diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 42bfe053..3d9c3390 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index f9a6a7ad..03e750ab 100644
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-Copyright (c) 2011 Nicole Sullivan. All rights reserved.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Copyright (c) 2011 Nicole Sullivan. All rights reserved.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 66b0943e..1fbd95d2 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
@@ -14,7 +16,12 @@
@@ -36,31 +43,32 @@
- (function(){
diff --git a/demos/CSSLintDemo.htm b/demos/CSSLintDemo.htm
index a6f54bf2..bf0f8e6f 100644
--- a/demos/CSSLintDemo.htm
+++ b/demos/CSSLintDemo.htm
@@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
- CSSLint Demo
CSSLint Demo
(You may want to keep the CSS kinda small, this could take a while.)
+ CSSLint Demo
CSSLint Demo
(You may want to keep the CSS kinda small, this could take a while.)
diff --git a/demos/demo.css b/demos/demo.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b2d5945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/demo.css
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+@import url("booya.css") print,screen;
+@import "whatup.css" screen;
+@import "wicked.css";
+@namespace "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
+@namespace svg "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
+li.inline #foo {
+ background: url("something.png");
+ display: inline;
+ padding-left: 3px;
+ padding-right: 7px;
+ border-right: 1px dotted #066;
+li.last.first {
+ display: inline;
+ padding-left: 3px !important;
+ padding-right: 3px;
+ border-right: 0px;
+@media print {
+ li.inline {
+ color: black;
+ }
+@charset "UTF-8";
+@page {
+ margin: 10%;
+ counter-increment: page;
+ @top-center {
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: 2em;
+ content: counter(page);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/parserlib.js b/lib/parserlib.js
index cab43bb0..04e0e425 100644
--- a/lib/parserlib.js
+++ b/lib/parserlib.js
@@ -1,4719 +1,4719 @@
-Copyright (c) 2009 Nicholas C. Zakas. All rights reserved.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-var parserlib = {};
- * A generic base to inherit from for any object
- * that needs event handling.
- * @class EventTarget
- * @constructor
- */
-function EventTarget(){
- /**
- * The array of listeners for various events.
- * @type Object
- * @property _listeners
- * @private
- */
- this._listeners = {};
-EventTarget.prototype = {
- //restore constructor
- constructor: EventTarget,
- /**
- * Adds a listener for a given event type.
- * @param {String} type The type of event to add a listener for.
- * @param {Function} listener The function to call when the event occurs.
- * @return {void}
- * @method addListener
- */
- addListener: function(type, listener){
- if (!this._listeners[type]){
- this._listeners[type] = [];
- }
- this._listeners[type].push(listener);
- },
- /**
- * Fires an event based on the passed-in object.
- * @param {Object|String} event An object with at least a 'type' attribute
- * or a string indicating the event name.
- * @return {void}
- * @method fire
- */
- fire: function(event){
- if (typeof event == "string"){
- event = { type: event };
- }
- if (!event.target){
- event.target = this;
- }
- if (!event.type){
- throw new Error("Event object missing 'type' property.");
- }
- if (this._listeners[event.type]){
- //create a copy of the array and use that so listeners can't chane
- var listeners = this._listeners[event.type].concat();
- for (var i=0, len=listeners.length; i < len; i++){
- listeners[i].call(this, event);
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Removes a listener for a given event type.
- * @param {String} type The type of event to remove a listener from.
- * @param {Function} listener The function to remove from the event.
- * @return {void}
- * @method removeListener
- */
- removeListener: function(type, listener){
- if (this._listeners[type]){
- var listeners = this._listeners[type];
- for (var i=0, len=listeners.length; i < len; i++){
- if (listeners[i] === listener){
- listeners.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- * Convenient way to read through strings.
- * @namespace parserlib.util
- * @class StringReader
- * @constructor
- * @param {String} text The text to read.
- */
-function StringReader(text){
- /**
- * The input text with line endings normalized.
- * @property _input
- * @type String
- * @private
- */
- this._input = text.replace(/\n\r?/g, "\n");
- /**
- * The row for the character to be read next.
- * @property _line
- * @type int
- * @private
- */
- this._line = 1;
- /**
- * The column for the character to be read next.
- * @property _col
- * @type int
- * @private
- */
- this._col = 1;
- /**
- * The index of the character in the input to be read next.
- * @property _cursor
- * @type int
- * @private
- */
- this._cursor = 0;
-StringReader.prototype = {
- //restore constructor
- constructor: StringReader,
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Position info
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns the column of the character to be read next.
- * @return {int} The column of the character to be read next.
- * @method getCol
- */
- getCol: function(){
- return this._col;
- },
- /**
- * Returns the row of the character to be read next.
- * @return {int} The row of the character to be read next.
- * @method getLine
- */
- getLine: function(){
- return this._line ;
- },
- /**
- * Determines if you're at the end of the input.
- * @return {Boolean} True if there's no more input, false otherwise.
- * @method eof
- */
- eof: function(){
- return (this._cursor == this._input.length)
- },
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic reading
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Reads the next character without advancing the cursor.
- * @param {int} count How many characters to look ahead (default is 1).
- * @return {String} The next character or null if there is no next character.
- * @method peek
- */
- peek: function(count){
- var c = null;
- count = (typeof count == "undefined" ? 1 : count);
- //if we're not at the end of the input...
- if (this._cursor < this._input.length){
- //get character and increment cursor and column
- c = this._input.charAt(this._cursor + count - 1);
- }
- return c;
- },
- /**
- * Reads the next character from the input and adjusts the row and column
- * accordingly.
- * @return {String} The next character or null if there is no next character.
- * @method read
- */
- read: function(){
- var c = null;
- //if we're not at the end of the input...
- if (this._cursor < this._input.length){
- //if the last character was a newline, increment row count
- //and reset column count
- if (this._input.charAt(this._cursor) == "\n"){
- this._line++;
- this._col=1;
- } else {
- this._col++;
- }
- //get character and increment cursor and column
- c = this._input.charAt(this._cursor++);
- }
- return c;
- },
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Misc
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Saves the current location so it can be returned to later.
- * @method mark
- * @return {void}
- */
- mark: function(){
- this._bookmark = {
- cursor: this._cursor,
- line: this._line,
- col: this._col
- };
- },
- reset: function(){
- if (this._bookmark){
- this._cursor = this._bookmark.cursor;
- this._line = this._bookmark.line;
- this._col = this._bookmark.col;
- delete this._bookmark;
- }
- },
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Advanced reading
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Reads up to and including the given string. Throws an error if that
- * string is not found.
- * @param {String} pattern The string to read.
- * @return {String} The string when it is found.
- * @throws Error when the string pattern is not found.
- * @method readTo
- */
- readTo: function(pattern){
- var buffer = "",
- c;
- /*
- * First, buffer must be the same length as the pattern.
- * Then, buffer must end with the pattern or else reach the
- * end of the input.
- */
- while (buffer.length < pattern.length || buffer.lastIndexOf(pattern) != buffer.length - pattern.length){
- c = this.read();
- if (c){
- buffer += c;
- } else {
- throw new Error("Expected \"" + pattern + "\" at line " + this._line + ", col " + this._col + ".");
- }
- }
- return buffer;
- },
- /**
- * Reads characters while each character causes the given
- * filter function to return true. The function is passed
- * in each character and either returns true to continue
- * reading or false to stop.
- * @param {Function} filter The function to read on each character.
- * @return {String} The string made up of all characters that passed the
- * filter check.
- * @method readWhile
- */
- readWhile: function(filter){
- var buffer = "",
- c = this.read();
- while(c !== null && filter(c)){
- buffer += c;
- c = this.read();
- }
- return buffer;
- },
- /**
- * Reads characters that match either text or a regular expression and
- * returns those characters. If a match is found, the row and column
- * are adjusted; if no match is found, the reader's state is unchanged.
- * reading or false to stop.
- * @param {String|RegExp} matchter If a string, then the literal string
- * value is searched for. If a regular expression, then any string
- * matching the pattern is search for.
- * @return {String} The string made up of all characters that matched or
- * null if there was no match.
- * @method readMatch
- */
- readMatch: function(matcher){
- var source = this._input.substring(this._cursor),
- value = null;
- //if it's a string, just do a straight match
- if (typeof matcher == "string"){
- if (source.indexOf(matcher) === 0){
- value = this.readCount(matcher.length);
- }
- } else if (matcher instanceof RegExp){
- if (matcher.test(source)){
- value = this.readCount(RegExp.lastMatch.length);
- }
- }
- return value;
- },
- /**
- * Reads a given number of characters. If the end of the input is reached,
- * it reads only the remaining characters and does not throw an error.
- * @param {int} count The number of characters to read.
- * @return {String} The string made up the read characters.
- * @method readCount
- */
- readCount: function(count){
- var buffer = "";
- while(count--){
- buffer += this.read();
- }
- return buffer;
- }
- * Type to use when a syntax error occurs.
- * @class SyntaxError
- * @namespace parserlib.util
- * @constructor
- * @param {String} message The error message.
- * @param {int} line The line at which the error occurred.
- * @param {int} col The column at which the error occurred.
- */
-function SyntaxError(message, line, col){
- /**
- * The column at which the error occurred.
- * @type int
- * @property col
- */
- this.col = col;
- /**
- * The line at which the error occurred.
- * @type int
- * @property line
- */
- this.line = line;
- /**
- * The text representation of the unit.
- * @type String
- * @property text
- */
- this.message = message;
-//inherit from Error
-SyntaxError.prototype = new Error();
- * Base type to represent a single syntactic unit.
- * @class SyntaxUnit
- * @namespace parserlib.util
- * @constructor
- * @param {String} text The text of the unit.
- * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
- * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
- */
-function SyntaxUnit(text, line, col){
- /**
- * The column of text on which the unit resides.
- * @type int
- * @property col
- */
- this.col = col;
- /**
- * The line of text on which the unit resides.
- * @type int
- * @property line
- */
- this.line = line;
- /**
- * The text representation of the unit.
- * @type String
- * @property text
- */
- this.text = text;
- * Create a new syntax unit based solely on the given token.
- * Convenience method for creating a new syntax unit when
- * it represents a single token instead of multiple.
- * @param {Object} token The token object to represent.
- * @return {parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit} The object representing the token.
- * @static
- * @method fromToken
- */
-SyntaxUnit.fromToken = function(token){
- return new SyntaxUnit(token.value, token.startLine, token.startCol);
-SyntaxUnit.prototype = {
- //restore constructor
- constructor: SyntaxUnit,
- /**
- * Returns the text representation of the unit.
- * @return {String} The text representation of the unit.
- * @method valueOf
- */
- valueOf: function(){
- return this.toString();
- },
- /**
- * Returns the text representation of the unit.
- * @return {String} The text representation of the unit.
- * @method toString
- */
- toString: function(){
- return this.text;
- }
- * Generic TokenStream providing base functionality.
- * @class TokenStreamBase
- * @namespace parserlib.util
- * @constructor
- * @param {String|StringReader} input The text to tokenize or a reader from
- * which to read the input.
- */
-function TokenStreamBase(input, tokenData){
- /**
- * The string reader for easy access to the text.
- * @type StringReader
- * @property _reader
- * @private
- */
- //this._reader = (typeof input == "string") ? new StringReader(input) : input;
- this._reader = input ? new StringReader(input.toString()) : null;
- /**
- * Token object for the last consumed token.
- * @type Token
- * @property _token
- * @private
- */
- this._token = null;
- /**
- * The array of token information.
- * @type Array
- * @property _tokenData
- * @private
- */
- this._tokenData = tokenData;
- /**
- * Lookahead token buffer.
- * @type Array
- * @property _lt
- * @private
- */
- this._lt = [];
- /**
- * Lookahead token buffer index.
- * @type int
- * @property _ltIndex
- * @private
- */
- this._ltIndex = 0;
- this._ltIndexCache = [];
- * Accepts an array of token information and outputs
- * an array of token data containing key-value mappings
- * and matching functions that the TokenStream needs.
- * @param {Array} tokens An array of token descriptors.
- * @return {Array} An array of processed token data.
- * @method createTokenData
- * @static
- */
-TokenStreamBase.createTokenData = function(tokens){
- var nameMap = [],
- typeMap = {},
- tokenData = tokens.concat([]),
- i = 0,
- len = tokenData.length+1;
- tokenData.UNKNOWN = -1;
- tokenData.unshift({name:"EOF"});
- for (; i < len; i++){
- nameMap.push(tokenData[i].name);
- tokenData[tokenData[i].name] = i;
- if (tokenData[i].text){
- typeMap[tokenData[i].text] = i;
- }
- }
- tokenData.name = function(tt){
- return nameMap[tt];
- };
- tokenData.type = function(c){
- return typeMap[c];
- };
- return tokenData;
-TokenStreamBase.prototype = {
- //restore constructor
- constructor: TokenStreamBase,
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Matching methods
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Determines if the next token matches the given token type.
- * If so, that token is consumed; if not, the token is placed
- * back onto the token stream. You can pass in any number of
- * token types and this will return true if any of the token
- * types is found.
- * @param {int|int[]} tokenTypes Either a single token type or an array of
- * token types that the next token might be. If an array is passed,
- * it's assumed that the token can be any of these.
- * @param {variant} channel (Optional) The channel to read from. If not
- * provided, reads from the default (unnamed) channel.
- * @return {Boolean} True if the token type matches, false if not.
- * @method match
- */
- match: function(tokenTypes, channel){
- //always convert to an array, makes things easier
- if (!(tokenTypes instanceof Array)){
- tokenTypes = [tokenTypes];
- }
- var tt = this.get(channel),
- i = 0,
- len = tokenTypes.length;
- while(i < len){
- if (tt == tokenTypes[i++]){
- return true;
- }
- }
- //no match found, put the token back
- this.unget();
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Determines if the next token matches the given token type.
- * If so, that token is consumed; if not, an error is thrown.
- * @param {int|int[]} tokenTypes Either a single token type or an array of
- * token types that the next token should be. If an array is passed,
- * it's assumed that the token must be one of these.
- * @param {variant} channel (Optional) The channel to read from. If not
- * provided, reads from the default (unnamed) channel.
- * @return {void}
- * @method mustMatch
- */
- mustMatch: function(tokenTypes, channel){
- //always convert to an array, makes things easier
- if (!(tokenTypes instanceof Array)){
- tokenTypes = [tokenTypes];
- }
- if (!this.match.apply(this, arguments)){
- token = this.LT(1);
- throw new SyntaxError("Expected " + this._tokenData[tokenTypes[0]].name +
- " at line " + token.startLine + ", character " + token.startCol + ".", token.startLine, token.startCol);
- }
- },
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Consuming methods
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Keeps reading from the token stream until either one of the specified
- * token types is found or until the end of the input is reached.
- * @param {int|int[]} tokenTypes Either a single token type or an array of
- * token types that the next token should be. If an array is passed,
- * it's assumed that the token must be one of these.
- * @param {variant} channel (Optional) The channel to read from. If not
- * provided, reads from the default (unnamed) channel.
- * @return {void}
- * @method advance
- */
- advance: function(tokenTypes, channel){
- while(this.LA(0) != 0 && !this.match(tokenTypes, channel)){
- this.get();
- }
- return this.LA(0);
- },
- /**
- * Consumes the next token from the token stream.
- * @return {int} The token type of the token that was just consumed.
- * @method get
- */
- get: function(channel){
- var tokenInfo = this._tokenData,
- reader = this._reader,
- value,
- i =0,
- len = tokenInfo.length,
- found = false,
- token,
- info;
- //check the lookahead buffer first
- if (this._lt.length && this._ltIndex >= 0 && this._ltIndex < this._lt.length){
- i++;
- this._token = this._lt[this._ltIndex++];
- info = tokenInfo[this._token.type];
- //obey channels logic
- while((info.channel !== undefined && channel !== info.channel) &&
- this._ltIndex < this._lt.length){
- this._token = this._lt[this._ltIndex++];
- info = tokenInfo[this._token.type];
- i++;
- }
- //here be dragons
- if ((info.channel === undefined || channel === info.channel) &&
- this._ltIndex <= this._lt.length){
- this._ltIndexCache.push(i);
- return this._token.type;
- }
- }
- //call token retriever method
- token = this._getToken();
- //if it should be hidden, don't save a token
- if (token.type > -1 && !tokenInfo[token.type].hide){
- //apply token channel
- token.channel = tokenInfo[token.type].channel;
- //save for later
- this._token = token;
- this._lt.push(token);
- //save space that will be moved (must be done before array is truncated)
- this._ltIndexCache.push(this._lt.length - this._ltIndex + i);
- //keep the buffer under 5 items
- if (this._lt.length > 5){
- this._lt.shift();
- }
- //also keep the shift buffer under 5 items
- if (this._ltIndexCache.length > 5){
- this._ltIndexCache.shift();
- }
- //update lookahead index
- this._ltIndex = this._lt.length;
- }
- /*
- * Skip to the next token if:
- * 1. The token type is marked as hidden.
- * 2. The token type has a channel specified and it isn't the current channel.
- */
- info = tokenInfo[token.type];
- if (info &&
- (info.hide ||
- (info.channel !== undefined && channel !== info.channel))){
- return this.get(channel);
- } else {
- //return just the type
- return token.type;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Looks ahead a certain number of tokens and returns the token type at
- * that position. This will throw an error if you lookahead past the
- * end of input, past the size of the lookahead buffer, or back past
- * the first token in the lookahead buffer.
- * @param {int} The index of the token type to retrieve. 0 for the
- * current token, 1 for the next, -1 for the previous, etc.
- * @return {int} The token type of the token in the given position.
- * @method LA
- */
- LA: function(index){
- var total = index,
- tt;
- if (index > 0){
- //TODO: Store 5 somewhere
- if (index > 5){
- throw new Error("Too much lookahead.");
- }
- //get all those tokens
- while(total){
- tt = this.get();
- total--;
- }
- //unget all those tokens
- while(total < index){
- this.unget();
- total++;
- }
- } else if (index < 0){
- if(this._lt[this._ltIndex+index]){
- tt = this._lt[this._ltIndex+index].type;
- } else {
- throw new Error("Too much lookbehind.");
- }
- } else {
- tt = this._token.type;
- }
- return tt;
- },
- /**
- * Looks ahead a certain number of tokens and returns the token at
- * that position. This will throw an error if you lookahead past the
- * end of input, past the size of the lookahead buffer, or back past
- * the first token in the lookahead buffer.
- * @param {int} The index of the token type to retrieve. 0 for the
- * current token, 1 for the next, -1 for the previous, etc.
- * @return {Object} The token of the token in the given position.
- * @method LA
- */
- LT: function(index){
- //lookahead first to prime the token buffer
- this.LA(index);
- //now find the token, subtract one because _ltIndex is already at the next index
- return this._lt[this._ltIndex+index-1];
- },
- /**
- * Returns the token type for the next token in the stream without
- * consuming it.
- * @return {int} The token type of the next token in the stream.
- * @method peek
- */
- peek: function(){
- return this.LA(1);
- },
- /**
- * Returns the actual token object for the last consumed token.
- * @return {Token} The token object for the last consumed token.
- * @method token
- */
- token: function(){
- return this._token;
- },
- /**
- * Returns the name of the token for the given token type.
- * @param {int} tokenType The type of token to get the name of.
- * @return {String} The name of the token or "UNKNOWN_TOKEN" for any
- * invalid token type.
- * @method tokenName
- */
- tokenName: function(tokenType){
- if (tokenType < 0 || tokenType > this._tokenData.length){
- return "UNKNOWN_TOKEN";
- } else {
- return this._tokenData[tokenType].name;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Returns the token type value for the given token name.
- * @param {String} tokenName The name of the token whose value should be returned.
- * @return {int} The token type value for the given token name or -1
- * for an unknown token.
- * @method tokenName
- */
- tokenType: function(tokenName){
- return this._tokenData[tokenName] || -1;
- },
- /**
- * Returns the last consumed token to the token stream.
- * @method unget
- */
- unget: function(){
- //if (this._ltIndex > -1){
- if (this._ltIndexCache.length){
- this._ltIndex -= this._ltIndexCache.pop();//--;
- this._token = this._lt[this._ltIndex - 1];
- } else {
- throw new Error("Too much lookahead.");
- }
- }
-parserlib.util = {
-StringReader: StringReader,
-SyntaxError : SyntaxError,
-SyntaxUnit : SyntaxUnit,
-EventTarget : EventTarget,
-TokenStreamBase : TokenStreamBase
-Copyright (c) 2009 Nicholas C. Zakas. All rights reserved.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-var EventTarget = parserlib.util.EventTarget,
-TokenStreamBase = parserlib.util.TokenStreamBase,
-StringReader = parserlib.util.StringReader,
-SyntaxError = parserlib.util.SyntaxError,
-SyntaxUnit = parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit;
-var Colors = {
- aliceblue :"#f0f8ff",
- antiquewhite :"#faebd7",
- aqua :"#00ffff",
- aquamarine :"#7fffd4",
- azure :"#f0ffff",
- beige :"#f5f5dc",
- bisque :"#ffe4c4",
- black :"#000000",
- blanchedalmond :"#ffebcd",
- blue :"#0000ff",
- blueviolet :"#8a2be2",
- brown :"#a52a2a",
- burlywood :"#deb887",
- cadetblue :"#5f9ea0",
- chartreuse :"#7fff00",
- chocolate :"#d2691e",
- coral :"#ff7f50",
- cornflowerblue :"#6495ed",
- cornsilk :"#fff8dc",
- crimson :"#dc143c",
- cyan :"#00ffff",
- darkblue :"#00008b",
- darkcyan :"#008b8b",
- darkgoldenrod :"#b8860b",
- darkgray :"#a9a9a9",
- darkgreen :"#006400",
- darkkhaki :"#bdb76b",
- darkmagenta :"#8b008b",
- darkolivegreen :"#556b2f",
- darkorange :"#ff8c00",
- darkorchid :"#9932cc",
- darkred :"#8b0000",
- darksalmon :"#e9967a",
- darkseagreen :"#8fbc8f",
- darkslateblue :"#483d8b",
- darkslategray :"#2f4f4f",
- darkturquoise :"#00ced1",
- darkviolet :"#9400d3",
- deeppink :"#ff1493",
- deepskyblue :"#00bfff",
- dimgray :"#696969",
- dodgerblue :"#1e90ff",
- firebrick :"#b22222",
- floralwhite :"#fffaf0",
- forestgreen :"#228b22",
- fuchsia :"#ff00ff",
- gainsboro :"#dcdcdc",
- ghostwhite :"#f8f8ff",
- gold :"#ffd700",
- goldenrod :"#daa520",
- gray :"#808080",
- green :"#008000",
- greenyellow :"#adff2f",
- honeydew :"#f0fff0",
- hotpink :"#ff69b4",
- indianred :"#cd5c5c",
- indigo :"#4b0082",
- ivory :"#fffff0",
- khaki :"#f0e68c",
- lavender :"#e6e6fa",
- lavenderblush :"#fff0f5",
- lawngreen :"#7cfc00",
- lemonchiffon :"#fffacd",
- lightblue :"#add8e6",
- lightcoral :"#f08080",
- lightcyan :"#e0ffff",
- lightgoldenrodyellow :"#fafad2",
- lightgrey :"#d3d3d3",
- lightgreen :"#90ee90",
- lightpink :"#ffb6c1",
- lightsalmon :"#ffa07a",
- lightseagreen :"#20b2aa",
- lightskyblue :"#87cefa",
- lightslategray :"#778899",
- lightsteelblue :"#b0c4de",
- lightyellow :"#ffffe0",
- lime :"#00ff00",
- limegreen :"#32cd32",
- linen :"#faf0e6",
- magenta :"#ff00ff",
- maroon :"#800000",
- mediumaquamarine:"#66cdaa",
- mediumblue :"#0000cd",
- mediumorchid :"#ba55d3",
- mediumpurple :"#9370d8",
- mediumseagreen :"#3cb371",
- mediumslateblue :"#7b68ee",
- mediumspringgreen :"#00fa9a",
- mediumturquoise :"#48d1cc",
- mediumvioletred :"#c71585",
- midnightblue :"#191970",
- mintcream :"#f5fffa",
- mistyrose :"#ffe4e1",
- moccasin :"#ffe4b5",
- navajowhite :"#ffdead",
- navy :"#000080",
- oldlace :"#fdf5e6",
- olive :"#808000",
- olivedrab :"#6b8e23",
- orange :"#ffa500",
- orangered :"#ff4500",
- orchid :"#da70d6",
- palegoldenrod :"#eee8aa",
- palegreen :"#98fb98",
- paleturquoise :"#afeeee",
- palevioletred :"#d87093",
- papayawhip :"#ffefd5",
- peachpuff :"#ffdab9",
- peru :"#cd853f",
- pink :"#ffc0cb",
- plum :"#dda0dd",
- powderblue :"#b0e0e6",
- purple :"#800080",
- red :"#ff0000",
- rosybrown :"#bc8f8f",
- royalblue :"#4169e1",
- saddlebrown :"#8b4513",
- salmon :"#fa8072",
- sandybrown :"#f4a460",
- seagreen :"#2e8b57",
- seashell :"#fff5ee",
- sienna :"#a0522d",
- silver :"#c0c0c0",
- skyblue :"#87ceeb",
- slateblue :"#6a5acd",
- slategray :"#708090",
- snow :"#fffafa",
- springgreen :"#00ff7f",
- steelblue :"#4682b4",
- tan :"#d2b48c",
- teal :"#008080",
- thistle :"#d8bfd8",
- tomato :"#ff6347",
- turquoise :"#40e0d0",
- violet :"#ee82ee",
- wheat :"#f5deb3",
- white :"#ffffff",
- whitesmoke :"#f5f5f5",
- yellow :"#ffff00",
- yellowgreen :"#9acd32"
- * Represents a selector combinator (whitespace, +, >).
- * @namespace parserlib.css
- * @class Combinator
- * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
- * @constructor
- * @param {String} text The text representation of the unit.
- * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
- * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
- */
-function Combinator(text, line, col){
- SyntaxUnit.call(this, text, line, col);
- /**
- * The type of modifier.
