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Mac Command Reference
Table of Contents
- Processes
- Process Memory
- Kernel Memory and Objects
- Networking
- Malware/Rootkits
- System Information
- Miscellaneous
This plugin walks the linked list of processes and displays their short name, pid, uid, gid, bits (32, 64, or 64 shared), the DTB address, and creation time. You can tweak the timestamp time zone by using --tz=TIMEZONE (see Setting the Timezone).
Note: in testing, we determined that oftentimes the list is corrupt, leading to semi-garbage output. This is likely due to smearing while acquiring the memory sample. In these cases, use the mac_tasks plugin instead - it has been found to be a more reliable source of process listings.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_pslist
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Offset Name Pid Uid Gid PGID Bits DTB Start Time
------------------ -------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------------ ----------
0xffffff8032be4ea0 image 4175 0 0 4167 64BIT 0x0000000317e7e000 2013-03-29 12:16:20 UTC+0000
0xffffff803dfdea40 coresymbolicatio 4173 0 0 4173 64BIT 0x00000004114c0000 2013-03-29 12:16:18 UTC+0000
0xffffff8032498d20 MacMemoryReader 4168 0 0 4167 64BIT 0x00000003f94a8000 2013-03-29 12:16:17 UTC+0000
0xffffff803dfe0020 sudo 4167 0 20 4167 64BIT 0x0000000414a34000 2013-03-29 12:16:15 UTC+0000
0xffffff803dfe1a60 mdworker 4164 89 89 4164 64BIT 0x00000003f70cf000 2013-03-29 12:15:32 UTC+0000
0xffffff80370af760 DashboardClient 4160 501 20 275 64BIT 0x00000003e5bd9000 2013-03-29 12:14:36 UTC+0000
0xffffff803634ba60 CVMCompiler 4127 501 20 4127 64BIT 0x000000016692b000 2013-03-29 12:10:58 UTC+0000
0xffffff80370b11a0 cookied 4126 501 20 4126 64BIT 0x00000003137cc000 2013-03-29 12:10:58 UTC+0000
0xffffff803dfe1600 WebProcess 4124 501 20 4121 64BIT 0x00000003f235a000 2013-03-29 12:10:57 UTC+0000
0xffffff803249c600 taskgated 4122 0 0 4122 64BIT 0x00000003f3038000 2013-03-29 12:10:57 UTC+0000
0xffffff80314a9d40 Safari 4121 501 20 4121 64BIT 0x00000003f616c000 2013-03-29 12:10:57 UTC+0000
This plugin enumerates processes by first enumerating tasks and then following the task.bsd_info pointer to find the process object.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_tasks
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Offset Name Pid Uid Gid PGID Bits DTB Start Time
------------------ -------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------------ ----------
0xffffff800fada2d0 kernel_task 0 0 0 0 64BIT 0x0000000011e9f000 2013-03-29 01:08:47 UTC+0000
0xffffff80314aaa60 launchd 1 0 0 1 64BIT 0x0000000011234000 2013-03-29 01:08:47 UTC+0000
0xffffff80314a98e0 UserEventAgent 11 0 0 11 64BIT 0x000000000be18000 2013-03-29 01:08:49 UTC+0000
0xffffff80314aa1a0 kextd 12 0 0 12 64BIT 0x000000000becb000 2013-03-29 01:08:49 UTC+0000
0xffffff80314a9480 notifyd 14 0 0 14 64BIT 0x0000000023b9b000 2013-03-29 01:08:49 UTC+0000
0xffffff80314a9020 securityd 15 0 0 15 64BIT 0x000000001dd43000 2013-03-29 01:08:49 UTC+0000
This plugin shows the parent/child relationship between processes.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_pstree
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Name Pid Uid
kernel_task 0 0
.launchd 1 0
..coresymbolicatio 4173 0
..taskgated 4122 0
..ocspd 973 0
..launchd 561 89
...mdworker 4164 89
...cfprefsd 566 89
...distnoted 565 89
..VDCAssistant 558 0
