- Chapter 1: Getting Started
- Why Atom?
- Installing Atom
- Atom Basics
- Summary
- Chapter 2: Using Atom
- Atom Packages
- Moving in Atom
- Atom Selections
- Editing and Deleting Text
- Find and Replace
- Snippets
- Autocomplete
- Folding
- Panes
- Pending Pane Items
- Grammar
- Version Control in Atom
- GitHub package
- Writing in Atom
- Basic Customization
- Summary
- Chapter 3: Hacking Atom
- Tools of the Trade
- The Init File
- Package: Word Count
- Package: Modifying Text
- Package: Active Editor Info
- Creating a Theme
- Creating a Grammar
- Publishing
- Iconography
- Debugging
- Writing specs
- Handling URIs
- Cross-Platform Compatibility
- Converting from TextMate
- Hacking on Atom Core
- Contributing to Official Atom Packages
- Summary
- Chapter 4: Behind Atom
- Configuration API
- Keymaps In-Depth
- Scoped Settings, Scopes and Scope Descriptors
- Serialization in Atom
- Developing Node Modules
- Interacting With Other Packages Via Services
- Maintaining Your Packages
- How Atom Uses Chromium Snapshots
- Summary
- Appendix A: Resources
- Glossary
- Appendix B: Shadow DOM
- Removing Shadow DOM styles
- Appendix C: Upgrading to 1.0 APIs
- Upgrading Your Package
- Upgrading Your UI Theme Or Package Selectors
- Upgrading Your Syntax Theme
- Appendix D: Atom server-side APIs
- Atom package server API
- Atom update server API