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wa1tnr edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the camelforth-uno-r4-aU wiki!

Just to have it (the wiki) on hand. Never know. Wed 13 December 2023.


   ascii-xfr (or any way you like that works) quick.fs to the live interpreter.

   Fast as you like; seems to keep up as you ascii-upload.
Memory dumps

   dumps are enhanced.  Change the code to get a different style/format.

   n is 'next' dump (256 bytes) so you can just

ok rene n

   And that'll dump part of the dictionary in SRAM.

   Beginners: the **ok** prompt, if shown in documentation is **never typed**
   by you; it's just the documentation telling you it's a live interpreter
   prompt.  Commands are often typed on the same line as the **ok** prompt.

   Dictionary itself is in flashROM - idk, say, near 0x0000DF50 and

   you can just:   DDDD 3 + n

   to start dumping near the dictionary (0x0000DF50 or just 0xDF50).
   'BYE' currently says 'stale print' (13 Dec 2023) and you can see
    where in code execution that is, and why it stops responding.

   'COLD' is traditional - type 'cold' to get back to the kernel, stripped of all word definitions
   created by manual typing in the live interpreter (including ascii-uploaded source code).

    make comm  - just run the telecom program (picocom)

    make clean - remove compiled version (Linux centric - this entire
                 project has only been tested in Debian amd64 Bookworm).

    make install - upload to target Uno R4 Minima

    ./c  is a shell script to automate a build sequence.

Memory Map

    0x28C0   near here is text remnants of the build you can read in English.


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