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43 lines (40 loc) · 1.3 KB

File metadata and controls

43 lines (40 loc) · 1.3 KB

lass is a little system-agnostic assembler.

Some quirks:

  • Labels and constants are local to a macro block.
  • Lass uses Verilog-style numbers.
  • By default every line is 16 bit aligned.
  • Characters are wastefull i.e. each takes up 16 bits.



code = (ws? statement? ws? comment? nl)*
statement = import
          | label
          | definition
          | instruction
import = ">" ws? filename
label = (name | number) ws? ":"
definition = name ws? "=" ws? (name | number | arithmetic | macro)
macro = argument-list ws? block
argument-list = "(" ws? argument? (ws argument)* ws? ")"
argument = (width "'")? name
block = "{" ws? nl? code nl? ws? "}"
instruction = (name | number | arithmetic | string)+
arithmetic = (width "'")?
             "[" name (ws (name | number | arithmetic))* "]"
name = /[@$+_\-*&^%|a-zA-Z]+[@$+_\-*&^%|0-9a-zA-Z]*/
number = simple-number
       | hexadecimal-number
       | decimal-number
       | binary-number
simple-number = /-?[0-9_]+/
hexadecimal-number = width? "'h" /[0-9a-fA-F_]+/
decimal-number = width? "'d" /[0-9_]+/
binary-number = width? "'b" /[01_]+/
width = /[0-9]+/
string = /"(\\.|[^\\\n])+"/
comment = /;.*/
filename = /[^<>:;,?"*|\/]+/
ws = /\s*/