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[Conventions](@id conventions)

Spatial dimensions and directions

We use the following numbering schemes on Cartesian or curved structured meshes.

  • The orientations are numbered as 1 => x, 2 => y, 3 => z. For example, numerical fluxes such as flux_central(u_ll, u_rr, orientation, equations::AbstractEquations) use the orientation in this way.
  • The directions are numbered as 1 => -x, 2 => +x, 3 => -y, 4 => +y, 5 => -z, 6 => +z. For example, the boundary_conditions are ordered in this way when a Tuple of boundary conditions per direction is passed to the constructor of a SemidiscretizationHyperbolic.
  • For structured and unstructured curved meshes the concept of direction is generalized via the variable normal_direction. This variable points in the normal direction at a given, curved surface. For the computation of boundary fluxes the normal_direction is normalized to be a normal_vector used, for example, in FluxRotated.

Cells vs. elements vs. nodes

To uniquely distinguish between different components of the discretization, we use the following naming conventions:

  • The computational domain is discretized by a mesh, which is made up of individual cells. In general, neither the mesh nor the cells should be aware of any solver-specific knowledge, i.e., they should not store anything that goes beyond the geometrical information and the connectivity.
  • The numerical solvers do not directly store their information inside the mesh, but use own data structures. Specifically, for each cell on which a solver wants to operate, the solver creates an element to store solver-specific data.
  • For discretization schemes such as the discontinuous Galerkin or the finite element method, inside each element multiple nodes may be defined, which hold nodal information. The nodes are again a solver-specific component, just like the elements.
  • We often identify elements, nodes, etc. with their (local or global) integer index. Convenience iterators such as eachelement, eachnode use these indices.

Keywords in elixirs

Trixi.jl is distributed with several examples in the form of elixirs, small Julia scripts containing everything to set up and run a simulation. Working interactively from the Julia REPL with these scripts can be quite convenient while for exploratory research and development of Trixi.jl. For example, you can use the convenience function trixi_include to include an elixir with some modified arguments. To enable this, it is helpful to use a consistent naming scheme in elixirs, since trixi_include can only perform simple replacements. Some standard variables names are

  • polydeg for the polynomial degree of a solver
  • surface_flux for the numerical flux at surfaces
  • volume_flux for the numerical flux used in flux differencing volume terms

Moreover, convergence_test requires that the spatial resolution is set via the keywords

Variable names

  • Use descriptive names (using snake_case for variables/functions and CamelCase for types)
  • Use a suffix _ as in name_ for local variables that would otherwise hide existing symbols.
  • Use a prefix _ as in _name to indicate internal methods/data that are "fragile" in the sense that there's no guarantee that they might get changed without notice. These are also not documented with a docstring (but maybe with comments using #).

Array types and wrapping

To allow adaptive mesh refinement efficiently when using time integrators from OrdinaryDiffEq and its sub-packages, Trixi.jl allows to represent numerical solutions in two different ways. Some discussion can be found online and in form of comments describing Trixi.wrap_array and Trixi.wrap_array_native in the source code of Trixi.jl. The flexibility introduced by this possible wrapping enables additional performance optimizations. However, it comes at the cost of some additional abstractions (and needs to be used with caution, as described in the source code of Trixi.jl). Thus, we use the following conventions to distinguish between arrays visible to the time integrator and wrapped arrays mainly used internally.

  • Arrays visible to the time integrator have a suffix _ode, e.g., du_ode, u_ode.
  • Wrapped arrays do not have a suffix, e.g., du, u.

Methods either accept arrays visible to the time integrator or wrapped arrays based on the following rules.

  • When some solution is passed together with a semidiscretization semi, the solution must be a u_ode that needs to be wrapped via wrap_array(u_ode, semi) (or wrap_array_native(u_ode, semi)) for further processing.
  • When some solution is passed together with the mesh, equations, solver, cache, ..., it is already wrapped via wrap_array (or wrap_array_native).
  • Exceptions of this rule are possible, e.g., for AMR, but must be documented in the code.
  • wrap_array should be used as default option. wrap_array_native should only be used when necessary, e.g., to avoid additional overhead when interfacing with external C libraries such as HDF5, MPI, or visualization.

Numeric types and type stability

In Trixi.jl, we use generic programming to support custom data types to store the numerical simulation data, including standard floating point types and automatic differentiation types. Specifically, Float32 and Float64 types are fully supported, including the ability to run Trixi.jl on hardware that only supports Float32 types. We ensure the type stability of these numeric types throughout the development process. Below are some guidelines to apply in various scenarios.

Exact floating-point numbers

Some real numbers can be represented exactly as both Float64 and Float32 values (e.g., 0.25, 0.5, 1/2). We prefer to use Float32 type for these numbers to achieve a concise way of possible type promotion. For example,

# Assume we have `0.25`, `0.5`, `1/2` in function
0.25f0, 0.5f0, 0.5f0 # corresponding numbers

Generally, this equivalence is true for integer multiples of powers of two. That is, numbers that can be written as m 2^n, where m, n \in \mathbb{Z}, and where m and n are such that the result is representable as a single precision floating point value. If a decimal value v is exactly representable in Float32, the expression

Float32(v) == v

will evaluate to true.

Non-exact floating-point numbers

For real numbers that cannot be exactly represented in machine precision (e.g., 0.1, 1/3, pi), use the convert function to make them consistent with the type of the function input. For example,

# Assume we are handling `pi` in function
function foo(..., input, ...)
  RealT = eltype(input) # see **notes** below
  # ...
  c1 = convert(RealT, pi) * c2 # sample operation
  # ...

Integer numbers

Integers need special consideration. Using functions like convert (as mentioned above), zero, and one to change integers to a specific type or keeping them in integer format is feasible in most cases. We aim to balance code readability and consistency while maintaining type stability. Here are some examples to guide our developers.

# The first example - `SVector`, keep code consistency within `SVector`
SVector(0, 0, 0)
SVector(zero(RealT), zero(RealT), zero(RealT))
Svector(one(RealT), one(RealT), one(RealT))

# The second example - inner functions, keep them type-stable as well
function foo(..., input, ...)
RealT = eltype(input) # see **notes** below
# ...
c1 = c2 > 0.5f0 ? one(RealT) : convert(RealT, 0.1) # make type-stable
# ...

# The third example - some operations (e.g., `/`, `sqrt`, `inv`), convert them definitely
c1 = convert(RealT, 4) # suppose we get RealT before
c2 = 1 / c1
c3 = sqrt(c1)
c4 = inv(c1)

In general, in the case of integer numbers, our developers should apply a case-by-case strategy to maintain type stability.


  1. If the function gets a local pointwise vector of the solution variables u such as flux(u, equations), use u to determine the real type eltype(u).
  2. If u is not passed as an argument but a vector of coordinates x such as initial_condition(x, t, equations), use eltype(x) instead.
  3. Choose an appropriate argument to determine the real type otherwise.