- * @type String
- * @property type
- */
- this.type = "unknown";
- //pretty simple
- if (/^\s+$/.test(text)){
- this.type = "descendant";
- } else if (text == ">"){
- this.type = "child";
- } else if (text == "+"){
- this.type = "adjacent-sibling";
- } else if (text == "~"){
- this.type = "sibling";
- }
-Combinator.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
-Combinator.prototype.constructor = Combinator;
-var Level1Properties = {
- "background": 1,
- "background-attachment": 1,
- "background-color": 1,
- "background-image": 1,
- "background-position": 1,
- "background-repeat": 1,
- "border": 1,
- "border-bottom": 1,
- "border-bottom-width": 1,
- "border-color": 1,
- "border-left": 1,
- "border-left-width": 1,
- "border-right": 1,
- "border-right-width": 1,
- "border-style": 1,
- "border-top": 1,
- "border-top-width": 1,
- "border-width": 1,
- "clear": 1,
- "color": 1,
- "display": 1,
- "float": 1,
- "font": 1,
- "font-family": 1,
- "font-size": 1,
- "font-style": 1,
- "font-variant": 1,
- "font-weight": 1,
- "height": 1,
- "letter-spacing": 1,
- "line-height": 1,
- "list-style": 1,
- "list-style-image": 1,
- "list-style-position": 1,
- "list-style-type": 1,
- "margin": 1,
- "margin-bottom": 1,
- "margin-left": 1,
- "margin-right": 1,
- "margin-top": 1,
- "padding": 1,
- "padding-bottom": 1,
- "padding-left": 1,
- "padding-right": 1,
- "padding-top": 1,
- "text-align": 1,
- "text-decoration": 1,
- "text-indent": 1,
- "text-transform": 1,
- "vertical-align": 1,
- "white-space": 1,
- "width": 1,
- "word-spacing": 1
-var Level2Properties = {
- //Aural
- "azimuth": 1,
- "cue-after": 1,
- "cue-before": 1,
- "cue": 1,
- "elevation": 1,
- "pause-after": 1,
- "pause-before": 1,
- "pause": 1,
- "pitch-range": 1,
- "pitch": 1,
- "play-during": 1,
- "richness": 1,
- "speak-header": 1,
- "speak-numeral": 1,
- "speak-punctuation": 1,
- "speak": 1,
- "speech-rate": 1,
- "stress": 1,
- "voice-family": 1,
- "volume": 1,
- //Paged
- "orphans": 1,
- "page-break-after": 1,
- "page-break-before": 1,
- "page-break-inside": 1,
- "widows": 1,
- //Interactive
- "cursor": 1,
- "outline-color": 1,
- "outline-style": 1,
- "outline-width": 1,
- "outline": 1,
- //Visual
- "background-attachment": 1,
- "background-color": 1,
- "background-image": 1,
- "background-position": 1,
- "background-repeat": 1,
- "background": 1,
- "border-collapse": 1,
- "border-color": 1,
- "border-spacing": 1,
- "border-style": 1,
- "border-top": 1,
- "border-top-color": 1,
- "border-top-style": 1,
- "border-top-width": 1,
- "border-width": 1,
- "border": 1,
- "bottom": 1,
- "caption-side": 1,
- "clear": 1,
- "clip": 1,
- "color": 1,
- "content": 1,
- "counter-increment": 1,
- "counter-reset": 1,
- "direction": 1,
- "display": 1,
- "empty-cells": 1,
- "float": 1,
- "font-family": 1,
- "font-size": 1,
- "font-style": 1,
- "font-variant": 1,
- "font-weight": 1,
- "font": 1,
- "height": 1,
- "left": 1,
- "letter-spacing": 1,
- "line-height": 1,
- "list-style-image": 1,
- "list-style-position": 1,
- "list-style-type": 1,
- "list-style": 1,
- "margin-right": 1,
- "margin-top": 1,
- "margin": 1,
- "max-height": 1,
- "max-width": 1,
- "min-height": 1,
- "min-width": 1,
- "overflow": 1,
- "padding-top": 1,
- "padding": 1,
- "position": 1,
- "quotes": 1,
- "right": 1,
- "table-layout": 1,
- "text-align": 1,
- "text-decoration": 1,
- "text-indent": 1,
- "text-transform": 1,
- "top": 1,
- "unicode-bidi": 1,
- "vertical-align": 1,
- "visibility": 1,
- "white-space": 1,
- "width": 1,
- "word-spacing": 1,
- "z-index": 1
- * Represents a media feature, such as max-width:500.
- * @namespace parserlib.css
- * @class MediaFeature
- * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
- * @constructor
- * @param {SyntaxUnit} name The name of the feature.
- * @param {SyntaxUnit} value The value of the feature or null if none.
- */
-function MediaFeature(name, value){
- SyntaxUnit.call(this, "(" + name + (value !== null ? ":" + value : "") + ")", name.startLine, name.startCol);
- /**
- * The name of the media feature
- * @type String
- * @property name
- */
- this.name = name;
- /**
- * The value for the feature or null if there is none.
- * @type SyntaxUnit
- * @property value
- */
- this.value = value;
-MediaFeature.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
-MediaFeature.prototype.constructor = MediaFeature;
- * Represents an individual media query.
- * @namespace parserlib.css
- * @class MediaQuery
- * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
- * @constructor
- * @param {String} modifier The modifier "not" or "only" (or null).
- * @param {String} mediaType The type of media (i.e., "print").
- * @param {Array} parts Array of selectors parts making up this selector.
- * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
- * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
- */
-function MediaQuery(modifier, mediaType, features, line, col){
- SyntaxUnit.call(this, (modifier ? modifier + " ": "") + (mediaType ? mediaType + " " : "") + features.join(" and "), line, col);
- /**
- * The media modifier ("not" or "only")
- * @type String
- * @property modifier
- */
- this.modifier = modifier;
- /**
- * The mediaType (i.e., "print")
- * @type String
- * @property mediaType
- */
- this.mediaType = mediaType;
- /**
- * The parts that make up the selector.
- * @type Array
- * @property features
- */
- this.features = features;
-MediaQuery.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
-MediaQuery.prototype.constructor = MediaQuery;
- * A CSS3 parser.
- * @namespace parserlib.css
- * @class Parser
- * @constructor
- * @param {Object} options (Optional) Various options for the parser:
- * starHack (true|false) to allow IE6 star hack as valid,
- * underscoreHack (true|false) to interpret leading underscores
- * as IE6-7 targeting for known properties, ieFilters (true|false)
- * to indicate that IE < 8 filters should be accepted and not throw
- * syntax errors.
- */
-function Parser(options){
- //inherit event functionality
- EventTarget.call(this);
- this.options = options || {};
- this._tokenStream = null;
-Parser.prototype = function(){
- var proto = new EventTarget(), //new prototype
- prop,
- additions = {
- //restore constructor
- constructor: Parser,
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Grammar
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- _stylesheet: function(){
- /*
- * stylesheet
- * : [ CHARSET_SYM S* STRING S* ';' ]?
- * [S|CDO|CDC]* [ import [S|CDO|CDC]* ]*
- * [ namespace [S|CDO|CDC]* ]*
- * [ [ ruleset | media | page | font_face ] [S|CDO|CDC]* ]*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- charset = null,
- token,
- tt;
- this.fire("startstylesheet");
- //try to read character set
- this._charset();
- this._skipCruft();
- //try to read imports - may be more than one
- while (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.IMPORT_SYM){
- this._import();
- this._skipCruft();
- }
- //try to read namespaces - may be more than one
- while (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.NAMESPACE_SYM){
- this._namespace();
- this._skipCruft();
- }
- //get the next token
- tt = tokenStream.peek();
- //try to read the rest
- while(tt > Tokens.EOF){
- try {
- switch(tt){
- case Tokens.MEDIA_SYM:
- this._media();
- this._skipCruft();
- break;
- case Tokens.PAGE_SYM:
- this._page();
- this._skipCruft();
- break;
- case Tokens.FONT_FACE_SYM:
- this._font_face();
- this._skipCruft();
- break;
- case Tokens.S:
- this._readWhitespace();
- break;
- default:
- if(!this._ruleset()){
- //error handling for known issues
- switch(tt){
- case Tokens.CHARSET_SYM:
- token = tokenStream.LT(1);
- this._charset(false);
- throw new SyntaxError("@charset not allowed here.", token.startLine, token.startCol);
- case Tokens.IMPORT_SYM:
- token = tokenStream.LT(1);
- this._import(false);
- throw new SyntaxError("@import not allowed here.", token.startLine, token.startCol);
- case Tokens.NAMESPACE_SYM:
- token = tokenStream.LT(1);
- this._namespace(false);
- throw new SyntaxError("@namespace not allowed here.", token.startLine, token.startCol);
- default:
- tokenStream.get(); //get the last token
- this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.token());
- }
- }
- }
- } catch(ex) {
- if (ex instanceof SyntaxError && !this.options.strict){
- this.fire({
- type: "error",
- error: ex,
- message: ex.message,
- line: ex.line,
- col: ex.col
- });
- } else {
- throw ex;
- }
- }
- tt = tokenStream.peek();
- }
- if (tt != Tokens.EOF){
- this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.token());
- }
- this.fire("endstylesheet");
- },
- _charset: function(emit){
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream;
- if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.CHARSET_SYM)){
- this._readWhitespace();
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.STRING);
- token = tokenStream.token();
- charset = token.value;
- this._readWhitespace();
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.SEMICOLON);
- if (emit !== false){
- this.fire({
- type: "charset",
- charset:charset
- });
- }
- }
- },
- _import: function(emit){
- /*
- * import
- * [STRING|URI] S* media_query_list? ';' S*
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- tt,
- uri,
- mediaList = [];
- //read import symbol
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.IMPORT_SYM);
- this._readWhitespace();
- tokenStream.mustMatch([Tokens.STRING, Tokens.URI]);
- //grab the URI value
- uri = tokenStream.token().value.replace(/(?:url\()?["']([^"']+)["']\)?/, "$1");
- this._readWhitespace();
- mediaList = this._media_query_list();
- //must end with a semicolon
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.SEMICOLON);
- this._readWhitespace();
- if (emit !== false){
- this.fire({
- type: "import",
- uri: uri,
- media: mediaList
- });
- }
- },
- _namespace: function(emit){
- /*
- * namespace
- * : NAMESPACE_SYM S* [namespace_prefix S*]? [STRING|URI] S* ';' S*
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- prefix,
- uri;
- //read import symbol
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.NAMESPACE_SYM);
- this._readWhitespace();
- //it's a namespace prefix - no _namespace_prefix() method because it's just an IDENT
- if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
- prefix = tokenStream.token().value;
- this._readWhitespace();
- }
- tokenStream.mustMatch([Tokens.STRING, Tokens.URI]);
- /*if (!tokenStream.match(Tokens.STRING)){
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.URI);
- }*/
- //grab the URI value
- uri = tokenStream.token().value.replace(/(?:url\()?["']([^"']+)["']\)?/, "$1");
- this._readWhitespace();
- //must end with a semicolon
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.SEMICOLON);
- this._readWhitespace();
- if (emit !== false){
- this.fire({
- type: "namespace",
- prefix: prefix,
- uri: uri
- });
- }
- },
- _media: function(){
- /*
- * media
- * : MEDIA_SYM S* media_query_list S* '{' S* ruleset* '}' S*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- mediaList;// = [];
- //look for @media
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.MEDIA_SYM);
- this._readWhitespace();
- mediaList = this._media_query_list();
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.LBRACE);
- this._readWhitespace();
- this.fire({
- type: "startmedia",
- media: mediaList
- });
- while(this._ruleset()){}
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.RBRACE);
- this._readWhitespace();
- this.fire({
- type: "endmedia",
- media: mediaList
- });
- },
- //CSS3 Media Queries
- _media_query_list: function(){
- /*
- * media_query_list
- * : S* [media_query [ ',' S* media_query ]* ]?
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- mediaList = [];
- this._readWhitespace();
- if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.IDENT){
- mediaList.push(this._media_query())
- }
- while(tokenStream.match(Tokens.COMMA)){
- this._readWhitespace();
- mediaList.push(this._media_query());
- }
- return mediaList;
- },
- /*
- * Note: "expression" in the grammar maps to the _media_expression
- * method.
- */
- _media_query: function(){
- /*
- * media_query
- * : [ONLY | NOT]? S* media_type S* [ AND S* expression ]*
- * | expression [ AND S* expression ]*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- type = null,
- ident = null,
- token = null,
- expressions = [];
- if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
- ident = tokenStream.token().value.toLowerCase();
- //since there's no custom tokens for these, need to manually check
- if (ident != "only" && ident != "not"){
- tokenStream.unget();
- ident = null;
- } else {
- token = tokenStream.token();
- }
- }
- this._readWhitespace();
- if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.IDENT){
- type = this._media_type();
- if (token === null){
- token = tokenStream.token();
- }
- } else if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.LPAREN){
- if (token === null){
- token = tokenStream.LT(1);
- }
- expressions.push(this._media_expression());
- }
- if (type === null && expressions.length === 0){
- return null;
- } else {
- this._readWhitespace();
- while (tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
- if (tokenStream.token().value.toLowerCase() != "and"){
- this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.token());
- }
- this._readWhitespace();
- expressions.push(this._media_expression());
- }
- }
- return new MediaQuery(ident, type, expressions, token.startLine, token.startCol);
- },
- //CSS3 Media Queries
- _media_type: function(){
- /*
- * media_type
- * : IDENT
- * ;
- */
- return this._media_feature();
- },
- /**
- * Note: in CSS3 Media Queries, this is called "expression".
- * Renamed here to avoid conflict with CSS3 Selectors
- * definition of "expression". Also note that "expr" in the
- * grammar now maps to "expression" from CSS3 selectors.
- * @method _media_expression
- * @private
- */
- _media_expression: function(){
- /*
- * expression
- * : '(' S* media_feature S* [ ':' S* expr ]? ')' S*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- feature = null,
- token,
- expression = null;
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.LPAREN);
- feature = this._media_feature();
- this._readWhitespace();
- if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.COLON)){
- this._readWhitespace();
- token = tokenStream.LT(1);
- expression = this._expression();
- }
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.RPAREN);
- this._readWhitespace();
- return new MediaFeature(feature, (expression ? new SyntaxUnit(expression, token.startLine, token.startCol) : null));
- },
- //CSS3 Media Queries
- _media_feature: function(){
- /*
- * media_feature
- * : IDENT
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream;
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.IDENT);
- return SyntaxUnit.fromToken(tokenStream.token());
- },
- //CSS3 Paged Media
- _page: function(){
- /*
- * page:
- * PAGE_SYM S* IDENT? pseudo_page? S*
- * '{' S* [ declaration | margin ]? [ ';' S* [ declaration | margin ]? ]* '}' S*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- identifier = null,
- pseudoPage = null;
- //look for @page
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.PAGE_SYM);
- this._readWhitespace();
- if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
- identifier = tokenStream.token().value;
- //The value 'auto' may not be used as a page name and MUST be treated as a syntax error.
- if (identifier.toLowerCase() === "auto"){
- this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.token());
- }
- }
- //see if there's a colon upcoming
- if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.COLON){
- pseudoPage = this._pseudo_page();
- }
- this._readWhitespace();
- this.fire({
- type: "startpage",
- id: identifier,
- pseudo: pseudoPage
- });
- this._readDeclarations(true, true);
- this.fire({
- type: "endpage",
- id: identifier,
- pseudo: pseudoPage
- });
- },
- //CSS3 Paged Media
- _margin: function(){
- /*
- * margin :
- * margin_sym S* '{' declaration [ ';' S* declaration? ]* '}' S*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- marginSym = this._margin_sym();
- if (marginSym){
- this.fire({
- type: "startpagemargin",
- margin: marginSym
- });
- this._readDeclarations(true);
- this.fire({
- type: "endpagemargin",
- margin: marginSym
- });
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- },
- //CSS3 Paged Media
- _margin_sym: function(){
- /*
- * margin_sym :
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream;
- if(tokenStream.match([Tokens.TOPLEFTCORNER_SYM, Tokens.TOPLEFT_SYM,
- {
- return SyntaxUnit.fromToken(tokenStream.token());
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- },
- _pseudo_page: function(){
- /*
- * pseudo_page
- * : ':' IDENT
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream;
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.COLON);
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.IDENT);
- //TODO: CSS3 Paged Media says only "left", "center", and "right" are allowed
- return tokenStream.token().value;
- },
- _font_face: function(){
- /*
- * font_face
- * '{' S* declaration [ ';' S* declaration ]* '}' S*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream;
- //look for @page
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.FONT_FACE_SYM);
- this._readWhitespace();
- this.fire({
- type: "startfontface"
- });
- this._readDeclarations(true);
- this.fire({
- type: "endfontface"
- });
- },
- _operator: function(){
- /*
- * operator
- * : '/' S* | ',' S* | /( empty )/
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- token = null;
- if (tokenStream.match([Tokens.SLASH, Tokens.COMMA])){
- token = tokenStream.token();
- this._readWhitespace();
- }
- return token ? PropertyValuePart.fromToken(token) : null;
- },
- _combinator: function(){
- /*
- * combinator
- * : PLUS S* | GREATER S* | TILDE S* | S+
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- value = null,
- token;
- if(tokenStream.match([Tokens.PLUS, Tokens.GREATER, Tokens.TILDE])){
- token = tokenStream.token();
- value = new Combinator(token.value, token.startLine, token.startCol);
- this._readWhitespace();
- }
- return value;
- },
- _unary_operator: function(){
- /*
- * unary_operator
- * : '-' | '+'
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream;
- if (tokenStream.match([Tokens.MINUS, Tokens.PLUS])){
- return tokenStream.token().value;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- },
- _property: function(){
- /*
- * property
- * : IDENT S*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- value = null,
- hack = null,
- tokenValue,
- token,
- line,
- col;
- //check for star hack - throws error if not allowed
- if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.STAR && this.options.starHack){
- tokenStream.get();
- token = tokenStream.token();
- hack = token.value;
- line = token.startLine;
- col = token.startCol;
- }
- if(tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
- token = tokenStream.token();
- tokenValue = token.value;
- //check for underscore hack - no error if not allowed because it's valid CSS syntax
- if (tokenValue.charAt(0) == "_" && this.options.underscoreHack){
- hack = "_";
- tokenValue = tokenValue.substring(1);
- }
- value = new PropertyName(tokenValue, hack, (line||token.startLine), (col||token.startCol));
- this._readWhitespace();
- }
- return value;
- },
- //Augmented with CSS3 Selectors
- _ruleset: function(){
- /*
- * ruleset
- * : selectors_group
- * '{' S* declaration? [ ';' S* declaration? ]* '}' S*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- selectors;
- /*
- * Error Recovery: If even a single selector fails to parse,
- * then the entire ruleset should be thrown away.
- */
- try {
- selectors = this._selectors_group();
- } catch (ex){
- if (ex instanceof SyntaxError && !this.options.strict){
- //fire error event
- this.fire({
- type: "error",
- error: ex,
- message: ex.message,
- line: ex.line,
- col: ex.col
- });
- //skip over everything until closing brace
- tt = tokenStream.advance([Tokens.RBRACE]);
- if (tt == Tokens.RBRACE){
- //if there's a right brace, the rule is finished so don't do anything
- } else {
- //otherwise, rethrow the error because it wasn't handled properly
- throw ex;
- }
- } else {
- //not a syntax error, rethrow it
- throw ex;
- }
- //trigger parser to continue
- return true;
- }
- //if it got here, all selectors parsed
- if (selectors){
- this.fire({
- type: "startrule",
- selectors: selectors
- });
- this._readDeclarations(true);
- this.fire({
- type: "endrule",
- selectors: selectors
- });
- }
- return selectors;
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _selectors_group: function(){
- /*
- * selectors_group
- * : selector [ COMMA S* selector ]*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- selectors = [],
- selector;
- selector = this._selector();
- if (selector !== null){
- selectors.push(selector);
- while(tokenStream.match(Tokens.COMMA)){
- this._readWhitespace();
- selector = this._selector();
- if (selector !== null){
- selectors.push(selector);
- } else {
- this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.LT(1));
- }
- }
- }
- return selectors.length ? selectors : null;
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _selector: function(){
- /*
- * selector
- * : simple_selector_sequence [ combinator simple_selector_sequence ]*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- selector = [],
- nextSelector = null,
- combinator = null,
- ws = null;
- //if there's no simple selector, then there's no selector
- nextSelector = this._simple_selector_sequence();
- if (nextSelector === null){
- return null;
- }
- selector.push(nextSelector);
- do {
- //look for a combinator
- combinator = this._combinator();
- if (combinator !== null){
- selector.push(combinator);
- nextSelector = this._simple_selector_sequence();
- //there must be a next selector
- if (nextSelector === null){
- this._unexpectedToken(this.LT(1));
- } else {
- //nextSelector is an instance of SelectorPart
- selector.push(nextSelector);
- }
- } else {
- //if there's not whitespace, we're done
- if (this._readWhitespace()){
- //add whitespace separator
- ws = new Combinator(tokenStream.token().value, tokenStream.token().startLine, tokenStream.token().startCol);
- //combinator is not required
- combinator = this._combinator();
- //selector is required if there's a combinator
- nextSelector = this._simple_selector_sequence();
- if (nextSelector === null){
- if (combinator !== null){
- this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.LT(1));
- }
- } else {
- if (combinator !== null){
- selector.push(combinator);
- } else {
- selector.push(ws);
- }
- selector.push(nextSelector);
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- } while(true);
- return new Selector(selector, selector[0].line, selector[0].col);
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _simple_selector_sequence: function(){
- /*
- * simple_selector_sequence
- * : [ type_selector | universal ]
- * [ HASH | class | attrib | pseudo | negation ]*
- * | [ HASH | class | attrib | pseudo | negation ]+
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- //parts of a simple selector
- elementName = null,
- modifiers = [],
- //complete selector text
- selectorText= "",
- //the different parts after the element name to search for
- components = [
- //HASH
- function(){
- return tokenStream.match(Tokens.HASH) ?
- new SelectorSubPart(tokenStream.token().value, "id", tokenStream.token().startLine, tokenStream.token().startCol) :
- null;
- },
- this._class,
- this._attrib,
- this._pseudo,
- this._negation
- ],
- i = 0,
- len = components.length,
- component = null,
- found = false,
- line,
- col;
- //get starting line and column for the selector
- line = tokenStream.LT(1).startLine;
- col = tokenStream.LT(1).startCol;
- elementName = this._type_selector();
- if (!elementName){
- elementName = this._universal();
- }
- if (elementName !== null){
- selectorText += elementName;
- }
- while(true){
- //whitespace means we're done
- if (tokenStream.peek() === Tokens.S){
- break;
- }
- //check for each component
- while(i < len && component === null){
- component = components[i++].call(this);
- }
- if (component === null){
- //we don't have a selector
- if (selectorText === ""){
- return null;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- } else {
- i = 0;
- modifiers.push(component);
- selectorText += component.toString();
- component = null;
- }
- }
- return selectorText !== "" ?
- new SelectorPart(elementName, modifiers, selectorText, line, col) :
- null;
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _type_selector: function(){
- /*
- * type_selector
- * : [ namespace_prefix ]? element_name
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- ns = this._namespace_prefix(),
- elementName = this._element_name();
- if (!elementName){
- /*
- * Need to back out the namespace that was read due to both
- * type_selector and universal reading namespace_prefix
- * first. Kind of hacky, but only way I can figure out
- * right now how to not change the grammar.
- */
- if (ns){
- tokenStream.unget();
- if (ns.length > 1){
- tokenStream.unget();
- }
- }
- return null;
- } else {
- if (ns){
- elementName.text = ns + elementName.text;
- elementName.col -= ns.length;
- }
- return elementName;
- }
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _class: function(){
- /*
- * class
- * : '.' IDENT
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- token;
- if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.DOT)){
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.IDENT);
- token = tokenStream.token();
- return new SelectorSubPart("." + token.value, "class", token.startLine, token.startCol - 1);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _element_name: function(){
- /*
- * element_name
- * : IDENT
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- token;
- if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
- token = tokenStream.token();
- return new SelectorSubPart(token.value, "elementName", token.startLine, token.startCol);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _namespace_prefix: function(){
- /*
- * namespace_prefix
- * : [ IDENT | '*' ]? '|'
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- value = "";
- //verify that this is a namespace prefix
- if (tokenStream.LA(1) === Tokens.PIPE || tokenStream.LA(2) === Tokens.PIPE){
- if(tokenStream.match([Tokens.IDENT, Tokens.STAR])){
- value += tokenStream.token().value;
- }
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.PIPE);
- value += "|";
- }
- return value.length ? value : null;
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _universal: function(){
- /*
- * universal
- * : [ namespace_prefix ]? '*'
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- value = "",
- ns;
- ns = this._namespace_prefix();
- if(ns){
- value += ns;
- }
- if(tokenStream.match(Tokens.STAR)){
- value += "*";
- }
- return value.length ? value : null;
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _attrib: function(){
- /*
- * attrib
- * : '[' S* [ namespace_prefix ]? IDENT S*
- * '=' |
- * ]? ']'
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- value = null,
- ns,
- token;
- if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.LBRACKET)){
- token = tokenStream.token();
- value = token.value;
- value += this._readWhitespace();
- ns = this._namespace_prefix();
- if (ns){
- value += ns;
- }
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.IDENT);
- value += tokenStream.token().value;
- value += this._readWhitespace();
- if(tokenStream.match([Tokens.PREFIXMATCH, Tokens.SUFFIXMATCH, Tokens.SUBSTRINGMATCH,
- Tokens.EQUALS, Tokens.INCLUDES, Tokens.DASHMATCH])){
- value += tokenStream.token().value;
- value += this._readWhitespace();
- tokenStream.mustMatch([Tokens.IDENT, Tokens.STRING]);
- value += tokenStream.token().value;
- value += this._readWhitespace();
- }
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.RBRACKET);
- return new SelectorSubPart(value + "]", "attribute", token.startLine, token.startCol);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _pseudo: function(){
- /*
- * pseudo
- * : ':' ':'? [ IDENT | functional_pseudo ]
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- pseudo = null,
- colons = ":",
- line,
- col;
- if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.COLON)){
- if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.COLON)){
- colons += ":";
- }
- if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
- pseudo = tokenStream.token().value;
- line = tokenStream.token().startLine;
- col = tokenStream.token().startCol - colons.length;
- } else if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.FUNCTION){
- line = tokenStream.LT(1).startLine;
- col = tokenStream.LT(1).startCol - colons.length;
- pseudo = this._functional_pseudo();
- }
- if (pseudo){
- pseudo = new SelectorSubPart(colons + pseudo, "pseudo", line, col);
- }
- }
- return pseudo;
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _functional_pseudo: function(){
- /*
- * functional_pseudo
- * : FUNCTION S* expression ')'
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- value = null;
- if(tokenStream.match(Tokens.FUNCTION)){
- value = tokenStream.token().value;
- value += this._readWhitespace();
- value += this._expression();
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.RPAREN);
- value += ")";
- }
- return value;
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _expression: function(){
- /*
- * expression
- * : [ [ PLUS | '-' | DIMENSION | NUMBER | STRING | IDENT ] S* ]+
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- value = "";
- while(tokenStream.match([Tokens.PLUS, Tokens.MINUS, Tokens.DIMENSION,
- Tokens.NUMBER, Tokens.STRING, Tokens.IDENT, Tokens.LENGTH,
- Tokens.FREQ, Tokens.EMS, Tokens.EXS, Tokens.ANGLE, Tokens.TIME,
- Tokens.RESOLUTION])){
- value += tokenStream.token().value;
- value += this._readWhitespace();
- }
- return value.length ? value : null;
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _negation: function(){
- /*
- * negation
- * : NOT S* negation_arg S* ')'
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- line,
- col,
- value = "",
- arg,
- subpart = null;
- if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.NOT)){
- value = tokenStream.token().value;
- line = tokenStream.token().startLine;
- col = tokenStream.token().startCol;
- value += this._readWhitespace();
- arg = this._negation_arg();
- value += arg;
- value += this._readWhitespace();
- tokenStream.match(Tokens.RPAREN);
- value += tokenStream.token().value;
- subpart = new SelectorSubPart(value, "not", line, col);
- subpart.args.push(arg);
- }
- return subpart;
- },
- //CSS3 Selectors
- _negation_arg: function(){
- /*
- * negation_arg
- * : type_selector | universal | HASH | class | attrib | pseudo
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- args = [
- this._type_selector,
- this._universal,
- function(){
- return tokenStream.match(Tokens.HASH) ?
- new SelectorSubPart(tokenStream.token().value, "id", tokenStream.token().startLine, tokenStream.token().startCol) :
- null;
- },
- this._class,
- this._attrib,
- this._pseudo
- ],
- arg = null,
- i = 0,
- len = args.length,
- elementName,
- line,
- col,
- part;
- line = tokenStream.LT(1).startLine;
- col = tokenStream.LT(1).startCol;
- while(i < len && arg === null){
- arg = args[i].call(this);
- i++;
- }
- //must be a negation arg
- if (arg === null){
- this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.LT(1));
- }
- //it's an element name
- if (arg.type == "elementName"){
- part = new SelectorPart(arg, [], arg.toString(), line, col);
- } else {
- part = new SelectorPart(null, [arg], arg.toString(), line, col);
- }
- return part;
- },
- _declaration: function(){
- /*
- * declaration
- * : property ':' S* expr prio?
