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English version


This is a set of three tools allowing you to setup world-locked items onto your avatar. These items can then be placed and put out, using buttons added to the Expression menu. These items won't move with the avatar while placed, hence the name "world-locked" items.

For more explanation, check the following videos


These tools are designed to not touch the original avatar. They make a copy of any asset requiring modifications (avatar, animators, ...), and only perform modifications on these copies.

Still, as always, backup the items and avatars you'll use with these tools, since nasty bugs can still arise.
I only tested it on MY avatars.
So far, so long, no problems arised, but you might encounter bugs I haven't.

If using these tools change anything on your original avatar, feel free to open a bug report.

Videos explanations

Setup world-locked items on PC avatars using the VRChat Constraints tool

Setup world-locked items on PC avatars, using the Constraints tool


Setup world-locked items on Quest avatars, with the Particles tool


Video credits


  • Unity
  • VRChat Avatar SDK >= 3.7




Using the .unitypackage file

  • Install world-lock-autosetup-1.4.0.unitypackage using the editor menu Assets > Import Package... > Custom Package....

Using the VRChat Creator Companion


Setup VCC to find the VPM package

  • Download the sources of this repository and unpack them somewhere on your harddrive
  • Open the VRChat Creation Companion
  • In Settings, select the Packages tab then click the + Button at the right of User Packages,
  • Select the folder where the downloaded sources were unpacked

Use the package in your project

  • In a Project, hit the + button at the right of Voyage's World Lock Autosetup in the list.

If you're upgrading from version 1.3 or earlier, remove the old version


Just locate the folder 'Voyage' in your Assets and delete it.
Then close Unity.

Note that you can remove it afterwards too.


Main tool

  • Add your avatar to the Scene root.

  • For good measures, make sure that your avatar position and rotation are set to 0,0,0.

  • Add the items to the Scene root.

  • Set the rotation and position of the items, in relation to your avatar, to define how it should appear when shown.

  • The Expression menu buttons will show the item names as set in the Hierarchy.
    So, set those names accordingly.

  • Open the setup window Voyage > World Lock Setup - Constraints (PC - Android - iOS).

  • Click on the 'RESET' button, at the upper left of that window.

  • Drag your avatar and the items to setup from the Hierarchy, and drop them inside that window.

  • Click on the 'APPLY' button, that should have appeared at the bottom of that window.

You can then upload the clone, and use it in-game to spawn the items you just setup.

This new clone will have a new submenu "World Objects" added to its Expressions menu. This menu contains Toggle buttons allowing you to spawn each individual object.

All the animations, animators, materials and meshes will be copied into a specific folder, named : "[Avatar name]-VRCConstraints-[YearMonthDay]-[HourMinSeconds]-[Milliseconds]". You can define where the folder is generated by dropping a folder on "Save Dir".

You can actually drop a saved asset on "Save Dir". If you do so, "Save Dir" will be set to that asset folder.

Additional options

The setup window Voyage > World Lock Setup - Constraints (PC - Android - iOS) provide 4 customization options :

  • Items out by default
    This will toggle the the items on by default.
    This is useful for weapons, for example, since you generally want them to be visible all the time.
    This is not recommended for a set of furnitures items, like a table and a chair.

  • Add toggles for items
    Add toggle buttons to show the item on and off.
    If you don't enable this option :

    • When 'items out by default is on', only the World Lock button will remain.
    • When 'items out by default' is off, the world lock button will also toggle the item on This option is there for compatiblity with the legacy behavior.
  • Reset item position when unlocked
    Brings back the item to its relative offset when unlocked.
    If you don't enable this option, the item will stay relative to the position it was when unlocked.

  • Disable these items own constraints when locked If the item already have a World constraint, that is not a VRChat Parent constraint, that constraint will be disabled when locking the item.
    There are some corner cases where you might want to disable this option.
    I do not recommend disable this option though.

Legacy tools

How to use the Constraints tool

Works with PC avatars only. Constraints components are not allowed on Quest avatars.

  • Add your avatar to the Scene root.

  • For good measures, make sure that your avatar position and rotation are set to 0,0,0.

  • Add the items to the Scene root.

  • Set the rotation and position of the items, in relation to your avatar, to define how it should appear when shown.

  • The Expression menu buttons will show the item names as set in the Hierarchy.
    So, set those names accordingly.

  • Open the setup window Voyage > World Lock Setup - Constraints (PC).

