && (
Reverse Workflow
+ {reverseWorkflow.workflow?.name}
+ Keyspace
+ {`${reverseWorkflow.keyspace}`}
+ {reverseWorkflow.workflow?.max_v_replication_lag && (
+ Max VReplication Lag
+ {`${reverseWorkflow.workflow?.max_v_replication_lag}`}
+ )}
+ )}
+ );
diff --git a/web/vtadmin/src/util/workflows.ts b/web/vtadmin/src/util/workflows.ts
index 64c8ebced84..5392ee721c3 100644
--- a/web/vtadmin/src/util/workflows.ts
+++ b/web/vtadmin/src/util/workflows.ts
@@ -100,21 +100,39 @@ export const getStreamTablets = (workflow: W | null | un
* suffix and the source and target keyspace from all `workflows` list.
export const getReverseWorkflow = (
- workflows: W[],
- originalWorkflow: W | undefined | null
+ workflows: W[],
+ originalWorkflow: W | undefined | null
): W | undefined => {
- if (!originalWorkflow) return;
- const originalWorkflowName = originalWorkflow.workflow?.name!;
- let reverseWorkflowName = originalWorkflowName.concat("_reverse");
- if (originalWorkflowName.endsWith("_reverse")) {
- reverseWorkflowName = originalWorkflowName.split("_reverse")[0];
- }
- return workflows.find(
- (workflow) =>
- workflow.workflow?.name === reverseWorkflowName &&
- workflow.workflow?.source?.keyspace ===
- originalWorkflow.workflow?.target?.keyspace &&
- workflow.workflow?.target?.keyspace ===
- originalWorkflow.workflow?.source?.keyspace
- );
+ if (!originalWorkflow) return;
+ const originalWorkflowName = originalWorkflow.workflow?.name!;
+ let reverseWorkflowName = originalWorkflowName.concat('_reverse');
+ if (originalWorkflowName.endsWith('_reverse')) {
+ reverseWorkflowName = originalWorkflowName.split('_reverse')[0];
+ }
+ return workflows.find(
+ (workflow) =>
+ workflow.workflow?.name === reverseWorkflowName &&
+ workflow.workflow?.source?.keyspace === originalWorkflow.workflow?.target?.keyspace &&
+ workflow.workflow?.target?.keyspace === originalWorkflow.workflow?.source?.keyspace
+ );
+export interface TableCopyState extends vtctldata.WorkflowStatusResponse.ITableCopyState {
+ tableName: string;
+export const getTableCopyStates = (
+ workflowStatus: vtctldata.WorkflowStatusResponse | undefined
+): TableCopyState[] | undefined => {
+ if (!workflowStatus) return;
+ const tableNames = Object.keys(workflowStatus.table_copy_state);
+ if (!tableNames.length) return;
+ const tableCopyState: TableCopyState[] = tableNames.map((tableName) => {
+ const tableState = workflowStatus.table_copy_state[tableName];
+ return {
+ tableName,
+ ...tableState,
+ };
+ });
+ return tableCopyState;