- * | /( empty )/
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- property = null,
- expr = null,
- prio = null;
- property = this._property();
- if (property !== null){
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.COLON);
- this._readWhitespace();
- expr = this._expr();
- //if there's no parts for the value, it's an error
- if (!expr || expr.length === 0){
- this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.LT(1));
- }
- prio = this._prio();
- this.fire({
- type: "property",
- property: property,
- value: expr,
- important: prio
- });
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- },
- _prio: function(){
- /*
- * prio
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- result = tokenStream.match(Tokens.IMPORTANT_SYM);
- this._readWhitespace();
- return result;
- },
- _expr: function(){
- /*
- * expr
- * : term [ operator term ]*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- values = [],
- //valueParts = [],
- value = null,
- operator = null;
- value = this._term();
- if (value !== null){
- values.push(value);
- do {
- operator = this._operator();
- //if there's an operator, keep building up the value parts
- if (operator){
- values.push(operator);
- } /*else {
- //if there's not an operator, you have a full value
- values.push(new PropertyValue(valueParts, valueParts[0].line, valueParts[0].col));
- valueParts = [];
- }*/
- value = this._term();
- if (value === null){
- break;
- } else {
- values.push(value);
- }
- } while(true);
- }
- //cleanup
- /*if (valueParts.length){
- values.push(new PropertyValue(valueParts, valueParts[0].line, valueParts[0].col));
- }*/
- return values.length > 0 ? new PropertyValue(values, values[0].startLine, values[0].startCol) : null;
- },
- _term: function(){
- /*
- * term
- * : unary_operator?
- * TIME S* | FREQ S* | function | ie_function ]
- * | STRING S* | IDENT S* | URI S* | UNICODERANGE S* | hexcolor
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- unary = null,
- value = null,
- line,
- col;
- //returns the operator or null
- unary = this._unary_operator();
- if (unary !== null){
- line = tokenStream.token().startLine;
- col = tokenStream.token().startCol;
- }
- //exception for IE filters
- if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.IE_FUNCTION && this.options.ieFilters){
- value = this._ie_function();
- if (unary === null){
- line = tokenStream.token().startLine;
- col = tokenStream.token().startCol;
- }
- //see if there's a simple match
- } else if (tokenStream.match([Tokens.NUMBER, Tokens.PERCENTAGE, Tokens.LENGTH,
- Tokens.EMS, Tokens.EXS, Tokens.ANGLE, Tokens.TIME,
- Tokens.FREQ, Tokens.STRING, Tokens.IDENT, Tokens.URI, Tokens.UNICODE_RANGE])){
- value = tokenStream.token().value;
- if (unary === null){
- line = tokenStream.token().startLine;
- col = tokenStream.token().startCol;
- }
- this._readWhitespace();
- } else {
- //see if it's a color
- value = this._hexcolor();
- if (value === null){
- //if there's no unary, get the start of the next token for line/col info
- if (unary === null){
- line = tokenStream.LT(1).startLine;
- col = tokenStream.LT(1).startCol;
- }
- //has to be a function
- if (value === null){
- /*
- * This checks for alpha(opacity=0) style of IE
- * functions. IE_FUNCTION only presents progid: style.
- */
- if (tokenStream.LA(3) == Tokens.EQUALS && this.options.ieFilters){
- value = this._ie_function();
- } else {
- value = this._function();
- }
- }
- /*if (value === null){
- return null;
- //throw new Error("Expected identifier at line " + tokenStream.token().startLine + ", character " + tokenStream.token().startCol + ".");
- }*/
- } else {
- if (unary === null){
- line = tokenStream.token().startLine;
- col = tokenStream.token().startCol;
- }
- }
- }
- return value !== null ?
- new PropertyValuePart(unary !== null ? unary + value : value, line, col) :
- null;
- },
- _function: function(){
- /*
- * function
- * : FUNCTION S* expr ')' S*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- functionText = null,
- expr = null;
- if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.FUNCTION)){
- functionText = tokenStream.token().value;
- this._readWhitespace();
- expr = this._expr();
- tokenStream.match(Tokens.RPAREN);
- functionText += expr + ")"
- this._readWhitespace();
- }
- return functionText;
- },
- _ie_function: function(){
- /* (My own extension)
- * ie_function
- * : IE_FUNCTION S* IDENT '=' term [S* ','? IDENT '=' term]+ ')' S*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- functionText = null,
- expr = null,
- lt;
- //IE function can begin like a regular function, too
- if (tokenStream.match([Tokens.IE_FUNCTION, Tokens.FUNCTION])){
- functionText = tokenStream.token().value;
- do {
- if (this._readWhitespace()){
- functionText += tokenStream.token().value;
- }
- //might be second time in the loop
- if (tokenStream.LA(0) == Tokens.COMMA){
- functionText += tokenStream.token().value;
- }
- tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT);
- functionText += tokenStream.token().value;
- tokenStream.match(Tokens.EQUALS);
- functionText += tokenStream.token().value;
- //functionText += this._term();
- lt = tokenStream.peek();
- while(lt != Tokens.COMMA && lt != Tokens.S && lt != Tokens.RPAREN){
- tokenStream.get();
- functionText += tokenStream.token().value;
- lt = tokenStream.peek();
- }
- } while(tokenStream.match([Tokens.COMMA, Tokens.S]));
- tokenStream.match(Tokens.RPAREN);
- functionText += ")"
- this._readWhitespace();
- }
- return functionText;
- },
- _hexcolor: function(){
- /*
- * There is a constraint on the color that it must
- * have either 3 or 6 hex-digits (i.e., [0-9a-fA-F])
- * after the "#"; e.g., "#000" is OK, but "#abcd" is not.
- *
- * hexcolor
- * : HASH S*
- * ;
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- token,
- color = null;
- if(tokenStream.match(Tokens.HASH)){
- //need to do some validation here
- token = tokenStream.token();
- color = token.value;
- if (!/#[a-f0-9]{3,6}/i.test(color)){
- throw new SyntaxError("Expected a hex color but found '" + color + "' at line " + token.startLine + ", character " + token.startCol + ".", token.startLine, token.startCol);
- }
- this._readWhitespace();
- }
- return color;
- },
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Helper methods
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Not part of CSS grammar, but useful for skipping over
- * combination of white space and HTML-style comments.
- * @return {void}
- * @method _skipCruft
- * @private
- */
- _skipCruft: function(){
- while(this._tokenStream.match([Tokens.S, Tokens.CDO, Tokens.CDC])){
- //noop
- }
- },
- /**
- * Not part of CSS grammar, but this pattern occurs frequently
- * in the official CSS grammar. Split out here to eliminate
- * duplicate code.
- * @param {Boolean} checkStart Indicates if the rule should check
- * for the left brace at the beginning.
- * @param {Boolean} readMargins Indicates if the rule should check
- * for margin patterns.
- * @return {void}
- * @method _readDeclarations
- * @private
- */
- _readDeclarations: function(checkStart, readMargins){
- /*
- * Reads the pattern
- * S* '{' S* declaration [ ';' S* declaration ]* '}' S*
- * or
- * S* '{' S* [ declaration | margin ]? [ ';' S* [ declaration | margin ]? ]* '}' S*
- * Note that this is how it is described in CSS3 Paged Media, but is actually incorrect.
- * A semicolon is only necessary following a delcaration is there's another declaration
- * or margin afterwards.
- */
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- tt;
- this._readWhitespace();
- if (checkStart){
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.LBRACE);
- }
- this._readWhitespace();
- try {
- while(true){
- if (readMargins && this._margin()){
- //noop
- } else if (this._declaration()){
- if (!tokenStream.match(Tokens.SEMICOLON)){
- break;
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- //if ((!this._margin() && !this._declaration()) || !tokenStream.match(Tokens.SEMICOLON)){
- // break;
- //}
- this._readWhitespace();
- }
- tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.RBRACE);
- this._readWhitespace();
- } catch (ex) {
- if (ex instanceof SyntaxError && !this.options.strict){
- //fire error event
- this.fire({
- type: "error",
- error: ex,
- message: ex.message,
- line: ex.line,
- col: ex.col
- });
- //see if there's another declaration
- tt = tokenStream.advance([Tokens.SEMICOLON, Tokens.RBRACE]);
- if (tt == Tokens.SEMICOLON){
- //if there's a semicolon, then there might be another declaration
- this._readDeclarations(false, readMargins);
- } else if (tt == Tokens.RBRACE){
- //if there's a right brace, the rule is finished so don't do anything
- } else {
- //otherwise, rethrow the error because it wasn't handled properly
- throw ex;
- }
- } else {
- //not a syntax error, rethrow it
- throw ex;
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * In some cases, you can end up with two white space tokens in a
- * row. Instead of making a change in every function that looks for
- * white space, this function is used to match as much white space
- * as necessary.
- * @method _readWhitespace
- * @return {String} The white space if found, empty string if not.
- * @private
- */
- _readWhitespace: function(){
- var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
- ws = "";
- while(tokenStream.match(Tokens.S)){
- ws += tokenStream.token().value;
- }
- return ws;
- },
- /**
- * Throws an error when an unexpected token is found.
- * @param {Object} token The token that was found.
- * @method _unexpectedToken
- * @return {void}
- * @private
- */
- _unexpectedToken: function(token){
- throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected token '" + token.value + "' at line " + token.startLine + ", char " + token.startCol + ".", token.startLine, token.startCol);
- },
- /**
- * Helper method used for parsing subparts of a style sheet.
- * @return {void}
- * @method _verifyEnd
- * @private
- */
- _verifyEnd: function(){
- if (this._tokenStream.LA(1) != Tokens.EOF){
- this._unexpectedToken(this._tokenStream.LT(1));
- }
- },
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parsing methods
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- parse: function(input){
- this._tokenStream = new TokenStream(input, Tokens);
- this._stylesheet();
- },
- parseStyleSheet: function(input){
- //just passthrough
- return this.parse(input);
- },
- parseMediaQuery: function(input){
- this._tokenStream = new TokenStream(input, Tokens);
- var result = this._media_query();
- //if there's anything more, then it's an invalid selector
- this._verifyEnd();
- //otherwise return result
- return result;
- },
- /**
- * Parses a property value (everything after the semicolon).
- * @return {parserlib.css.PropertyValue} The property value.
- * @throws parserlib.util.SyntaxError If an unexpected token is found.
- * @method parserPropertyValue
- */
- parsePropertyValue: function(input){
- this._tokenStream = new TokenStream(input, Tokens);
- this._readWhitespace();
- var result = this._expr();
- //okay to have a trailing white space
- this._readWhitespace();
- //if there's anything more, then it's an invalid selector
- this._verifyEnd();
- //otherwise return result
- return result;
- },
- /**
- * Parses a complete CSS rule, including selectors and
- * properties.
- * @param {String} input The text to parser.
- * @return {Boolean} True if the parse completed successfully, false if not.
- * @method parseRule
- */
- parseRule: function(input){
- this._tokenStream = new TokenStream(input, Tokens);
- //skip any leading white space
- this._readWhitespace();
- var result = this._ruleset();
- //skip any trailing white space
- this._readWhitespace();
- //if there's anything more, then it's an invalid selector
- this._verifyEnd();
- //otherwise return result
- return result;
- },
- /**
- * Parses a single CSS selector (no comma)
- * @param {String} input The text to parse as a CSS selector.
- * @return {Selector} An object representing the selector.
- * @throws parserlib.util.SyntaxError If an unexpected token is found.
- * @method parseSelector
- */
- parseSelector: function(input){
- this._tokenStream = new TokenStream(input, Tokens);
- //skip any leading white space
- this._readWhitespace();
- var result = this._selector();
- //skip any trailing white space
- this._readWhitespace();
- //if there's anything more, then it's an invalid selector
- this._verifyEnd();
- //otherwise return result
- return result;
- }
- };
- //copy over onto prototype
- for (prop in additions){
- proto[prop] = additions[prop];
- }
- return proto;
- : S* [ ['-'|'+']? INTEGER? {N} [ S* ['-'|'+'] S* INTEGER ]? |
- ['-'|'+']? INTEGER | {O}{D}{D} | {E}{V}{E}{N} ] S*
- ;
- * Represents a selector combinator (whitespace, +, >).
- * @namespace parserlib.css
- * @class PropertyName
- * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
- * @constructor
- * @param {String} text The text representation of the unit.
- * @param {String} hack The type of IE hack applied ("*", "_", or null).
- * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
- * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
- */
-function PropertyName(text, hack, line, col){
- SyntaxUnit.call(this, (hack||"") + text, line, col);
- /**
- * The type of IE hack applied ("*", "_", or null).
- * @type String
- * @property hack
- */
- this.hack = hack;
-PropertyName.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
-PropertyName.prototype.constructor = PropertyName;
- * Represents a single part of a CSS property value, meaning that it represents
- * just everything single part between ":" and ";". If there are multiple values
- * separated by commas, this type represents just one of the values.
- * @param {String[]} parts An array of value parts making up this value.
- * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
- * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
- * @namespace parserlib.css
- * @class PropertyValue
- * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
- * @constructor
- */
-function PropertyValue(parts, line, col){
- SyntaxUnit.call(this, parts.join(" "), line, col);
- /**
- * The parts that make up the selector.
- * @type Array
- * @property parts
- */
- this.parts = parts;
-PropertyValue.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
-PropertyValue.prototype.constructor = PropertyValue;
- * Represents a single part of a CSS property value, meaning that it represents
- * just one part of the data between ":" and ";".
- * @param {String} text The text representation of the unit.
- * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
- * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
- * @namespace parserlib.css
- * @class PropertyValuePart
- * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
- * @constructor
- */
-function PropertyValuePart(text, line, col){
- SyntaxUnit.apply(this,arguments);
- /**
- * Indicates the type of value unit.
- * @type String
- * @property type
- */
- this.type = "unknown";
- //figure out what type of data it is
- var temp;
- //it is a measurement?
- if (/^([+\-]?[\d\.]+)([a-z]+)$/i.test(text)){ //dimension
- this.type = "dimension";
- this.value = +RegExp.$1;
- this.units = RegExp.$2;
- //try to narrow down
- switch(this.units.toLowerCase()){
- case "em":
- case "rem":
- case "ex":
- case "px":
- case "cm":
- case "mm":
- case "in":
- case "pt":
- case "pc":
- this.type = "length";
- break;
- case "deg":
- case "rad":
- case "grad":
- this.type = "angle";
- break;
- case "ms":
- case "s":
- this.type = "time";
- break;
- case "hz":
- case "khz":
- this.type = "frequency";
- break;
- case "dpi":
- case "dpcm":
- this.type = "resolution";
- break;
- //default
- }
- } else if (/^([+\-]?[\d\.]+)%$/i.test(text)){ //percentage
- this.type = "percentage";
- this.value = +RegExp.$1;
- } else if (/^([+\-]?[\d\.]+)%$/i.test(text)){ //percentage
- this.type = "percentage";
- this.value = +RegExp.$1;
- } else if (/^([+\-]?\d+)$/i.test(text)){ //integer
- this.type = "integer";
- this.value = +RegExp.$1;
- } else if (/^([+\-]?[\d\.]+)$/i.test(text)){ //number
- this.type = "number";
- this.value = +RegExp.$1;
- } else if (/^#([a-f0-9]{3,6})/i.test(text)){ //hexcolor
- this.type = "color";
- temp = RegExp.$1;
- if (temp.length == 3){
- this.red = parseInt(temp.charAt(0)+temp.charAt(0),16);
- this.green = parseInt(temp.charAt(1)+temp.charAt(1),16);
- this.blue = parseInt(temp.charAt(2)+temp.charAt(2),16);
- } else {
- this.red = parseInt(temp.substring(0,2),16);
- this.green = parseInt(temp.substring(2,4),16);
- this.blue = parseInt(temp.substring(4,6),16);
- }
- } else if (/^rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)/i.test(text)){ //rgb() color with absolute numbers
- this.type = "color";
- this.red = +RegExp.$1;
- this.green = +RegExp.$2;
- this.blue = +RegExp.$3;
- } else if (/^rgb\(\s*(\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*\)/i.test(text)){ //rgb() color with percentages
- this.type = "color";
- this.red = +RegExp.$1 * 255 / 100;
- this.green = +RegExp.$2 * 255 / 100;
- this.blue = +RegExp.$3 * 255 / 100;
- } else if (/^url\(["']?([^\)"']+)["']?\)/i.test(text)){ //URI
- this.type = "uri";
- this.uri = RegExp.$1;
- } else if (/^["'][^"']*["']/.test(text)){ //string
- this.type = "string";
- this.value = eval(text);
- } else if (Colors[text.toLowerCase()]){ //named color
- this.type = "color";
- temp = Colors[text.toLowerCase()].substring(1);
- this.red = parseInt(temp.substring(0,2),16);
- this.green = parseInt(temp.substring(2,4),16);
- this.blue = parseInt(temp.substring(4,6),16);
- } else if (/^[\,\/]$/.test(text)){
- this.type = "operator";
- this.value = text;
- } else if (/^[a-z\-\u0080-\uFFFF][a-z0-9\-\u0080-\uFFFF]*$/i.test(text)){
- this.type = "identifier";
- this.value = text;
- }
-PropertyValuePart.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
-PropertyValuePart.prototype.constructor = PropertyValue;
- * Create a new syntax unit based solely on the given token.
- * Convenience method for creating a new syntax unit when
- * it represents a single token instead of multiple.
- * @param {Object} token The token object to represent.
- * @return {parserlib.css.PropertyValuePart} The object representing the token.
- * @static
- * @method fromToken
- */
-PropertyValuePart.fromToken = function(token){
- return new PropertyValuePart(token.value, token.startLine, token.startCol);
- * Represents an entire single selector, including all parts but not
- * including multiple selectors (those separated by commas).
- * @namespace parserlib.css
- * @class Selector
- * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
- * @constructor
- * @param {Array} parts Array of selectors parts making up this selector.
- * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
- * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
- */
-function Selector(parts, line, col){
- SyntaxUnit.call(this, parts.join(" "), line, col);
- /**
- * The parts that make up the selector.
- * @type Array
- * @property parts
- */
- this.parts = parts;
-Selector.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
-Selector.prototype.constructor = Selector;
- * Represents a single part of a selector string, meaning a single set of
- * element name and modifiers. This does not include combinators such as
- * spaces, +, >, etc.
- * @namespace parserlib.css
- * @class SelectorPart
- * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
- * @constructor
- * @param {String} elementName The element name in the selector or null
- * if there is no element name.
- * @param {Array} modifiers Array of individual modifiers for the element.
- * May be empty if there are none.
- * @param {String} text The text representation of the unit.
- * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
- * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
- */
-function SelectorPart(elementName, modifiers, text, line, col){
- SyntaxUnit.call(this, text, line, col);
- /**
- * The tag name of the element to which this part
- * of the selector affects.
- * @type String
- * @property elementName
- */
- this.elementName = elementName;
- /**
- * The parts that come after the element name, such as class names, IDs,
- * pseudo classes/elements, etc.
- * @type Array
- * @property modifiers
- */
- this.modifiers = modifiers;
-SelectorPart.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
-SelectorPart.prototype.constructor = SelectorPart;
- * Represents a selector modifier string, meaning a class name, element name,
- * element ID, pseudo rule, etc.
- * @namespace parserlib.css
- * @class SelectorSubPart
- * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
- * @constructor
- * @param {String} text The text representation of the unit.
- * @param {String} type The type of selector modifier.
- * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
- * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
- */
-function SelectorSubPart(text, type, line, col){
- SyntaxUnit.call(this, text, line, col);
- /**
- * The type of modifier.
- * @type String
- * @property type
- */
- this.type = type;
- /**
- * Some subparts have arguments, this represents them.
- * @type Array
- * @property args
- */
- this.args = [];
-SelectorSubPart.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
-SelectorSubPart.prototype.constructor = SelectorSubPart;
-var h = /^[0-9a-fA-F]$/,
- nonascii = /^[\u0080-\uFFFF]$/,
- nl = /\n|\r\n|\r|\f/;
-// Helper functions
-function isHexDigit(c){
- return c != null && h.test(c);
-function isDigit(c){
- return c != null && /\d/.test(c);
-function isWhitespace(c){
- return c != null && /\s/.test(c);
-function isNewLine(c){
- return c != null && nl.test(c);
-function isNameStart(c){
- return c != null && (/[a-z_\u0080-\uFFFF\\]/i.test(c));
-function isNameChar(c){
- return c != null && (isNameStart(c) || /[0-9\-]/.test(c));
-function isIdentStart(c){
- return c != null && (isNameStart(c) || c == "-");
-function mix(receiver, supplier){
- for (var prop in supplier){
- if (supplier.hasOwnProperty(prop)){
- receiver[prop] = supplier[prop];
- }
- }
- return receiver;
-// CSS Token Stream
- * A token stream that produces CSS tokens.
- * @param {String|Reader} input The source of text to tokenize.
- * @constructor
- * @class TokenStream
- * @namespace parserlib.css
- */
-function TokenStream(input){
- TokenStreamBase.call(this, input, Tokens);
-TokenStream.prototype = mix(new TokenStreamBase(), {
- /**
- * Overrides the TokenStreamBase method of the same name
- * to produce CSS tokens.
- * @param {variant} channel The name of the channel to use
- * for the next token.
- * @return {Object} A token object representing the next token.
- * @method _getToken
- * @private
- */
- _getToken: function(channel){
- var c,
- reader = this._reader,
- token = null,
- startLine = reader.getLine(),
- startCol = reader.getCol();
- c = reader.read();
- while(c){
- switch(c){
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - SLASH
- * - CHAR
- */
- case "/":
- if(reader.peek() == "*"){
- token = this.commentToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- } else {
- token = this.charToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - CHAR
- */
- case "|":
- case "~":
- case "^":
- case "$":
- case "*":
- if(reader.peek() == "="){
- token = this.comparisonToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- } else {
- token = this.charToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - STRING
- */
- case "\"":
- case "'":
- token = this.stringToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- break;
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - HASH
- * - CHAR
- */
- case "#":
- if (isNameChar(reader.peek())){
- token = this.hashToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- } else {
- token = this.charToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - DOT
- * - NUMBER
- */
- case ".":
- if (isDigit(reader.peek())){
- token = this.numberToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- } else {
- token = this.charToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - CDC
- * - MINUS
- * - NUMBER
- */
- case "-":
- if (reader.peek() == "-"){ //could be closing HTML-style comment
- token = this.htmlCommentEndToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- } else if (isNameStart(reader.peek())){
- token = this.identOrFunctionToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- } else {
- token = this.charToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - CHAR
- */
- case "!":
- token = this.importantToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- break;
- /*
- * Any at-keyword or CHAR
- */
- case "@":
- token = this.atRuleToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- break;
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - NOT
- * - CHAR
- */
- case ":":
- token = this.notToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- break;
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - CDO
- * - CHAR
- */
- case "<":
- token = this.htmlCommentStartToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- break;
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - URL
- * - CHAR
- */
- case "U":
- case "u":
- if (reader.peek() == "+"){
- token = this.unicodeRangeToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- break;
- }
- /*falls through*/
- default:
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - NUMBER
- * - LENGTH
- * - FREQ
- * - TIME
- * - EMS
- * - EXS
- * - ANGLE
- */
- if (isDigit(c)){
- token = this.numberToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- } else
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - S
- */
- if (isWhitespace(c)){
- token = this.whitespaceToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- } else
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - IDENT
- */
- if (isIdentStart(c)){
- token = this.identOrFunctionToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- } else
- /*
- * Potential tokens:
- * - CHAR
- * - PLUS
- */
- {
- token = this.charToken(c, startLine, startCol);
- }
- }
- //make sure this token is wanted
- //TODO: check channel
- break;
- c = reader.read();
- }
- if (!token && c == null){
- token = this.createToken(Tokens.EOF,null,startLine,startCol);
- }
- return token;
- },
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Methods to create tokens
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Produces a token based on available data and the current
- * reader position information. This method is called by other
- * private methods to create tokens and is never called directly.
- * @param {int} tt The token type.
- * @param {String} value The text value of the token.
- * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
- * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
- * @param {Object} options (Optional) Specifies a channel property
- * to indicate that a different channel should be scanned
- * and/or a hide property indicating that the token should
- * be hidden.
- * @return {Object} A token object.
- * @method createToken
- */
- createToken: function(tt, value, startLine, startCol, options){
- var reader = this._reader;
- options = options || {};
- return {
- value: value,
- type: tt,
- channel: options.channel,
- hide: options.hide || false,
- startLine: startLine,
- startCol: startCol,
- endLine: reader.getLine(),
- endCol: reader.getCol()
- };
- },
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Methods to create specific tokens
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Produces a token for any at-rule. If the at-rule is unknown, then
- * the token is for a single "@" character.
- * @param {String} first The first character for the token.
- * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
- * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
- * @return {Object} A token object.
- * @method atRuleToken
- */
- atRuleToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
- var rule = first,
- reader = this._reader,
- tt = Tokens.CHAR,
- valid = false,
- ident,
- c;
- /*
- * First, mark where we are. There are only four @ rules,
- * so anything else is really just an invalid token.
- * Basically, if this doesn't match one of the known @
- * rules, just return '@' as an unknown token and allow
- * parsing to continue after that point.
- */
- reader.mark();
- //try to find the at-keyword
- ident = this.readName();
- rule = first + ident;
- tt = Tokens.type(rule.toLowerCase());
- //if it's not valid, use the first character only and reset the reader
- if (tt == Tokens.CHAR || tt == Tokens.UNKNOWN){
- tt = Tokens.CHAR;
- rule = first;
- reader.reset();
- }
- return this.createToken(tt, rule, startLine, startCol);
- },
- /**
- * Produces a character token based on the given character
- * and location in the stream. If there's a special (non-standard)
- * token name, this is used; otherwise CHAR is used.
- * @param {String} c The character for the token.
- * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
- * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
- * @return {Object} A token object.
- * @method charToken
- */
- charToken: function(c, startLine, startCol){
- var tt = Tokens.type(c);
- if (tt == -1){
- tt = Tokens.CHAR;
- }
- return this.createToken(tt, c, startLine, startCol);
- },
- /**
- * Produces a character token based on the given character
- * and location in the stream. If there's a special (non-standard)
- * token name, this is used; otherwise CHAR is used.
- * @param {String} first The first character for the token.
- * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
- * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
- * @return {Object} A token object.
- * @method commentToken
- */
- commentToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
- var reader = this._reader,
- comment = this.readComment(first);
- return this.createToken(Tokens.COMMENT, comment, startLine, startCol);
- },
- /**
- * Produces a comparison token based on the given character
- * and location in the stream. The next character must be
- * read and is already known to be an equals sign.
- * @param {String} c The character for the token.
- * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
- * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
- * @return {Object} A token object.
- * @method comparisonToken
- */
- comparisonToken: function(c, startLine, startCol){
- var reader = this._reader,
- comparison = c + reader.read(),
- tt = Tokens.type(comparison) || Tokens.CHAR;
- return this.createToken(tt, comparison, startLine, startCol);
- },
- /**
- * Produces a hash token based on the specified information. The
- * first character provided is the pound sign (#) and then this
- * method reads a name afterward.
- * @param {String} first The first character (#) in the hash name.
- * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
- * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
- * @return {Object} A token object.
- * @method hashToken
- */
- hashToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
- var reader = this._reader,
- name = this.readName(first);
- return this.createToken(Tokens.HASH, name, startLine, startCol);
- },
- /**
- * Produces a CDO or CHAR token based on the specified information. The
- * first character is provided and the rest is read by the function to determine
- * the correct token to create.
- * @param {String} first The first character in the token.
- * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
- * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
- * @return {Object} A token object.
- * @method htmlCommentStartToken
- */
- htmlCommentStartToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
- var reader = this._reader,
- text = first;
- reader.mark();
- text += reader.readCount(3);
- if (text == ""){
- return this.createToken(Tokens.CDC, text, startLine, startCol);
- } else {
- reader.reset();
- return this.charToken(first, startLine, startCol);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Produces an IDENT or FUNCTION token based on the specified information. The
- * first character is provided and the rest is read by the function to determine
- * the correct token to create.
- * @param {String} first The first character in the identifier.
- * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
- * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
- * @return {Object} A token object.
