diff --git a/Backlog.txt b/Backlog.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ced344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Backlog.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Configure IP-address
+Read S0
+Child for S0 output
+Support for gross / net usage when S0 is used
+Children for reading from P1
+Another nice feature would we if the gas usage can be retrieved
+Support for password
+Update frequentie instelbaar
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/D_Youless2.xml b/D_Youless2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f44f3b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/D_Youless2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ 2
+ 0
+ urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:PowerMeter:1
+ 21
+ YouLess Reader
+ YouLess
+ http://www.youless.com
+ YouLess energie monitor LS120
+ Youless
+ LS120
+ http://www.youless.com
+ urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:service:EnergyMetering:1
+ urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1
+ S_EnergyMetering1.xml
+ urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:service:HaDevice:1
+ urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1
+ S_HaDevice1.xml
+ I_Youless2.xml
+ D_PowerMeter1.json
diff --git a/I_Youless2.xml b/I_Youless2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8cdde5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/I_Youless2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ crlf
+ 1
+ L_Youless2.lua
+ Youless_Init
diff --git a/L_Youless2.lua b/L_Youless2.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2ae37d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/L_Youless2.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+Module L_Youless2.lua
+Written by Vincent Pathuis (Vinx)
+Only support UI7
+V0.1 - 17 November 2019
+Initial version.
+Support for LS110 & LS120
+Support for Watt & KWH
+Support for S0 Watt & KWH, optional as child device (LS120 only)
+Youless: http://youless.nl
+Uses YouLess API as described here: http://wiki.td-er.nl/index.php?title=YouLess
+local HA_SERVICE = "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1"
+local ENERGY_SERVICE = "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1"
+local YOULESS_SERVICE = "urn:youless-nl:serviceId:YouLess"
+local YOULESS_MODEL = ""
+local YOULESS_S0_ALTID = "YouLess_S0"
+function findChild(parentDevice, label)
+ for k, v in pairs(luup.devices) do
+ if (v.device_num_parent == parentDevice and v.id == label) then
+ return k
+ end
+ end
+local function readYouLess()
+ status,page = luup.inet.wget(YOULESS_URL_ACTUAL)
+ -- read pwr (watts)
+ local watts = string.match(page,'"pwr":(.-),')
+ if (watts ~= nil and watts ~= '') then
+ watts = tonumber(watts)
+ luup.variable_set(ENERGY_SERVICE, "Watts", watts, YOULESS_DEVICE)
+ luup.log("YouLess pwr (watts)="..watts)
+ else
+ luup.log("Response from YouLess respons invalid: does not contain pwr")
+ luup.variable_set(HA_SERVICE,"CommFailure",1, YOULESS_DEVICE)
+ end
+ -- read cnt (kwh)
+ local kwh = string.match(page,'"cnt":"(.-)"')
+ if (kwh ~= nil and kwh ~= '') then
+ kwh = string.gsub(kwh,",",".")
+ kwh = tonumber(kwh)
+ luup.variable_set(ENERGY_SERVICE,"KWH", kwh, YOULESS_DEVICE)
+ luup.log("YouLess kwh (cnt)=".. kwh)
+ else
+ luup.log("Response from YouLess respons invalid: does not contain cnt")
+ luup.variable_set(HA_SERVICE,"CommFailure",1, YOULESS_DEVICE)
+ end
+ if (YOULESS_MODEL ~= "LS110") then -- following variables are not supported by LS110
+ childS0id = findChild(YOULESS_DEVICE, YOULESS_S0_ALTID)
+ if (childS0id ~= nil) then
+ luup.log("Child S0: " .. childS0id)
+ else
+ luup.log("No child S0 found")
+ end
+ -- read watts s0 (ps0)
+ local wattss0 = string.match(page,'"ps0":(.-),')
+ if (wattss0 ~= nil and wattss0 ~= '') then
+ wattss0 = tonumber(wattss0)
+ luup.log("YouLess ps0="..wattss0)
+ luup.variable_set(ENERGY_SERVICE, "Watts_S0", wattss0, YOULESS_DEVICE)
+ if ((childS0id or "") ~= "") then
+ luup.variable_set(ENERGY_SERVICE, "Watts", wattss0, childS0id)
+ end
+ else
+ luup.log("No ps0 found")
+ end
+ -- read kwh s0 (cs0)
+ local kwhs0 = string.match(page,'"cs0":"(.-)"')
+ if (kwhs0 ~= nil and kwhs0 ~= '') then
+ kwhs0 = string.gsub( kwhs0, "%s+", "")
+ kwhs0 = string.gsub(kwhs0,",",".")
