Designed for developing TypeScript NPM libraries. The layout can be applied to other web development projects.
- Package Layout
- package.json
- Commands
- Standard Technologies
- Tool Notes
- Technology and Design Considerations
- Technology Choice
- Useful Packages
- Comments on Common Packages
- Random Notes
- .github
- GitHub specific files
- .vscode
- Visual Studio Code configuration files
- config
- configuration files for tools
- dist
- compiled package content (this is never checked in)
- docs
- manually written internal documentation for development
- documentation
- autogenerated public documentation for API exposed by the package
- scripts
- manually run scripts
- src
- package source, should have a single
file that exposes all public APIs.
- package source, should have a single
- test
- package tests
The docs folder contains documentation needed for development of the package.
Why place all documents in a single folder? (Instead of spreading them throughout the project)
- Single place to look for all documents
- Allow link references to other markdown documents without having to worry about code structure
- GitHub uses the docs folder to publish a wiki which is a convenient way to view information about the project
npm package.json field documentation
For packages that are not published the following field should be present "private:":true
and the package version should be set to 0.0.0
to help identify that this is a NPM based project and NOT a published package.
Standard development command.
[clean, style, spell-check, lint, compile]
run tests
get test coverage
separate command because test-coverage can take longer to run than simply running tests
Apply consistent formatting in {src, test, scripts}.
Check for spelling errors in {src, test, scripts}.
Detect common issues in {src, test, scripts}.
Remove contents of dist and temp folders.
Wipe out the contents of dist and temp before building to avoid persistance of removed files.
Run the TypeScript compiler and generate the dist.
Generates the doc folder
Uses compiled dist/index.d.ts
Checks for changes in the packages publish signature
npm built in command automatically run before publish during npm publish
should be used to build everything and test the package.
- Windows
- Git
- GitHub
- GitHub Desktop
- GitHub CLI
- GitHub Actions
- Visual Studio Code
- [nvm]
- npm
- node download node lts
- TypeScript
- jest
- Playwright
- prettier
- eslint
- api-extractor
- api-documenter
- api-extractor-run
- api-documenter-run
- ts-node
- cspell
note: the template will need to be updated as technology changes.
Libraries for solving common problems
- parse JSON with comments using
- parse JSON with comments using
- parse html in node
- JavaScript minifier
- end to end testing
- ESLint
- id:
- config:
- requires command line option
- requires .vscode\settings.json
"eslint.options": { "configFile": "config/eslint.json", "resolvePluginsRelativeTo": "${workspaceFolder}" },
- id:
- Prettier
- id:
- config:
- requires command line option
- requires .vscode\settings.json
"prettier.configPath": "config/prettier.json",
- id:
- markdownlint
- id:
- config:
- requires .vscode\settings.json
"markdownlint.config": { "extends": "./config/.markdownlint.json" },
- id:
- Code Spell Checker
- id:
- config:
add additional wordscSpell.words
- id:
- Playwright
- id:
- config:
- id:
NVM is used to deal with node versions.
nvm install lts
nvm use lts
End all node processes:
taskkill /f /im node.exe
Show all published versions of a package.
npm show @wandyezj/package@* version
// disables prettier for the next node
// prettier-ignore
- Prettier's built in setting of printWidth:80 wraps more than needed for readability.
"tabWidth": 4
- Spaces have consistent spacing across editors compare to tabs. Four spaces of indentation highlights potentially too deep nesting.
- Unix line ending are preferred.
Ignore a specific word in a file.
// cspell:ignore wordToIgnore
cspell Inline Document Settings
run a specific jest file
npm run test --
When Jest test coverage is enforced, the following will consider the next node covered.
ignore next node
/* istanbul ignore next */
ignore file
/* istanbul ignore file */
npm run test -t name*
// disables for the next line
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
// eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference
- eqeqeq
double equals leads to bugs, double equals is usually a mistake.
@packageDocumentation - Document package
- Open in VS Code
- Select unit test file to debug
- Place a breakpoint on the test to debug
- Click
Run and Debug
(Ctrl + Shift + D) in VS Code - Select the
Config - Click green arrow
Start Debugging
- Visual Studio Code F5 Debugging for jest tests.
This package is intended to work on the latest node version and included NPM version.
[email protected]
does not allow script execution with unix style paths as used in the package.json
. To support this behavior Downgrade npm install -g [email protected]
or Upgrade to at least [email protected]
to support this behavior.
The npm example highlights the importance of versioning tools together.
npm looks first in the node_modules directory for the tool. Then it looks in the global installs before falling back to the path.
In order to require that only the tools specified as part of the package be run it's important to use the specific path ./node_modules/.bin
See GitHub issue
- A fixed tool version allows everyone to use the same version of the tool.