- * @method identOrFunctionToken
- */
- identOrFunctionToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
- var reader = this._reader,
- ident = this.readName(first),
- tt = Tokens.IDENT;
- //if there's a left paren immediately after, it's a URI or function
- if (reader.peek() == "("){
- ident += reader.read();
- if (ident.toLowerCase() == "url("){
- tt = Tokens.URI;
- ident = this.readURI(ident);
- //didn't find a valid URL or there's no closing paren
- if (ident.toLowerCase() == "url("){
- tt = Tokens.FUNCTION;
- }
- } else {
- tt = Tokens.FUNCTION;
- }
- } else if (reader.peek() == ":"){ //might be an IE function
- //IE-specific functions always being with progid:
- if (ident.toLowerCase() == "progid"){
- ident += reader.readTo("(");
- tt = Tokens.IE_FUNCTION;
- }
- }
- return this.createToken(tt, ident, startLine, startCol);
- },
- /**
- * Produces an IMPORTANT_SYM or CHAR token based on the specified information. The
- * first character is provided and the rest is read by the function to determine
- * the correct token to create.
- * @param {String} first The first character in the token.
- * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
- * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
- * @return {Object} A token object.
- * @method importantToken
- */
- importantToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
- var reader = this._reader,
- important = first,
- tt = Tokens.CHAR,
- temp,
- c;
- reader.mark();
- c = reader.read();
- while(c){
- //there can be a comment in here
- if (c == "/"){
- //if the next character isn't a star, then this isn't a valid !important token
- if (reader.peek() != "*"){
- break;
- } else {
- temp = this.readComment(c);
- if (temp == ""){ //broken!
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if (isWhitespace(c)){
- important += c + this.readWhitespace();
- } else if (/i/i.test(c)){
- temp = reader.readCount(8);
- if (/mportant/i.test(temp)){
- important += c + temp;
- tt = Tokens.IMPORTANT_SYM;
- }
- break; //we're done
- } else {
- break;
- }
- c = reader.read();
- }
- if (tt == Tokens.CHAR){
- reader.reset();
- return this.charToken(first, startLine, startCol);
- } else {
- return this.createToken(tt, important, startLine, startCol);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Produces a NOT or CHAR token based on the specified information. The
- * first character is provided and the rest is read by the function to determine
- * the correct token to create.
- * @param {String} first The first character in the token.
- * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
- * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
- * @return {Object} A token object.
- * @method notToken
- */
- notToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
- var reader = this._reader,
- text = first;
- reader.mark();
- text += reader.readCount(4);
- if (text.toLowerCase() == ":not("){
- return this.createToken(Tokens.NOT, text, startLine, startCol);
- } else {
- reader.reset();
- return this.charToken(first, startLine, startCol);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Produces a number token based on the given character
- * and location in the stream. This may return a token of
- * @param {String} first The first character for the token.
- * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
- * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
- * @return {Object} A token object.
- * @method numberToken
- */
- numberToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
- var reader = this._reader,
- value = this.readNumber(first),
- ident,
- tt = Tokens.NUMBER,
- c = reader.peek();
- if (isIdentStart(c)){
- ident = this.readName(reader.read());
- value += ident;
- if (/em/i.test(ident)){
- tt = Tokens.EMS;
- } else if (/ex/i.test(ident)){
- tt = Tokens.EXS;
- } else if (/px|cm|mm|in|pt|pc/i.test(ident)){
- tt = Tokens.LENGTH;
- } else if (/deg|rad|grad/i.test(ident)){
- tt = Tokens.ANGLE;
- } else if (/ms|s/i.test(ident)){
- tt = Tokens.TIME;
- } else if (/hz|khz/i.test(ident)){
- tt = Tokens.FREQ;
- } else if (/dpi|dpcm/i.test(ident)){
- tt = Tokens.RESOLUTION;
- } else {
- tt = Tokens.DIMENSION;
- }
- } else if (c == "%"){
- value += reader.read();
- tt = Tokens.PERCENTAGE;
- }
- return this.createToken(tt, value, startLine, startCol);
- },
- /**
- * Produces a string token based on the given character
- * and location in the stream. Since strings may be indicated
- * by single or double quotes, a failure to match starting
- * and ending quotes results in an INVALID token being generated.
- * The first character in the string is passed in and then
- * the rest are read up to and including the final quotation mark.
- * @param {String} first The first character in the string.
- * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
- * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
- * @return {Object} A token object.
- * @method stringToken
- */
- stringToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
- var delim = first,
- string = first,
- reader = this._reader,
- prev = first,
- tt = Tokens.STRING,
- c = reader.read();
- while(c){
- string += c;
- //if the delimiter is found with an escapement, we're done.
- if (c == delim && prev != "\\"){
- break;
- }
- //if there's a newline without an escapement, it's an invalid string
- if (isNewLine(reader.peek()) && c != "\\"){
- tt = Tokens.INVALID;
- break;
- }
- //save previous and get next
- prev = c;
- c = reader.read();
- }
- //if c is null, that means we're out of input and the string was never closed
- if (c == null){
- tt = Tokens.INVALID;
- }
- return this.createToken(tt, string, startLine, startCol);
- },
- unicodeRangeToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
- var reader = this._reader,
- value = first,
- temp,
- tt = Tokens.CHAR;
- //then it should be a unicode range
- if (reader.peek() == "+"){
- reader.mark();
- value += reader.read();
- value += this.readUnicodeRangePart(true);
- //ensure there's an actual unicode range here
- if (value.length == 2){
- reader.reset();
- } else {
- tt = Tokens.UNICODE_RANGE;
- //if there's a ? in the first part, there can't be a second part
- if (value.indexOf("?") == -1){
- if (reader.peek() == "-"){
- reader.mark();
- temp = reader.read();
- temp += this.readUnicodeRangePart(false);
- //if there's not another value, back up and just take the first
- if (temp.length == 1){
- reader.reset();
- } else {
- value += temp;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return this.createToken(tt, value, startLine, startCol);
- },
- /**
- * Produces a S token based on the specified information. Since whitespace
- * may have multiple characters, this consumes all whitespace characters
- * into a single token.
- * @param {String} first The first character in the token.
- * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
- * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
- * @return {Object} A token object.
- * @method whitespaceToken
- */
- whitespaceToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
- var reader = this._reader,
- value = first + this.readWhitespace();
- return this.createToken(Tokens.S, value, startLine, startCol);
- },
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Methods to read values from the string stream
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- readUnicodeRangePart: function(allowQuestionMark){
- var reader = this._reader,
- part = "",
- c = reader.peek();
- //first read hex digits
- while(isHexDigit(c) && part.length < 6){
- reader.read();
- part += c;
- c = reader.peek();
- }
- //then read question marks if allowed
- if (allowQuestionMark){
- while(c == "?" && part.length < 6){
- reader.read();
- part += c;
- c = reader.peek();
- }
- }
- //there can't be any other characters after this point
- return part;
- },
- readWhitespace: function(){
- var reader = this._reader,
- whitespace = "",
- c = reader.peek();
- while(isWhitespace(c)){
- reader.read();
- whitespace += c;
- c = reader.peek();
- }
- return whitespace;
- },
- readNumber: function(first){
- var reader = this._reader,
- number = first,
- hasDot = (first == "."),
- c = reader.peek();
- while(c){
- if (isDigit(c)){
- number += reader.read();
- } else if (c == "."){
- if (hasDot){
- break;
- } else {
- hasDot = true;
- number += reader.read();
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- c = reader.peek();
- }
- return number;
- },
- readString: function(){
- var reader = this._reader,
- delim = reader.read(),
- string = delim,
- prev = delim,
- c = reader.peek();
- while(c){
- c = reader.read();
- string += c;
- //if the delimiter is found with an escapement, we're done.
- if (c == delim && prev != "\\"){
- break;
- }
- //if there's a newline without an escapement, it's an invalid string
- if (isNewLine(reader.peek()) && c != "\\"){
- string = "";
- break;
- }
- //save previous and get next
- prev = c;
- c = reader.peek();
- }
- //if c is null, that means we're out of input and the string was never closed
- if (c == null){
- string = "";
- }
- return string;
- },
- readURI: function(first){
- var reader = this._reader,
- uri = first,
- inner = "",
- c = reader.peek();
- reader.mark();
- //it's a string
- if (c == "'" || c == "\""){
- inner = this.readString();
- } else {
- inner = this.readURL();
- }
- c = reader.peek();
- //if there was no inner value or the next character isn't closing paren, it's not a URI
- if (inner == "" || c != ")"){
- uri = first;
- reader.reset();
- } else {
- uri += inner + reader.read();
- }
- return uri;
- },
- readURL: function(){
- var reader = this._reader,
- url = "",
- c = reader.peek();
- //TODO: Check for escape and nonascii
- while (/^[!#$%&\\*-~]$/.test(c)){
- url += reader.read();
- c = reader.peek();
- }
- return url;
- },
- readName: function(first){
- var reader = this._reader,
- ident = first || "",
- c = reader.peek();
- while(c && isNameChar(c)){
- ident += reader.read();
- c = reader.peek();
- }
- return ident;
- },
- readComment: function(first){
- var reader = this._reader,
- comment = first || "",
- c = reader.read();
- if (c == "*"){
- while(c){
- comment += c;
- //look for end of comment
- if (c == "*" && reader.peek() == "/"){
- comment += reader.read();
- break;
- }
- c = reader.read();
- }
- return comment;
- } else {
- return "";
- }
- },
-var Tokens = [
- /*
- * The following token names are defined in CSS3 Grammar: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#lexical
- */
- //HTML-style comments
- { name: "CDO"},
- { name: "CDC"},
- //ignorables
- { name: "S", whitespace: true/*, channel: "ws"*/},
- { name: "COMMENT", comment: true, hide: true, channel: "comment" },
- //attribute equality
- { name: "INCLUDES", text: "~="},
- { name: "DASHMATCH", text: "|="},
- { name: "PREFIXMATCH", text: "^="},
- { name: "SUFFIXMATCH", text: "$="},
- { name: "SUBSTRINGMATCH", text: "*="},
- //identifier types
- { name: "STRING"},
- { name: "IDENT"},
- { name: "HASH"},
- //at-keywords
- { name: "IMPORT_SYM", text: "@import"},
- { name: "PAGE_SYM", text: "@page"},
- { name: "MEDIA_SYM", text: "@media"},
- { name: "FONT_FACE_SYM", text: "@font-face"},
- { name: "CHARSET_SYM", text: "@charset"},
- { name: "NAMESPACE_SYM", text: "@namespace"},
- //{ name: "ATKEYWORD"},
- //important symbol
- { name: "IMPORTANT_SYM"},
- //measurements
- { name: "EMS"},
- { name: "EXS"},
- { name: "LENGTH"},
- { name: "ANGLE"},
- { name: "TIME"},
- { name: "FREQ"},
- { name: "DIMENSION"},
- { name: "PERCENTAGE"},
- { name: "NUMBER"},
- //functions
- { name: "URI"},
- { name: "FUNCTION"},
- //Unicode ranges
- { name: "UNICODE_RANGE"},
- /*
- * The following token names are defined in CSS3 Selectors: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#selector-syntax
- */
- //invalid string
- { name: "INVALID"},
- //combinators
- { name: "PLUS", text: "+" },
- { name: "GREATER", text: ">"},
- { name: "COMMA", text: ","},
- { name: "TILDE", text: "~"},
- //modifier
- { name: "NOT"},
- /*
- * Defined in CSS3 Paged Media
- */
- { name: "TOPLEFTCORNER_SYM", text: "@top-left-corner"},
- { name: "TOPLEFT_SYM", text: "@top-left"},
- { name: "TOPCENTER_SYM", text: "@top-center"},
- { name: "TOPRIGHT_SYM", text: "@top-right"},
- { name: "TOPRIGHTCORNER_SYM", text: "@top-right-corner"},
- { name: "BOTTOMLEFTCORNER_SYM", text: "@bottom-left-corner"},
- { name: "BOTTOMLEFT_SYM", text: "@bottom-left"},
- { name: "BOTTOMCENTER_SYM", text: "@bottom-center"},
- { name: "BOTTOMRIGHT_SYM", text: "@bottom-right"},
- { name: "BOTTOMRIGHTCORNER_SYM", text: "@bottom-right-corner"},
- { name: "LEFTTOP_SYM", text: "@left-top"},
- { name: "LEFTMIDDLE_SYM", text: "@left-middle"},
- { name: "LEFTBOTTOM_SYM", text: "@left-bottom"},
- { name: "RIGHTTOP_SYM", text: "@right-top"},
- { name: "RIGHTMIDDLE_SYM", text: "@right-middle"},
- { name: "RIGHTBOTTOM_SYM", text: "@right-bottom"},
- /*
- * The following token names are defined in CSS3 Media Queries: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#syntax
- */
- /*{ name: "MEDIA_ONLY", state: "media"},
- { name: "MEDIA_NOT", state: "media"},
- { name: "MEDIA_AND", state: "media"},*/
- { name: "RESOLUTION", state: "media"},
- /*
- * The following token names are not defined in any CSS specification but are used by the lexer.
- */
- //not a real token, but useful for stupid IE filters
- { name: "IE_FUNCTION" },
- //part of CSS3 grammar but not the Flex code
- { name: "CHAR" },
- //TODO: Needed?
- //Not defined as tokens, but might as well be
- {
- name: "PIPE",
- text: "|"
- },
- {
- name: "SLASH",
- text: "/"
- },
- {
- name: "MINUS",
- text: "-"
- },
- {
- name: "STAR",
- text: "*"
- },
- {
- name: "LBRACE",
- text: "{"
- },
- {
- name: "RBRACE",
- text: "}"
- },
- {
- name: "LBRACKET",
- text: "["
- },
- {
- name: "RBRACKET",
- text: "]"
- },
- {
- name: "EQUALS",
- text: "="
- },
- {
- name: "COLON",
- text: ":"
- },
- {
- name: "SEMICOLON",
- text: ";"
- },
- {
- name: "LPAREN",
- text: "("
- },
- {
- name: "RPAREN",
- text: ")"
- },
- {
- name: "DOT",
- text: "."
- }
- var nameMap = [],
- typeMap = {};
- Tokens.UNKNOWN = -1;
- Tokens.unshift({name:"EOF"});
- for (var i=0, len = Tokens.length; i < len; i++){
- nameMap.push(Tokens[i].name);
- Tokens[Tokens[i].name] = i;
- if (Tokens[i].text){
- typeMap[Tokens[i].text] = i;
- }
- }
- Tokens.name = function(tt){
- return nameMap[tt];
- };
- Tokens.type = function(c){
- return typeMap[c] || -1;
- };
-parserlib.css = {
-Colors :Colors,
-Combinator :Combinator,
-Parser :Parser,
-PropertyName :PropertyName,
-PropertyValue :PropertyValue,
-PropertyValuePart :PropertyValuePart,
-MediaFeature :MediaFeature,
-MediaQuery :MediaQuery,
-Selector :Selector,
-SelectorPart :SelectorPart,
-SelectorSubPart :SelectorSubPart,
-TokenStream :TokenStream,
-Tokens :Tokens
+Copyright (c) 2009 Nicholas C. Zakas. All rights reserved.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+var parserlib = {};
+ * A generic base to inherit from for any object
+ * that needs event handling.
+ * @class EventTarget
+ * @constructor
+ */
+function EventTarget(){
+ /**
+ * The array of listeners for various events.
+ * @type Object
+ * @property _listeners
+ * @private
+ */
+ this._listeners = {};
+EventTarget.prototype = {
+ //restore constructor
+ constructor: EventTarget,
+ /**
+ * Adds a listener for a given event type.
+ * @param {String} type The type of event to add a listener for.
+ * @param {Function} listener The function to call when the event occurs.
+ * @return {void}
+ * @method addListener
+ */
+ addListener: function(type, listener){
+ if (!this._listeners[type]){
+ this._listeners[type] = [];
+ }
+ this._listeners[type].push(listener);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Fires an event based on the passed-in object.
+ * @param {Object|String} event An object with at least a 'type' attribute
+ * or a string indicating the event name.
+ * @return {void}
+ * @method fire
+ */
+ fire: function(event){
+ if (typeof event == "string"){
+ event = { type: event };
+ }
+ if (!event.target){
+ event.target = this;
+ }
+ if (!event.type){
+ throw new Error("Event object missing 'type' property.");
+ }
+ if (this._listeners[event.type]){
+ //create a copy of the array and use that so listeners can't chane
+ var listeners = this._listeners[event.type].concat();
+ for (var i=0, len=listeners.length; i < len; i++){
+ listeners[i].call(this, event);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Removes a listener for a given event type.
+ * @param {String} type The type of event to remove a listener from.
+ * @param {Function} listener The function to remove from the event.
+ * @return {void}
+ * @method removeListener
+ */
+ removeListener: function(type, listener){
+ if (this._listeners[type]){
+ var listeners = this._listeners[type];
+ for (var i=0, len=listeners.length; i < len; i++){
+ if (listeners[i] === listener){
+ listeners.splice(i, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Convenient way to read through strings.
+ * @namespace parserlib.util
+ * @class StringReader
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {String} text The text to read.
+ */
+function StringReader(text){
+ /**
+ * The input text with line endings normalized.
+ * @property _input
+ * @type String
+ * @private
+ */
+ this._input = text.replace(/\n\r?/g, "\n");
+ /**
+ * The row for the character to be read next.
+ * @property _line
+ * @type int
+ * @private
+ */
+ this._line = 1;
+ /**
+ * The column for the character to be read next.
+ * @property _col
+ * @type int
+ * @private
+ */
+ this._col = 1;
+ /**
+ * The index of the character in the input to be read next.
+ * @property _cursor
+ * @type int
+ * @private
+ */
+ this._cursor = 0;
+StringReader.prototype = {
+ //restore constructor
+ constructor: StringReader,
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Position info
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Returns the column of the character to be read next.
+ * @return {int} The column of the character to be read next.
+ * @method getCol
+ */
+ getCol: function(){
+ return this._col;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the row of the character to be read next.
+ * @return {int} The row of the character to be read next.
+ * @method getLine
+ */
+ getLine: function(){
+ return this._line ;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determines if you're at the end of the input.
+ * @return {Boolean} True if there's no more input, false otherwise.
+ * @method eof
+ */
+ eof: function(){
+ return (this._cursor == this._input.length)
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Basic reading
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Reads the next character without advancing the cursor.
+ * @param {int} count How many characters to look ahead (default is 1).
+ * @return {String} The next character or null if there is no next character.
+ * @method peek
+ */
+ peek: function(count){
+ var c = null;
+ count = (typeof count == "undefined" ? 1 : count);
+ //if we're not at the end of the input...
+ if (this._cursor < this._input.length){
+ //get character and increment cursor and column
+ c = this._input.charAt(this._cursor + count - 1);
+ }
+ return c;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Reads the next character from the input and adjusts the row and column
+ * accordingly.
+ * @return {String} The next character or null if there is no next character.
+ * @method read
+ */
+ read: function(){
+ var c = null;
+ //if we're not at the end of the input...
+ if (this._cursor < this._input.length){
+ //if the last character was a newline, increment row count
+ //and reset column count
+ if (this._input.charAt(this._cursor) == "\n"){
+ this._line++;
+ this._col=1;
+ } else {
+ this._col++;
+ }
+ //get character and increment cursor and column
+ c = this._input.charAt(this._cursor++);
+ }
+ return c;
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Misc
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Saves the current location so it can be returned to later.
+ * @method mark
+ * @return {void}
+ */
+ mark: function(){
+ this._bookmark = {
+ cursor: this._cursor,
+ line: this._line,
+ col: this._col
+ };
+ },
+ reset: function(){
+ if (this._bookmark){
+ this._cursor = this._bookmark.cursor;
+ this._line = this._bookmark.line;
+ this._col = this._bookmark.col;
+ delete this._bookmark;
+ }
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Advanced reading
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Reads up to and including the given string. Throws an error if that
+ * string is not found.
+ * @param {String} pattern The string to read.
+ * @return {String} The string when it is found.
+ * @throws Error when the string pattern is not found.
+ * @method readTo
+ */
+ readTo: function(pattern){
+ var buffer = "",
+ c;
+ /*
+ * First, buffer must be the same length as the pattern.
+ * Then, buffer must end with the pattern or else reach the
+ * end of the input.
+ */
+ while (buffer.length < pattern.length || buffer.lastIndexOf(pattern) != buffer.length - pattern.length){
+ c = this.read();
+ if (c){
+ buffer += c;
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Expected \"" + pattern + "\" at line " + this._line + ", col " + this._col + ".");
+ }
+ }
+ return buffer;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Reads characters while each character causes the given
+ * filter function to return true. The function is passed
+ * in each character and either returns true to continue
+ * reading or false to stop.
+ * @param {Function} filter The function to read on each character.
+ * @return {String} The string made up of all characters that passed the
+ * filter check.
+ * @method readWhile
+ */
+ readWhile: function(filter){
+ var buffer = "",
+ c = this.read();
+ while(c !== null && filter(c)){
+ buffer += c;
+ c = this.read();
+ }
+ return buffer;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Reads characters that match either text or a regular expression and
+ * returns those characters. If a match is found, the row and column
+ * are adjusted; if no match is found, the reader's state is unchanged.
+ * reading or false to stop.
+ * @param {String|RegExp} matchter If a string, then the literal string
+ * value is searched for. If a regular expression, then any string
+ * matching the pattern is search for.
+ * @return {String} The string made up of all characters that matched or
+ * null if there was no match.
+ * @method readMatch
+ */
+ readMatch: function(matcher){
+ var source = this._input.substring(this._cursor),
+ value = null;
+ //if it's a string, just do a straight match
+ if (typeof matcher == "string"){
+ if (source.indexOf(matcher) === 0){
+ value = this.readCount(matcher.length);
+ }
+ } else if (matcher instanceof RegExp){
+ if (matcher.test(source)){
+ value = this.readCount(RegExp.lastMatch.length);
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Reads a given number of characters. If the end of the input is reached,
+ * it reads only the remaining characters and does not throw an error.
+ * @param {int} count The number of characters to read.
+ * @return {String} The string made up the read characters.
+ * @method readCount
+ */
+ readCount: function(count){
+ var buffer = "";
+ while(count--){
+ buffer += this.read();
+ }
+ return buffer;
+ }
+ * Type to use when a syntax error occurs.
+ * @class SyntaxError
+ * @namespace parserlib.util
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {String} message The error message.
+ * @param {int} line The line at which the error occurred.
+ * @param {int} col The column at which the error occurred.
+ */
+function SyntaxError(message, line, col){
+ /**
+ * The column at which the error occurred.
+ * @type int
+ * @property col
+ */
+ this.col = col;
+ /**
+ * The line at which the error occurred.
+ * @type int
+ * @property line
+ */
+ this.line = line;
+ /**
+ * The text representation of the unit.
+ * @type String
+ * @property text
+ */
+ this.message = message;
+//inherit from Error
+SyntaxError.prototype = new Error();
+ * Base type to represent a single syntactic unit.
+ * @class SyntaxUnit
+ * @namespace parserlib.util
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {String} text The text of the unit.
+ * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
+ * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
+ */
+function SyntaxUnit(text, line, col){
+ /**
+ * The column of text on which the unit resides.
+ * @type int
+ * @property col
+ */
+ this.col = col;
+ /**
+ * The line of text on which the unit resides.
+ * @type int
+ * @property line
+ */
+ this.line = line;
+ /**
+ * The text representation of the unit.
+ * @type String
+ * @property text
+ */
+ this.text = text;
+ * Create a new syntax unit based solely on the given token.
+ * Convenience method for creating a new syntax unit when
+ * it represents a single token instead of multiple.
+ * @param {Object} token The token object to represent.
+ * @return {parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit} The object representing the token.
+ * @static
+ * @method fromToken
+ */
+SyntaxUnit.fromToken = function(token){
+ return new SyntaxUnit(token.value, token.startLine, token.startCol);
+SyntaxUnit.prototype = {
+ //restore constructor
+ constructor: SyntaxUnit,
+ /**
+ * Returns the text representation of the unit.
+ * @return {String} The text representation of the unit.
+ * @method valueOf
+ */
+ valueOf: function(){
+ return this.toString();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the text representation of the unit.
+ * @return {String} The text representation of the unit.
+ * @method toString
+ */
+ toString: function(){
+ return this.text;
+ }
+ * Generic TokenStream providing base functionality.
+ * @class TokenStreamBase
+ * @namespace parserlib.util
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {String|StringReader} input The text to tokenize or a reader from
+ * which to read the input.
+ */
+function TokenStreamBase(input, tokenData){
+ /**
+ * The string reader for easy access to the text.
+ * @type StringReader
+ * @property _reader
+ * @private
+ */
+ //this._reader = (typeof input == "string") ? new StringReader(input) : input;
+ this._reader = input ? new StringReader(input.toString()) : null;
+ /**
+ * Token object for the last consumed token.
+ * @type Token
+ * @property _token
+ * @private
+ */
+ this._token = null;
+ /**
+ * The array of token information.
+ * @type Array
+ * @property _tokenData
+ * @private
+ */
+ this._tokenData = tokenData;
+ /**
+ * Lookahead token buffer.
+ * @type Array
+ * @property _lt
+ * @private
+ */
+ this._lt = [];
+ /**
+ * Lookahead token buffer index.
+ * @type int
+ * @property _ltIndex
+ * @private
+ */
+ this._ltIndex = 0;
+ this._ltIndexCache = [];
+ * Accepts an array of token information and outputs
+ * an array of token data containing key-value mappings
+ * and matching functions that the TokenStream needs.
+ * @param {Array} tokens An array of token descriptors.
+ * @return {Array} An array of processed token data.
+ * @method createTokenData
+ * @static
+ */
+TokenStreamBase.createTokenData = function(tokens){
+ var nameMap = [],
+ typeMap = {},
+ tokenData = tokens.concat([]),
+ i = 0,
+ len = tokenData.length+1;
+ tokenData.UNKNOWN = -1;
+ tokenData.unshift({name:"EOF"});
+ for (; i < len; i++){
+ nameMap.push(tokenData[i].name);
+ tokenData[tokenData[i].name] = i;
+ if (tokenData[i].text){
+ typeMap[tokenData[i].text] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ tokenData.name = function(tt){
+ return nameMap[tt];
+ };
+ tokenData.type = function(c){
+ return typeMap[c];
+ };
+ return tokenData;
+TokenStreamBase.prototype = {
+ //restore constructor
+ constructor: TokenStreamBase,
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Matching methods
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Determines if the next token matches the given token type.
+ * If so, that token is consumed; if not, the token is placed
+ * back onto the token stream. You can pass in any number of
+ * token types and this will return true if any of the token
+ * types is found.
+ * @param {int|int[]} tokenTypes Either a single token type or an array of
+ * token types that the next token might be. If an array is passed,
+ * it's assumed that the token can be any of these.
+ * @param {variant} channel (Optional) The channel to read from. If not
+ * provided, reads from the default (unnamed) channel.
+ * @return {Boolean} True if the token type matches, false if not.
+ * @method match
+ */
+ match: function(tokenTypes, channel){
+ //always convert to an array, makes things easier
+ if (!(tokenTypes instanceof Array)){
+ tokenTypes = [tokenTypes];
+ }
+ var tt = this.get(channel),
+ i = 0,
+ len = tokenTypes.length;
+ while(i < len){
+ if (tt == tokenTypes[i++]){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ //no match found, put the token back
+ this.unget();
+ return false;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determines if the next token matches the given token type.
+ * If so, that token is consumed; if not, an error is thrown.
+ * @param {int|int[]} tokenTypes Either a single token type or an array of
+ * token types that the next token should be. If an array is passed,
+ * it's assumed that the token must be one of these.
+ * @param {variant} channel (Optional) The channel to read from. If not
+ * provided, reads from the default (unnamed) channel.