..Dropbox 518 501
...dbfseventsd 545 0
....dbfseventsd 546 0
.....dbfseventsd 552 501
.....dbfseventsd 549 501
..vmware-usbarbitr 461 0
This plugin lists the open file handles. As you can see from the output, a user was viewing volatility source code files at the time of the memory dump.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_lsof
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
0 -> /Macintosh HD/dev/null
1 -> /Macintosh HD/dev/null
2 -> /Macintosh HD/dev/null
4 -> /Macintosh HD/dev/console
81 -> /Macintosh HD/dev/autofs_nowait
0 -> /Macintosh HD/dev/null
1 -> /Macintosh HD/dev/null
2 -> /Macintosh HD/dev/null
19 -> /Macintosh HD/Users/michaelligh/Desktop/volatility/volatility/plugins/mac/pstasks.py
20 -> /Macintosh HD/Users/michaelligh/Desktop/volatility/volatility/plugins/mac/pstree.py
21 -> /Macintosh HD/Users/michaelligh/Desktop/volatility/volatility/plugins/mac/pgrp_hash_table.py
22 -> /Macintosh HD/Users/michaelligh/Desktop/volatility/volatility/plugins/mac/pslist.py
23 -> /Macintosh HD/Users/michaelligh/Desktop/volatility/volatility/plugins/mac/psaux.py
24 -> /Macintosh HD/Users/michaelligh/Desktop/2.3.todo.txt
25 -> /Macintosh HD/Users/michaelligh/Desktop/mac_profile.sh
This plugin enumerates processes by walking the process group hash table.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_pgrp_hash_table
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Offset Name Pid Uid Gid PGID Bits DTB Start Time
------------------ -------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------------ ----------
0xffffff800fada2d0 kernel_task 0 0 0 0 64BIT 0x0000000011e9f000 2013-03-29 01:08:47 UTC+0000
0xffffff8032c64600 apsd 257 0 0 257 64BIT 0x000000005d70e000 2013-03-29 01:09:15 UTC+0000
0xffffff80314aaa60 launchd 1 0 0 1 64BIT 0x0000000011234000 2013-03-29 01:08:47 UTC+0000
0xffffff8032be6480 tccd 258 501 20 258 64BIT 0x000000004bb09000 2013-03-29 01:09:15 UTC+0000
0xffffff803249b480 Terminal 259 501 20 259 64BIT 0x000000004b66d000 2013-03-29 01:09:15 UTC+0000
0xffffff803dfdf300 Dropbox 518 501 20 516 32BIT 0x0000000175f97000 2013-03-29 01:10:15 UTC+0000
0xffffff803dfe11a0 dbfseventsd 545 0 20 516 32BIT 0x000000014f98f000 2013-03-29 01:10:18 UTC+0000
This plugin enumerates processes by walking the pid hash table.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_pid_hash_table
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Offset Name Pid Uid Gid PGID Bits DTB Start Time
------------------ -------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------------ ----------
0xffffff80314aa600 Google Chrome He 1025 501 20 261 32BIT 0x000000004c7a4000 2013-03-29 01:56:58 UTC+0000
0xffffff8032c64600 apsd 257 0 0 257 64BIT 0x000000005d70e000 2013-03-29 01:09:15 UTC+0000
0xffffff80314aaa60 launchd 1 0 0 1 64BIT 0x0000000011234000 2013-03-29 01:08:47 UTC+0000
0xffffff8032be6480 tccd 258 501 20 258 64BIT 0x000000004bb09000 2013-03-29 01:09:15 UTC+0000
0xffffff803dfdd460 Google Chrome He 1027 501 20 261 32BIT 0x000000014fd18000 2013-03-29 01:57:12 UTC+0000
0xffffff803249b480 Terminal 259 501 20 259 64BIT 0x000000004b66d000 2013-03-29 01:09:15 UTC+0000
0xffffff8032498000 Google Chrome 261 501 20 261 32BIT 0x000000006f56e000 2013-03-29 01:09:15 UTC+0000
This plugin accesses process memory to pull command-line arguments passed to the process at startup.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_psaux
