This program is written in C++, and built using CMake.
To build, you will need to have the following utilities and libraries
- A C compiler such as gcc or clang.
- A C++ compiler such a g++ or clang.
- Boost libraries ( version 1.49.0 or higher.
- CMake ( build utility. Optionally install:
- lcov if you wish to generate lcov coverage reports.
- cobertura,python,gcovr if you wish to generate cobertura coverage reports (for jenkins).
- Run "mkdir build"
- Run "cd build"
- Run "cmake .." to create the Makefile.
- Run "make" to build.
Once built:
- Run "make install" to install.
- Run "mkdir build"
- Run "cd build"
- Run "cmake -D TESTING=FAST .." to create the Makefile with most tests enabled, or run "cmake -D TESTING=ALL .." to enable integration tests as well.
- Run "make" to build.
- Run "make test" to run tests.
- Run "mkdir build"
- Run "cd build"
- Run "cmake .. -DCOVERAGE=LCOV -DTESTING=ALL" to create the Makefile and output using lcov, or "cmake .. -DCOVERAGE=COBERTURA -DTESTING=ALL" to use cobertura instead.
- Run "make" to build.
- Run "make coverage" to run tests and generate a coverage report.
Run "./nn-simulator" to run the program from within the build directory, or if installed, just run "nn-simulator".