+ * @return {void}
+ * @method mustMatch
+ */
+ mustMatch: function(tokenTypes, channel){
+ //always convert to an array, makes things easier
+ if (!(tokenTypes instanceof Array)){
+ tokenTypes = [tokenTypes];
+ }
+ if (!this.match.apply(this, arguments)){
+ token = this.LT(1);
+ throw new SyntaxError("Expected " + this._tokenData[tokenTypes[0]].name +
+ " at line " + token.startLine + ", character " + token.startCol + ".", token.startLine, token.startCol);
+ }
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Consuming methods
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Keeps reading from the token stream until either one of the specified
+ * token types is found or until the end of the input is reached.
+ * @param {int|int[]} tokenTypes Either a single token type or an array of
+ * token types that the next token should be. If an array is passed,
+ * it's assumed that the token must be one of these.
+ * @param {variant} channel (Optional) The channel to read from. If not
+ * provided, reads from the default (unnamed) channel.
+ * @return {void}
+ * @method advance
+ */
+ advance: function(tokenTypes, channel){
+ while(this.LA(0) != 0 && !this.match(tokenTypes, channel)){
+ this.get();
+ }
+ return this.LA(0);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Consumes the next token from the token stream.
+ * @return {int} The token type of the token that was just consumed.
+ * @method get
+ */
+ get: function(channel){
+ var tokenInfo = this._tokenData,
+ reader = this._reader,
+ value,
+ i =0,
+ len = tokenInfo.length,
+ found = false,
+ token,
+ info;
+ //check the lookahead buffer first
+ if (this._lt.length && this._ltIndex >= 0 && this._ltIndex < this._lt.length){
+ i++;
+ this._token = this._lt[this._ltIndex++];
+ info = tokenInfo[this._token.type];
+ //obey channels logic
+ while((info.channel !== undefined && channel !== info.channel) &&
+ this._ltIndex < this._lt.length){
+ this._token = this._lt[this._ltIndex++];
+ info = tokenInfo[this._token.type];
+ i++;
+ }
+ //here be dragons
+ if ((info.channel === undefined || channel === info.channel) &&
+ this._ltIndex <= this._lt.length){
+ this._ltIndexCache.push(i);
+ return this._token.type;
+ }
+ }
+ //call token retriever method
+ token = this._getToken();
+ //if it should be hidden, don't save a token
+ if (token.type > -1 && !tokenInfo[token.type].hide){
+ //apply token channel
+ token.channel = tokenInfo[token.type].channel;
+ //save for later
+ this._token = token;
+ this._lt.push(token);
+ //save space that will be moved (must be done before array is truncated)
+ this._ltIndexCache.push(this._lt.length - this._ltIndex + i);
+ //keep the buffer under 5 items
+ if (this._lt.length > 5){
+ this._lt.shift();
+ }
+ //also keep the shift buffer under 5 items
+ if (this._ltIndexCache.length > 5){
+ this._ltIndexCache.shift();
+ }
+ //update lookahead index
+ this._ltIndex = this._lt.length;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Skip to the next token if:
+ * 1. The token type is marked as hidden.
+ * 2. The token type has a channel specified and it isn't the current channel.
+ */
+ info = tokenInfo[token.type];
+ if (info &&
+ (info.hide ||
+ (info.channel !== undefined && channel !== info.channel))){
+ return this.get(channel);
+ } else {
+ //return just the type
+ return token.type;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Looks ahead a certain number of tokens and returns the token type at
+ * that position. This will throw an error if you lookahead past the
+ * end of input, past the size of the lookahead buffer, or back past
+ * the first token in the lookahead buffer.
+ * @param {int} The index of the token type to retrieve. 0 for the
+ * current token, 1 for the next, -1 for the previous, etc.
+ * @return {int} The token type of the token in the given position.
+ * @method LA
+ */
+ LA: function(index){
+ var total = index,
+ tt;
+ if (index > 0){
+ //TODO: Store 5 somewhere
+ if (index > 5){
+ throw new Error("Too much lookahead.");
+ }
+ //get all those tokens
+ while(total){
+ tt = this.get();
+ total--;
+ }
+ //unget all those tokens
+ while(total < index){
+ this.unget();
+ total++;
+ }
+ } else if (index < 0){
+ if(this._lt[this._ltIndex+index]){
+ tt = this._lt[this._ltIndex+index].type;
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Too much lookbehind.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ tt = this._token.type;
+ }
+ return tt;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Looks ahead a certain number of tokens and returns the token at
+ * that position. This will throw an error if you lookahead past the
+ * end of input, past the size of the lookahead buffer, or back past
+ * the first token in the lookahead buffer.
+ * @param {int} The index of the token type to retrieve. 0 for the
+ * current token, 1 for the next, -1 for the previous, etc.
+ * @return {Object} The token of the token in the given position.
+ * @method LA
+ */
+ LT: function(index){
+ //lookahead first to prime the token buffer
+ this.LA(index);
+ //now find the token, subtract one because _ltIndex is already at the next index
+ return this._lt[this._ltIndex+index-1];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the token type for the next token in the stream without
+ * consuming it.
+ * @return {int} The token type of the next token in the stream.
+ * @method peek
+ */
+ peek: function(){
+ return this.LA(1);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the actual token object for the last consumed token.
+ * @return {Token} The token object for the last consumed token.
+ * @method token
+ */
+ token: function(){
+ return this._token;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the name of the token for the given token type.
+ * @param {int} tokenType The type of token to get the name of.
+ * @return {String} The name of the token or "UNKNOWN_TOKEN" for any
+ * invalid token type.
+ * @method tokenName
+ */
+ tokenName: function(tokenType){
+ if (tokenType < 0 || tokenType > this._tokenData.length){
+ return "UNKNOWN_TOKEN";
+ } else {
+ return this._tokenData[tokenType].name;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the token type value for the given token name.
+ * @param {String} tokenName The name of the token whose value should be returned.
+ * @return {int} The token type value for the given token name or -1
+ * for an unknown token.
+ * @method tokenName
+ */
+ tokenType: function(tokenName){
+ return this._tokenData[tokenName] || -1;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the last consumed token to the token stream.
+ * @method unget
+ */
+ unget: function(){
+ //if (this._ltIndex > -1){
+ if (this._ltIndexCache.length){
+ this._ltIndex -= this._ltIndexCache.pop();//--;
+ this._token = this._lt[this._ltIndex - 1];
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Too much lookahead.");
+ }
+ }
+parserlib.util = {
+StringReader: StringReader,
+SyntaxError : SyntaxError,
+SyntaxUnit : SyntaxUnit,
+EventTarget : EventTarget,
+TokenStreamBase : TokenStreamBase
+Copyright (c) 2009 Nicholas C. Zakas. All rights reserved.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+var EventTarget = parserlib.util.EventTarget,
+TokenStreamBase = parserlib.util.TokenStreamBase,
+StringReader = parserlib.util.StringReader,
+SyntaxError = parserlib.util.SyntaxError,
+SyntaxUnit = parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit;
+var Colors = {
+ aliceblue :"#f0f8ff",
+ antiquewhite :"#faebd7",
+ aqua :"#00ffff",
+ aquamarine :"#7fffd4",
+ azure :"#f0ffff",
+ beige :"#f5f5dc",
+ bisque :"#ffe4c4",
+ black :"#000000",
+ blanchedalmond :"#ffebcd",
+ blue :"#0000ff",
+ blueviolet :"#8a2be2",
+ brown :"#a52a2a",
+ burlywood :"#deb887",
+ cadetblue :"#5f9ea0",
+ chartreuse :"#7fff00",
+ chocolate :"#d2691e",
+ coral :"#ff7f50",
+ cornflowerblue :"#6495ed",
+ cornsilk :"#fff8dc",
+ crimson :"#dc143c",
+ cyan :"#00ffff",
+ darkblue :"#00008b",
+ darkcyan :"#008b8b",
+ darkgoldenrod :"#b8860b",
+ darkgray :"#a9a9a9",
+ darkgreen :"#006400",
+ darkkhaki :"#bdb76b",
+ darkmagenta :"#8b008b",
+ darkolivegreen :"#556b2f",
+ darkorange :"#ff8c00",
+ darkorchid :"#9932cc",
+ darkred :"#8b0000",
+ darksalmon :"#e9967a",
+ darkseagreen :"#8fbc8f",
+ darkslateblue :"#483d8b",
+ darkslategray :"#2f4f4f",
+ darkturquoise :"#00ced1",
+ darkviolet :"#9400d3",
+ deeppink :"#ff1493",
+ deepskyblue :"#00bfff",
+ dimgray :"#696969",
+ dodgerblue :"#1e90ff",
+ firebrick :"#b22222",
+ floralwhite :"#fffaf0",
+ forestgreen :"#228b22",
+ fuchsia :"#ff00ff",
+ gainsboro :"#dcdcdc",
+ ghostwhite :"#f8f8ff",
+ gold :"#ffd700",
+ goldenrod :"#daa520",
+ gray :"#808080",
+ green :"#008000",
+ greenyellow :"#adff2f",
+ honeydew :"#f0fff0",
+ hotpink :"#ff69b4",
+ indianred :"#cd5c5c",
+ indigo :"#4b0082",
+ ivory :"#fffff0",
+ khaki :"#f0e68c",
+ lavender :"#e6e6fa",
+ lavenderblush :"#fff0f5",
+ lawngreen :"#7cfc00",
+ lemonchiffon :"#fffacd",
+ lightblue :"#add8e6",
+ lightcoral :"#f08080",
+ lightcyan :"#e0ffff",
+ lightgoldenrodyellow :"#fafad2",
+ lightgrey :"#d3d3d3",
+ lightgreen :"#90ee90",
+ lightpink :"#ffb6c1",
+ lightsalmon :"#ffa07a",
+ lightseagreen :"#20b2aa",
+ lightskyblue :"#87cefa",
+ lightslategray :"#778899",
+ lightsteelblue :"#b0c4de",
+ lightyellow :"#ffffe0",
+ lime :"#00ff00",
+ limegreen :"#32cd32",
+ linen :"#faf0e6",
+ magenta :"#ff00ff",
+ maroon :"#800000",
+ mediumaquamarine:"#66cdaa",
+ mediumblue :"#0000cd",
+ mediumorchid :"#ba55d3",
+ mediumpurple :"#9370d8",
+ mediumseagreen :"#3cb371",
+ mediumslateblue :"#7b68ee",
+ mediumspringgreen :"#00fa9a",
+ mediumturquoise :"#48d1cc",
+ mediumvioletred :"#c71585",
+ midnightblue :"#191970",
+ mintcream :"#f5fffa",
+ mistyrose :"#ffe4e1",
+ moccasin :"#ffe4b5",
+ navajowhite :"#ffdead",
+ navy :"#000080",
+ oldlace :"#fdf5e6",
+ olive :"#808000",
+ olivedrab :"#6b8e23",
+ orange :"#ffa500",
+ orangered :"#ff4500",
+ orchid :"#da70d6",
+ palegoldenrod :"#eee8aa",
+ palegreen :"#98fb98",
+ paleturquoise :"#afeeee",
+ palevioletred :"#d87093",
+ papayawhip :"#ffefd5",
+ peachpuff :"#ffdab9",
+ peru :"#cd853f",
+ pink :"#ffc0cb",
+ plum :"#dda0dd",
+ powderblue :"#b0e0e6",
+ purple :"#800080",
+ red :"#ff0000",
+ rosybrown :"#bc8f8f",
+ royalblue :"#4169e1",
+ saddlebrown :"#8b4513",
+ salmon :"#fa8072",
+ sandybrown :"#f4a460",
+ seagreen :"#2e8b57",
+ seashell :"#fff5ee",
+ sienna :"#a0522d",
+ silver :"#c0c0c0",
+ skyblue :"#87ceeb",
+ slateblue :"#6a5acd",
+ slategray :"#708090",
+ snow :"#fffafa",
+ springgreen :"#00ff7f",
+ steelblue :"#4682b4",
+ tan :"#d2b48c",
+ teal :"#008080",
+ thistle :"#d8bfd8",
+ tomato :"#ff6347",
+ turquoise :"#40e0d0",
+ violet :"#ee82ee",
+ wheat :"#f5deb3",
+ white :"#ffffff",
+ whitesmoke :"#f5f5f5",
+ yellow :"#ffff00",
+ yellowgreen :"#9acd32"
+ * Represents a selector combinator (whitespace, +, >).
+ * @namespace parserlib.css
+ * @class Combinator
+ * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {String} text The text representation of the unit.
+ * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
+ * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
+ */
+function Combinator(text, line, col){
+ SyntaxUnit.call(this, text, line, col);
+ /**
+ * The type of modifier.
+ * @type String
+ * @property type
+ */
+ this.type = "unknown";
+ //pretty simple
+ if (/^\s+$/.test(text)){
+ this.type = "descendant";
+ } else if (text == ">"){
+ this.type = "child";
+ } else if (text == "+"){
+ this.type = "adjacent-sibling";
+ } else if (text == "~"){
+ this.type = "sibling";
+ }
+Combinator.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
+Combinator.prototype.constructor = Combinator;
+var Level1Properties = {
+ "background": 1,
+ "background-attachment": 1,
+ "background-color": 1,
+ "background-image": 1,
+ "background-position": 1,
+ "background-repeat": 1,
+ "border": 1,
+ "border-bottom": 1,
+ "border-bottom-width": 1,
+ "border-color": 1,
+ "border-left": 1,
+ "border-left-width": 1,
+ "border-right": 1,
+ "border-right-width": 1,
+ "border-style": 1,
+ "border-top": 1,
+ "border-top-width": 1,
+ "border-width": 1,
+ "clear": 1,
+ "color": 1,
+ "display": 1,
+ "float": 1,
+ "font": 1,
+ "font-family": 1,
+ "font-size": 1,
+ "font-style": 1,
+ "font-variant": 1,
+ "font-weight": 1,
+ "height": 1,
+ "letter-spacing": 1,
+ "line-height": 1,
+ "list-style": 1,
+ "list-style-image": 1,
+ "list-style-position": 1,
+ "list-style-type": 1,
+ "margin": 1,
+ "margin-bottom": 1,
+ "margin-left": 1,
+ "margin-right": 1,
+ "margin-top": 1,
+ "padding": 1,
+ "padding-bottom": 1,
+ "padding-left": 1,
+ "padding-right": 1,
+ "padding-top": 1,
+ "text-align": 1,
+ "text-decoration": 1,
+ "text-indent": 1,
+ "text-transform": 1,
+ "vertical-align": 1,
+ "white-space": 1,
+ "width": 1,
+ "word-spacing": 1
+var Level2Properties = {
+ //Aural
+ "azimuth": 1,
+ "cue-after": 1,
+ "cue-before": 1,
+ "cue": 1,
+ "elevation": 1,
+ "pause-after": 1,
+ "pause-before": 1,
+ "pause": 1,
+ "pitch-range": 1,
+ "pitch": 1,
+ "play-during": 1,
+ "richness": 1,
+ "speak-header": 1,
+ "speak-numeral": 1,
+ "speak-punctuation": 1,
+ "speak": 1,
+ "speech-rate": 1,
+ "stress": 1,
+ "voice-family": 1,
+ "volume": 1,
+ //Paged
+ "orphans": 1,
+ "page-break-after": 1,
+ "page-break-before": 1,
+ "page-break-inside": 1,
+ "widows": 1,
+ //Interactive
+ "cursor": 1,
+ "outline-color": 1,
+ "outline-style": 1,
+ "outline-width": 1,
+ "outline": 1,
+ //Visual
+ "background-attachment": 1,
+ "background-color": 1,
+ "background-image": 1,
+ "background-position": 1,
+ "background-repeat": 1,
+ "background": 1,
+ "border-collapse": 1,
+ "border-color": 1,
+ "border-spacing": 1,
+ "border-style": 1,
+ "border-top": 1,
+ "border-top-color": 1,
+ "border-top-style": 1,
+ "border-top-width": 1,
+ "border-width": 1,
+ "border": 1,
+ "bottom": 1,
+ "caption-side": 1,
+ "clear": 1,
+ "clip": 1,
+ "color": 1,
+ "content": 1,
+ "counter-increment": 1,
+ "counter-reset": 1,
+ "direction": 1,
+ "display": 1,
+ "empty-cells": 1,
+ "float": 1,
+ "font-family": 1,
+ "font-size": 1,
+ "font-style": 1,
+ "font-variant": 1,
+ "font-weight": 1,
+ "font": 1,
+ "height": 1,
+ "left": 1,
+ "letter-spacing": 1,
+ "line-height": 1,
+ "list-style-image": 1,
+ "list-style-position": 1,
+ "list-style-type": 1,
+ "list-style": 1,
+ "margin-right": 1,
+ "margin-top": 1,
+ "margin": 1,
+ "max-height": 1,
+ "max-width": 1,
+ "min-height": 1,
+ "min-width": 1,
+ "overflow": 1,
+ "padding-top": 1,
+ "padding": 1,
+ "position": 1,
+ "quotes": 1,
+ "right": 1,
+ "table-layout": 1,
+ "text-align": 1,
+ "text-decoration": 1,
+ "text-indent": 1,
+ "text-transform": 1,
+ "top": 1,
+ "unicode-bidi": 1,
+ "vertical-align": 1,
+ "visibility": 1,
+ "white-space": 1,
+ "width": 1,
+ "word-spacing": 1,
+ "z-index": 1
+ * Represents a media feature, such as max-width:500.
+ * @namespace parserlib.css
+ * @class MediaFeature
+ * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {SyntaxUnit} name The name of the feature.
+ * @param {SyntaxUnit} value The value of the feature or null if none.
+ */
+function MediaFeature(name, value){
+ SyntaxUnit.call(this, "(" + name + (value !== null ? ":" + value : "") + ")", name.startLine, name.startCol);
+ /**
+ * The name of the media feature
+ * @type String
+ * @property name
+ */
+ this.name = name;
+ /**
+ * The value for the feature or null if there is none.
+ * @type SyntaxUnit
+ * @property value
+ */
+ this.value = value;
+MediaFeature.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
+MediaFeature.prototype.constructor = MediaFeature;
+ * Represents an individual media query.
+ * @namespace parserlib.css
+ * @class MediaQuery
+ * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {String} modifier The modifier "not" or "only" (or null).
+ * @param {String} mediaType The type of media (i.e., "print").
+ * @param {Array} parts Array of selectors parts making up this selector.
+ * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
+ * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
+ */
+function MediaQuery(modifier, mediaType, features, line, col){
+ SyntaxUnit.call(this, (modifier ? modifier + " ": "") + (mediaType ? mediaType + " " : "") + features.join(" and "), line, col);
+ /**
+ * The media modifier ("not" or "only")
+ * @type String
+ * @property modifier
+ */
+ this.modifier = modifier;
+ /**
+ * The mediaType (i.e., "print")
+ * @type String
+ * @property mediaType
+ */
+ this.mediaType = mediaType;
+ /**
+ * The parts that make up the selector.
+ * @type Array
+ * @property features
+ */
+ this.features = features;
+MediaQuery.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
+MediaQuery.prototype.constructor = MediaQuery;
+ * A CSS3 parser.
+ * @namespace parserlib.css
+ * @class Parser
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {Object} options (Optional) Various options for the parser:
+ * starHack (true|false) to allow IE6 star hack as valid,
+ * underscoreHack (true|false) to interpret leading underscores
+ * as IE6-7 targeting for known properties, ieFilters (true|false)
+ * to indicate that IE < 8 filters should be accepted and not throw
+ * syntax errors.
+ */
+function Parser(options){
+ //inherit event functionality
+ EventTarget.call(this);
+ this.options = options || {};
+ this._tokenStream = null;
+Parser.prototype = function(){
+ var proto = new EventTarget(), //new prototype
+ prop,
+ additions = {
+ //restore constructor
+ constructor: Parser,
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Grammar
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ _stylesheet: function(){
+ /*
+ * stylesheet
+ * : [ CHARSET_SYM S* STRING S* ';' ]?
+ * [S|CDO|CDC]* [ import [S|CDO|CDC]* ]*
+ * [ namespace [S|CDO|CDC]* ]*
+ * [ [ ruleset | media | page | font_face ] [S|CDO|CDC]* ]*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ charset = null,
+ token,
+ tt;
+ this.fire("startstylesheet");
+ //try to read character set
+ this._charset();
+ this._skipCruft();
+ //try to read imports - may be more than one
+ while (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.IMPORT_SYM){
+ this._import();
+ this._skipCruft();
+ }
+ //try to read namespaces - may be more than one
+ while (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.NAMESPACE_SYM){
+ this._namespace();
+ this._skipCruft();
+ }
+ //get the next token
+ tt = tokenStream.peek();
+ //try to read the rest
+ while(tt > Tokens.EOF){
+ try {
+ switch(tt){
+ case Tokens.MEDIA_SYM:
+ this._media();
+ this._skipCruft();
+ break;
+ case Tokens.PAGE_SYM:
+ this._page();
+ this._skipCruft();
+ break;
+ case Tokens.FONT_FACE_SYM:
+ this._font_face();
+ this._skipCruft();
+ break;
+ case Tokens.S:
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(!this._ruleset()){
+ //error handling for known issues
+ switch(tt){
+ case Tokens.CHARSET_SYM:
+ token = tokenStream.LT(1);
+ this._charset(false);
+ throw new SyntaxError("@charset not allowed here.", token.startLine, token.startCol);
+ case Tokens.IMPORT_SYM:
+ token = tokenStream.LT(1);
+ this._import(false);
+ throw new SyntaxError("@import not allowed here.", token.startLine, token.startCol);
+ case Tokens.NAMESPACE_SYM:
+ token = tokenStream.LT(1);
+ this._namespace(false);
+ throw new SyntaxError("@namespace not allowed here.", token.startLine, token.startCol);
+ default:
+ tokenStream.get(); //get the last token
+ this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.token());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch(ex) {
+ if (ex instanceof SyntaxError && !this.options.strict){
+ this.fire({
+ type: "error",
+ error: ex,
+ message: ex.message,
+ line: ex.line,
+ col: ex.col
+ });
+ } else {
+ throw ex;
+ }
+ }
+ tt = tokenStream.peek();
+ }
+ if (tt != Tokens.EOF){
+ this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.token());
+ }
+ this.fire("endstylesheet");
+ },
+ _charset: function(emit){
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream;
+ if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.CHARSET_SYM)){
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.STRING);
+ token = tokenStream.token();
+ charset = token.value;
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.SEMICOLON);
+ if (emit !== false){
+ this.fire({
+ type: "charset",
+ charset:charset
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _import: function(emit){
+ /*
+ * import
+ * [STRING|URI] S* media_query_list? ';' S*
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ tt,
+ uri,
+ mediaList = [];
+ //read import symbol
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.IMPORT_SYM);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ tokenStream.mustMatch([Tokens.STRING, Tokens.URI]);
+ //grab the URI value
+ uri = tokenStream.token().value.replace(/(?:url\()?["']([^"']+)["']\)?/, "$1");
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ mediaList = this._media_query_list();
+ //must end with a semicolon
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.SEMICOLON);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ if (emit !== false){
+ this.fire({
+ type: "import",
+ uri: uri,
+ media: mediaList
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _namespace: function(emit){
+ /*
+ * namespace
+ * : NAMESPACE_SYM S* [namespace_prefix S*]? [STRING|URI] S* ';' S*
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ prefix,
+ uri;
+ //read import symbol
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.NAMESPACE_SYM);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ //it's a namespace prefix - no _namespace_prefix() method because it's just an IDENT
+ if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
+ prefix = tokenStream.token().value;
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ }
+ tokenStream.mustMatch([Tokens.STRING, Tokens.URI]);
+ /*if (!tokenStream.match(Tokens.STRING)){
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.URI);
+ }*/
+ //grab the URI value
+ uri = tokenStream.token().value.replace(/(?:url\()?["']([^"']+)["']\)?/, "$1");
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ //must end with a semicolon
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.SEMICOLON);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ if (emit !== false){
+ this.fire({
+ type: "namespace",
+ prefix: prefix,
+ uri: uri
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _media: function(){
+ /*
+ * media
+ * : MEDIA_SYM S* media_query_list S* '{' S* ruleset* '}' S*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ mediaList;// = [];
+ //look for @media
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.MEDIA_SYM);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ mediaList = this._media_query_list();
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.LBRACE);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ this.fire({
+ type: "startmedia",
+ media: mediaList
+ });
+ while(this._ruleset()){}
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.RBRACE);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ this.fire({
+ type: "endmedia",
+ media: mediaList
+ });
+ },
+ //CSS3 Media Queries
+ _media_query_list: function(){
+ /*
+ * media_query_list
+ * : S* [media_query [ ',' S* media_query ]* ]?
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ mediaList = [];
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.IDENT){
+ mediaList.push(this._media_query())
+ }
+ while(tokenStream.match(Tokens.COMMA)){
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ mediaList.push(this._media_query());
+ }
+ return mediaList;
+ },
+ /*
+ * Note: "expression" in the grammar maps to the _media_expression
+ * method.
+ */
+ _media_query: function(){
+ /*
+ * media_query
+ * : [ONLY | NOT]? S* media_type S* [ AND S* expression ]*
+ * | expression [ AND S* expression ]*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ type = null,
+ ident = null,
+ token = null,
+ expressions = [];
+ if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
+ ident = tokenStream.token().value.toLowerCase();
+ //since there's no custom tokens for these, need to manually check
+ if (ident != "only" && ident != "not"){
+ tokenStream.unget();
+ ident = null;
+ } else {
+ token = tokenStream.token();
+ }
+ }
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.IDENT){
+ type = this._media_type();
+ if (token === null){
+ token = tokenStream.token();
+ }
+ } else if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.LPAREN){
+ if (token === null){
+ token = tokenStream.LT(1);
+ }
+ expressions.push(this._media_expression());
+ }
+ if (type === null && expressions.length === 0){
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ while (tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
+ if (tokenStream.token().value.toLowerCase() != "and"){
+ this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.token());
+ }
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ expressions.push(this._media_expression());
+ }
+ }
+ return new MediaQuery(ident, type, expressions, token.startLine, token.startCol);
+ },
+ //CSS3 Media Queries
+ _media_type: function(){
+ /*
+ * media_type
+ * : IDENT
+ * ;
+ */
+ return this._media_feature();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Note: in CSS3 Media Queries, this is called "expression".
+ * Renamed here to avoid conflict with CSS3 Selectors
+ * definition of "expression". Also note that "expr" in the
+ * grammar now maps to "expression" from CSS3 selectors.
+ * @method _media_expression
+ * @private
+ */
+ _media_expression: function(){
+ /*
+ * expression
+ * : '(' S* media_feature S* [ ':' S* expr ]? ')' S*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ feature = null,
+ token,
+ expression = null;
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.LPAREN);
+ feature = this._media_feature();
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.COLON)){
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ token = tokenStream.LT(1);
+ expression = this._expression();
+ }
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.RPAREN);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ return new MediaFeature(feature, (expression ? new SyntaxUnit(expression, token.startLine, token.startCol) : null));
+ },
+ //CSS3 Media Queries
+ _media_feature: function(){
+ /*
+ * media_feature
+ * : IDENT
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream;
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.IDENT);
+ return SyntaxUnit.fromToken(tokenStream.token());
+ },
+ //CSS3 Paged Media
+ _page: function(){
+ /*
+ * page:
+ * PAGE_SYM S* IDENT? pseudo_page? S*
+ * '{' S* [ declaration | margin ]? [ ';' S* [ declaration | margin ]? ]* '}' S*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ identifier = null,
+ pseudoPage = null;
+ //look for @page
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.PAGE_SYM);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
+ identifier = tokenStream.token().value;
+ //The value 'auto' may not be used as a page name and MUST be treated as a syntax error.