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Pid Name Bits Stack Length Argc Arguments
-------- -------------------- ---------------- ------------------ -------- -------- ---------
0 kernel_task 64BIT 0x0000000000000000 0 0
40 mDNSResponder 64BIT 0x00007fff54403000 384 2 /usr/sbin/mDNSResponder -launchd
41 networkd 64BIT 0x00007fff50d3f000 360 1 /usr/libexec/networkd
59 warmd 64BIT 0x00007fff51816000 232 1 /usr/libexec/warmd
60 usbmuxd 64BIT 0x00007fff5fc00000 504 2 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/Resources/usbmuxd -launchd
63 stackshot 64BIT 0x00007fff59a7a000 224 2 /usr/libexec/stackshot -t
64 SleepServicesD 64BIT 0x00007fff582d5000 280 1 /System/Library/CoreServices/SleepServicesD
66 revisiond 64BIT 0x00007fff50d1b000 376 1 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GenerationalStorage.framework/Versions/A/Support/revisiond
71 netbiosd 64BIT 0x00007fff577d3000 360 1 /usr/sbin/netbiosd
72 mds 64BIT 0x00007fff5713e000 376 1 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Support/mds
75 loginwindow 64BIT 0x00007fff59635000 328 2 /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow console
77 KernelEventAgent 64BIT 0x00007fff5e5b7000 232 1 /usr/sbin/KernelEventAgent
78 kdc 64BIT 0x00007fff54a32000 304 1 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Heimdal.framework/Helpers/kdc
80 hidd 64BIT 0x00007fff56819000 232 1 /usr/libexec/hidd
82 dynamic_pager 64BIT 0x00007fff5dfdd000 248 3 /sbin/dynamic_pager -F /private/var/vm/swapfile
84 dpd 64BIT 0x00007fff5f995000 232 1 /usr/libexec/dpd
85 corestoraged 64BIT 0x00007fff5dfed000 232 1 /usr/libexec/corestoraged
86 appleeventsd 64BIT 0x00007fff5cc55000 408 2 /System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd --server
89 blued 64BIT 0x00007fff5a65d000 224 1 /usr/sbin/blued
91 autofsd 64BIT 0x00007fff577d9000 208 1 /usr/libexec/autofsd autofsd
95 ntpd 64BIT 0x00007fff5a494000 296 9 /usr/sbin/ntpd -c /private/etc/ntp-restrict.conf -n -g -p /var/run/ntpd.pid -f /var/db/ntp.drift
This plugin prints terminated/dead processes. In most cases, the UID, GID, PGID, Bits, and DTB columns will show invalid data since we could be looking at partially overwritten data structures. Also please note in some rare cases, active processes are also found in this list. We are currently investigating conditions that lead to active processes showing up in the freed process object list.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_dead_procs
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Offset Name Pid Uid Gid PGID Bits DTB Start Time
------------------ -------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------------ ----------
0xffffff8036349760 diskmanagementd 4158 - - -55...11 ------------------ 2013-03-29 12:14:31 UTC+0000
0xffffff8036349760 diskmanagementd 4158 - - -55...11 ------------------ 2013-03-29 12:14:31 UTC+0000
0xffffff8032c60d20 lssave 4161 - - -55...11 ------------------ 2013-03-29 12:14:43 UTC+0000
0xffffff803dfe08e0 com.apple.audio. 4146 - - -55...11 ------------------ 2013-03-29 12:12:59 UTC+0000
0xffffff803dfe0d40 com.apple.audio. 4145 - - -55...11 ------------------ 2013-03-29 12:12:59 UTC+0000
0xffffff8032c62300 com.apple.qtkits 4147 - - -55...11 ------------------ 2013-03-29 12:12:59 UTC+0000
This plugin enumerates processes in 6 different ways and cross-references the processes that appear in each list. Its a very effective way to identify processes hidden in only one or two ways.
