The package has been moved to PNNL-Comp-Mass-Spec as MSnSet.utils. This repository may or may not be maintained.
Make sure package devtools
is installed.
To install vp.misc
By default install_github
does not compile vignettes. Thus to compile with vignettes use the following options.
devtools::install_github("vladpetyuk/vp.misc", build = TRUE, build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual"))
This is a collection of misc custom functions. They are primarily geared towards proteomics/perhaps-other-omics data analysis using MSnSet
or ExpressionSet
as data containers.
- heatmaps
- colorschemes
- nested linear models
- wrappers for the machine learning routines
- custom imputation
- reading of MaxQuant and SkyLine data
- handling PTM mapping