The full manual is on xamboo github:
Xamboo-Admin is a adminsitration system backend for Xamboo ready to use for XModules administration and ready to add other options for your own system.
- Administration for each xmodule
- Config admin of admin system
- My page admin (username/password)
- Compatible with Xamboo 1.6
- Changes to meet the new xmodules structure: remove the bridge, use directly the functions into the application, adapt all the pages to the code
- Adaptation to Xamboo v1.5.0 not compatible with previous versions
- Menu ordered by different types of objects.
- Main config editor done
- module page nearly done
- Main first realease
- Basic operation available: installation, main data editable
- If you want to help converting the manual from text into .md file, you are most welcome.
- Translations are also welcome
Refer to the Xamboo main manual configuration file to learn about the options of configuration.