- d06fbda8: fix: handle timed out connections from hub event subscriber
- 386059ac: fix: gracefully handle streaming hangups when the server dies unexpected
- 64084968: feat(shuttle): Support deleting messages on DB that are missing on hub
- 8dfe9843: fix: restore start/stop times for reconcileMessagesForFid
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- 2de0697e: chore: upgrade hub-nodejs dependency so interfaces align
- f6ba2b09: chore: add metric for events processed with event type tag
- 4e897e9a: chore: add more metrics to HubSubscriber
- b7a0f402: chore: add event kind and stale/not stale tags to event processing metrics
- 78342c3d: feat: switch shuttle to use stream fetch
- 7eba6ee0: feat: Support event level callbacks in shuttle
- 49ecf50e: fix: reconciliation wasn't actually using time bounds for hub rpcs
- 2bf64461: fix: Update onHubEvent to accept a txn for consistency
- 70d1f830: feat: add time range option for reconciliation
- Updated dependencies [cc0d0a3e]
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- Updated dependencies [dd634c79]
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- 768dc875: fix: Reduce reconciliation default pagination size
- Updated dependencies [47fbd34e]
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- 165a0aac: fix(shuttle): Add missing
to per-iterationsleep()
call - Updated dependencies [939dde84]
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- 5d5b3273: Fix CPU throttling regression introduced in 0.5.6 by trim optimization
- Updated dependencies [939dde84]
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- 4f40c19b: fix: Do not validate messages in shuttle by default
- Updated dependencies [2fa29ad4]
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- ee0947ec: fix: on conflict criteria is ambiguous and cannot be used for upsert
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- e5760da0: Trim stream at regular interval instead of every loop
- fc67ccf0: Stop recording stream size
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- a5262796: Switch before/after hooks to work with batches for efficiency
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- 41f32cd0: Add support for running before/after hooks when processing events
- 57b9c6ab: Re-build package
- a8b69a07: feat: make message processor handle removals for compact state explicitly, warn on mismatching deletes
- cc357b4b: feat(shuttle): Enables shuttle and its example-app to optionally use a postgres schema other than "public"
- Fix reset of limit for total batch bytes
- Support customization of event batch size and time between flushes
- 864261b7: feat(shuttle) Allow Redis client to be a cluster instance
- 45180584: Gracefully handle "no such key" when querying group on first start
- fad0f179: Switch where clause to use more efficient form
- fix: Bump max receive size to fix resource exhaustion error
- ad281729: Link reconciliation now calls the compact state rpc as well
- 76c0504f: Lower level of shuttle logs to debug
- dab95118: Add rpc to expose LinkCompactStateMessage + explicit handling of type
- Updated dependencies [dab95118]
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- fix: Fix shuttle hub-nodejs version dep to support long casts
- feat(shuttle): store cast type in message body
- 87796697: Export multiple signatures for farcasterTimeToDate
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- bb707b1e: feat: Add support for reverse reconciliation
- Updated dependencies [87c4f416]
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- f784afd2: feat: support link compact state message in shuttle
- Updated dependencies [7b374890]
- @farcaster/[email protected]
- 1b502fc2: Allow skipping validation when storing message
- 7490ff5d: Switch from @figma/hot-shots to @farcaster/hot-shots
- afa31270: Stop DNS lookups for loopback address in statsd calls
- 20c4ef64: Validate merge messages only when storing messages
- 30b8d64f: fix: increase hub timeout limit
- 80aadc6a: Buffer statsd calls before sending on socket
- 589e5770: fix: Preserve redis stream backwards compatibility
- 0c1ab37f: feat: add fid sharding
- feat(shuttle): add message state to handler
- fix: ack the correct group name to fix stale bug
- feat(shuttle): Make event stream more customizable
- chore: Rename to shuttle and release beta
- feat(shuttle): support prune, revokes and deletes
- 1051b3dd: feat: Support redis streams for scalability and add reconciliation workers
- fix: Fix module import issue
- fix: Fix interfaces import
- feat: Refactor message reconciliation to accept function
- 86cfa4f5: fix: add missing db and redis exports to hub-shuttle
- 5282c730: fix: add support for windows file paths in example hub-shuttle app
- fix: update exports
- 31d54545: feat: initial release of hub-shuttle