  • Click on the 'RESET' button, at the upper left of that window.

  • Drag your avatar and the item to setup from the Hierarchy, and drop them inside that window.

  • Click on the 'APPLY' button, that should have appeared at the bottom of that window.

You can then upload the clone, and use it in-game to spawn the items you just setup.

This new clone will have a new submenu "World Objects" added to its Expressions menu. This menu contains Toggle buttons allowing you to spawn each individual object.


  • You can setup up to 8 individual items (Only 8 items for now, due to menu creation limitations).
  • When placed, the object follows the avatar orientation.

How to use the Particles tool

Works with PC and Quest avatars.

  • Add your avatar to the Scene root.

  • For good measures, make sure that your avatar position and rotation are set to 0,0,0.

  • Add the item to the Scene root.

  • Move the added item where you'd like to see it spawned, in relation to your avatar.

  • Open the setup window Voyage > World Lock Setup - Particles (PC or Quest).

  • Click on the 'RESET' button, at the upper left of that window.

  • Drag your avatar and the item to setup from the Hierarchy, and drop them inside that window.

  • Click on the 'APPLY' button, that should have appeared at the bottom of that window.

Once done, a new setup clone of the avatar will appear.

You can then upload the clone, and use it in-game to spawn the objects using the Expression menu.

This new clone main menu will have two new buttons in its Expression menu :

  • Spawn - Which allows you to spawn the actual item.
  • Rotate - Which allows you to define the orientation of the spawned element.

All the animations, animators, materials and meshes will be copied into a specific folder, named : "[Avatar name]-ParticlesLock-[YearMonthDay]-[HourMinSeconds]-[Milliseconds]". You can define where the folder is generated by dropping a folder on "Save Dir".

You can actually drop a saved asset on "Save Dir". If you do so, "Save Dir" will be set to that asset folder.

Setup the items to always show at a specific world position

Follow Setup an avatar with items locked using Constraints, but before clicking on 'APPLY' in the setup window, check the box Lock from world (0,0,0).
By doing so, the avatar will be setup so that the items always spawn at specific world coordinates.

These coordinates being the "Position" of these items, in the Editor, before clicking on 'APPLY'.

That means that you can setup a World Overlay using this mechanism.

More details about these tools

Why make these tools

While plenty of documentation exist on how to setup world-locked items, the process are all tedious, so I made two tools that automatically :

  • Setup the hierarchy.
  • Create the animations.
  • Setup the FX animator (creating it if it's doesn't exist).
  • Setup the SDK3 menu parameters.
  • Add the SDK3 menu buttons.

Why two tools

Each tool targets a different platform (PC or Quest) and use a methodology best suited for that platform.

Pros and cons of each tool



  • The setup itself has no effect on the avatar rating.
  • You can setup multiple items at once.
  • Setup items can use any whitelisted component.


  • Can only be used to setup PC avatars



  • Can be used to setup Quest avatars


  • Due the Particle Emitter setup on the avatar, Quest avatars will see their rating drop to Poor or lower.
    If the spawned item has more than 200 (two hundred) polygons, the rating will automatically downgrade to Very Poor.
    You should take this seriously when it comes to Quest Avatars, since Quest clients are setup to always display "Fallback" avatars instead of Very Poor rated avatars.
    Meaning that, if your avatar rating drops to Very Poor, other users won't see your setup avatar unless they manually choose to "Show your avatar".
  • You can only use ONE material to define the look of the spawned item.
    Note that, strangely enough, you CANNOT use Particles shaders with Particles systems set on Quest avatars.
    Which means : No transparency.



Meaning that, yes, You are free to incorporate this tool, or parts of it, into other commercial goods, open source projects, ...


Can I change the name of the files generated ? Yes.

Can I edit the elements added to the Expression Menu without issues ? Changing the name and icons of the buttons will pose no issue. However, avoid changing the parameters names, since the buttons may stop working afterwards.

I want to add another item to the avatar.
Can I reuse the new generated avatar with these tools ? No. If you want to add an item, just use the original avatar, along with all the items you want to setup.
The reason is that these tools can't tell the difference between a non-setup avatar and a previously setup copy.
Reusing a setup avatar (the generated copy) with these tools will lead to some animation parameters being overwritten, causing multiple issues with the animators.



