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Pierre van Male edited this page Feb 18, 2022 · 6 revisions

SchoolBookFaire projet

SchoolBookFair is a personal project developed to learn and practice using the React framework with back-end.

The purpose of this web app is to facilitate the communication between school parents willing to exchange used books needed for their children scholarship.

At this stage, the app is still in heavy development and not yet usable.

Main features/process

The public user has a access to the list of available books with price and state, but not to the owner ref, neither the book details. To access those features, an account must be created.

[Todo] To create an account, the public user needs a code (shared between parents). He/she can then specify personal data (contact info, approx. geolocalisation [S]).

If the auth user is interested by a book, he/she can select it (mark as "interested"). If he/she want to reserve it, he can then switch the "interested" status to "reserve" (= request reservation).

The owner of the book can list the selection of his/her books and for each book, switch one "reserve" status to "confirmed". It is up to the user and the owner to contact each other directly to finalize the transaction. Once the book has change ownership the owner do the ownership modification by editing his/her book and the status "is_available" of the book switch to "false". The book is then available for edition by its new owner.

MOSCOW features available here

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