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A morphological solution written completely in PHP.

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  1. Installation
  2. Quick start
  3. Russian
    1. Personal names
    2. Geographical names
    3. Nouns
    4. Numerals
      1. Cardinal
      2. Ordinal
    5. Cases
  4. English
    1. Nouns
    2. Numerals
      1. Cardinal
  5. Contibuting


  • Download library through composer:
composer require wapmorgan/morphos


Quick Start

  • Decline russian names:

    var_dump(morphos\Russian\name('Иванов Петр', 'родительный', morphos\Gender::MALE)); // Иванова Петра
  • Pluralize russian nouns:

    var_dump(morphos\Russian\pluralize('дом', 10)); // домов
  • Generate russian cardinal numerals:

    var_dump(morphos\Russian\CardinalNumeral::getCase(567, 'именительный')); // пятьсот шестьдесят семь
  • Generate russian ordinal numerals:

    var_dump(morphos\Russian\OrdinalNumeral::getCase(961, 'именительный')); // девятьсот шестьдесят первый
  • Pluralize english nouns:

    var_dump(morphos\English\pluralize('house')); // houses
  • Generate english cardinal numerals:

    var_dump(morphos\English\CardinalNumeral::generate(567)); // five hundred sixty-seven


Russian morphology shortcuts:

  • morphos\Russian\name($fullname, $case, $gender = AUTO)
  • morphos\Russian\pluralize($noun, $count = 2, $animateness = false)

Russian class hierarchy:


Personal names

To compound all declension functionality in one call there is name function:

string|array name($name, $case = null, $gender = null)


  • $name - full name as Фамилия Имя or Фамилия Имя Отчество.
  • $case - can be null, one of Cases constants, a string (described below). If not null, a string will be returned. If null, an array will be returned.
  • $gender - one of Gender constants, a string ("m" for male name, "f" for female name), null for autodetection.

There is three declension classes for partial declension:

  • FirstNamesDeclension - declension of first names in russian language
  • MiddleNamesDeclension - declension of middle names in russian language
  • LastNamesDeclension - declension of last names in russian language

All declension classes are similar and have four common methods:

  • boolean isMutable($word, $gender = null) - Check if name is mutable.
  • string getCase($word, $case, $gender = null) - Declines name. $case is one constant of morphos\Cases or morphos\Russian\Cases class constants (described below).
  • array getCases($word, $gender = null) - Declines name to all cases.
  • string detectGender($word) - Tries to detect gender for given name.

$gender is morphos\Gender::MALE (or "m") or morphos\Gender::FEMALE (or "f") or null for autodetection. Note that detection of middle name and last name can make right decision, but first names sometimes can not be used to determine gender of it's owner. Especially if name is not native Russian name. So better to specify gender if you want to declinate first names.

Cases in russian language:

  • nominative case - morphos\Russian\Cases::IMENIT or именительный
  • genitive case - morphos\Russian\Cases::RODIT or родительный
  • dative case - morphos\Russian\Cases::DAT or дательный
  • accusative case - morphos\Russian\Cases::VINIT or винительный
  • ablative case - morphos\Russian\Cases::TVORIT or творительный
  • prepositional case - morphos\Russian\Cases::PREDLOJ or предложный



use morphos\Russian\FirstNamesDeclension;
// Get any form of a name:
// for example, let it be Иван
$user_name = 'Иван';

$name = FirstNamesDeclension::getCase($user_name, 'родительный'); // Ивана

// If you need all forms, you can get all forms of a name:
/* Will produce something like
  array(6) {
    string(8) "Иван"
    string(10) "Ивана"
    string(10) "Ивану"
    string(10) "Ивана"
    string(12) "Иваном"
    string(15) "об Иване"


use morphos\Russian\MiddleNamesDeclension;
// Get any form of a name:
// for example, let it be Сергеевич
$user_name = 'Сергеевич';

$name = MiddleNamesDeclension::getCase($user_name, 'родительный'); // Сергеевича

// If you need all forms, you can get all forms of a name:
/* Will produce something like
  array(6) {
    string(18) "Сергеевич"
    string(20) "Сергеевича"
    string(20) "Сергеевичу"
    string(20) "Сергеевича"
    string(22) "Сергеевичем"
    string(23) "о Сергеевиче"


use morphos\Russian\LastNamesDeclension;
// Get any case of a last name
$user_last_name = 'Иванов';

$dative_last_name = LastNamesDeclension::getCase($user_last_name, 'дательный'); // Иванову

echo 'Мы хотим подарить товарищу '.$dative_last_name.' небольшой презент.';

// If you need all forms, you can get all forms of a name:
/* Will produce something like
  array(6) {
    string(12) "Иванов"
    string(14) "Иванова"
    string(14) "Иванову"
    string(14) "Иванова"
    string(16) "Ивановым"
    string(19) "об Иванове"

Geographical names

You can decline geographical names like cities, countries, streets and so on. It has similar methods:

  • boolean isMutable($name) - Check if name is mutable.
  • string getCase($name, $case) - Declines name. $case is one constant of morphos\Cases or morphos\Russian\Cases class constants.
  • array getCases($word null) - Declines name to all cases.


