All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.0.0-beta.1 (2017-07-28)
- scripts: fix MSDOS compatibility with mkdir (360e80d)
- scripts: fix script directory creation (39d17fc)
- views: update pug-cli to git#master and add flag _ to ignore includes/layout files (4f090b4)
- boilerplate: Create license (31897f9)
0.2.0-beta.1 (2017-07-28)
- scripts: fix MSDOS compatibility with mkdir (360e80d)
- scripts: fix script directory creation (39d17fc)
- views: update pug-cli to git#master and add flag _ to ignore includes/layout files (4f090b4)
- boilerplate: Create license (31897f9)
- scripts: fix start script (d66d3fe)
- boilerplate: add .editorconfig (e2a87ed)
- boilerplate: add browserlist (eb745b7)
- boilerplate: add browsersync (eb91b29)
- boilerplate: add eslint (78ad2b2)
- boilerplate: add parralel scripts (debde8e)
- boilerplate: add pug scripts (ce25bfe)
- boilerplate: add style build (557edf5)
- boilerplate: init project (626b1a1)
- boilerplate: pug config upgrade (175474c)
- cli: add postcss & css-next (a016cac)
- cli: add postcss watch (382c318)