+ if (identifier.toLowerCase() === "auto"){
+ this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.token());
+ }
+ }
+ //see if there's a colon upcoming
+ if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.COLON){
+ pseudoPage = this._pseudo_page();
+ }
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ this.fire({
+ type: "startpage",
+ id: identifier,
+ pseudo: pseudoPage
+ });
+ this._readDeclarations(true, true);
+ this.fire({
+ type: "endpage",
+ id: identifier,
+ pseudo: pseudoPage
+ });
+ },
+ //CSS3 Paged Media
+ _margin: function(){
+ /*
+ * margin :
+ * margin_sym S* '{' declaration [ ';' S* declaration? ]* '}' S*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ marginSym = this._margin_sym();
+ if (marginSym){
+ this.fire({
+ type: "startpagemargin",
+ margin: marginSym
+ });
+ this._readDeclarations(true);
+ this.fire({
+ type: "endpagemargin",
+ margin: marginSym
+ });
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ //CSS3 Paged Media
+ _margin_sym: function(){
+ /*
+ * margin_sym :
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream;
+ if(tokenStream.match([Tokens.TOPLEFTCORNER_SYM, Tokens.TOPLEFT_SYM,
+ {
+ return SyntaxUnit.fromToken(tokenStream.token());
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
+ _pseudo_page: function(){
+ /*
+ * pseudo_page
+ * : ':' IDENT
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream;
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.COLON);
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.IDENT);
+ //TODO: CSS3 Paged Media says only "left", "center", and "right" are allowed
+ return tokenStream.token().value;
+ },
+ _font_face: function(){
+ /*
+ * font_face
+ * '{' S* declaration [ ';' S* declaration ]* '}' S*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream;
+ //look for @page
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.FONT_FACE_SYM);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ this.fire({
+ type: "startfontface"
+ });
+ this._readDeclarations(true);
+ this.fire({
+ type: "endfontface"
+ });
+ },
+ _operator: function(){
+ /*
+ * operator
+ * : '/' S* | ',' S* | /( empty )/
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ token = null;
+ if (tokenStream.match([Tokens.SLASH, Tokens.COMMA])){
+ token = tokenStream.token();
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ }
+ return token ? PropertyValuePart.fromToken(token) : null;
+ },
+ _combinator: function(){
+ /*
+ * combinator
+ * : PLUS S* | GREATER S* | TILDE S* | S+
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ value = null,
+ token;
+ if(tokenStream.match([Tokens.PLUS, Tokens.GREATER, Tokens.TILDE])){
+ token = tokenStream.token();
+ value = new Combinator(token.value, token.startLine, token.startCol);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
+ _unary_operator: function(){
+ /*
+ * unary_operator
+ * : '-' | '+'
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream;
+ if (tokenStream.match([Tokens.MINUS, Tokens.PLUS])){
+ return tokenStream.token().value;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
+ _property: function(){
+ /*
+ * property
+ * : IDENT S*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ value = null,
+ hack = null,
+ tokenValue,
+ token,
+ line,
+ col;
+ //check for star hack - throws error if not allowed
+ if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.STAR && this.options.starHack){
+ tokenStream.get();
+ token = tokenStream.token();
+ hack = token.value;
+ line = token.startLine;
+ col = token.startCol;
+ }
+ if(tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
+ token = tokenStream.token();
+ tokenValue = token.value;
+ //check for underscore hack - no error if not allowed because it's valid CSS syntax
+ if (tokenValue.charAt(0) == "_" && this.options.underscoreHack){
+ hack = "_";
+ tokenValue = tokenValue.substring(1);
+ }
+ value = new PropertyName(tokenValue, hack, (line||token.startLine), (col||token.startCol));
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
+ //Augmented with CSS3 Selectors
+ _ruleset: function(){
+ /*
+ * ruleset
+ * : selectors_group
+ * '{' S* declaration? [ ';' S* declaration? ]* '}' S*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ selectors;
+ /*
+ * Error Recovery: If even a single selector fails to parse,
+ * then the entire ruleset should be thrown away.
+ */
+ try {
+ selectors = this._selectors_group();
+ } catch (ex){
+ if (ex instanceof SyntaxError && !this.options.strict){
+ //fire error event
+ this.fire({
+ type: "error",
+ error: ex,
+ message: ex.message,
+ line: ex.line,
+ col: ex.col
+ });
+ //skip over everything until closing brace
+ tt = tokenStream.advance([Tokens.RBRACE]);
+ if (tt == Tokens.RBRACE){
+ //if there's a right brace, the rule is finished so don't do anything
+ } else {
+ //otherwise, rethrow the error because it wasn't handled properly
+ throw ex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //not a syntax error, rethrow it
+ throw ex;
+ }
+ //trigger parser to continue
+ return true;
+ }
+ //if it got here, all selectors parsed
+ if (selectors){
+ this.fire({
+ type: "startrule",
+ selectors: selectors
+ });
+ this._readDeclarations(true);
+ this.fire({
+ type: "endrule",
+ selectors: selectors
+ });
+ }
+ return selectors;
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _selectors_group: function(){
+ /*
+ * selectors_group
+ * : selector [ COMMA S* selector ]*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ selectors = [],
+ selector;
+ selector = this._selector();
+ if (selector !== null){
+ selectors.push(selector);
+ while(tokenStream.match(Tokens.COMMA)){
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ selector = this._selector();
+ if (selector !== null){
+ selectors.push(selector);
+ } else {
+ this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.LT(1));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return selectors.length ? selectors : null;
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _selector: function(){
+ /*
+ * selector
+ * : simple_selector_sequence [ combinator simple_selector_sequence ]*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ selector = [],
+ nextSelector = null,
+ combinator = null,
+ ws = null;
+ //if there's no simple selector, then there's no selector
+ nextSelector = this._simple_selector_sequence();
+ if (nextSelector === null){
+ return null;
+ }
+ selector.push(nextSelector);
+ do {
+ //look for a combinator
+ combinator = this._combinator();
+ if (combinator !== null){
+ selector.push(combinator);
+ nextSelector = this._simple_selector_sequence();
+ //there must be a next selector
+ if (nextSelector === null){
+ this._unexpectedToken(this.LT(1));
+ } else {
+ //nextSelector is an instance of SelectorPart
+ selector.push(nextSelector);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //if there's not whitespace, we're done
+ if (this._readWhitespace()){
+ //add whitespace separator
+ ws = new Combinator(tokenStream.token().value, tokenStream.token().startLine, tokenStream.token().startCol);
+ //combinator is not required
+ combinator = this._combinator();
+ //selector is required if there's a combinator
+ nextSelector = this._simple_selector_sequence();
+ if (nextSelector === null){
+ if (combinator !== null){
+ this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.LT(1));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (combinator !== null){
+ selector.push(combinator);
+ } else {
+ selector.push(ws);
+ }
+ selector.push(nextSelector);
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(true);
+ return new Selector(selector, selector[0].line, selector[0].col);
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _simple_selector_sequence: function(){
+ /*
+ * simple_selector_sequence
+ * : [ type_selector | universal ]
+ * [ HASH | class | attrib | pseudo | negation ]*
+ * | [ HASH | class | attrib | pseudo | negation ]+
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ //parts of a simple selector
+ elementName = null,
+ modifiers = [],
+ //complete selector text
+ selectorText= "",
+ //the different parts after the element name to search for
+ components = [
+ //HASH
+ function(){
+ return tokenStream.match(Tokens.HASH) ?
+ new SelectorSubPart(tokenStream.token().value, "id", tokenStream.token().startLine, tokenStream.token().startCol) :
+ null;
+ },
+ this._class,
+ this._attrib,
+ this._pseudo,
+ this._negation
+ ],
+ i = 0,
+ len = components.length,
+ component = null,
+ found = false,
+ line,
+ col;
+ //get starting line and column for the selector
+ line = tokenStream.LT(1).startLine;
+ col = tokenStream.LT(1).startCol;
+ elementName = this._type_selector();
+ if (!elementName){
+ elementName = this._universal();
+ }
+ if (elementName !== null){
+ selectorText += elementName;
+ }
+ while(true){
+ //whitespace means we're done
+ if (tokenStream.peek() === Tokens.S){
+ break;
+ }
+ //check for each component
+ while(i < len && component === null){
+ component = components[i++].call(this);
+ }
+ if (component === null){
+ //we don't have a selector
+ if (selectorText === ""){
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ i = 0;
+ modifiers.push(component);
+ selectorText += component.toString();
+ component = null;
+ }
+ }
+ return selectorText !== "" ?
+ new SelectorPart(elementName, modifiers, selectorText, line, col) :
+ null;
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _type_selector: function(){
+ /*
+ * type_selector
+ * : [ namespace_prefix ]? element_name
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ ns = this._namespace_prefix(),
+ elementName = this._element_name();
+ if (!elementName){
+ /*
+ * Need to back out the namespace that was read due to both
+ * type_selector and universal reading namespace_prefix
+ * first. Kind of hacky, but only way I can figure out
+ * right now how to not change the grammar.
+ */
+ if (ns){
+ tokenStream.unget();
+ if (ns.length > 1){
+ tokenStream.unget();
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ if (ns){
+ elementName.text = ns + elementName.text;
+ elementName.col -= ns.length;
+ }
+ return elementName;
+ }
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _class: function(){
+ /*
+ * class
+ * : '.' IDENT
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ token;
+ if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.DOT)){
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.IDENT);
+ token = tokenStream.token();
+ return new SelectorSubPart("." + token.value, "class", token.startLine, token.startCol - 1);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _element_name: function(){
+ /*
+ * element_name
+ * : IDENT
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ token;
+ if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
+ token = tokenStream.token();
+ return new SelectorSubPart(token.value, "elementName", token.startLine, token.startCol);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _namespace_prefix: function(){
+ /*
+ * namespace_prefix
+ * : [ IDENT | '*' ]? '|'
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ value = "";
+ //verify that this is a namespace prefix
+ if (tokenStream.LA(1) === Tokens.PIPE || tokenStream.LA(2) === Tokens.PIPE){
+ if(tokenStream.match([Tokens.IDENT, Tokens.STAR])){
+ value += tokenStream.token().value;
+ }
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.PIPE);
+ value += "|";
+ }
+ return value.length ? value : null;
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _universal: function(){
+ /*
+ * universal
+ * : [ namespace_prefix ]? '*'
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ value = "",
+ ns;
+ ns = this._namespace_prefix();
+ if(ns){
+ value += ns;
+ }
+ if(tokenStream.match(Tokens.STAR)){
+ value += "*";
+ }
+ return value.length ? value : null;
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _attrib: function(){
+ /*
+ * attrib
+ * : '[' S* [ namespace_prefix ]? IDENT S*
+ * '=' |
+ * ]? ']'
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ value = null,
+ ns,
+ token;
+ if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.LBRACKET)){
+ token = tokenStream.token();
+ value = token.value;
+ value += this._readWhitespace();
+ ns = this._namespace_prefix();
+ if (ns){
+ value += ns;
+ }
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.IDENT);
+ value += tokenStream.token().value;
+ value += this._readWhitespace();
+ if(tokenStream.match([Tokens.PREFIXMATCH, Tokens.SUFFIXMATCH, Tokens.SUBSTRINGMATCH,
+ Tokens.EQUALS, Tokens.INCLUDES, Tokens.DASHMATCH])){
+ value += tokenStream.token().value;
+ value += this._readWhitespace();
+ tokenStream.mustMatch([Tokens.IDENT, Tokens.STRING]);
+ value += tokenStream.token().value;
+ value += this._readWhitespace();
+ }
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.RBRACKET);
+ return new SelectorSubPart(value + "]", "attribute", token.startLine, token.startCol);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _pseudo: function(){
+ /*
+ * pseudo
+ * : ':' ':'? [ IDENT | functional_pseudo ]
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ pseudo = null,
+ colons = ":",
+ line,
+ col;
+ if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.COLON)){
+ if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.COLON)){
+ colons += ":";
+ }
+ if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT)){
+ pseudo = tokenStream.token().value;
+ line = tokenStream.token().startLine;
+ col = tokenStream.token().startCol - colons.length;
+ } else if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.FUNCTION){
+ line = tokenStream.LT(1).startLine;
+ col = tokenStream.LT(1).startCol - colons.length;
+ pseudo = this._functional_pseudo();
+ }
+ if (pseudo){
+ pseudo = new SelectorSubPart(colons + pseudo, "pseudo", line, col);
+ }
+ }
+ return pseudo;
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _functional_pseudo: function(){
+ /*
+ * functional_pseudo
+ * : FUNCTION S* expression ')'
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ value = null;
+ if(tokenStream.match(Tokens.FUNCTION)){
+ value = tokenStream.token().value;
+ value += this._readWhitespace();
+ value += this._expression();
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.RPAREN);
+ value += ")";
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _expression: function(){
+ /*
+ * expression
+ * : [ [ PLUS | '-' | DIMENSION | NUMBER | STRING | IDENT ] S* ]+
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ value = "";
+ while(tokenStream.match([Tokens.PLUS, Tokens.MINUS, Tokens.DIMENSION,
+ Tokens.NUMBER, Tokens.STRING, Tokens.IDENT, Tokens.LENGTH,
+ Tokens.FREQ, Tokens.EMS, Tokens.EXS, Tokens.ANGLE, Tokens.TIME,
+ Tokens.RESOLUTION])){
+ value += tokenStream.token().value;
+ value += this._readWhitespace();
+ }
+ return value.length ? value : null;
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _negation: function(){
+ /*
+ * negation
+ * : NOT S* negation_arg S* ')'
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ line,
+ col,
+ value = "",
+ arg,
+ subpart = null;
+ if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.NOT)){
+ value = tokenStream.token().value;
+ line = tokenStream.token().startLine;
+ col = tokenStream.token().startCol;
+ value += this._readWhitespace();
+ arg = this._negation_arg();
+ value += arg;
+ value += this._readWhitespace();
+ tokenStream.match(Tokens.RPAREN);
+ value += tokenStream.token().value;
+ subpart = new SelectorSubPart(value, "not", line, col);
+ subpart.args.push(arg);
+ }
+ return subpart;
+ },
+ //CSS3 Selectors
+ _negation_arg: function(){
+ /*
+ * negation_arg
+ * : type_selector | universal | HASH | class | attrib | pseudo
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ args = [
+ this._type_selector,
+ this._universal,
+ function(){
+ return tokenStream.match(Tokens.HASH) ?
+ new SelectorSubPart(tokenStream.token().value, "id", tokenStream.token().startLine, tokenStream.token().startCol) :
+ null;
+ },
+ this._class,
+ this._attrib,
+ this._pseudo
+ ],
+ arg = null,
+ i = 0,
+ len = args.length,
+ elementName,
+ line,
+ col,
+ part;
+ line = tokenStream.LT(1).startLine;
+ col = tokenStream.LT(1).startCol;
+ while(i < len && arg === null){
+ arg = args[i].call(this);
+ i++;
+ }
+ //must be a negation arg
+ if (arg === null){
+ this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.LT(1));
+ }
+ //it's an element name
+ if (arg.type == "elementName"){
+ part = new SelectorPart(arg, [], arg.toString(), line, col);
+ } else {
+ part = new SelectorPart(null, [arg], arg.toString(), line, col);
+ }
+ return part;
+ },
+ _declaration: function(){
+ /*
+ * declaration
+ * : property ':' S* expr prio?
+ * | /( empty )/
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ property = null,
+ expr = null,
+ prio = null;
+ property = this._property();
+ if (property !== null){
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.COLON);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ expr = this._expr();
+ //if there's no parts for the value, it's an error
+ if (!expr || expr.length === 0){
+ this._unexpectedToken(tokenStream.LT(1));
+ }
+ prio = this._prio();
+ this.fire({
+ type: "property",
+ property: property,
+ value: expr,
+ important: prio
+ });
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ _prio: function(){
+ /*
+ * prio
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ result = tokenStream.match(Tokens.IMPORTANT_SYM);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ return result;
+ },
+ _expr: function(){
+ /*
+ * expr
+ * : term [ operator term ]*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ values = [],
+ //valueParts = [],
+ value = null,
+ operator = null;
+ value = this._term();
+ if (value !== null){
+ values.push(value);
+ do {
+ operator = this._operator();
+ //if there's an operator, keep building up the value parts
+ if (operator){
+ values.push(operator);
+ } /*else {
+ //if there's not an operator, you have a full value
+ values.push(new PropertyValue(valueParts, valueParts[0].line, valueParts[0].col));
+ valueParts = [];
+ }*/
+ value = this._term();
+ if (value === null){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ values.push(value);
+ }
+ } while(true);
+ }
+ //cleanup
+ /*if (valueParts.length){
+ values.push(new PropertyValue(valueParts, valueParts[0].line, valueParts[0].col));
+ }*/
+ return values.length > 0 ? new PropertyValue(values, values[0].startLine, values[0].startCol) : null;
+ },
+ _term: function(){
+ /*
+ * term
+ * : unary_operator?
+ * TIME S* | FREQ S* | function | ie_function ]
+ * | STRING S* | IDENT S* | URI S* | UNICODERANGE S* | hexcolor
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ unary = null,
+ value = null,
+ line,
+ col;
+ //returns the operator or null
+ unary = this._unary_operator();
+ if (unary !== null){
+ line = tokenStream.token().startLine;
+ col = tokenStream.token().startCol;
+ }
+ //exception for IE filters
+ if (tokenStream.peek() == Tokens.IE_FUNCTION && this.options.ieFilters){
+ value = this._ie_function();
+ if (unary === null){
+ line = tokenStream.token().startLine;
+ col = tokenStream.token().startCol;
+ }
+ //see if there's a simple match
+ } else if (tokenStream.match([Tokens.NUMBER, Tokens.PERCENTAGE, Tokens.LENGTH,
+ Tokens.EMS, Tokens.EXS, Tokens.ANGLE, Tokens.TIME,
+ Tokens.FREQ, Tokens.STRING, Tokens.IDENT, Tokens.URI, Tokens.UNICODE_RANGE])){
+ value = tokenStream.token().value;
+ if (unary === null){
+ line = tokenStream.token().startLine;
+ col = tokenStream.token().startCol;
+ }
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ } else {
+ //see if it's a color
+ value = this._hexcolor();
+ if (value === null){
+ //if there's no unary, get the start of the next token for line/col info
+ if (unary === null){
+ line = tokenStream.LT(1).startLine;
+ col = tokenStream.LT(1).startCol;
+ }
+ //has to be a function
+ if (value === null){
+ /*
+ * This checks for alpha(opacity=0) style of IE
+ * functions. IE_FUNCTION only presents progid: style.
+ */
+ if (tokenStream.LA(3) == Tokens.EQUALS && this.options.ieFilters){
+ value = this._ie_function();
+ } else {
+ value = this._function();
+ }
+ }
+ /*if (value === null){
+ return null;
+ //throw new Error("Expected identifier at line " + tokenStream.token().startLine + ", character " + tokenStream.token().startCol + ".");
+ }*/
+ } else {
+ if (unary === null){
+ line = tokenStream.token().startLine;
+ col = tokenStream.token().startCol;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return value !== null ?
+ new PropertyValuePart(unary !== null ? unary + value : value, line, col) :
+ null;
+ },
+ _function: function(){
+ /*
+ * function
+ * : FUNCTION S* expr ')' S*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ functionText = null,
+ expr = null;
+ if (tokenStream.match(Tokens.FUNCTION)){
+ functionText = tokenStream.token().value;
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ expr = this._expr();
+ tokenStream.match(Tokens.RPAREN);
+ functionText += expr + ")"
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ }
+ return functionText;
+ },
+ _ie_function: function(){
+ /* (My own extension)
+ * ie_function
+ * : IE_FUNCTION S* IDENT '=' term [S* ','? IDENT '=' term]+ ')' S*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ functionText = null,
+ expr = null,
+ lt;
+ //IE function can begin like a regular function, too
+ if (tokenStream.match([Tokens.IE_FUNCTION, Tokens.FUNCTION])){
+ functionText = tokenStream.token().value;
+ do {
+ if (this._readWhitespace()){
+ functionText += tokenStream.token().value;
+ }
+ //might be second time in the loop
+ if (tokenStream.LA(0) == Tokens.COMMA){
+ functionText += tokenStream.token().value;
+ }
+ tokenStream.match(Tokens.IDENT);
+ functionText += tokenStream.token().value;
+ tokenStream.match(Tokens.EQUALS);
+ functionText += tokenStream.token().value;
+ //functionText += this._term();
+ lt = tokenStream.peek();
+ while(lt != Tokens.COMMA && lt != Tokens.S && lt != Tokens.RPAREN){
+ tokenStream.get();
+ functionText += tokenStream.token().value;
+ lt = tokenStream.peek();
+ }
+ } while(tokenStream.match([Tokens.COMMA, Tokens.S]));
+ tokenStream.match(Tokens.RPAREN);
+ functionText += ")"
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ }
+ return functionText;
+ },
+ _hexcolor: function(){
+ /*
+ * There is a constraint on the color that it must
+ * have either 3 or 6 hex-digits (i.e., [0-9a-fA-F])
+ * after the "#"; e.g., "#000" is OK, but "#abcd" is not.
+ *
+ * hexcolor
+ * : HASH S*
+ * ;
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ token,
+ color = null;
+ if(tokenStream.match(Tokens.HASH)){
+ //need to do some validation here
+ token = tokenStream.token();
+ color = token.value;
+ if (!/#[a-f0-9]{3,6}/i.test(color)){
+ throw new SyntaxError("Expected a hex color but found '" + color + "' at line " + token.startLine + ", character " + token.startCol + ".", token.startLine, token.startCol);
+ }
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ }
+ return color;
+ },
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Helper methods
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Not part of CSS grammar, but useful for skipping over
+ * combination of white space and HTML-style comments.
+ * @return {void}
+ * @method _skipCruft
+ * @private
+ */
+ _skipCruft: function(){
+ while(this._tokenStream.match([Tokens.S, Tokens.CDO, Tokens.CDC])){
+ //noop
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Not part of CSS grammar, but this pattern occurs frequently
+ * in the official CSS grammar. Split out here to eliminate
+ * duplicate code.
+ * @param {Boolean} checkStart Indicates if the rule should check
+ * for the left brace at the beginning.
+ * @param {Boolean} readMargins Indicates if the rule should check
+ * for margin patterns.
+ * @return {void}
+ * @method _readDeclarations
+ * @private
+ */
+ _readDeclarations: function(checkStart, readMargins){
+ /*
+ * Reads the pattern
+ * S* '{' S* declaration [ ';' S* declaration ]* '}' S*
+ * or
+ * S* '{' S* [ declaration | margin ]? [ ';' S* [ declaration | margin ]? ]* '}' S*
+ * Note that this is how it is described in CSS3 Paged Media, but is actually incorrect.
+ * A semicolon is only necessary following a delcaration is there's another declaration
+ * or margin afterwards.
+ */
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ tt;
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ if (checkStart){
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.LBRACE);
+ }
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ try {
+ while(true){
+ if (readMargins && this._margin()){
+ //noop
+ } else if (this._declaration()){
+ if (!tokenStream.match(Tokens.SEMICOLON)){
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ //if ((!this._margin() && !this._declaration()) || !tokenStream.match(Tokens.SEMICOLON)){
+ // break;
+ //}
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ }
+ tokenStream.mustMatch(Tokens.RBRACE);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ if (ex instanceof SyntaxError && !this.options.strict){
+ //fire error event
+ this.fire({
+ type: "error",
+ error: ex,
+ message: ex.message,
+ line: ex.line,
+ col: ex.col
+ });
+ //see if there's another declaration
+ tt = tokenStream.advance([Tokens.SEMICOLON, Tokens.RBRACE]);
+ if (tt == Tokens.SEMICOLON){
+ //if there's a semicolon, then there might be another declaration
+ this._readDeclarations(false, readMargins);
+ } else if (tt == Tokens.RBRACE){
+ //if there's a right brace, the rule is finished so don't do anything
+ } else {
+ //otherwise, rethrow the error because it wasn't handled properly
+ throw ex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //not a syntax error, rethrow it
+ throw ex;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * In some cases, you can end up with two white space tokens in a
+ * row. Instead of making a change in every function that looks for
+ * white space, this function is used to match as much white space
+ * as necessary.
+ * @method _readWhitespace
+ * @return {String} The white space if found, empty string if not.
+ * @private
+ */
+ _readWhitespace: function(){
+ var tokenStream = this._tokenStream,
+ ws = "";
+ while(tokenStream.match(Tokens.S)){
+ ws += tokenStream.token().value;
+ }
+ return ws;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Throws an error when an unexpected token is found.
+ * @param {Object} token The token that was found.
+ * @method _unexpectedToken
+ * @return {void}
+ * @private
+ */
+ _unexpectedToken: function(token){
+ throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected token '" + token.value + "' at line " + token.startLine + ", char " + token.startCol + ".", token.startLine, token.startCol);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper method used for parsing subparts of a style sheet.
+ * @return {void}
+ * @method _verifyEnd
+ * @private
+ */
+ _verifyEnd: function(){
+ if (this._tokenStream.LA(1) != Tokens.EOF){
+ this._unexpectedToken(this._tokenStream.LT(1));
+ }
+ },
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Parsing methods
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ parse: function(input){
+ this._tokenStream = new TokenStream(input, Tokens);
+ this._stylesheet();
+ },
+ parseStyleSheet: function(input){
+ //just passthrough
+ return this.parse(input);
+ },
+ parseMediaQuery: function(input){
+ this._tokenStream = new TokenStream(input, Tokens);
+ var result = this._media_query();
+ //if there's anything more, then it's an invalid selector
+ this._verifyEnd();
+ //otherwise return result
+ return result;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Parses a property value (everything after the semicolon).
+ * @return {parserlib.css.PropertyValue} The property value.
+ * @throws parserlib.util.SyntaxError If an unexpected token is found.
+ * @method parserPropertyValue
+ */
+ parsePropertyValue: function(input){
+ this._tokenStream = new TokenStream(input, Tokens);
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ var result = this._expr();
+ //okay to have a trailing white space
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ //if there's anything more, then it's an invalid selector
+ this._verifyEnd();
+ //otherwise return result
+ return result;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Parses a complete CSS rule, including selectors and
+ * properties.
+ * @param {String} input The text to parser.
+ * @return {Boolean} True if the parse completed successfully, false if not.
+ * @method parseRule
+ */
+ parseRule: function(input){
+ this._tokenStream = new TokenStream(input, Tokens);
+ //skip any leading white space
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ var result = this._ruleset();
+ //skip any trailing white space
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ //if there's anything more, then it's an invalid selector
+ this._verifyEnd();
+ //otherwise return result
+ return result;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Parses a single CSS selector (no comma)
+ * @param {String} input The text to parse as a CSS selector.
+ * @return {Selector} An object representing the selector.
+ * @throws parserlib.util.SyntaxError If an unexpected token is found.
+ * @method parseSelector
+ */
+ parseSelector: function(input){
+ this._tokenStream = new TokenStream(input, Tokens);
+ //skip any leading white space
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ var result = this._selector();
+ //skip any trailing white space
+ this._readWhitespace();
+ //if there's anything more, then it's an invalid selector
+ this._verifyEnd();
+ //otherwise return result
+ return result;
+ }
+ };
+ //copy over onto prototype
+ for (prop in additions){
+ proto[prop] = additions[prop];
+ }
+ return proto;
+ : S* [ ['-'|'+']? INTEGER? {N} [ S* ['-'|'+'] S* INTEGER ]? |
+ ['-'|'+']? INTEGER | {O}{D}{D} | {E}{V}{E}{N} ] S*
+ ;
+ * Represents a selector combinator (whitespace, +, >).
+ * @namespace parserlib.css
+ * @class PropertyName
+ * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {String} text The text representation of the unit.
+ * @param {String} hack The type of IE hack applied ("*", "_", or null).
+ * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
+ * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
+ */
+function PropertyName(text, hack, line, col){
+ SyntaxUnit.call(this, (hack||"") + text, line, col);
+ /**
+ * The type of IE hack applied ("*", "_", or null).
+ * @type String
+ * @property hack
+ */
+ this.hack = hack;
+PropertyName.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
+PropertyName.prototype.constructor = PropertyName;
+ * Represents a single part of a CSS property value, meaning that it represents
+ * just everything single part between ":" and ";". If there are multiple values
+ * separated by commas, this type represents just one of the values.
+ * @param {String[]} parts An array of value parts making up this value.
+ * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
+ * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
+ * @namespace parserlib.css
+ * @class PropertyValue
+ * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
+ * @constructor
+ */
+function PropertyValue(parts, line, col){
+ SyntaxUnit.call(this, parts.join(" "), line, col);
+ /**
+ * The parts that make up the selector.
+ * @type Array
+ * @property parts
+ */
+ this.parts = parts;
+PropertyValue.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
+PropertyValue.prototype.constructor = PropertyValue;
+ * Represents a single part of a CSS property value, meaning that it represents
+ * just one part of the data between ":" and ";".
+ * @param {String} text The text representation of the unit.
+ * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
+ * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
+ * @namespace parserlib.css
+ * @class PropertyValuePart
+ * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
+ * @constructor
+ */
+function PropertyValuePart(text, line, col){
+ SyntaxUnit.apply(this,arguments);
+ /**
+ * Indicates the type of value unit.
+ * @type String
+ * @property type
+ */
+ this.type = "unknown";
+ //figure out what type of data it is
+ var temp;
+ //it is a measurement?
+ if (/^([+\-]?[\d\.]+)([a-z]+)$/i.test(text)){ //dimension
+ this.type = "dimension";
+ this.value = +RegExp.$1;
+ this.units = RegExp.$2;
+ //try to narrow down
+ switch(this.units.toLowerCase()){
+ case "em":
+ case "rem":
+ case "ex":
+ case "px":
+ case "cm":
+ case "mm":
+ case "in":
+ case "pt":
+ case "pc":
+ this.type = "length";
+ break;
+ case "deg":
+ case "rad":
+ case "grad":
+ this.type = "angle";
+ break;
+ case "ms":
+ case "s":
+ this.type = "time";
+ break;
+ case "hz":
+ case "khz":
+ this.type = "frequency";
+ break;
+ case "dpi":
+ case "dpcm":
+ this.type = "resolution";
+ break;
+ //default
+ }
+ } else if (/^([+\-]?[\d\.]+)%$/i.test(text)){ //percentage
+ this.type = "percentage";
+ this.value = +RegExp.$1;
+ } else if (/^([+\-]?[\d\.]+)%$/i.test(text)){ //percentage
+ this.type = "percentage";
+ this.value = +RegExp.$1;
+ } else if (/^([+\-]?\d+)$/i.test(text)){ //integer
+ this.type = "integer";
+ this.value = +RegExp.$1;
+ } else if (/^([+\-]?[\d\.]+)$/i.test(text)){ //number
+ this.type = "number";
+ this.value = +RegExp.$1;
+ } else if (/^#([a-f0-9]{3,6})/i.test(text)){ //hexcolor
+ this.type = "color";
+ temp = RegExp.$1;
+ if (temp.length == 3){
+ this.red = parseInt(temp.charAt(0)+temp.charAt(0),16);
+ this.green = parseInt(temp.charAt(1)+temp.charAt(1),16);
+ this.blue = parseInt(temp.charAt(2)+temp.charAt(2),16);
+ } else {
+ this.red = parseInt(temp.substring(0,2),16);
+ this.green = parseInt(temp.substring(2,4),16);
+ this.blue = parseInt(temp.substring(4,6),16);
+ }
+ } else if (/^rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)/i.test(text)){ //rgb() color with absolute numbers
+ this.type = "color";
+ this.red = +RegExp.$1;
+ this.green = +RegExp.$2;
+ this.blue = +RegExp.$3;
+ } else if (/^rgb\(\s*(\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*\)/i.test(text)){ //rgb() color with percentages
+ this.type = "color";
+ this.red = +RegExp.$1 * 255 / 100;
+ this.green = +RegExp.$2 * 255 / 100;
+ this.blue = +RegExp.$3 * 255 / 100;
+ } else if (/^url\(["']?([^\)"']+)["']?\)/i.test(text)){ //URI
+ this.type = "uri";
+ this.uri = RegExp.$1;
+ } else if (/^["'][^"']*["']/.test(text)){ //string
+ this.type = "string";
+ this.value = eval(text);
+ } else if (Colors[text.toLowerCase()]){ //named color
+ this.type = "color";
+ temp = Colors[text.toLowerCase()].substring(1);
+ this.red = parseInt(temp.substring(0,2),16);
+ this.green = parseInt(temp.substring(2,4),16);
+ this.blue = parseInt(temp.substring(4,6),16);
+ } else if (/^[\,\/]$/.test(text)){
+ this.type = "operator";
+ this.value = text;
+ } else if (/^[a-z\-\u0080-\uFFFF][a-z0-9\-\u0080-\uFFFF]*$/i.test(text)){
+ this.type = "identifier";
+ this.value = text;
+ }
+PropertyValuePart.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
+PropertyValuePart.prototype.constructor = PropertyValue;
+ * Create a new syntax unit based solely on the given token.
+ * Convenience method for creating a new syntax unit when
+ * it represents a single token instead of multiple.
+ * @param {Object} token The token object to represent.
+ * @return {parserlib.css.PropertyValuePart} The object representing the token.
+ * @static
+ * @method fromToken
+ */
+PropertyValuePart.fromToken = function(token){
+ return new PropertyValuePart(token.value, token.startLine, token.startCol);
+ * Represents an entire single selector, including all parts but not
+ * including multiple selectors (those separated by commas).
+ * @namespace parserlib.css
+ * @class Selector
+ * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {Array} parts Array of selectors parts making up this selector.
+ * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
+ * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
+ */
+function Selector(parts, line, col){
+ SyntaxUnit.call(this, parts.join(" "), line, col);
+ /**
+ * The parts that make up the selector.
+ * @type Array
+ * @property parts
+ */
+ this.parts = parts;
+Selector.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
+Selector.prototype.constructor = Selector;
+ * Represents a single part of a selector string, meaning a single set of
+ * element name and modifiers. This does not include combinators such as
+ * spaces, +, >, etc.
+ * @namespace parserlib.css
+ * @class SelectorPart
+ * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {String} elementName The element name in the selector or null
+ * if there is no element name.
+ * @param {Array} modifiers Array of individual modifiers for the element.
+ * May be empty if there are none.
+ * @param {String} text The text representation of the unit.
+ * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
+ * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
+ */
+function SelectorPart(elementName, modifiers, text, line, col){
+ SyntaxUnit.call(this, text, line, col);
+ /**
+ * The tag name of the element to which this part
+ * of the selector affects.
+ * @type String
+ * @property elementName
+ */
+ this.elementName = elementName;
+ /**
+ * The parts that come after the element name, such as class names, IDs,
+ * pseudo classes/elements, etc.
+ * @type Array
+ * @property modifiers
+ */
+ this.modifiers = modifiers;
+SelectorPart.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
+SelectorPart.prototype.constructor = SelectorPart;
+ * Represents a selector modifier string, meaning a class name, element name,
+ * element ID, pseudo rule, etc.
+ * @namespace parserlib.css
+ * @class SelectorSubPart
+ * @extends parserlib.util.SyntaxUnit
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {String} text The text representation of the unit.
+ * @param {String} type The type of selector modifier.
+ * @param {int} line The line of text on which the unit resides.
+ * @param {int} col The column of text on which the unit resides.
+ */
+function SelectorSubPart(text, type, line, col){
+ SyntaxUnit.call(this, text, line, col);
+ /**
+ * The type of modifier.
+ * @type String
+ * @property type
+ */
+ this.type = type;
+ /**
+ * Some subparts have arguments, this represents them.
+ * @type Array
+ * @property args
+ */
+ this.args = [];
+SelectorSubPart.prototype = new SyntaxUnit();
+SelectorSubPart.prototype.constructor = SelectorSubPart;
+var h = /^[0-9a-fA-F]$/,
+ nonascii = /^[\u0080-\uFFFF]$/,
+ nl = /\n|\r\n|\r|\f/;
+// Helper functions
+function isHexDigit(c){
+ return c != null && h.test(c);
+function isDigit(c){
+ return c != null && /\d/.test(c);
+function isWhitespace(c){
+ return c != null && /\s/.test(c);
+function isNewLine(c){
+ return c != null && nl.test(c);
+function isNameStart(c){
+ return c != null && (/[a-z_\u0080-\uFFFF\\]/i.test(c));
+function isNameChar(c){
+ return c != null && (isNameStart(c) || /[0-9\-]/.test(c));
+function isIdentStart(c){
+ return c != null && (isNameStart(c) || c == "-");
+function mix(receiver, supplier){
+ for (var prop in supplier){
+ if (supplier.hasOwnProperty(prop)){
+ receiver[prop] = supplier[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ return receiver;
+// CSS Token Stream
+ * A token stream that produces CSS tokens.
+ * @param {String|Reader} input The source of text to tokenize.
+ * @constructor
+ * @class TokenStream
+ * @namespace parserlib.css
+ */
+function TokenStream(input){
+ TokenStreamBase.call(this, input, Tokens);
+TokenStream.prototype = mix(new TokenStreamBase(), {
+ /**
+ * Overrides the TokenStreamBase method of the same name
+ * to produce CSS tokens.
+ * @param {variant} channel The name of the channel to use
+ * for the next token.
+ * @return {Object} A token object representing the next token.
+ * @method _getToken
+ * @private
+ */
+ _getToken: function(channel){
+ var c,
+ reader = this._reader,
+ token = null,
+ startLine = reader.getLine(),
+ startCol = reader.getCol();
+ c = reader.read();
+ while(c){
+ switch(c){
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - SLASH
+ * - CHAR
+ */
+ case "/":
+ if(reader.peek() == "*"){
+ token = this.commentToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ } else {
+ token = this.charToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ }
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - CHAR
+ */
+ case "|":
+ case "~":
+ case "^":
+ case "$":
+ case "*":
+ if(reader.peek() == "="){
+ token = this.comparisonToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ } else {
+ token = this.charToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ }
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - STRING
+ */
+ case "\"":
+ case "'":
+ token = this.stringToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - HASH
+ * - CHAR
+ */
+ case "#":
+ if (isNameChar(reader.peek())){
+ token = this.hashToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ } else {
+ token = this.charToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ }
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - DOT
+ * - NUMBER
+ */
+ case ".":
+ if (isDigit(reader.peek())){
+ token = this.numberToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ } else {
+ token = this.charToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ }
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - CDC
+ * - MINUS
+ * - NUMBER
+ */
+ case "-":
+ if (reader.peek() == "-"){ //could be closing HTML-style comment
+ token = this.htmlCommentEndToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ } else if (isNameStart(reader.peek())){
+ token = this.identOrFunctionToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ } else {
+ token = this.charToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ }
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - CHAR
+ */
+ case "!":
+ token = this.importantToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Any at-keyword or CHAR
+ */
+ case "@":
+ token = this.atRuleToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - NOT
+ * - CHAR
+ */
+ case ":":
+ token = this.notToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - CDO
+ * - CHAR
+ */
+ case "<":
+ token = this.htmlCommentStartToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - URL
+ * - CHAR
+ */
+ case "U":
+ case "u":
+ if (reader.peek() == "+"){
+ token = this.unicodeRangeToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ break;
+ }
+ /*falls through*/
+ default:
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - NUMBER
+ * - LENGTH
+ * - FREQ
+ * - TIME
+ * - EMS
+ * - EXS
+ * - ANGLE
+ */
+ if (isDigit(c)){
+ token = this.numberToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ } else
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - S
+ */
+ if (isWhitespace(c)){
+ token = this.whitespaceToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ } else
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - IDENT
+ */
+ if (isIdentStart(c)){
+ token = this.identOrFunctionToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ } else
+ /*
+ * Potential tokens:
+ * - CHAR
+ * - PLUS
+ */
+ {
+ token = this.charToken(c, startLine, startCol);
+ }
+ }
+ //make sure this token is wanted
+ //TODO: check channel
+ break;
+ c = reader.read();
+ }
+ if (!token && c == null){
+ token = this.createToken(Tokens.EOF,null,startLine,startCol);
+ }
+ return token;
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Methods to create tokens
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Produces a token based on available data and the current
+ * reader position information. This method is called by other
+ * private methods to create tokens and is never called directly.
+ * @param {int} tt The token type.
+ * @param {String} value The text value of the token.
+ * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
+ * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
+ * @param {Object} options (Optional) Specifies a channel property
+ * to indicate that a different channel should be scanned
+ * and/or a hide property indicating that the token should
+ * be hidden.
+ * @return {Object} A token object.
+ * @method createToken
+ */
+ createToken: function(tt, value, startLine, startCol, options){
+ var reader = this._reader;
+ options = options || {};
+ return {
+ value: value,
+ type: tt,
+ channel: options.channel,
+ hide: options.hide || false,
+ startLine: startLine,
+ startCol: startCol,
+ endLine: reader.getLine(),
+ endCol: reader.getCol()
+ };
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Methods to create specific tokens
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Produces a token for any at-rule. If the at-rule is unknown, then
+ * the token is for a single "@" character.
+ * @param {String} first The first character for the token.
+ * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
+ * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
+ * @return {Object} A token object.
+ * @method atRuleToken
+ */
+ atRuleToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
+ var rule = first,
+ reader = this._reader,
+ tt = Tokens.CHAR,
+ valid = false,
+ ident,
+ c;
+ /*
+ * First, mark where we are. There are only four @ rules,
+ * so anything else is really just an invalid token.
+ * Basically, if this doesn't match one of the known @
+ * rules, just return '@' as an unknown token and allow
+ * parsing to continue after that point.
+ */
+ reader.mark();
+ //try to find the at-keyword
+ ident = this.readName();
+ rule = first + ident;
+ tt = Tokens.type(rule.toLowerCase());
+ //if it's not valid, use the first character only and reset the reader
+ if (tt == Tokens.CHAR || tt == Tokens.UNKNOWN){
+ tt = Tokens.CHAR;
+ rule = first;
+ reader.reset();
+ }
+ return this.createToken(tt, rule, startLine, startCol);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Produces a character token based on the given character
+ * and location in the stream. If there's a special (non-standard)
+ * token name, this is used; otherwise CHAR is used.
+ * @param {String} c The character for the token.
+ * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
+ * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
+ * @return {Object} A token object.
+ * @method charToken
+ */
+ charToken: function(c, startLine, startCol){
+ var tt = Tokens.type(c);
+ if (tt == -1){
+ tt = Tokens.CHAR;
+ }
+ return this.createToken(tt, c, startLine, startCol);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Produces a character token based on the given character
+ * and location in the stream. If there's a special (non-standard)
+ * token name, this is used; otherwise CHAR is used.
+ * @param {String} first The first character for the token.
+ * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
+ * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
+ * @return {Object} A token object.
+ * @method commentToken
+ */
+ commentToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ comment = this.readComment(first);
+ return this.createToken(Tokens.COMMENT, comment, startLine, startCol);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Produces a comparison token based on the given character
+ * and location in the stream. The next character must be
+ * read and is already known to be an equals sign.
+ * @param {String} c The character for the token.
+ * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
+ * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
+ * @return {Object} A token object.
+ * @method comparisonToken
+ */
+ comparisonToken: function(c, startLine, startCol){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ comparison = c + reader.read(),
+ tt = Tokens.type(comparison) || Tokens.CHAR;
+ return this.createToken(tt, comparison, startLine, startCol);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Produces a hash token based on the specified information. The
+ * first character provided is the pound sign (#) and then this
+ * method reads a name afterward.
+ * @param {String} first The first character (#) in the hash name.
+ * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
+ * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
+ * @return {Object} A token object.
+ * @method hashToken
+ */
+ hashToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ name = this.readName(first);
+ return this.createToken(Tokens.HASH, name, startLine, startCol);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Produces a CDO or CHAR token based on the specified information. The
+ * first character is provided and the rest is read by the function to determine
+ * the correct token to create.
+ * @param {String} first The first character in the token.
+ * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
+ * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
+ * @return {Object} A token object.
+ * @method htmlCommentStartToken
+ */
+ htmlCommentStartToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ text = first;
+ reader.mark();
+ text += reader.readCount(3);
+ if (text == ""){
+ return this.createToken(Tokens.CDC, text, startLine, startCol);
+ } else {
+ reader.reset();
+ return this.charToken(first, startLine, startCol);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Produces an IDENT or FUNCTION token based on the specified information. The
+ * first character is provided and the rest is read by the function to determine
+ * the correct token to create.
+ * @param {String} first The first character in the identifier.
+ * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
+ * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
+ * @return {Object} A token object.
+ * @method identOrFunctionToken
+ */
+ identOrFunctionToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ ident = this.readName(first),
+ tt = Tokens.IDENT;
+ //if there's a left paren immediately after, it's a URI or function
+ if (reader.peek() == "("){
+ ident += reader.read();
+ if (ident.toLowerCase() == "url("){
+ tt = Tokens.URI;
+ ident = this.readURI(ident);
+ //didn't find a valid URL or there's no closing paren
+ if (ident.toLowerCase() == "url("){
+ tt = Tokens.FUNCTION;
+ }
+ } else {
+ tt = Tokens.FUNCTION;
+ }
+ } else if (reader.peek() == ":"){ //might be an IE function
+ //IE-specific functions always being with progid:
+ if (ident.toLowerCase() == "progid"){
+ ident += reader.readTo("(");
+ tt = Tokens.IE_FUNCTION;
+ }
+ }
+ return this.createToken(tt, ident, startLine, startCol);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Produces an IMPORTANT_SYM or CHAR token based on the specified information. The
+ * first character is provided and the rest is read by the function to determine
+ * the correct token to create.
+ * @param {String} first The first character in the token.
+ * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
+ * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
+ * @return {Object} A token object.
+ * @method importantToken
+ */
+ importantToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ important = first,
+ tt = Tokens.CHAR,
+ temp,
+ c;
+ reader.mark();
+ c = reader.read();
+ while(c){
+ //there can be a comment in here
+ if (c == "/"){
+ //if the next character isn't a star, then this isn't a valid !important token
+ if (reader.peek() != "*"){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ temp = this.readComment(c);
+ if (temp == ""){ //broken!
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (isWhitespace(c)){
+ important += c + this.readWhitespace();
+ } else if (/i/i.test(c)){
+ temp = reader.readCount(8);
+ if (/mportant/i.test(temp)){
+ important += c + temp;
+ tt = Tokens.IMPORTANT_SYM;
+ }
+ break; //we're done
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ c = reader.read();
+ }
+ if (tt == Tokens.CHAR){
+ reader.reset();
+ return this.charToken(first, startLine, startCol);
+ } else {
+ return this.createToken(tt, important, startLine, startCol);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Produces a NOT or CHAR token based on the specified information. The
+ * first character is provided and the rest is read by the function to determine
+ * the correct token to create.
+ * @param {String} first The first character in the token.
+ * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
+ * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
+ * @return {Object} A token object.
+ * @method notToken
+ */
+ notToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ text = first;
+ reader.mark();
+ text += reader.readCount(4);
+ if (text.toLowerCase() == ":not("){
+ return this.createToken(Tokens.NOT, text, startLine, startCol);
+ } else {
+ reader.reset();
+ return this.charToken(first, startLine, startCol);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Produces a number token based on the given character
+ * and location in the stream. This may return a token of
+ * @param {String} first The first character for the token.
+ * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
+ * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
+ * @return {Object} A token object.
+ * @method numberToken
+ */
+ numberToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ value = this.readNumber(first),
+ ident,
+ tt = Tokens.NUMBER,
+ c = reader.peek();
+ if (isIdentStart(c)){
+ ident = this.readName(reader.read());
+ value += ident;
+ if (/em/i.test(ident)){
+ tt = Tokens.EMS;
+ } else if (/ex/i.test(ident)){
+ tt = Tokens.EXS;
+ } else if (/px|cm|mm|in|pt|pc/i.test(ident)){
+ tt = Tokens.LENGTH;
+ } else if (/deg|rad|grad/i.test(ident)){
+ tt = Tokens.ANGLE;
+ } else if (/ms|s/i.test(ident)){
+ tt = Tokens.TIME;
+ } else if (/hz|khz/i.test(ident)){
+ tt = Tokens.FREQ;
+ } else if (/dpi|dpcm/i.test(ident)){
+ tt = Tokens.RESOLUTION;
+ } else {
+ tt = Tokens.DIMENSION;
+ }
+ } else if (c == "%"){
+ value += reader.read();
+ tt = Tokens.PERCENTAGE;
+ }
+ return this.createToken(tt, value, startLine, startCol);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Produces a string token based on the given character
+ * and location in the stream. Since strings may be indicated
+ * by single or double quotes, a failure to match starting
+ * and ending quotes results in an INVALID token being generated.
+ * The first character in the string is passed in and then
+ * the rest are read up to and including the final quotation mark.
+ * @param {String} first The first character in the string.
+ * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
+ * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
+ * @return {Object} A token object.
+ * @method stringToken
+ */
+ stringToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
+ var delim = first,
+ string = first,
+ reader = this._reader,
+ prev = first,
+ tt = Tokens.STRING,
+ c = reader.read();
+ while(c){
+ string += c;
+ //if the delimiter is found with an escapement, we're done.
+ if (c == delim && prev != "\\"){
+ break;
+ }
+ //if there's a newline without an escapement, it's an invalid string
+ if (isNewLine(reader.peek()) && c != "\\"){
+ tt = Tokens.INVALID;
+ break;
+ }
+ //save previous and get next
+ prev = c;
+ c = reader.read();
+ }
+ //if c is null, that means we're out of input and the string was never closed
+ if (c == null){
+ tt = Tokens.INVALID;
+ }
+ return this.createToken(tt, string, startLine, startCol);
+ },
+ unicodeRangeToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ value = first,
+ temp,
+ tt = Tokens.CHAR;
+ //then it should be a unicode range
+ if (reader.peek() == "+"){
+ reader.mark();
+ value += reader.read();
+ value += this.readUnicodeRangePart(true);
+ //ensure there's an actual unicode range here
+ if (value.length == 2){
+ reader.reset();
+ } else {
+ tt = Tokens.UNICODE_RANGE;
+ //if there's a ? in the first part, there can't be a second part
+ if (value.indexOf("?") == -1){
+ if (reader.peek() == "-"){
+ reader.mark();
+ temp = reader.read();
+ temp += this.readUnicodeRangePart(false);
+ //if there's not another value, back up and just take the first
+ if (temp.length == 1){
+ reader.reset();
+ } else {
+ value += temp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this.createToken(tt, value, startLine, startCol);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Produces a S token based on the specified information. Since whitespace
+ * may have multiple characters, this consumes all whitespace characters
+ * into a single token.
+ * @param {String} first The first character in the token.
+ * @param {int} startLine The beginning line for the character.
+ * @param {int} startCol The beginning column for the character.
+ * @return {Object} A token object.
+ * @method whitespaceToken
+ */
+ whitespaceToken: function(first, startLine, startCol){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ value = first + this.readWhitespace();
+ return this.createToken(Tokens.S, value, startLine, startCol);
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Methods to read values from the string stream
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ readUnicodeRangePart: function(allowQuestionMark){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ part = "",
+ c = reader.peek();
+ //first read hex digits
+ while(isHexDigit(c) && part.length < 6){
+ reader.read();
+ part += c;
+ c = reader.peek();
+ }
+ //then read question marks if allowed
+ if (allowQuestionMark){
+ while(c == "?" && part.length < 6){
+ reader.read();
+ part += c;
+ c = reader.peek();
+ }
+ }
+ //there can't be any other characters after this point
+ return part;
+ },
+ readWhitespace: function(){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ whitespace = "",
+ c = reader.peek();
+ while(isWhitespace(c)){
+ reader.read();
+ whitespace += c;
+ c = reader.peek();
+ }
+ return whitespace;
+ },
+ readNumber: function(first){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ number = first,
+ hasDot = (first == "."),
+ c = reader.peek();
+ while(c){
+ if (isDigit(c)){
+ number += reader.read();
+ } else if (c == "."){
+ if (hasDot){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ hasDot = true;
+ number += reader.read();
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ c = reader.peek();
+ }
+ return number;
+ },
+ readString: function(){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ delim = reader.read(),
+ string = delim,
+ prev = delim,
+ c = reader.peek();
+ while(c){
+ c = reader.read();
+ string += c;
+ //if the delimiter is found with an escapement, we're done.
+ if (c == delim && prev != "\\"){
+ break;
+ }
+ //if there's a newline without an escapement, it's an invalid string
+ if (isNewLine(reader.peek()) && c != "\\"){
+ string = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ //save previous and get next
+ prev = c;
+ c = reader.peek();
+ }
+ //if c is null, that means we're out of input and the string was never closed
+ if (c == null){
+ string = "";
+ }
+ return string;
+ },
+ readURI: function(first){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ uri = first,
+ inner = "",
+ c = reader.peek();
+ reader.mark();
+ //it's a string
+ if (c == "'" || c == "\""){
+ inner = this.readString();
+ } else {
+ inner = this.readURL();
+ }
+ c = reader.peek();
+ //if there was no inner value or the next character isn't closing paren, it's not a URI
+ if (inner == "" || c != ")"){
+ uri = first;
+ reader.reset();
+ } else {
+ uri += inner + reader.read();
+ }
+ return uri;
+ },
+ readURL: function(){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ url = "",
+ c = reader.peek();
+ //TODO: Check for escape and nonascii
+ while (/^[!#$%&\\*-~]$/.test(c)){
+ url += reader.read();
+ c = reader.peek();
+ }
+ return url;
+ },
+ readName: function(first){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ ident = first || "",
+ c = reader.peek();
+ while(c && isNameChar(c)){
+ ident += reader.read();
+ c = reader.peek();
+ }
+ return ident;
+ },
+ readComment: function(first){
+ var reader = this._reader,
+ comment = first || "",
+ c = reader.read();
+ if (c == "*"){
+ while(c){
+ comment += c;
+ //look for end of comment
+ if (c == "*" && reader.peek() == "/"){
+ comment += reader.read();
+ break;
+ }
+ c = reader.read();
+ }
+ return comment;
+ } else {
+ return "";
+ }
+ },
+var Tokens = [
+ /*
+ * The following token names are defined in CSS3 Grammar: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#lexical
+ */
+ //HTML-style comments
+ { name: "CDO"},
+ { name: "CDC"},
+ //ignorables
+ { name: "S", whitespace: true/*, channel: "ws"*/},
+ { name: "COMMENT", comment: true, hide: true, channel: "comment" },
+ //attribute equality
+ { name: "INCLUDES", text: "~="},
+ { name: "DASHMATCH", text: "|="},
+ { name: "PREFIXMATCH", text: "^="},
+ { name: "SUFFIXMATCH", text: "$="},
+ { name: "SUBSTRINGMATCH", text: "*="},
+ //identifier types
+ { name: "STRING"},
+ { name: "IDENT"},
+ { name: "HASH"},
+ //at-keywords
+ { name: "IMPORT_SYM", text: "@import"},
+ { name: "PAGE_SYM", text: "@page"},
+ { name: "MEDIA_SYM", text: "@media"},
+ { name: "FONT_FACE_SYM", text: "@font-face"},
+ { name: "CHARSET_SYM", text: "@charset"},
+ { name: "NAMESPACE_SYM", text: "@namespace"},
+ //{ name: "ATKEYWORD"},
+ //important symbol
+ { name: "IMPORTANT_SYM"},
+ //measurements
+ { name: "EMS"},
+ { name: "EXS"},
+ { name: "LENGTH"},
+ { name: "ANGLE"},
+ { name: "TIME"},
+ { name: "FREQ"},
+ { name: "DIMENSION"},
+ { name: "PERCENTAGE"},
+ { name: "NUMBER"},
+ //functions
+ { name: "URI"},
+ { name: "FUNCTION"},
+ //Unicode ranges
+ { name: "UNICODE_RANGE"},
+ /*
+ * The following token names are defined in CSS3 Selectors: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#selector-syntax
+ */
+ //invalid string
+ { name: "INVALID"},
+ //combinators
+ { name: "PLUS", text: "+" },
+ { name: "GREATER", text: ">"},
+ { name: "COMMA", text: ","},
+ { name: "TILDE", text: "~"},
+ //modifier
+ { name: "NOT"},
+ /*
+ * Defined in CSS3 Paged Media
+ */
+ { name: "TOPLEFTCORNER_SYM", text: "@top-left-corner"},
+ { name: "TOPLEFT_SYM", text: "@top-left"},
+ { name: "TOPCENTER_SYM", text: "@top-center"},
+ { name: "TOPRIGHT_SYM", text: "@top-right"},
+ { name: "TOPRIGHTCORNER_SYM", text: "@top-right-corner"},
+ { name: "BOTTOMLEFTCORNER_SYM", text: "@bottom-left-corner"},
+ { name: "BOTTOMLEFT_SYM", text: "@bottom-left"},
+ { name: "BOTTOMCENTER_SYM", text: "@bottom-center"},
+ { name: "BOTTOMRIGHT_SYM", text: "@bottom-right"},
+ { name: "BOTTOMRIGHTCORNER_SYM", text: "@bottom-right-corner"},
+ { name: "LEFTTOP_SYM", text: "@left-top"},
+ { name: "LEFTMIDDLE_SYM", text: "@left-middle"},
+ { name: "LEFTBOTTOM_SYM", text: "@left-bottom"},
+ { name: "RIGHTTOP_SYM", text: "@right-top"},
+ { name: "RIGHTMIDDLE_SYM", text: "@right-middle"},
+ { name: "RIGHTBOTTOM_SYM", text: "@right-bottom"},
+ /*
+ * The following token names are defined in CSS3 Media Queries: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#syntax
+ */
+ /*{ name: "MEDIA_ONLY", state: "media"},
+ { name: "MEDIA_NOT", state: "media"},
+ { name: "MEDIA_AND", state: "media"},*/
+ { name: "RESOLUTION", state: "media"},
+ /*
+ * The following token names are not defined in any CSS specification but are used by the lexer.
