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Hiber Address Space

gleeda edited this page Apr 24, 2014 · 6 revisions

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Microsoft Hibernation Files


A hibernation file (hiberfil.sys) contains a complete copy of memory that is dumped to disk by the system during the hibernation process.


As explained by Microsoft KB 920730, to acquire a hibernation file, first enable hibernation in the kernel (powercfg.exe -h on). Then issue a shutdown /h command to hibernate. Depending on your os version, you might also be able to do it by clicking from the Start menu (Start -> Hibernate or Start -> Shutdown -> Hibernate). You'll have to copy off the C:\hiberfil.sys file by mounting the disk from an analysis machine (or by using a live CD/DVD).


Network connections may be unavailable or closed in hibernation files, due to DHCP releases and other routine actions a system performs before hibernation.

File Format

Hibernation files consist of a standard header (PO_MEMORY_IMAGE), a set of kernel contexts and registers such as CR3 (_KPROCESSOR_STATE) and several arrays of compressed/encoded Xpress data blocks (_IMAGE_XPRESS_HEADER and _PO_MEMORY_RANGE_ARRAY).

The standard header exists at offset 0 of the file and is shown below. Generally, the Signature member must be either "hibr" or "wake" to be considered valid, however in rare cases the entire PO_MEMORY_IMAGE header has been zeroed out, which can prevent analysis of the hibernation file in most tools. In those cases, volatility will use a brute force algorithm to locate the data it needs.

'PO_MEMORY_IMAGE' (168 bytes)
0x0   : Signature                      ['String', {'length': 4}]
0x4   : Version                        ['unsigned long']
0x8   : CheckSum                       ['unsigned long']
0xc   : LengthSelf                     ['unsigned long']
0x10  : PageSelf                       ['unsigned long']
0x14  : PageSize                       ['unsigned long']
0x18  : ImageType                      ['unsigned long']
0x20  : SystemTime                     ['WinTimeStamp', {}]
0x28  : InterruptTime                  ['unsigned long long']
0x30  : FeatureFlags                   ['unsigned long']
0x34  : HiberFlags                     ['unsigned char']
0x35  : spare                          ['array', 3, ['unsigned char']]
0x38  : NoHiberPtes                    ['unsigned long']
0x3c  : HiberVa                        ['unsigned long']
0x40  : HiberPte                       ['_LARGE_INTEGER']
0x48  : NoFreePages                    ['unsigned long']
0x4c  : FreeMapCheck                   ['unsigned long']
0x50  : WakeCheck                      ['unsigned long']
0x54  : TotalPages                     ['unsigned long']
0x58  : FirstTablePage                 ['unsigned long']
0x5c  : LastFilePage                   ['unsigned long']
0x60  : PerfInfo                       ['_PO_HIBER_PERF']

More details on the hibernation file format can be seen in Windows Hibernation File For Fun N' Profit.

Meta Data

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