+ kwhs0 = tonumber(kwhs0)
+ luup.variable_set(ENERGY_SERVICE,"KWH_S0", kwhs0, YOULESS_DEVICE)
+ if ((childS0id or "") ~= "") then
+ luup.variable_set(ENERGY_SERVICE, "KWH", kwhs0, childS0id)
+ end
+ luup.log("YouLess kwhs0=".. kwhs0)
+ else
+ luup.log("No cs0 found")
+ end
+ end
+function refreshCache()
+ readYouLess()
+ luup.call_timer("refreshCache", 1, YOULESS_INTERVAL, "")
+function Youless_Init(youless_device)
+ luup.log("Starting YouLess2")
+ YOULESS_DEVICE = youless_device
+ YOULESS_IP = luup.attr_get('ip',YOULESS_DEVICE)
+ if (YOULESS_IP == nil or YOULESS_IP == "") then
+ return false, "No IP specified. Visit the Advanced tab to specify the Youless ip-address and reload luup.", string.format("%s[%d]", luup.devices[YOULESS_DEVICE].description, youless_device)
+ end
+ YOULESS_URL_ACTUAL = "http://" .. YOULESS_IP .. "/a?f=j"
+ YOULESS_URL_DEVICE = "http://" .. YOULESS_IP .. "/d"
+ -- check the connection
+ local status, page = luup.inet.wget(YOULESS_URL_ACTUAL)
+ if ((status or 0) ~= 0) then
+ return false, "Conntection to YouLess failed. Verify the Youless ip-address.", string.format("%s[%d]", luup.devices[YOULESS_DEVICE].description, YOULESS_DEVICE)
+ end
+ status,page = luup.inet.wget(YOULESS_URL_DEVICE)
+ if ((status or 0) ~= 0) then
+ YOULESS_MODEL = "LS110" -- device page not available, therefore assuming LS110
+ luup.log("YouLess model="..YOULESS_MODEL)
+ else
+ local model = string.match(page,'"model":"(.-)",')
+ if (model ~= nil and model ~= '') then
+ YOULESS_MODEL = string.gsub( model, "%s+", "")
+ luup.log("YouLess model="..YOULESS_MODEL)
+ else
+ luup.log("Found device page, but failed to get model name")
+ end
+ end
+ luup.log("Youless found at " .. YOULESS_IP)
+ if ((YOULESS_MODEL or "") ~= "LS110") then
+ local ChildDeviceS0 = luup.variable_get(YOULESS_SERVICE, "ChildDeviceS0", YOULESS_DEVICE)
+ -- create variables if they don't exist
+ if ((ChildDeviceS0 or "") == "") then
+ luup.variable_set(YOULESS_SERVICE, "ChildDeviceS0", 0, YOULESS_DEVICE)
+ end
+ -- create child devices if needed
+ local child_devices = luup.chdev.start(YOULESS_DEVICE)
+ if (ChildDeviceS0 == "1") then
+ luup.log("Adding child device for YouLess S0")
+ local init=ENERGY_SERVICE .. ",ActualUsage=1\n" ..
+ ENERGY_SERVICE .. ",Watts=0\n" ..
+ luup.chdev.append(YOULESS_DEVICE,
+ child_devices, -- handle
+ YOULESS_S0_ALTID, -- altid
+ "YouLess S0", -- device name
+ "", -- device_type, derived from the device file
+ "D_PowerMeter1.xml", -- device file for given device
+ "", -- Implementation file
+ init, -- initiating variables
+ true) -- embedded
+ end
+ luup.chdev.sync(YOULESS_DEVICE, child_devices)
+ end
+ readYouLess()
+ luup.set_failure(0, YOULESS_DEVICE)
+ luup.call_timer("refreshCache", 1, YOULESS_INTERVAL, "")