+ */
+ //not a real token, but useful for stupid IE filters
+ { name: "IE_FUNCTION" },
+ //part of CSS3 grammar but not the Flex code
+ { name: "CHAR" },
+ //TODO: Needed?
+ //Not defined as tokens, but might as well be
+ {
+ name: "PIPE",
+ text: "|"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "SLASH",
+ text: "/"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "MINUS",
+ text: "-"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "STAR",
+ text: "*"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "LBRACE",
+ text: "{"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "RBRACE",
+ text: "}"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "LBRACKET",
+ text: "["
+ },
+ {
+ name: "RBRACKET",
+ text: "]"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "EQUALS",
+ text: "="
+ },
+ {
+ name: "COLON",
+ text: ":"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "SEMICOLON",
+ text: ";"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "LPAREN",
+ text: "("
+ },
+ {
+ name: "RPAREN",
+ text: ")"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "DOT",
+ text: "."
+ }
+ var nameMap = [],
+ typeMap = {};
+ Tokens.UNKNOWN = -1;
+ Tokens.unshift({name:"EOF"});
+ for (var i=0, len = Tokens.length; i < len; i++){
+ nameMap.push(Tokens[i].name);
+ Tokens[Tokens[i].name] = i;
+ if (Tokens[i].text){
+ typeMap[Tokens[i].text] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ Tokens.name = function(tt){
+ return nameMap[tt];
+ };
+ Tokens.type = function(c){
+ return typeMap[c] || -1;
+ };
+parserlib.css = {
+Colors :Colors,
+Combinator :Combinator,
+Parser :Parser,
+PropertyName :PropertyName,
+PropertyValue :PropertyValue,
+PropertyValuePart :PropertyValuePart,
+MediaFeature :MediaFeature,
+MediaQuery :MediaQuery,
+Selector :Selector,
+SelectorPart :SelectorPart,
+SelectorSubPart :SelectorSubPart,
+TokenStream :TokenStream,
+Tokens :Tokens
diff --git a/npm/package.json b/npm/package.json
index d4a8fd8f..2532a2f0 100644
--- a/npm/package.json
+++ b/npm/package.json
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
- "name": "csslint",
- "version": "0.1.0",
- "description": "CSSLint",
- "author": "Nicholas C. Zakas ",
- "os": ["darwin", "linux"],
- "contributors": [
- "Nicole Sullivan =0.2.0"
- },
- "directories": {
- "lib" : "lib"
- },
- "main": "./lib/csslint-node.js",
- "bin": {
- "csslint": "./cli.js"
- },
- "licenses":[
- {
- "type" : "BSD",
- "url" : "http://www.freebsd.org/copyright/freebsd-license.html"
- }
- ],
- "repository": {
- "type":"git",
- "url":"http://github.com/nzakas/csslint.git"
- }
+ "name": "csslint",
+ "version": "0.1.0",
+ "description": "CSSLint",
+ "author": "Nicholas C. Zakas ",
+ "os": ["darwin", "linux"],
+ "contributors": [
+ "Nicole Sullivan =0.2.0"
+ },
+ "directories": {
+ "lib" : "lib"
+ },
+ "main": "./lib/csslint-node.js",
+ "bin": {
+ "csslint": "./cli.js"
+ },
+ "licenses":[
+ {
+ "type" : "BSD",
+ "url" : "http://www.freebsd.org/copyright/freebsd-license.html"
+ }
+ ],
+ "repository": {
+ "type":"git",
+ "url":"http://github.com/nzakas/csslint.git"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/CSSLint.js b/src/core/CSSLint.js
index 319cbc33..366e1e75 100644
--- a/src/core/CSSLint.js
+++ b/src/core/CSSLint.js
@@ -1,76 +1,81 @@
- * Main CSSLint object.
- * @class CSSLint
- * @static
- * @extends parserlib.util.EventTarget
- */
-var CSSLint = (function(){
- var rules = [],
- api = new parserlib.util.EventTarget();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Rule Management
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Adds a new rule to the engine.
- * @param {Object} rule The rule to add.
- * @method addRule
- */
- api.addRule = function(rule){
- rules.push(rule);
- };
- /**
- * Clears all rule from the engine.
- * @method clearRules
- */
- api.clearRules = function(){
- rules = [];
- };
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Verification
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Starts the verification process for the given CSS text.
- * @param {String} text The CSS text to verify.
- * @return {Object} Results of the verification.
- * @method verify
- */
- api.verify = function(text){
- var i = 0,
- len = rules.length,
- reporter = new Reporter(),
- parser = new parserlib.css.Parser({ starHack: true, ieFilters: true,
- underscoreHack: true, strict: false });
- while (i < len){
- rules[i++].init(parser, reporter);
- }
- //capture most horrible error type
- try {
- parser.parse(text);
- } catch (ex) {
- reporter.error("Fatal error, cannot continue: " + ex.message, ex.line, ex.col);
- }
- return {
- messages : reporter.messages,
- stats : reporter.stats
- };
- };
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Publish the API
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return api;
\ No newline at end of file
+ * Main CSSLint object.
+ * @class CSSLint
+ * @static
+ * @extends parserlib.util.EventTarget
+ */
+var CSSLint = (function(){
+ var rules = [],
+ api = new parserlib.util.EventTarget();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Rule Management
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Adds a new rule to the engine.
+ * @param {Object} rule The rule to add.
+ * @method addRule
+ */
+ api.addRule = function(rule){
+ rules.push(rule);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Clears all rule from the engine.
+ * @method clearRules
+ */
+ api.clearRules = function(){
+ rules = [];
+ };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Verification
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Starts the verification process for the given CSS text.
+ * @param {String} text The CSS text to verify.
+ * @return {Object} Results of the verification.
+ * @method verify
+ */
+ api.verify = function(text){
+ var i = 0,
+ len = rules.length,
+ reporter,
+ lines,
+ parser = new parserlib.css.Parser({ starHack: true, ieFilters: true,
+ underscoreHack: true, strict: false });
+ lines = text.split(/\n\r?/g);
+ reporter = new Reporter(lines);
+ while (i < len){
+ rules[i++].init(parser, reporter);
+ }
+ //capture most horrible error type
+ try {
+ parser.parse(text);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ reporter.error("Fatal error, cannot continue: " + ex.message, ex.line, ex.col);
+ }
+ return {
+ messages : reporter.messages,
+ stats : reporter.stats
+ };
+ };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Publish the API
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ return api;
diff --git a/src/core/Reporter.js b/src/core/Reporter.js
index fbed469e..e730c393 100644
--- a/src/core/Reporter.js
+++ b/src/core/Reporter.js
@@ -1,114 +1,126 @@
- * An instance of Report is used to report results of the
- * verification back to the main API.
- * @class Reporter
- */
-function Reporter(){
- /**
- * List of messages being reported.
- * @property messages
- * @type String[]
- */
- this.messages = [];
- /**
- * List of statistics being reported.
- * @property stats
- * @type String[]
- */
- this.stats = [];
-Reporter.prototype = {
- //restore constructor
- constructor: Reporter,
- /**
- * Report an error.
- * @param {String} message The message to store.
- * @param {int} line The line number.
- * @param {int} col The column number.
- * @method error
- */
- error: function(message, line, col){
- this.messages.push({
- type : "error",
- line : line,
- col : col,
- message : message
- });
- },
- /**
- * Report an warning.
- * @param {String} message The message to store.
- * @param {int} line The line number.
- * @param {int} col The column number.
- * @method warn
- */
- warn: function(message, line, col){
- this.messages.push({
- type : "warning",
- line : line,
- col : col,
- message : message
- });
- },
- /**
- * Report some informational text.
- * @param {String} message The message to store.
- * @param {int} line The line number.
- * @param {int} col The column number.
- * @method info
- */
- info: function(message, line, col){
- this.messages.push({
- type : "info",
- line : line,
- col : col,
- message : message
- });
- },
- /**
- * Report some rollup error information.
- * @param {String} message The message to store.
- * @method rollupError
- */
- rollupError: function(message){
- this.messages.push({
- type : "error",
- rollup : true,
- message : message
- });
- },
- /**
- * Report some rollup warning information.
- * @param {String} message The message to store.
- * @method rollupWarn
- */
- rollupWarn: function(message){
- this.messages.push({
- type : "warn",
- rollup : true,
- message : message
- });
- },
- /**
- * Report a statistic.
- * @param {String} name The name of the stat to store.
- * @param {Variant} value The value of the stat.
- * @method stat
- */
- stat: function(name, value){
- this.stats[name] = value;
- }
+ * An instance of Report is used to report results of the
+ * verification back to the main API.
+ * @class Reporter
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {String[]} lines The text lines of the source.
+ */
+function Reporter(lines){
+ /**
+ * List of messages being reported.
+ * @property messages
+ * @type String[]
+ */
+ this.messages = [];
+ /**
+ * List of statistics being reported.
+ * @property stats
+ * @type String[]
+ */
+ this.stats = [];
+ /**
+ * Lines of code being reported on. Used to provide contextual information
+ * for messages.
+ * @property lines
+ * @type String[]
+ */
+ this.lines = lines;
+Reporter.prototype = {
+ //restore constructor
+ constructor: Reporter,
+ /**
+ * Report an error.
+ * @param {String} message The message to store.
+ * @param {int} line The line number.
+ * @param {int} col The column number.
+ * @method error
+ */
+ error: function(message, line, col){
+ this.messages.push({
+ type : "error",
+ line : line,
+ col : col,
+ message : message,
+ evidence: this.lines[line-1]
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Report an warning.
+ * @param {String} message The message to store.
+ * @param {int} line The line number.
+ * @param {int} col The column number.
+ * @method warn
+ */
+ warn: function(message, line, col){
+ this.messages.push({
+ type : "warning",
+ line : line,
+ col : col,
+ message : message,
+ evidence: this.lines[line-1]
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Report some informational text.
+ * @param {String} message The message to store.
+ * @param {int} line The line number.
+ * @param {int} col The column number.
+ * @method info
+ */
+ info: function(message, line, col){
+ this.messages.push({
+ type : "info",
+ line : line,
+ col : col,
+ message : message,
+ evidence: this.lines[line-1]
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Report some rollup error information.
+ * @param {String} message The message to store.
+ * @method rollupError
+ */
+ rollupError: function(message){
+ this.messages.push({
+ type : "error",
+ rollup : true,
+ message : message
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Report some rollup warning information.
+ * @param {String} message The message to store.
+ * @method rollupWarn
+ */
+ rollupWarn: function(message){
+ this.messages.push({
+ type : "warn",
+ rollup : true,
+ message : message
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Report a statistic.
+ * @param {String} name The name of the stat to store.
+ * @param {Variant} value The value of the stat.
+ * @method stat
+ */
+ stat: function(name, value){
+ this.stats[name] = value;
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/Util.js b/src/core/Util.js
index 9dc49ddf..93e75f30 100644
--- a/src/core/Util.js
+++ b/src/core/Util.js
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
- * Utility functions that make life easier.
- */
- * Adds all properties from supplier onto receiver,
- * overwriting if the same name already exists on
- * reciever.
- * @param {Object} The object to receive the properties.
- * @param {Object} The object to provide the properties.
- * @return {Object} The receiver
- */
-function mix(reciever, supplier){
- var prop;
- for (prop in supplier){
- if (supplier.hasOwnProperty(prop)){
- receiver[prop] = supplier[prop];
- }
- }
- return prop;
- * Polyfill for array indexOf() method.
- * @param {Array} values The array to search.
- * @param {Variant} value The value to search for.
- * @return {int} The index of the value if found, -1 if not.
- */
-function indexOf(values, value){
- if (values.indexOf){
- return values.indexOf(value);
- } else {
- for (var i=0, len=values.length; i < len; i++){
- if (values[i] === value){
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
+ * Utility functions that make life easier.
+ */
+ * Adds all properties from supplier onto receiver,
+ * overwriting if the same name already exists on
+ * reciever.
+ * @param {Object} The object to receive the properties.
+ * @param {Object} The object to provide the properties.
+ * @return {Object} The receiver
+ */
+function mix(reciever, supplier){
+ var prop;
+ for (prop in supplier){
+ if (supplier.hasOwnProperty(prop)){
+ receiver[prop] = supplier[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ return prop;
+ * Polyfill for array indexOf() method.
+ * @param {Array} values The array to search.
+ * @param {Variant} value The value to search for.
+ * @return {int} The index of the value if found, -1 if not.
+ */
+function indexOf(values, value){
+ if (values.indexOf){
+ return values.indexOf(value);
+ } else {
+ for (var i=0, len=values.length; i < len; i++){
+ if (values[i] === value){
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/node/cli.js b/src/node/cli.js
index d5ab301c..ff274b81 100644
--- a/src/node/cli.js
+++ b/src/node/cli.js
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
var fs = require("fs"),
path = require("path"),
- CSSLint = require("csslint-node").CSSLint;
+ CSSLint = require("./lib/csslint-node").CSSLint,
+ options = {},
+ stdout = process.stdout;
// Helper Functions
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ function getFiles(dir){
if (file[0] == ".") {
- } else if (stat.isFile() && /\.js$/.test(file)){
+ } else if (stat.isFile() && /\.css$/.test(file)){
} else if (stat.isDirectory()){
traverse(file, stack);
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ while(arg){
arg = args.shift();
-if (options.help){
+if (options.help || process.argv.length == 2){
@@ -92,15 +94,16 @@ files = files.map(function(filename){
- var text = fs.readFileSync(filepath),
+ var text = fs.readFileSync(filepath,"utf-8"),
filename= path.basename(filepath),
result = CSSLint.verify(text),
messages= result.messages;
if (messages.length){
- stdout.write("There are " + messages.length + " errors and warnings.");
+ stdout.write("csslint: There are " + messages.length + " errors and warnings in " + filename + ".\n");
+ //rollups at the bottom
messages.sort(function(a, b){
if (a.rollup){
return -1;
@@ -111,21 +114,21 @@ files.forEach(function(filepath){
- messages.forEach(function(message){
- stdout.write(filename + ":");
+ messages.forEach(function(message,i){
+ stdout.write("\n" + filename + ":\n");
if (message.rollup){
- stdout.write(message);
+ stdout.write((i+1) + ": " + message.type + "\n");
+ stdout.write(message.message + "\n");
} else {
- stdout.write(message);
+ stdout.write((i+1) + ": " + message.type + " at line " + message.line + ", col " + message.line + "\n");
+ stdout.write(message.message + "\n");
+ stdout.write(message.evidence + "\n");
- while(i < len){
- i++;
- }
} else {
- stdout.write(filename + ": No problems found.";
+ stdout.write("csslint: No problems found in " + filename + ".\n");
diff --git a/src/rules/adjoining-classes.js b/src/rules/adjoining-classes.js
index 9ea1a08e..901998ae 100644
--- a/src/rules/adjoining-classes.js
+++ b/src/rules/adjoining-classes.js
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
- * Rule: Don't use adjoining classes (.foo.bar).
- */
- //rule information
- name: "adjoining-classes",
- desc: "Don't use adjoining classes.",
- //initialization
- init: function(parser, reporter){
- parser.addListener("startrule", function(event){
- var selectors = event.selectors,
- selector,
- part,
- modifier,
- classCount,
- i, j, k;
- for (i=0; i < selectors.length; i++){
- selector = selectors[i];
- for (j=0; j < selector.parts.length; j++){
- part = selector.parts[j];
- if (part instanceof parserlib.css.SelectorPart){
- classCount = 0;
- for (k=0; k < part.modifiers.length; k++){
- modifier = part.modifiers[k];
- if (modifier.type == "class"){
- classCount++;
- }
- if (classCount > 1){
- reporter.warn("Don't use adjoining selectors.", part.line, part.col);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
+ * Rule: Don't use adjoining classes (.foo.bar).
+ */
+ //rule information
+ name: "adjoining-classes",
+ desc: "Don't use adjoining classes.",
+ //initialization
+ init: function(parser, reporter){
+ parser.addListener("startrule", function(event){
+ var selectors = event.selectors,
+ selector,
+ part,
+ modifier,
+ classCount,
+ i, j, k;
+ for (i=0; i < selectors.length; i++){
+ selector = selectors[i];
+ for (j=0; j < selector.parts.length; j++){
+ part = selector.parts[j];
+ if (part instanceof parserlib.css.SelectorPart){
+ classCount = 0;
+ for (k=0; k < part.modifiers.length; k++){
+ modifier = part.modifiers[k];
+ if (modifier.type == "class"){
+ classCount++;
+ }
+ if (classCount > 1){
+ reporter.warn("Don't use adjoining selectors.", part.line, part.col);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/rules/empty-rules.js b/src/rules/empty-rules.js
index 9c7fe48c..43e6e4b0 100644
--- a/src/rules/empty-rules.js
+++ b/src/rules/empty-rules.js
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
- * Rule: Style rules without any properties defined should be removed.
- */
- //rule information
- name: "empty-rules",
- desc: "Rules without any properties specified should be removed.",
- //initialization
- init: function(parser, reporter){
- var count = 0;
- parser.addListener("startrule", function(event){
- count=0;
- });
- parser.addListener("property", function(event){
- count++;
- });
- parser.addListener("endrule", function(event){
- var selectors = event.selectors;
- if (count == 0){
- reporter.warn("Rule is empty.", selectors[0].line, selectors[0].col);
- }
- });
- }
+ * Rule: Style rules without any properties defined should be removed.
+ */
+ //rule information
+ name: "empty-rules",
+ desc: "Rules without any properties specified should be removed.",
+ //initialization
+ init: function(parser, reporter){
+ var count = 0;
+ parser.addListener("startrule", function(event){
+ count=0;
+ });
+ parser.addListener("property", function(event){
+ count++;
+ });
+ parser.addListener("endrule", function(event){
+ var selectors = event.selectors;
+ if (count == 0){
+ reporter.warn("Rule is empty.", selectors[0].line, selectors[0].col);
+ }
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/rules/errors.js b/src/rules/errors.js
index 11f349ca..442ad7d8 100644
--- a/src/rules/errors.js
+++ b/src/rules/errors.js
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
- * Rule: There should be no syntax errors. (Duh.)
- */
- //rule information
- name: "errors",
- desc: "This rule looks for recoverable syntax errors.",
- //initialization
- init: function(parser, reporter){
- parser.addListener("error", function(event){
- reporter.error(event.message, event.line, event.col);
- });
- }
+ * Rule: There should be no syntax errors. (Duh.)
+ */
+ //rule information
+ name: "errors",
+ desc: "This rule looks for recoverable syntax errors.",
+ //initialization
+ init: function(parser, reporter){
+ parser.addListener("error", function(event){
+ reporter.error(event.message, event.line, event.col);
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/rules/floats.js b/src/rules/floats.js
index c7edb89e..e7b1002d9 100644
--- a/src/rules/floats.js
+++ b/src/rules/floats.js
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
- * Rule: You shouldn't use more than 10 floats. If you do, there's probably
- * room for some abstraction.
- */
- //rule information
- name: "floats",
- desc: "This rule tests if the float property is used too many times",
- //initialization
- init: function(parser, reporter){
- var count = 0;
- //count how many times "float" is used
- parser.addListener("property", function(event){
- if (event.property == "float"){
- count++;
- }
- });
- //report the results
- parser.addListener("endstylesheet", function(event){
- reporter.stat("floats", count);
- if (count >= 10){
- reporter.rollupWarn("Too many floats (" + count + "), abstraction needed.");
- }
- });
- }
+ * Rule: You shouldn't use more than 10 floats. If you do, there's probably
+ * room for some abstraction.
+ */
+ //rule information
+ name: "floats",
+ desc: "This rule tests if the float property is used too many times",
+ //initialization
+ init: function(parser, reporter){
+ var count = 0;
+ //count how many times "float" is used
+ parser.addListener("property", function(event){
+ if (event.property == "float"){
+ count++;
+ }
+ });
+ //report the results
+ parser.addListener("endstylesheet", function(event){
+ reporter.stat("floats", count);
+ if (count >= 10){
+ reporter.rollupWarn("Too many floats (" + count + "), abstraction needed.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/rules/font-faces.js b/src/rules/font-faces.js
index 535450b1..9b7e5ec9 100644
--- a/src/rules/font-faces.js
+++ b/src/rules/font-faces.js
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- * Rule: Avoid too many @font-face declarations in the same stylesheet.
- */
- //rule information
- name: "font-faces",
- desc: "Too many different web fonts in the same stylesheet.",
- //initialization
- init: function(parser, reporter){
- var count = 0;
- parser.addListener("startfontface", function(event){
- count++;
- });
- parser.addListener("endstylesheet", function(event){
- if (count > 5){
- reporter.rollupWarn("Too many @font-face declarations (" + count + ")");
- }
- });
- }
+ * Rule: Avoid too many @font-face declarations in the same stylesheet.
+ */
+ //rule information
+ name: "font-faces",
+ desc: "Too many different web fonts in the same stylesheet.",
+ //initialization
+ init: function(parser, reporter){
+ var count = 0;
+ parser.addListener("startfontface", function(event){
+ count++;
+ });
+ parser.addListener("endstylesheet", function(event){
+ if (count > 5){
+ reporter.rollupWarn("Too many @font-face declarations (" + count + ")");
+ }
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/rules/font-sizes.js b/src/rules/font-sizes.js
index f24f5493..2cac8d70 100644
--- a/src/rules/font-sizes.js
+++ b/src/rules/font-sizes.js
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
- * Rule: You shouldn't use more than 10 floats. If you do, there's probably
- * room for some abstraction.
- */
- * Note: not sure what to do about font sizes that are close in size.
- */
- //rule information
- name: "font-sizes",
- desc: "Checks the number of font-size declarations versus the number of unique font sizes",
- //initialization
- init: function(parser, reporter){
- var count = 0,
- data = {
- values: [],
- valuesPx: [],
- smallIncrementPairs: []
- };
- //check for use of "font-size"
- parser.addListener("property", function(event){
- var part = event.value.parts[0];
- if (event.property == "font-size"){
- count++;
- //see if this is already in the array
- if (indexOf(data.values, part.text) == -1){
- data.values.push(part.txt);
- //eliminate any non-pixel values
- if (part.units == "px"){
- data.valuesPx.push(part.value);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- //report the results
- parser.addListener("endstylesheet", function(event){
- reporter.stat("font-sizes", count);
- if (count >= 10){
- reporter.rollupWarn("Too many font-size declarations (" + count + "), abstraction needed.");
- }
- });
- }
+ * Rule: You shouldn't use more than 10 floats. If you do, there's probably
+ * room for some abstraction.
+ */
+ * Note: not sure what to do about font sizes that are close in size.
+ */
+ //rule information
+ name: "font-sizes",
+ desc: "Checks the number of font-size declarations versus the number of unique font sizes",
+ //initialization
+ init: function(parser, reporter){
+ var count = 0,
+ data = {
+ values: [],
+ valuesPx: [],
+ smallIncrementPairs: []
+ };
+ //check for use of "font-size"
+ parser.addListener("property", function(event){
+ var part = event.value.parts[0];
+ if (event.property == "font-size"){
+ count++;
+ //see if this is already in the array
+ if (indexOf(data.values, part.text) == -1){
+ data.values.push(part.txt);
+ //eliminate any non-pixel values
+ if (part.units == "px"){
+ data.valuesPx.push(part.value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ //report the results
+ parser.addListener("endstylesheet", function(event){
+ reporter.stat("font-sizes", count);
+ if (count >= 10){
+ reporter.rollupWarn("Too many font-size declarations (" + count + "), abstraction needed.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/rules/ids.js b/src/rules/ids.js
index 998c8df3..3fd52d6e 100644
--- a/src/rules/ids.js
+++ b/src/rules/ids.js
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
- * Rule: Don't use IDs for selectors.
- */
- //rule information
- name: "ids",
- desc: "Selectors should not contain IDs.",
- //initialization
- init: function(parser, reporter){
- parser.addListener("startrule", function(event){
- var selectors = event.selectors,
- selector,
- part,
- modifier,
- i, j, k;
- for (i=0; i < selectors.length; i++){
- selector = selectors[i];
- for (j=0; j < selector.parts.length; j++){
- part = selector.parts[j];
- if (part instanceof parserlib.css.SelectorPart){
- for (k=0; k < part.modifiers.length; k++){
- modifier = part.modifiers[k];
- if (modifier.type == "id"){
- reporter.warn("Don't use IDs in selectors (" + part + ")", modifier.line, modifier.col);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
+ * Rule: Don't use IDs for selectors.
+ */
+ //rule information
+ name: "ids",
+ desc: "Selectors should not contain IDs.",
+ //initialization
+ init: function(parser, reporter){
+ parser.addListener("startrule", function(event){
+ var selectors = event.selectors,
+ selector,
+ part,
+ modifier,
+ i, j, k;
+ for (i=0; i < selectors.length; i++){
+ selector = selectors[i];
+ for (j=0; j < selector.parts.length; j++){
+ part = selector.parts[j];
+ if (part instanceof parserlib.css.SelectorPart){
+ for (k=0; k < part.modifiers.length; k++){
+ modifier = part.modifiers[k];
+ if (modifier.type == "id"){
+ reporter.warn("Don't use IDs in selectors (" + part + ")", modifier.line, modifier.col);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/rules/rules-count.js b/src/rules/rules-count.js
index 03f1d649..ca1fe313 100644
--- a/src/rules/rules-count.js
+++ b/src/rules/rules-count.js
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
- * Rule: Total number of rules should not exceed x.
- */
- //rule information
- name: "rules-count",
- desc: "Track how many rules there are.",
- //initialization
- init: function(parser, reporter){
- var count = 0;
- //count each rule
- parser.addListener("startrule", function(event){
- count++;
- });
- parser.addListener("endstylesheet", function(event){
- reporter.stat("rule-count", count);
- });
- }
+ * Rule: Total number of rules should not exceed x.
+ */
+ //rule information
+ name: "rules-count",
+ desc: "Track how many rules there are.",
+ //initialization
+ init: function(parser, reporter){
+ var count = 0;
+ //count each rule
+ parser.addListener("startrule", function(event){
+ count++;
+ });
+ parser.addListener("endstylesheet", function(event){
+ reporter.stat("rule-count", count);
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file