Welcome to W3C. This pack contains some key information on how to get started with W3C participation including participating in groups, events and being an AC Representative.
You may read more about the W3C structure.
Each group has a different way of working, although there are often similarities. Groups often hold teleconference meetings, and groups always have a mailing list. As a group member, you or your colleagues will automatically be signed up to the group mailing list when joining a group, and will receive teleconference details in emails.
Some groups hold face-to-face meetings. These will be arranged on the mailing list. The frequency of these face-to-face meetings depend on the group.
Link to W3C work groups.
Both teleconference and face-to-face meetings are minuted. W3C uses Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to help both minute the meetings accurately and to control speaker queues. You will require an IRC client to join a W3C IRC group chat; if you do not have one then W3C has an IRC web interface which you may use.
Each W3C Working or Interest Group has an IRC channel name (e.g. #webappsec). This should be given in the call or meeting information in the emails sent prior to a meeting. Use your IRC client to join a group. Once joined, type "present+" to announce you have joined the meeting.
A "scribe" is selected at the beginning of a meeting. The scribe will minute the meeting in IRC. Here are some common commands to use within IRC to add yourself to the group or comment on the meeting (square brackets represent user input):
- q+: adds you to the speaker queue. A bot will show your position in the queue
- q-: removes you from the speaker queue
- ack [name]: removes a person from the speaker queue (usually because they have spoken)
- /me [message]: allows you to comment in the meeting without your comment getting added to the minutes
- s/[typo]/[correction]: will change the first instance of [typo] with [correction] in the text above.
Other IRC commands can be found here.
Each organization member of W3C has one Advisory Committee (AC) Representative. The AC Rep has certain privileges such as the ability to participate in AC Meetings and vote on standards process decisions. The AC Rep can also assign members of their organization to W3C Groups. Here is a short list of what you can expect as an AC Rep:
- Added to the W3C AC Members mailing list where key information on the below and general W3C AC Member discussion occurs
- Assign organization members to participate in W3C groups
- Vote for Advisory Board (AB) and Technical Architecture Group (TAG) members
- Review the creation of new group charters and object or extend the review period if needed
- Review specifications (W3C Proposed Recommendations) in their final stage of development and object or extend the review period if needed
- Attend two AC Meetings a year: one AC Meeting between Mar-Jun, and one AC Meeting at TPAC (Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee Meeting) in Sept - Oct.
As an AC Rep you may assign employees from your organiaation to participate in W3C Working and Interest Groups. Each Working or Interest Group will have its own homepage (e.g. Web App Security). On these pages there will be a link to the group's charter, and a link to "Join the Group". By clicking "Join the Group" you'll be taken to the W3C Member portal where you will be able to join the group personally, or sign one of your colleagues to the group.
You or your colleague should receive a welcome email from the group.
All participants are required to follow the W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct: https://www.w3.org/Consortium/cepc/