use morphos\Russian\GeographicalNamesDeclension;

echo 'Пора бы поехать в '.GeographicalNamesDeclension::getCase('Москва', 'винительный'); // Москву
// If you need all forms, you can get all forms of a name:
  array(6) {
    string(14) "Саратов"
    string(16) "Саратова"
    string(16) "Саратову"
    string(14) "Саратов"
    string(18) "Саратовом"
    string(19) "о Саратове"


Nouns declension

Nouns declension class also have few similar methods but arguments are different:

  • boolean isMutable($word, bool $animateness = false) - Check if noun is mutable.
  • string getCase($word, $case, $animateness = false) - Declines noun.
  • array getCases($word, $animateness = false) - Declines noun to all cases.


use morphos\Russian\GeneralDeclension;
// Following code will return original word if it's immutable:
$form = GeneralDeclension::getCase('поле', 'родительный'); // поля

// Get all forms of a word at once:
/* Will produce something like
  array(6) {
    string(14) "линейка"
    string(14) "линейки"
    string(14) "линейке"
    string(14) "линейку"
    string(16) "линейкой"
    string(17) "о линейке"

Nouns pluralization

Plurality class have similar methods but not only:

  • string getCase($word, $case, $animateness = false) - Pluralizes noun and declines.
  • array getCases($word, $animateness = false) - Pluralizes noun and declines to all cases.
  • string pluralize($word, $count, $animateness = false) - Pluralizes noun to coincide with numeral.


use morphos\Russian\Plurality;

$word = 'дом';
echo 'Множественное число для '.$word.' - '.Plurality::getCase($word, 'именительный'); // дома

// Pluralize word and get all forms:
/* Result will be like
  array(6) {
    string(8) "поля"
    string(10) "полей"
    string(10) "полям"
    string(8) "поля"
    string(12) "полями"
    string(13) "о полях"

// Also you can use shortcut
// Pluralize noun to use it with numeral

$count = 10;

echo $count.' '.morphos\Russian\pluralize('дом', $count, false); // result: 10 домов


All number creation classes are similar and have two common methods:

  • string getCase($number, $case, $gender = Gender::MALE) - Get one case of a numeral for a number.
  • array getCases($number, $gender = Gender::MALE) - Get all cases of a numeral for a number.

$gender is morphos\Gender::MALE (or "m") or morphos\Gender::FEMALE (or "f") or morphos\Gender::NEUTER (or "n").

Cardinal (CardinalNumeral)

Creation of cardinal numerals (количественные числительные) in russian language.


use morphos\Gender;
use morphos\Russian\CardinalNumeral;

// Get text representation of a number:
$number = 4351;

$numeral = CardinalNumeral::getCase($number, 'именительный'); // четыре тысячи триста пятьдесят один
$numeral = CardinalNumeral::getCase($number, 'именительный', Gender::FEMALE); // четыре тысячи триста пятьдесят одна

If you need all forms, you can get all cases of a numeral:

/* Will produce something like
  array(6) {
    string(66) "четыре тысячи триста пятьдесят один"
    string(74) "четырех тысяч трехсот пятидесяти одного"
    string(80) "четырем тысячам тремстам пятидесяти одному"
    string(66) "четыре тысячи триста пятьдесят один"
    string(90) "четырьмя тысячами тремястами пятьюдесятью одним"
    string(81) "о четырех тысячах трехстах пятидесяти одном"

Ordinal (OrdinalNumeral)

Creation of ordinal numerals (порядковые числительные) in russian language.


use morphos\Gender;
use morphos\Russian\OrdinalNumeral;

// Get text representation of a number:
$number = 67945;

$numeral = OrdinalNumeral::getCase($number, 'именительный'); // шестьдесят семь тысяч девятьсот сорок пятый
$numeral = OrdinalNumeral::getCase($number, 'именительный', Gender::FEMALE); // шестьдесят семь тысяч девятьсот сорок пятая

If you need all forms, you can get all cases of a numeral:

/* Will produce something like
  array(6) {
      string(81) "шестьдесят семь тысяч девятьсот сорок пятый"
      string(83) "шестьдесят семь тысяч девятьсот сорок пятого"
      string(83) "шестьдесят семь тысяч девятьсот сорок пятому"
      string(81) "шестьдесят семь тысяч девятьсот сорок пятый"
      string(81) "шестьдесят семь тысяч девятьсот сорок пятым"
      string(84) "о шестьдесят семь тысяч девятьсот сорок пятом"


English morphology shortcuts:

  • morphos\English\pluralize($word, $count = 2)
  • morphos\English\CardinalNumeral::generate($number)

English class hierarchy:


Pluralization (Plurality)

Pluralization a word in English:

use morphos\English\Plurality;

echo '10 '.Plurality::pluralize('foot');
// result: 10 feet


All number creation classes are similar and have one common methods:

  • string generate($number) - Generates a cardinal numeral for a number.

Cardinal (CardinalNumeral)

Creation of cardinal numerals in english language.

Create declension class object:

use morphos\English\CardinalNumeral;

Get text representation of a number:

$number = 4351;

$numeral = CardinalNumeral::generate($number); // four thousand, three hundred fifty-one


See for this.