- Automation workflows only node needs to be installed (comes with npm) and only npm ci needs to be run before the
npm run <script>
commands ave available to use. - Avoids cluttering the global namespace with tools.
- Ensures that the same tool version is run for everyone across environments.
However, for convenience, to work on Windows and Linux with the latest tool versions, the ./node_modules/.bin
is left off.
Windows cmd does not need the extension on the tool to work. cmd.exe
has a precedence list for executing items in the path without the extension's presence by looking for the command without the extension (i.e. hello will call hello.exe, hello.bat, hello.cmd, etc.. in that order as it searches the path).
Technologies were chosen based on ubiquity and commitment to long term support.
Widely deployed technologies with long term support are more likely to remain stable platforms in the future.
Adopting every new technology that has some small benefit comes with a cost. It's preferable to pick good standards that will remain relevant into the future to enable developers to focus on building new things instead of selecting and configuring tools. Standard widely adopted and well supported technologies are more likely to: have good support for common scenarios, have significant documentation, work together, and evolve together.
- Strong types, Strong contracts, implicitly difficult in a dynamically typed language
- Minimize Dependencies, document any reasons for dependencies, why they are required and how they are used
- Reduce Attack Surface Area, everyone is responsible to security, do not invent or implement custom hashing or cryptographic algorithms leave these things to experts, do not use duplicate tools when one will do, this increases the attack surface are unnecessarily.
- Privacy, do not send any data, do not cache or store any data
- Semantic Versioning, avoid unless practicing it strictly, every change is a potential breaking change, perhaps even unexpectedly, semantic versioning is a way to signal, but it needs to adhere to a specified contract about what is considered breaking, but it is still inaccurate in terms of how dependencies are taken, execution changes verses compilation changes
Move all possible configs under the config folder:
- have clarity where configs exist
- have clarity on what calls the configs
- remove clutter in the root folder
Make sure the operating system and the node version used in GitHub Actions matches those used on the development machine.
Git is used as the source control of choice. There are many source control systems available, however the default and most ubiquitous as of 2022-03-01 is Git.
Visual Studio Code is cross platform and is ubiquitous editor.
Strong Types aid development.
An alternative to TypeScript is JSDOC tags.
Node currently (2022-03-01) has significantly better performance on Linux than on Windows. This results in faster job execution time, and thus reduced cost, and wait time for GitHub Action pipelines.
Ubuntu is a ubiquitous distribution and available as a build pool, and in WSL.
Commands use linux paths. On Windows WSL can be used to execute commands.
wls can be installed and used to run and install node.
wsl -- <command>
executes a command in the default linux environment.
This can be used to run linux commands on Windows.
- lz-string
- compress and decompress strings
- marked
- markdown parser
- Fluent UI
- React UI component library
Generally, it's preferable to limit the number of dependencies.
Each dependency is another security vulnerability especially if using them in build scripts.
For simple servers express can easily be replaced with node 'http'.
Example express alternative using pure node.
import http from "http";
import path from "path";
import * as fs from "fs";
// all valid resources stored in a resources folder.
// don't bother with express just write a simple node server.
export function startServer(port: number, serveResources: string[]) {
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
const {url} = req;
const found = serveResources.filter((value) => `/${value}` === url );
if (found.length === 1) {
const fileName = found[0];
const filePath = path.join(__dirname + `/resources/${fileName}`);
const fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath)
} else {
res.write(`Not Found\n\nValid Resources:\n\n${serveResources.join("\n")}`);
return server;
Unneeded, use built in node 'fs' functions.
// just use node built in
fs.rmSync(path, {recursive: true});
fs.cpSync(from, to);
Unneeded, use built in node 'child_process' functions.
// const {execSync} = require("child_process");
import {execSync} from "child_process";
try {
execSync(commands, { encoding: 'utf-8', stdio: [0, 1, 2] });
} catch (e) {
import https from "https";
// mirrors what is used from fetch in node-fetch
async function getUrl(url: string) {
return new Promise<{ status: number; buffer: () => Promise<string> }>(
(resolve, reject) => {
https.get(url, (response) => {
const statusCode = response.statusCode;
response.on("error", (err) => {
const dataBuffer = new Promise<string>((resolveBuffer) => {
let data = "";
response.on("data", (chunk) => {
data += chunk;
response.on("end", () => {
status: statusCode || -1,
buffer: () => dataBuffer,
* fetches data at url or throws
async function fetchFileDataAtUrl(url: string): Promise<string> {
const {status, buffer} = await getUrl(url);
if (status === 200) {
return (await buffer()).toString();
throw new Error(`Error status ${status} when retrieving url ${url}`);