For more information, see MOVP II - 4.1 - Leveraging Process Cross-View Analysis for Mac Rootkit Detection.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_psxview
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Offset(P) Name PID pslist parents pid_hash pgrp_hash_table session leaders task processes
------------------ -------------------- ------ ------ ------- -------- --------------- --------------- --------------
0xffffff800fada2d0 kernel_task 0 True True False True True True
0xffffff80314aaa60 launchd 1 True True True True True True
0xffffff80314a98e0 UserEventAgent 11 True False True True True True
0xffffff80314aa1a0 kextd 12 True False True True True True
0xffffff80314a9480 notifyd 14 True False True True True True
0xffffff80314a9020 securityd 15 True False True True True True
0xffffff80314a8bc0 diskarbitrationd 16 True False True True True True
0xffffff80314a8760 configd 17 True False True True True True
0xffffff80314a8300 powerd 18 True False True True True True
0xffffff80314a7ea0 syslogd 19 True False True True True True
0xffffff80314a7a40 distnoted 20 True False True True True True
0xffffff80314a75e0 cfprefsd 21 True False True True True True
For more information on the complexities of Mac process memory, see MoVP II - 4.2 - Dumping, Scanning, and Searching Mac OSX Process Memory.
This plugin shows the allocated memory blocks in each process, along with their starting and ending addresses, permissions, and name of them mapped file if it applies. You can filter processes with the -p option.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_proc_maps -p 1
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Pid Name Start End Perms Map Name
-------- -------------------- ------------------ ------------------ --------- --------
1 launchd 0x000000010630c000 0x0000000106333000 r-x Macintosh HD/sbin/launchd
1 launchd 0x0000000106333000 0x0000000106335000 rw- Macintosh HD/sbin/launchd
1 launchd 0x0000000106335000 0x000000010633b000 r-- Macintosh HD/sbin/launchd
1 launchd 0x000000010633b000 0x000000010633c000 r--
1 launchd 0x000000010633c000 0x000000010633f000 r-x Macintosh HD/usr/lib/libauditd.0.dylib
1 launchd 0x000000010633f000 0x0000000106340000 rw- Macintosh HD/usr/lib/libauditd.0.dylib
1 launchd 0x0000000106340000 0x0000000106343000 r-- Macintosh HD/usr/lib/libauditd.0.dylib
1 launchd 0x0000000106343000 0x0000000106344000 r--
1 launchd 0x0000000106344000 0x0000000106345000 rw- Macintosh HD/private/var/db/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_x86_64
This plugin dumps/extracts a memory block seen in the mac_proc_maps output. For example, if you wanted to recover the launchd binary which is reportedly located at 0x000000010630c000 in the launchd process memory, you can do the following:
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_dump_maps -p 1 -s 0x000000010630c000 -O launchd.binary.dmp
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Wrote 159744 bytes
$ file launchd.binary.dmp
launchd.binary.dmp: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
This plugin enumerates sessions from the session hash table. You can use this information to link processes to user names.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_list_sessions
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Leader (Pid) Leader (Name) Login Name
------------ -------------------- -------------------------
0 kernel_task
257 apsd _softwareupdate
1 launchd _securityagent
-1 <INVALID LEADER> michaelligh
11 UserEventAgent root
12 kextd root
14 notifyd root
15 securityd root
16 diskarbitrationd root
This plugin enumerates zones (in this context a zone is similar to a structure). You can use it to determine how many of a particular type of structure (i.e. a process object) are active and freed. For example, below you can see that 133 proc structures are active on the system. Other plugins can inherit from mac_list_zones and actually collect the addresses of each active object type, leading to a wealthy source of information regarding where to find allocated objects in memory dumps.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_list_zones
