Live URL:
- Installation
- Features
- Lighthouse Performance Monitoring
- Issues
- Troubleshooting
- Future Improvements
- Install and activate the following required plugins, in your WordPress plugin directory:
- woocommerce Ecommerce for WordPress.
- wp-graphql Exposes GraphQL for WordPress.
- wp-graphql-woocommerce Adds WooCommerce functionality to a WPGraphQL schema.
- wp-algolia-woo-indexer WordPress plugin coded by me. Sends WooCommerce products to Algolia. Required for search to work.
Optional plugin:
- headless-wordpress Disables the frontend so only the backend is accessible. (optional)
The current release has been tested and is confirmed working with the following versions:
- WordPress version 6.6.2
- WooCommerce version 7.4.0
- WP GraphQL version 1.13.8
- WooGraphQL version 0.12.0
- WPGraphQL CORS version 2.1
For debugging and testing, install either: (Firefox) (Chrome)
Make sure WooCommerce has some products already
Clone or fork the repo and modify
and rename it to.env
Then set the environment variables accordingly in Vercel or your preferred hosting solution.
Modify the values according to your setup
Start the server with
npm run dev
Enable COD (Cash On Demand) payment method in WooCommerce
Add a product to the cart
Proceed to checkout (Gå til kasse)
Fill in your details and place the order
- Next.js version 15.1.7
- React version 18.3.1
- Typescript
- Tests with Playwright
- Connect to Woocommerce GraphQL API and list name, price and display image for products
- Support for simple products and variable products
- Cart handling and checkout with WooCommerce (Cash On Delivery only for now)
- Algolia search (requires algolia-woo-indexer)
- Meets WCAG accessibility standards where possible
- Placeholder for products without images
- Apollo Client with GraphQL
- React Hook Form
- Native HTML5 form validation
- Animations with Framer motion, Styled components and Animate.css
- Loading spinner created with Styled Components
- Shows page load progress with Nprogress during navigation
- Fully responsive design
- Category and product listings
- Show stock status
- Pretty URLs with builtin Nextjs functionality
- Tailwind 3 for styling
- JSDoc comments
- Automated Lighthouse performance monitoring
- Continuous performance, accessibility, and best practices checks
- Automated reports on every pull request
- Performance metrics tracking for:
- Performance score
- Accessibility compliance
- Best practices adherence
- SEO optimization
- Progressive Web App readiness
- Product filtering:
- Dynamic color filtering using Tailwind's color system
- Mobile-optimized filter layout
- Accessible form controls with ARIA labels
- Price range slider
- Size and color filters
- Product type categorization
- Sorting options (popularity, price, newest)
This project uses automated Lighthouse testing through GitHub Actions to ensure high-quality web performance. On every pull request:
- Performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO are automatically evaluated
- Results are posted directly to the pull request
- Minimum score thresholds are enforced for:
- Performance: Analyzing loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability
- Accessibility: Ensuring WCAG compliance and inclusive design
- Best Practices: Validating modern web development standards
- SEO: Checking search engine optimization fundamentals
- PWA: Assessing Progressive Web App capabilities
View the latest Lighthouse results in the GitHub Actions tab under the "Lighthouse Check" workflow.
Check that you are using the 0.12.0 version of the wp-graphql-woocommerce plugin
Check the attributes of the products. Right now the application requires Size and Color.
Overall the application is working as intended, but it has not been tested extensively in a production environment. More testing and debugging is required before deploying it in a production environment.
With that said, keep the following in mind:
- Currently only simple products and variable products work without any issues. Other product types are not known to work.
- Only Cash On Delivery (COD) is currently supported. More payment methods may be added later.
This project is tested with BrowserStack.
- Implement UserRegistration.component.tsx in a registration page
- Add user dashboard with order history
- Add Cloudflare Turnstile on registration page
- Ensure email is real on registration page
- Add total to cart/checkout page
- Copy billing address to shipping address
- Hide products not in stock