Add a note to the image.
Triggers the "onAdd" callback to insert the markup for the marker
Stores the note location and text into the marker element
Binds the click event of the marker element to trigger the onShow or onEdit callbacks dependant on the canEdit option.
note: a javascript object which must have at least a note.x, note.y and note.note properties where x and y is the relative image location of the note and note is the associated text.
Returns the marker element
elem = $("#image1").imgNotes("addNote",{x: 0.4, y: 0.3, note: "Note <b>Text</b>"});
Get the number of notes in the widget
Arguments: none
Returns: the number of notes in the widget
count = $("#image1").imgNotes("count");
Delete all the notes from the widget
Arguments: none
Returns: none
Delete all the notes and removes the widget
Arguments: none
Returns: nothing
Add notes from a javascript array to the widget
Arguments - a javascript array of note objects.
x: relative x image coordinate,
y: relative y image coordinate,
note: the note text
Returns: the widget object for chainability
$("#image1").imgNotes("import", [ {x: "0.5", y:"0.5", note:"AFL Grand Final Trophy"},
{x: "0.322", y:"0.269", note: "Brisbane Lions Flag"},
{x: "0.824", y: "0.593", note: "Fluffy microphone"}
Export notes in the widget to a javascript array
Arguments: none
Returns - a javascript array of note objects:
x: relative x image coordinate,
y: relative y image coordinate,
note: the note text
notes = $("#image1").imgNotes("export");
Pan the view to be centred at the given relative image coordinates
relx: relative x image coordinate
rely: relative y image coordinate
Returns a javascript object with the relative image coordinates of the view centre after snapping the edges of the zoomed image to the view boundaries.
x: view center relative x image coordinate,
y: view center relative y image coordinate
Returns null if the relative image coordinates are not >=0 and ⇐1 and the view is not changed.
$("#image1").imgNotes("panTo", 0.5,0.0);