装備したアバターのExpression Menuにボタンが追加され、そのボタンでアイテムを配置・収納できます。










にしても、万一、未知のバグのせいで、アバターやアイテムが改変される可能性がありますので、 そのツールを使用する前に、使うアセットをバックアップしてください。



  • Unity
  • VRChat Avatar SDK 3.0



  • [world-lock-autosetup-1.4.0.unitypackage]のファイルをダウンロードします。
  • Unityの「Assets > Import Package... > Custom Package...」の画面でパッケージ・ファイルを選んでインストールします。

「VRChat Creator Companion」パッケージを使いたい場合

  • Sourcesのアーカイブをダウンロードします。
  • ハードドライブのどこかで、ダウンロードしたアーカイブを解凍します。
  • 「VRChat Creator Companion」の「Settings」にある、「User Packages」の「Add」ボタンを押下します。
  • アーカイブの解凍先を選びます。

そうしたら、「Avatar」のプロジェクト画面の右パネルから、「Voyage's World Lock Autosetup」を「Add」(追加)することが出来ます。









  • ヒエラルキーを用意し、
  • アニメーションを生成し、
  • FX Animatorを設定し、
  • Expression parametersを設定し、
  • Expression menuにボタンを追加します.






  • Ratingを低下しません。
  • 複数アイテムを同時に装備させることが出来ます。
  • アイテムに、いずれのVRCHATが許可するコンポネントを付けることが出来ます。


  • Quest対応アバターでは、Constraint系のコンポーネントは使用できませんので、

Particle System


  • Quest対応アバターで使えます。


  • 追加するParticles Systemのため、Quest対応アバターのRatingがPoor以下に低下します。
  • Quest対応アバターでは、200個のポリゴン以上のアイテムを設定する場合、Ratingが必ずVery poorに下がります。 その場合では、相手はShow Avatarしないと、そのアバターの代わりにフォールバックアバターを見ることになります。
  • Particle System Rendererは一個のマテリアルしか使用できないため、アイテムの外観を一個のマテリアルで決定する必要があります。
  • Quest対応アバターでは、Particles Systemでも、Particlesシェーダーを使用することができません。



  • まずは、Sceneの中にSDK3.0のアバターを用意します。
  • アイテムの配置場所がズレないように、 アバターのPositionとRotationを0にします。
  • 後は、Sceneに固定したいアイテムを追加します。
  • アバターを基準として、アイテムのPositionとRotationを決めます。
  • 後は、メニューバーで「Voyage > World Lock Setup - Constraints (PC)」を押下して、 自動設定ツールの画面を開きます。
  • 画面の左上にある「リセット」ボタンを押します。
  • Hierarchyからアバターとアイテムをドラッグして、その画面の上にドロップします。
  • 画面の下に現れた「適用」ボタンを押します。

すると、自動設定ツールは、アバターをコピーし、そのコピーにアイテムを設定します。 そのコピーをアップロードした後は、ゲームで着せる時、アイテムを配置・収納できます。

そのために、Expressionsメニューで、「World Objects」と言うサブメニューが追加されます。

Particle Systemツールの使い方

PCとQuestアバター対応。 とはいえ、PCアバターの設定には、Constraintツールの利用を強くお勧めします。

  • まずは、Sceneの中にSDK3.0のアバターを用意します。
  • アイテムの配置場所がズレないように、 アバターのPositionとRotationをゼロにします。
  • 後は、Sceneに固定したいアイテムを追加します。
  • アバターを基準として、アイテムのPositionを決めます。
  • メニューバーで「Voyage > World Lock Setup - Particles (PC or Quest)」を押下して、 自動設定画面を開きます。
  • 画面の左上にある「リセット」ボタンを押します。
  • Hierarchyからアバターとアイテムをドラッグして、その画面の上にドロップします。
  • 画面の下に現れた「適用」ボタンを押します。



  • Spawn - アイテムを召喚・削除するボタン。
  • Rotate - アイテムの方向を変えるボタン。







メニュー・アイテムの名前を変更することは問題ありません。 パラメータ名を変更すると、そのアイテムが動作しなくなることがありますので、変更しないでください。


できません。 新しいアイテムを追加したい場合は、原アバターと装備したいアイテムをすべて揃えて、一からやり直してください。 ツールは原アバターと既に設定されているコピーを区別できません。 そのため、既に設定されているアバターを、ツールで再設定すると、Animatorのパラメータ名が上書きされてしまい、問題が発生します。