WARNING You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template.
To run this CloudFormation stack, you'll need to have an AWS account. With permission to create:
- Log groups
- ECS Clusters
- Cloud Maps
- Execution Roles
- ECS Task Definitions
- ECS Services
- EC2 Security Groups
You can deploy a new CloudFormation stack using
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
--stack-name mystack \
--parameters ParameterKey=User,ParameterValue=<your name> \
ParameterKey=Team,ParameterValue=<your team> \
ParameterKey=SourceSecurityGroup,ParameterValue=<your security group> \
ParameterKey=Subnets,ParameterValue=<your subnet> \
ParameterKey=VPC,ParameterValue=<your vpc> \
--template-body file:///<path>/<to>/acme-fitness-shop.yaml
This CloudFormation template will create 44 resources. The Resource ID in the table below is how it is listed in the YAML file. The Type is what is created in your AWS account
Resource ID | Type |
ACMELogGroup | AWS::Logs::LogGroup |
CartService | AWS::ECS::Service |
CartServiceDiscovery | AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service |
CartServiceSecurityGroup | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup |
CartTaskDefinition | AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition |
CatalogDbService | AWS::ECS::Service |
CatalogDbServiceDiscovery | AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service |
CatalogDbServiceSecurityGroup | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup |
CatalogDbTaskDefinition | AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition |
CatalogService | AWS::ECS::Service |
CatalogServiceDiscovery | AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service |
CatalogServiceSecurityGroup | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup |
CatalogTaskDefinition | AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition |
Cluster | AWS::ECS::Cluster |
FrontEndService | AWS::ECS::Service |
FrontEndServiceDiscovery | AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service |
FrontEndServiceSecurityGroup | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup |
FrontEndTaskDefinition | AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition |
OrderDbService | AWS::ECS::Service |
OrderDbServiceDiscovery | AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service |
OrderDbServiceSecurityGroup | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup |
OrderDbTaskDefinition | AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition |
OrderService | AWS::ECS::Service |
OrderServiceDiscovery | AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service |
OrderServiceSecurityGroup | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup |
OrderTaskDefinition | AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition |
PaymentService | AWS::ECS::Service |
PaymentServiceDiscovery | AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service |
PaymentServiceSecurityGroup | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup |
PaymentTaskDefinition | AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition |
RedisDbService | AWS::ECS::Service |
RedisDbServiceDiscovery | AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service |
RedisDbServiceSecurityGroup | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup |
RedisDbTaskDefinition | AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition |
ServiceDiscovery | AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PrivateDnsNamespace |
TaskExecutionRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
UserDbService | AWS::ECS::Service |
UserDbServiceDiscovery | AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service |
UserDbServiceSecurityGroup | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup |
UserDbTaskDefinition | AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition |
UserService | AWS::ECS::Service |
UserServiceDiscovery | AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service |
UserServiceSecurityGroup | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup |
UserTaskDefinition | AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition |
To delete a stack you've built, run
aws cloudformation delete-stack \
--stack-name mystack
Optionally, you can use Wavefront to monitor your stack. To get started, we've added a sample dashboard (wavefront.json
). To use this dashboard, first create a new dashboard ans select the JSON button on the top right hand side of the screen. In that window, you can copy/paste the contents of wavefront.json
(just be sure to update the variables AWS Account ID and ECS Cluster).