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54 lines (43 loc) · 5.66 KB


DDWRT-BWMON aims to be a lightweight and simple bandwidth monitor for DDWRT routers.


Please check the releases page to get the most current release.

Installation instructions

  1. Format a USB flash drive to ext4 (linux) or ntfs (windows). Fat partitions will not work.
  2. On DD-WRT enabled routers go to the web gui. Navigate to Services -> USB enable automount USB drive and set the automount path of the partition to /jffs/. It is recommended to use the partition GUID to do this. Non DD-WRT routers need to ensure the partition is mounted on /jffs/.
  3. Optionally enable lighttpd support from Services -> Webserver -> Lighttpd Server. Keep it at the default port 81 and do not enable WAN access.
  4. Log into your router via ssh. You may use putty to do this on windows or just ssh on linux.
  5. From your ssh terminal type: cd /jffs/.
  6. Either download the tool directly from your router's ssh prompt type: wget Alternatively you can download the file from the releases page and copy it to your usb flash drive.
  7. Extract the installer package from your router's ssh prompt type: tar -xzvf bwmon.tar.gz.
  8. Fix the permissions on your router type: cd /jffs/bwmon/ && sh
  9. Set the automount script on the router (Under your router's web gui's Services -> USB) to point to /path/bwmon/ to autostart this script on mount or just run the script manually if you don't wish to start on system bootup.
  10. If you enabled lighttpd server for better performance you can visit http://your_router_ip:8000/bwmon.html. If you do not have lighttpd capability or have chosen not to run lighttpd you can visit the legacy page at http://your_router_ip/user/bwmon.html to view your stats.

Notes: Only one of the two URL's will be available and Bwmon will autodetect which mode it should run in based on if the lighttpd server is enabled at script startup. Bwmon will automatically fall back to legacy mode if it does not have lighttpd access. Shortcut forwarding engine is noted to cause some inaccuracy for some users if you are having large differences try turning this option off on DD-WRT.

Update: The latest tested version of DD-WRT confirmed to be working is 44700 with this module.

Usage and Directory Structure

All scripts are self contained in the bwmon directory the following lists how you would use each script. None of the scripts require additional parameters and can be executed by direclty calling the script for simplicity. Note all scripts are listed relative to bwmon/.

Path Description Script used to start the bandwidth monitor it also installs any cron jobs and sets the bandwidth monitor to resume on reboot. Script to manually stop bandwidth monitoring it will also remove auto-start on reboot. This script wipes all the counters and resets all devices back to 0KB of usage. Script used only once initially to set all the permissions correctly you can run this again if you're experiencing issues but you should only have to run this once. This will only work on ext4 and ntfs partitions as fat32 lacks chmod ability. A script called by the firewall service that will restore the missing chains if currently running. This is automatically called to backup the bandwidth stats to persistent storage periodically. If you want to backup immediately it is also safe to execute this whenever the user wishes. This script is called periodically by the cron job to take a snapshot of the current bandwidth. This script will reset all modifications bwmon made on the router this is run automatically by A script to automatically generate mac names from statically assigned dnsmasq entries. (This was removed as of 1.7.0) A simple utility script to determine if the lighttpd process is currently running. A script used to set or remove the password protection so you can hide the screen from prying eyes.
www/mac-names.js This file contains a user mapping of mac addresses to friendly names. A sample 2 machines are already placed in this file follow the format. Note it's intentional that the final pc name does not end with a comma like every other pc name. Also you will need to run again after you make your changes for them to appear. As of 1.7.0 this file only overrides existing entries and should only be used to override dnsmasq resolved names.
data/usage.js This replaces the old usage.db the file is directly read by the browser's javascript handler and this is how we work out the bandwidth. This is your personal backup if you wish to not lose stats during an upgrade then you should backup and restore this file.
www This is the front end files for the web site these are the pages that your browser uses. These files are copied on startup to the /tmp/www/ directory so you will need to re-run in order to see your change if you make them.

Hints and tips

The yellow highlighting indicates active connections.

If you resize your browser or view from a devices with a smaller screen the cumulative download and upload columns will automatically hide along with the last seen date to better fit the screen space available.

There is a normal and compact view at the bottom for better manual scaling on different device form factors.