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Name Active Count Free Count Element Size
------------------------------ ------------ ---------- ------------
zones 182 0 592
vm.objects 153401 8832498 224
vm.object.hash.entries 135206 882875 40
maps 149 34033 232
VM.map.entries 26463 24372727 80
Reserved.VM.map.entries 35 13164 80
VM.map.copies 0 220097 80
pmap 139 7962 256
pagetable.anchors 139 7962 4096
proc 133 4042 1120
This plugin lists the loaded kernel extensions, their base addresses and size, reference count, and version number.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_lsmod
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Address Size Refs Version Name
------------------ ------------------ -------- ------------ ----
0xffffff7f91847000 0x3000 0 3.0.2 com.atc-nycorp.devmem.kext
0xffffff7f91841000 0x6000 0 10.1.24 com.vmware.kext.vmioplug.10.1.24
0xffffff7f91834000 0xd000 0 0104.03.86 com.vmware.kext.vmx86
0xffffff7f9182a000 0xa000 0 0104.03.86 com.vmware.kext.vmnet
0xffffff7f9181a000 0x10000 0 90.4.23 com.vmware.kext.vsockets
0xffffff7f91808000 0x12000 1 90.4.18 com.vmware.kext.vmci
0xffffff7f916d2000 0xe000 0 75.19 com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch
This plugin shows the mounted file systems.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_mount
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Device Mount Point Type
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----
/ /dev/disk3 hfs
/dev devfs devfs
/net map -hosts autofs
/home map auto_home autofs
/Volumes/LaCie /dev/disk2s2 hfs
This plugin prints the ARP table, including sent/recv statistics, time the entry was created, and its expiration.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_arp
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Source IP Dest. IP Name Sent Recv Time Exp. Delta
------------------------ ------------------------ ---------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ----- ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff vmnet8 10 0 2013-03-29 12:13:59 UTC+0000 39913 0 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff vmnet1 10 0 2013-03-29 12:13:59 UTC+0000 39913 0 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff en1 12 0 2013-03-29 12:13:59 UTC+0000 39913 0 e8:8d:28:cb:67:07 en1 19 924 2013-03-29 11:56:30 UTC+0000 40065 1201 ac:16:2d:32:fc:d7 en1 1 47 2013-03-29 11:56:02 UTC+0000 40037 1201 00:26:bb:6c:8e:64 en1 4551 4517 2013-03-29 01:08:53 UTC+0000 40318 40310
This plugin prints the IPv4, IPv6, and Ethernet addresses for interfaces (both physical and virtual) on the system.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_ifconfig
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Interface Address
---------- -------
lo0 fe80:1::1
lo0 ::1
en1 8c:2d:aa:41:1e:3b
en1 fe80:4::8e2d:aaff:fe41:1e3b
en0 10:dd:b1:9f:d5:ce
p2p0 0e:2d:aa:41:1e:3b
fw0 00:0a:27:02:00:4b:19:5c
vmnet1 00:50:56:c0:00:01
vmnet8 00:50:56:c0:00:08
This plugin shows active UNIX sockets and TCP/UDP endpoints (along with the TCP state and local/remote IPs and ports).
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_netstat
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
UNIX /var/tmp/launchd/sock
UNIX /var/tmp/com.barebones.authd.socket
UNIX /var/run/com.apple.ActivityMonitor.socket
TCP :::548 :::0 TIME_WAIT
UNIX /var/run/mDNSResponder
UNIX /var/rpc/ncacn_np/lsarpc
UNIX /var/rpc/ncalrpc/lsarpc
UNIX /var/run/vpncontrol.sock
UNIX /var/run/portmap.socket
TCP :::5900 :::0 TIME_WAIT
