- Mainly to simplify the way writing Nested BEM
- Tools which are most of use
- react-bem-classname for generating BEM classNames easily.
- watson-snippet vscode extension for coding faster.
npm i watson-scss -D
@import '~watson-scss';
Watson is devote itself to help write BEM fastly and furiously
@include block(human) {
@include element(finger) {
@include modifier(little) {
@include modifier(male) {
@include element(leg) {
@include when(hurt) {
@include element(hand) {
It's defaultly equal to:
.human {
&__finger {
&--little {
&--male {
.human__leg {
&.is-hurt {
.human__head {
AHA, here you may think the number of words you write however was increased ! Indeed but hang on my dude, that's why I introduce Webstorm for you, take a look of this
Watson support more complicated nest rule like:
@include element(arm) {
@include pseudo(focus) {
@include custom-selector('+') {
@include modifier(left) {
@include custom-selector('~', hand, right) {
which'll convert to
.human {
&__arm {
&:focus {
& + .hum__arm--left {
& ~ .human__hand--right {
@include with-attr(disabled) {
// equals to
&[disabled] {
@import '~watson-scss';
/* cover default config after import watson */
$block-modifier: '_' !global;
$sm: 720px !global;
/* enable namespace */
$namespace: 'ele' !global;
Look up more configuration here
@include meadia-query(sm) {
// equals to
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
@include font-face(name, '//path/name', bold, italic);
// equals to
@font-face {
font-family: name;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold;
src: local($name), url('//path/name.woff2') format('woff2'), url('//path/name.woff') format('woff'), url('//path/name.ttf') format('truetype');
if you want to specify format, insert format-list as 3rd argument
@include font-face(name, '//path/name', ttf otf, bold, italic);
// circle of 30px diameter
@include circle(20px, #111);
@include square(10px);
// directions can be on of 'up' 'up-right' 'right' 'down-right'
// 'down' 'down-left' 'left' 'up-left'
@include triangle(up, 20px, 10px, #111);
@include perfect-transition;
// convert to
transition: 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);
transition: ts(0.2s, 1s);
// convert to
transition: 0.2s 1s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);
transform: tx(3px) ty(3px) txy(2px, 3px);
// convert to
transform: translateX(3px) translateY(3px) translate(2px, 3px);
// 黑体 sans
@include font-hei;
// 楷体 serif
@include font-kai;
// 宋体
@include font-song;
// 仿宋
@include font-fang-song;
// thumb-color track-background width
@include scroll-bar(#333, #fff, 3px);
@include placeholder {
color: #eee;
@include ellipsis;
@include share-rule(rule) {
width: 1px;
.a {
@include extend-rule(rule);
.b {
@include extend-rule(rule);
// equals to
.b {
width: 1px;
color: transparent(#000, 60);
// convert to
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);