title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
btn |
true |
2022-12-07 05:41:04 UTC |
markdown |
2022-09-18 05:17:14 UTC |
This plugin is part of search plugin system {.is-success}
This search plugin will get series episode results from torrent site BTN. There is a limit of 150 api calls per hour, so make sure you do not schedule tasks using this to run too often.
Configuration requires just api key, which can be found by going to the edit profile section on BTN.
btn: apikey
Some releases on BTN do not include quality tags (anime in particular) and the quality is therefore appended to the title. This means that for a lot of releases, the quality tags will be present twice in the title. This can be turned off with the alternate config:
api_key: apikey
append_quality: yes|no (default yes)
origin: string or list (see below)
Plugin can be configured to filter the search based on "origin":