This plugin dumps the routing table. It shows the Source and Destination IPs, name of the interface, and for versions that support it - the sent/recv statistics and expiration/delta times. Only 10.7.x and 10.8.x OSX versions include the extra details.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_route
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Source IP Dest. IP Name Sent Recv Time Exp. Delta
------------------------ ------------------------ ---------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ----- en1 4342 50431 2013-03-29 01:08:55 UTC+0000 0 0 en1 8331 31691 2013-03-29 01:08:56 UTC+0000 8 0 00:26:bb:6c:8e:64 en1 4551 4517 2013-03-29 01:08:53 UTC+0000 40318 40310 ac:16:2d:32:fc:d7 en1 1 47 2013-03-29 11:56:02 UTC+0000 40037 1201 lo0 0 6168 2013-03-29 01:08:55 UTC+0000 0 0 e8:8d:28:cb:67:07 en1 19 924 2013-03-29 11:56:30 UTC+0000 40065 1201 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff en1 12 0 2013-03-29 12:13:59 UTC+0000 39913 0 en1 39 39 2013-03-29 01:08:55 UTC+0000 0 0 en1 2 60 2013-03-29 01:09:16 UTC+0000 0 0 en1 0 58 2013-03-29 01:09:46 UTC+0000 0 0
This plugin checks for unknown sysctl handlers. You'll see the name of the sysctl, associated permissions, the handler address, and any available details (may be a string or a number, depending on the purpose of the sysctl. The "Status" column will contain "OK" if the sysctl is known/safe or "UNKNOWN" if its been hooked.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_check_sysctl
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Name Number Perms Handler Status Value
------------------------------ -------- ------ ------------------ ---------- -----
ostype 1 R-L 0xffffff800f76cee0 OK Darwin
osrelease 2 R-L 0xffffff800f76cee0 OK 12.3.0
osrevision 3 R-L 0xffffff800f76cdd0 OK
version 4 R-L 0xffffff800f76cee0 OK Darwin Kernel Version 12.3.0: Sun Jan 6 22:37:10 PST 2013; root:xnu-2050.22.13~1/RELEASE_X86_64
maxvnodes 5 RWL 0xffffff800f76ad60 OK
maxproc 6 RWL 0xffffff800f76adc0 OK
maxfiles 7 RWL 0xffffff800f76cdd0 OK 4638564691968
argmax 8 R-L 0xffffff800f76cdd0 OK
securelevel 9 RWL 0xffffff800f76af80 OK
hostname 10 RWL 0xffffff800f76b040 OK
This plugin prints the syscall table entries and resolves the function address to the appropriate kernel symbol. If any functions are hooked by rootkits, you'll see a "HOOKED" in the far right column. We define "HOOKED" as any entries whose address is not found in the dysmutil output (system.map equivalent for mac) which is built into your profile.
There are some exceptions, however, where a function can be hooked and you won't see the HOOKED indicator...for example when you hook with D-Trace as described in Hunting D-Trace Rootkits with The Volatility Framework. The dtrace infrastructure is compiled inside the kernel (not a kernel module) so the dysmutil output knows the symbol name.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_check_syscalls
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Table Name Index Address Symbol
--------------- ------ ------------------ ------------------------------
SyscallTable 0 0xffffff800f7755f0 _nosys
SyscallTable 1 0xffffff800f755430 _exit
SyscallTable 2 0xffffff800f759730 _fork
SyscallTable 3 0xffffff800f775630 _read
SyscallTable 4 0xffffff800f775d00 _write
SyscallTable 5 0xffffff800f4fb210 _open
SyscallTable 6 0xffffff800f749f30 _close
SyscallTable 7 0xffffff800f756660 _wait4
SyscallTable 8 0xffffff800f7755f0 _nosys
SyscallTable 9 0xffffff800f4fbc20 _link
SyscallTable 10 0xffffff800f4fc8c0 _unlink
SyscallTable 11 0xffffff800f7755f0 _nosys
SyscallTable 12 0xffffff800f4fa650 _chdir
This plugin checks the status of the mach trap table function pointers to determine if they've been hooked. The Symbol column displays "HOOKED" if any appear to be maliciously altered. The "kern_invalid" entries are safe, they're just default/un-used handlers (similar to how un-used IRPs on Windows point to nt!IopInvalidDeviceRequest).
