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Given a number n, determine what the nth prime is.
By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13.
If your language provides methods in the standard library to deal with prime numbers, pretend they don't exist and implement them yourself.
For inputs lesser than 1
, the nth prime number can't be computed. In that case, your function must return an error. The error message should be descriptive of the error. In case the input is inside a valid range, the function must return the actual prime number and no error.
- @soniakeys
- @alebaffa
- @bitfield
- @ekingery
- @ferhatelmas
- @hilary
- @ilmanzo
- @kytrinyx
- @leenipper
- @petertseng
- @robphoenix
- @sebito91
- @tleen
- @MikaeelMF
- @eklatzer
A variation on Problem 7 at Project Euler - http://projecteuler.net/problem=7