A stash for helpful articles, references, documentation looked up along the way
- 11ty - config input directory
- 11ty - addPassthroughCopy
- 11ty - YAML Front Matter
- 11ty - available data values
- 11ty - permalinks
- 11ty - inline css
- 11ty - 404 page
- 11ty - environment variables
- 11ty - filters
- 11ty - plugins
- 11ty - frontmatter in .11ty.js files
- 11ty - Debug 11ty with VS Code
- netlify - environment variables
- netlify - TOML
- netlify - Build
- netlify - Dev
- netlify - Asset Optimization / Post Processing
- netlify - Deploy Previews
- netlify - Build Hooks
- nunjucks - operators & logic
- nunjucks - check if variable in string
- nunjucks - inline if expression
- nunjucks - substring of string
- nunjucks - iterating with
- md - extended syntax - ids
- md - MarkdownLint rule updates
- md - only allow limited subset of tags
- md - escape backtick
- md - preset zero rules
- Convet Object to array
- Sort array alphabetically
- Get String in YYYYMMDD format from JS date object?
- MomentJS: how to parse dates in MM/DD/YYYY & DD/MM/YYYY
- MomentJS - formatting docs