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_check_trap_table
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Table Name Index Address Symbol
--------------- ------ ------------------ --------------------------------------------------
TrapTable 0 0xffffff800f434ec0 _kern_invalid
TrapTable 1 0xffffff800f434ec0 _kern_invalid
TrapTable 2 0xffffff800f434ec0 _kern_invalid
TrapTable 3 0xffffff800f434ec0 _kern_invalid
TrapTable 4 0xffffff800f434ec0 _kern_invalid
TrapTable 5 0xffffff800f434ec0 _kern_invalid
TrapTable 6 0xffffff800f434ec0 _kern_invalid
TrapTable 7 0xffffff800f434ec0 _kern_invalid
TrapTable 8 0xffffff800f434ec0 _kern_invalid
TrapTable 9 0xffffff800f434ec0 _kern_invalid
TrapTable 10 0xffffff800f418a20 __kernelrpc_mach_vm_allocate_trap
TrapTable 11 0xffffff800f434ec0 _kern_invalid
TrapTable 12 0xffffff800f418ab0 __kernelrpc_mach_vm_deallocate_trap
This plugin detects rootkits that add hooks into I/O Kit (e.g. LogKext). If any entries are suspicious, you'll see "UNKNOWN" in the Status column.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_notifiers
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Status Key Handler Matches
---------- ------------------------------ ------------------ -------
OK IOServicePublish 0xffffff7f8fa878e8 IODisplayConnect
OK IOServicePublish 0xffffff7f91206ab6 IOResources,AppleClamshellState
OK IOServicePublish 0xffffff7f8fa94188 IOResources,AppleClamshellState
OK IOServicePublish 0xffffff800f872d50 IODisplayWrangler
OK IOServicePublish 0xffffff7f902ff732 IOHIDevice
OK IOServicePublish 0xffffff7f902ff732 IOHIDEventService
OK IOServicePublish 0xffffff7f902ff732 IODisplayWrangler
OK IOServicePublish 0xffffff7f902ffe74 AppleKeyswitch
This plugin recovers the kernel debug buffer.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_dmesg
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
deny mach-lookup com.apple.coresymbolicationd
MacAuthEvent en1 Auth result for: 00:26:bb:77:d2:a7 MAC AUTH succeeded
wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #8, bssid 00:26:bb:77:d2:a7
en1: BSSID changed to 00:26:bb:77:d2:a7
en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
MacAuthEvent en1 Auth result for: 00:26:bb:77:d2:a7 MAC AUTH succeeded
wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
This plugin only applies to Mountain Lion (10.8.x) versions using Address Space Layout Randomization. The symbol addresses that Volatility pulls from the mach_kernel need to be adjusted using a special "shift" value that we first must find by scanning the physical memory dump. Any plugin for 10.8.x that utilizes symbols will do this scan in the background unless you supply the value as the --shift=SHIFT parameter.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_find_aslr_shift
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Shift Value
For example, if you run the mac_pslist plugin (which uses symbols) and it will scan for the shift value automatically:
$ time python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_pslist
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Offset Name Pid Uid Gid PGID Bits DTB Start Time
------------------ -------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------------ ----------
0xffffff8032be4ea0 image 4175 0 0 4167 64BIT 0x0000000317e7e000 2013-03-29 12:16:20 UTC+0000
0xffffff803dfdea40 coresymbolicatio 4173 0 0 4173 64BIT 0x00000004114c0000 2013-03-29 12:16:18 UTC+0000
0xffffff8032498d20 MacMemoryReader 4168 0 0 4167 64BIT 0x00000003f94a8000 2013-03-29 12:16:17 UTC+0000
real 0m12.642s
user 0m11.117s
sys 0m0.743s
If you supply the shift value when running mac_pslist, the plugin will complete about 1.5 seconds quicker. This isn't a significant speed enhancement, but if you were running several plugins sequentially, the total time saved can end up being significant.
$ time python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_pslist --shift=0x000000000f200000
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Offset Name Pid Uid Gid PGID Bits DTB Start Time
------------------ -------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------------ ----------
0xffffff8032be4ea0 image 4175 0 0 4167 64BIT 0x0000000317e7e000 2013-03-29 12:16:20 UTC+0000
0xffffff803dfdea40 coresymbolicatio 4173 0 0 4173 64BIT 0x00000004114c0000 2013-03-29 12:16:18 UTC+0000
0xffffff8032498d20 MacMemoryReader 4168 0 0 4167 64BIT 0x00000003f94a8000 2013-03-29 12:16:17 UTC+0000
real 0m10.998s
user 0m10.544s
sys 0m0.444s
This plugin prints the machine's kernel major/minor versions, RAM size, and CPU details.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_machine_info
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Major Version: 12
Minor Version: 3
Memory Size: 17179869184
Max CPUs: 4
Physical CPUs: 4
Logical CPUs: 4
This plugin shows the version string you'd see from "uname -a" on a live system.
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_version
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Darwin Kernel Version 12.3.0: Sun Jan 6 22:37:10 PST 2013; root:xnu-2050.22.13~1/RELEASE_X86_64
This plugin prints the boot arguments passed to the kernel upon system start
$ python vol.py --profile=MacSnowLeopard_10_6_AMDx64 -f /root/mac-images-profiles/s10.6.0x64.vmem mac_print_boot_cmdline
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Command Line
This plugin presents an interactive shell in the mac memory image. You can list processes, switch contexts for printing process-specific addresses, display mac kernel structure types, etc.
To list processes:
$ python vol.py --profile=MacMountainLion_10_8_3_AMDx64 -f ~/Desktop/10.8.3/10.8.3.mmr.macho mac_volshell
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Current context: process kernel_task, pid=0 DTB=0x11e9f000
Welcome to volshell! Current memory image is:
To get help, type 'hh()'
>>> ps()
Name PID Offset
kernel_task 0 0xffffff800fada2d0
launchd 1 0xffffff80314aaa60
UserEventAgent 11 0xffffff80314a98e0
kextd 12 0xffffff80314aa1a0
notifyd 14 0xffffff80314a9480
securityd 15 0xffffff80314a9020
To display a data structure:
>>> dt("proc")
'proc' (1120 bytes)
0x0 : p_list ['__unnamed_14910873']
0x10 : p_pid ['int']
0x18 : task ['pointer', ['task']]
0x20 : p_pptr ['pointer', ['proc']]
0x28 : p_ppid ['int']
0x2c : p_pgrpid ['int']
0x30 : p_uid ['unsigned int']
0x34 : p_gid ['unsigned int']
To overlay a data structure to an offset in an address space:
>>> dt("proc", 0xffffff800fada2d0)
[proc proc] @ 0xFFFFFF800FADA2D0
0x0 : p_list 18446743524216775376
0x10 : p_pid 0
0x18 : task 18446743524770536480
0x20 : p_pptr 18446743524216775376
0x28 : p_ppid 0
0x2c : p_pgrpid 0
0x30 : p_uid 0
0x34 : p_gid 0
To switch into a specific process's context and read from a user mode address:
Note after you switch contexts with cc(), the current process's proc object can be found at self.proc.
>>> cc(pid = 261)
Current context: process Google Chrome, pid=261 DTB=0x6f56e000
>>> hex(self.proc.user_stack)
>>> db(self.proc.user_stack - self.proc.p_argslen)
0xbffe7d44 2f 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 73 2f 47 6f /Applications/Go
0xbffe7d54 6f 67 6c 65 20 43 68 72 6f 6d 65 2e 61 70 70 2f ogle.Chrome.app/
0xbffe7d64 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 73 2f 4d 61 63 4f 53 2f 47 Contents/MacOS/G
0xbffe7d74 6f 6f 67 6c 65 20 43 68 72 6f 6d 65 00 00 00 00 oogle.Chrome....
0xbffe7d84 2f 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 73 2f 47 6f /Applications/Go
0xbffe7d94 6f 67 6c 65 20 43 68 72 6f 6d 65 2e 61 70 70 2f ogle.Chrome.app/
0xbffe7da4 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 73 2f 4d 61 63 4f 53 2f 47 Contents/MacOS/G
0xbffe7db4 6f 6f 67 6c 65 20 43 68 72 6f 6d 65 00 2d 70 73 oogle.Chrome.-ps
Volatility Foundation
Getting Started
- Installation
- Linux
- Mac
- Android
- Basic Usage
- 2.6 Win Profiles
- Encrypted KDBG
- Pyinstaller Builds
- Unified Output
Command References
Physical Address Spaces